Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/thegem-elements/inc/templates/elements/icon/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/thegem-elements/inc/templates/elements/icon/element.php |
<?php class TheGem_Template_Element_Icon extends TheGem_Template_Element { public function __construct() { if ( !defined('THEGEM_TE_ICON_URL') ) { define('THEGEM_TE_ICON_URL', rtrim(plugin_dir_url(__FILE__), ' /\\')); } wp_register_style('thegem-te-icon', THEGEM_TE_ICON_URL . '/css/icon.css'); } public function get_name() { return 'thegem_te_icon'; } public function head_scripts($attr) { $attr = shortcode_atts(array('pack' => 'thegem-header',), $attr, 'thegem_te_icon'); wp_enqueue_style('icons-'.$attr['pack']); wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-icon'); } public function front_editor_scripts($attr) { $attr = shortcode_atts(array('pack' => 'material',), $attr, 'thegem_te_icon'); wp_enqueue_style('icons-'.$attr['pack']); wp_enqueue_style('thegem-te-icon'); } public function shortcode_output($atts, $content = '') { // General params extract($extract = shortcode_atts(array_merge(array( 'pack' => 'thegem-header', 'icon_elegant' => '', 'icon_material' => '', 'icon_fontawesome' => '', 'icon_thegemdemo' => '', 'icon_userpack' => '', 'icon_thegem_header' => 'e600', 'shape' => 'simple', 'style' => '', 'color' => '', 'hover_color' => '', 'gradient_color_style' => 'linear', 'color_2' => '', 'hover_color_2' => '', 'gradient_radial_color_position' => 'at top', 'gradient_color_angle' => 'to bottom', 'gradient_color_cusotom_deg' => '', 'background_color' => '', 'hover_background_color' => '', 'border_color' => '', 'hover_border_color' => '', 'gradient_backgound' => '', 'gradient_backgound_from' => '', 'gradient_backgound_to' => '', 'gradient_backgound_style' => 'linear', 'gradient_radial_backgound_position' => 'at top', 'gradient_backgound_angle' => 'to bottom', 'gradient_backgound_cusotom_deg' => '', 'size' => 'small', 'icon_size' => '', 'link' => '', 'extra_class' => '', ), thegem_templates_design_options_extract()), $atts, 'thegem_te_icon')); $params = array_merge(array( 'pack' => $pack, 'icon_elegant' => $icon_elegant, 'icon_material' => $icon_material, 'icon_fontawesome' => $icon_fontawesome, 'icon_thegemdemo' => $icon_thegemdemo, 'icon_userpack' => $icon_userpack, 'icon_thegem_header' => $icon_thegem_header, 'shape' => $shape, 'style' => $style, 'color' => $color, 'hover_color' => $hover_color, 'color_2' => $color_2, 'hover_color_2' => $hover_color_2, 'gradient_color_style' => $gradient_color_style, 'gradient_radial_color_position' => $gradient_radial_color_position, 'gradient_color_angle' => $gradient_color_angle, 'gradient_color_cusotom_deg' => $gradient_color_cusotom_deg, 'background_color' => $background_color, 'hover_background_color' => $hover_background_color, 'border_color' => $border_color, 'hover_border_color' => $hover_border_color, 'gradient_backgound' => $gradient_backgound, 'gradient_backgound_from' => $gradient_backgound_from, 'gradient_backgound_to' => $gradient_backgound_to, 'gradient_backgound_style' => $gradient_backgound_style, 'gradient_radial_backgound_position' => $gradient_radial_backgound_position, 'gradient_backgound_angle' => $gradient_backgound_angle, 'gradient_backgound_cusotom_deg' => $gradient_backgound_cusotom_deg, 'size' => $size, 'icon_size' => $icon_size, 'link' => $link, 'extra_class' => $extra_class, ), thegem_templates_design_options_output($extract)); $return_html = $custom_css = $output = $link_atts = $class = ''; $css_style_icon_1_hover = $css_style_icon_2_hover = $css_style_icon_3_hover = $css_style_icon_background_hover = $css_style_icon_hover = ''; $uniqid = uniqid('thegem-te-icon-').rand(1,9999); if($pack =='elegant' && empty($icon) && $icon_elegant) { $icon = $icon_elegant; } if($pack =='material' && empty($icon) && $icon_material) { $icon = $icon_material; } if($pack =='fontawesome' && empty($icon) && $icon_fontawesome) { $icon = $icon_fontawesome; } if($pack =='thegemdemo' && empty($icon) && $icon_thegemdemo) { $icon = $icon_thegemdemo; } if($pack =='userpack' && empty($icon) && $icon_userpack) { $icon = $icon_userpack; } if($pack =='thegem-header' && empty($icon) && $icon_thegem_header) { $icon = $icon_thegem_header; } $shape = thegem_check_array_value(array('simple', 'circle', 'square'), $shape, 'simple'); $style = thegem_check_array_value(array('', 'angle-45deg-r', 'angle-45deg-l', 'angle-90deg', 'gradient'), $style, ''); $size = thegem_check_array_value(array('tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge', 'custom'), $size, 'small'); $css_style_icon = ''; $css_style_icon_background = ''; $css_style_icon_1 = ''; $css_style_icon_2 = ''; $css_style_icon_3 = ''; if ($gradient_backgound_angle == 'cusotom_deg') { $gradient_backgound_angle = $gradient_backgound_cusotom_deg.'deg'; } if($gradient_backgound and $gradient_backgound_style == 'linear') { $css_style_icon_background .= 'background: linear-gradient('.$gradient_backgound_angle.', '.$gradient_backgound_from.', '.$gradient_backgound_to.');'; } if($gradient_backgound and $gradient_backgound_style == 'radial') { $css_style_icon_background .= 'background: radial-gradient('.$gradient_radial_backgound_position.', '.$gradient_backgound_from.', '.$gradient_backgound_to.');'; } if($background_color && $shape != 'simple') { $css_style_icon_background .= 'background-color: '.$background_color.';'; if(!$border_color || !$style == 'gradient') { $css_style_icon .= 'border-color: '.$background_color.';'; } } if($hover_background_color && $shape != 'simple') { $css_style_icon_background_hover .= 'background-color: '.$hover_background_color.';'; if(!$hover_border_color || !$style == 'gradient') { $css_style_icon_hover .= 'border-color: '.$hover_background_color.';'; } } if($border_color && $shape != 'simple') { $css_style_icon .= 'border-color: '.$border_color.';'; } if($hover_border_color && $shape != 'simple') { $css_style_icon_hover .= 'border-color: '.$hover_border_color.';'; } if(!($background_color || $border_color || $gradient_backgound)) { $class .= ' gem-simple-icon'; } if($color = $color) { $css_style_icon_1 = 'color: '.$color.';'; if(($color_2 = $color_2) && $style) { $css_style_icon_2 = 'color: '.$color_2.';'; } else { $css_style_icon_2 = 'color: '.$color.';'; } if ($gradient_color_angle == 'cusotom_deg') { $gradient_color_angle = $gradient_color_cusotom_deg.'deg'; } if( $gradient_color_style == 'linear') { $css_style_icon_3 .= 'background: linear-gradient( '.$gradient_color_angle.', '.$color.', '.$color_2.'); -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;'; } if ($gradient_color_style == 'radial') { $css_style_icon_3 .= 'background: radial-gradient( '.$gradient_radial_color_position.', '.$color.', '.$color_2.'); -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;'; } } if($hover_color = $hover_color) { $css_style_icon_1_hover = 'color: '.$hover_color.';'; if(($hover_color_2 = $hover_color_2) && $style) { $css_style_icon_2_hover = 'color: '.$hover_color_2.';'; } else { $css_style_icon_2_hover = 'color: '.$hover_color.';'; } if( $gradient_color_style == 'linear') { $css_style_icon_3_hover .= 'background: linear-gradient( '.$gradient_color_angle.', '.$hover_color.', '.$hover_color_2.'); -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;'; } if ($gradient_color_style == 'radial') { $css_style_icon_3_hover .= 'background: radial-gradient( '.$gradient_radial_color_position.', '.$hover_color.', '.$hover_color_2.'); -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;'; } } if ($style != 'gradient') { $output = '<span class="gem-icon-half-1"><span class="back-angle">&#x' . $icon . ';</span></span>'. '<span class="gem-icon-half-2"><span class="back-angle">&#x' . $icon . ';</span></span>'; } else { $output = '<span class="gem-icon-style-gradient"><span class="back-angle">&#x' . $icon . ';</span></span>'; } if($link != '') { $link = vc_build_link($link); if(isset($link['url