Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/thegem-elements/inc/templates/elements/search/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/thegem-elements/inc/templates/elements/search/element.php |
<?php class TheGem_Template_Element_Search extends TheGem_Template_Element { public function __construct() { if (!defined('THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_DIR')) { define('THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_DIR', rtrim(__DIR__, ' /\\')); } if (!defined('THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_URL')) { define('THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_URL', rtrim(plugin_dir_url(__FILE__), ' /\\')); } wp_register_style('thegem-te-search', THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_URL . '/css/search.css'); wp_register_style('thegem-te-search-fullscreen', THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_URL . '/css/thegem-fullscreen-search.css'); wp_register_script('thegem-te-search', THEGEM_TE_SEARCH_URL . '/js/search.js'); } public function get_name() { return 'thegem_te_search'; } public function head_scripts($attr) { $attr = shortcode_atts( array( 'layout' => 'fullscreen', 'search_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'close_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', ), $attr, 'thegem_te_search' ); wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-search'); wp_enqueue_script('thegem-te-search'); if (isset($attr['layout']) && $attr['layout'] == 'fullscreen') { wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-search-fullscreen'); } wp_enqueue_style('icons-' . $attr['search_icon_pack']); wp_enqueue_style('icons-' . $attr['close_icon_pack']); } public function front_editor_scripts($attr) { $attr = shortcode_atts( array( 'layout' => 'fullscreen', 'search_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'close_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', ), $attr, 'thegem_te_search' ); wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-search'); wp_enqueue_script('thegem-te-search'); wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-search-fullscreen'); wp_enqueue_style('icons-' . $attr['search_icon_pack']); wp_enqueue_style('icons-' . $attr['close_icon_pack']); } public function shortcode_output($atts, $content = '') { // General params extract($extract = shortcode_atts(array_merge(array( 'layout' => 'fullscreen', 'placeholder_text' => __('Search...', 'thegem'), 'layout_fullscreen_placeholder_text' => __('Start typing to search...', 'thegem'), 'post_type_products' => '1', 'post_type_posts' => '1', 'post_type_pages' => '1', 'post_type_portfolio' => '1', 'search_ajax' => '1', 'products_auto_suggestions' => '16', 'posts_auto_suggestions' => '8', 'pages_auto_suggestions' => '8', 'portfolio_auto_suggestions' => '8', 'posts_result_title' => __('Results from Blog', 'thegem'), 'pages_result_title' => __('Results from Pages', 'thegem'), 'portfolio_result_title' => __('Results from Portfolio', 'thegem'), 'view_results_button_text' => __('View all search results', 'thegem'), 'popular' => '', 'popular_title' => __('Top Searches:', 'thegem'), 'select_terms_data' => '', 'search_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'search_icon_elegant' => '', 'search_icon_material' => '', 'search_icon_fontawesome' => '', 'search_icon_thegemdemo' => '', 'search_icon_thegemheader' => '', 'search_icon_userpack' => '', 'close_icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'close_icon_elegant' => '', 'close_icon_material' => '', 'close_icon_fontawesome' => '', 'close_icon_thegemdemo' => '', 'close_icon_thegemheader' => '', 'close_icon_userpack' => '', 'icon_size' => '', 'icon_color_normal' => '', 'icon_color_hover' => '', ), thegem_templates_design_options_extract()), $atts, 'thegem_te_search')); $params = array_merge(array( 'layout' => $layout, 'placeholder_text' => $placeholder_text, 'layout_fullscreen_placeholder_text' => $layout_fullscreen_placeholder_text, 'post_type_products' => $post_type_products, 'post_type_posts' => $post_type_posts, 'post_type_pages' => $post_type_pages, 'post_type_portfolio' => $post_type_portfolio, 'search_ajax' => $search_ajax, 'products_auto_suggestions' => $products_auto_suggestions, 'posts_auto_suggestions' => $posts_auto_suggestions, 'pages_auto_suggestions' => $pages_auto_suggestions, 'portfolio_auto_suggestions' => $portfolio_auto_suggestions, 'posts_result_title' => $posts_result_title, 'pages_result_title' => $pages_result_title, 'portfolio_result_title' => $portfolio_result_title, 'view_results_button_text' => $view_results_button_text, 'popular' => $popular, 'popular_title' => $popular_title, 'select_terms_data' => $select_terms_data, 'search_icon_pack' => $search_icon_pack, 'search_icon_elegant' => $search_icon_elegant, 'search_icon_material' => $search_icon_material, 'search_icon_fontawesome' => $search_icon_fontawesome, 'search_icon_thegemdemo' => $search_icon_thegemdemo, 'search_icon_thegemheader' => $search_icon_thegemheader, 'search_icon_userpack' => $search_icon_userpack, 'close_icon_pack' => $close_icon_pack, 'close_icon_elegant' => $close_icon_elegant, 'close_icon_material' => $close_icon_material, 'close_icon_fontawesome' => $close_icon_fontawesome, 'close_icon_thegemdemo' => $close_icon_thegemdemo, 'close_icon_thegemheader' => $close_icon_thegemheader, 'close_icon_userpack' => $close_icon_userpack, 'icon_size' => $icon_size, 'icon_color_normal' => $icon_color_normal, 'icon_color_hover' => $icon_color_hover, ), thegem_templates_design_options_output($extract)); if (!defined('WC_PLUGIN_FILE')) { $params['post_type_products'] = ''; } $uniqid = uniqid('thegem-custom-') . rand(1, 9999); $custom_css = thegem_templates_element_design_options($uniqid, '.thegem-te-search', $params); if ($params['icon_size'] !== '') { $custom_css .= '.thegem-te-search.' . esc_attr($uniqid) . ' a {font-size: ' . $params['icon_size'] . 'px; width: ' . $params['icon_size'] . 'px; height: ' . $params['icon_size'] . 'px;}'; } if ($params['icon_color_normal'] !== '') { $custom_css .= '.thegem-te-search.' . esc_attr($uniqid) . ' a {color: ' . $params['icon_color_normal'] . ';}'; } if ($params['icon_color_hover'] !== '') { $custom_css .= '.thegem-te-search.' . esc_attr($uniqid) . ' a:hover {color: ' . $params['icon_color_hover'] . ';}'; } ob_start(); $search_item_class = ''; if ($params['layout'] == 'fullscreen') { $search_item_class = 'te-menu-item-fullscreen-search'; } ?> <div class="thegem-te-search <?php echo esc_attr($uniqid); ?>" <?= thegem_data_editor_attribute($uniqid . '-editor') ?>> <div class="thegem-te-search__item <?php echo esc_html($search_item_class); ?>"> <a href="#" class="<?= thegem_te_delay_class() ?>"> <span class="open"> <?php if (isset($params['search_icon_pack']) && $params['search_icon_' . str_replace("-", "", $params['search_icon_pack'])] != '') { echo thegem_build_icon($params['search_icon_pack'], $params['search_icon_' . str_replace("-", "", $params['search_icon_pack'])]); } else { ?> <i class="default"></i> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="close"> <?php if (isset($params['close_icon_pack']) && $params['close_icon_' . str_replace("-", "", $params['close_icon_pack'])] != '') { echo thegem_build_icon($params['close_icon_pack'], $params['close_icon_' . str_replace("-", "", $params['close_icon_pack'])]); } else { ?> <i class="default"></i> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <div class="thegem-te-search-hide" style="display: none"> <?php if ($params['layout'] == 'dropdown') { ?> <div class="minisearch"> <form role="search" id="searchform" class="sf" action="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?>" method="GET"> <input id="searchform-input" class="sf-input" type="text" placeholder="<?php echo esc_html($params['placeholder_text']); ?>" name="s"> <?php if ($params['post_type_products'] == '1') { ?> <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="product" /> <?php } ?> <span class="sf-submit-icon"></span> <input id="searchform-submit" class="sf-submit" type="submit" value=""> </form> </div> <?php } else { $params['search_id'] = $uniqid; $params['select_terms_data'] = vc_param_group_parse_atts($params['select_terms_data']); thegem_fullscreen_search_layout($params); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php $return_html = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', ob_get_clean())); // Print custom css $css_output = ''; if (!empty($custom_css)) { $css_output = '<style>' . $custom_css . '</style>'; } $return_html = $css_output . $return_html; return $return_html; } public function shortcode_settings() { return array( 'name' => __('Search Icon', 'thegem'), 'base' => 'thegem_te_search', 'icon' => 'thegem-icon-wpb-ui-element-search', 'category' => __('Header Builder', 'thegem'), 'description' => __('Search Icon (Header Builder)', 'thegem'), 'params' => array_merge( array( array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Search Layout', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'layout', 'value' => array( __('Dropdown', 'thegem') => 'dropdown', __('Fullscreen Overlay', 'thegem') => 'fullscreen', ), 'std' => 'fullscreen', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Placeholder Text', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'placeholder_text', 'value' => __('Search...', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('dropdown') ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Placeholder Text', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'layout_fullscreen_placeholder_text', 'value' => __('Start typing to search...', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_delimeter_heading', 'heading' => __('Post Types', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'post_types_header', 'edit_field_class' => 'thegem-param-delimeter-heading no-top-padding margin-top vc_column vc_col-sm-12', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Products', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'post_type_products', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '1', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Blog Posts', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'post_type_posts', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '1', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Pages', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'post_type_pages', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '1', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Portfolio', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'post_type_portfolio', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '1', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_delimeter_heading', 'heading' => __('Live Search', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'results_header', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'thegem-param-delimeter-heading no-top-padding margin-top vc_column vc_col-sm-12', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('AJAX Live Search', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_ajax', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '1', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Products Auto-Suggestions', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'products_auto_suggestions', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'std' => '16', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Posts Auto-Suggestions', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'posts_auto_suggestions', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'std' => '8', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Pages Auto-Suggestions', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'pages_auto_suggestions', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'std' => '8', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Portfolio Auto-Suggestions', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'portfolio_auto_suggestions', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'std' => '8', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Posts Results Title', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'posts_result_title', 'value' => __('Results from Blog', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_ajax', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Pages Results Title', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'pages_result_title', 'value' => __('Results from Pages', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_ajax', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Portfolio Results Title', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'portfolio_result_title', 'value' => __('Results from Portfolio', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_ajax', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('"View Results" Button Text', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'view_results_button_text', 'value' => __('View all search results', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_ajax', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_delimeter_heading', 'heading' => __('Popular Searches', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'popular_header', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'thegem-param-delimeter-heading no-top-padding margin-top vc_column vc_col-sm-12', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Popular Searches', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'popular', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1'), 'std' => '', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array('fullscreen') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Popular Searches Title', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'popular_title', 'value' => __('Top Searches:', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'popular', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'param_group', 'heading' => __('Select Search Terms', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'select_terms_data', 'params' => array_merge(array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Title', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'title', 'value' => __('Title', 'thegem'), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-4', ), )), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'popular', 'not_empty' => true ), 'group' => __('Layout', 'thegem') ), ), array( array( 'type' => 'thegem_delimeter_heading', 'heading' => __('Search Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_header', 'edit_field_class' => 'thegem-param-delimeter-heading no-top-padding margin-top vc_column vc_col-sm-12', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Search Icon Pack', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array_merge(array( __('Elegant', 'thegem') => 'elegant', __('Material Design', 'thegem') => 'material', __('FontAwesome', 'thegem') => 'fontawesome', __('Header Icons', 'thegem') => 'thegem-header', __('Additional', 'thegem') => 'thegemdemo'), thegem_userpack_to_dropdown() ), 'std' => 'thegem-header', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Close Icon Pack', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array_merge(array( __('Elegant', 'thegem') => 'elegant', __('Material Design', 'thegem') => 'material', __('FontAwesome', 'thegem') => 'fontawesome', __('Header Icons', 'thegem') => 'thegem-header', __('Additional', 'thegem') => 'thegemdemo'), thegem_userpack_to_dropdown() ), 'std' => 'thegem-header', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_elegant', 'icon_pack' => 'elegant', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('elegant') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_material', 'icon_pack' => 'material', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('material') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_fontawesome', 'icon_pack' => 'fontawesome', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('fontawesome') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_thegemdemo', 'icon_pack' => 'thegemdemo', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('thegemdemo') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_thegemheader', 'icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('thegem-header') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), ), thegem_userpack_to_shortcode(array( array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'search_icon_userpack', 'icon_pack' => 'userpack', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'search_icon_pack', 'value' => array('userpack') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), )), array( array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_elegant', 'icon_pack' => 'elegant', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('elegant') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_material', 'icon_pack' => 'material', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('material') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_fontawesome', 'icon_pack' => 'fontawesome', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('fontawesome') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_thegemdemo', 'icon_pack' => 'thegemdemo', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('thegemdemo') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_thegemheader', 'icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('thegem-header') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), ), thegem_userpack_to_shortcode(array( array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'close_icon_userpack', 'icon_pack' => 'userpack', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'close_icon_pack', 'value' => array('userpack') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), )), array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Icon Size', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_size', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Color Normal', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_color_normal', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6 vc_column', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Color Hover', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_color_hover', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6 vc_column', 'group' => __('Appearance', 'thegem') ), ), thegem_set_elements_design_options() ), ); } } $templates_elements['thegem_te_search'] = new TheGem_Template_Element_Search(); $templates_elements['thegem_te_search']->init();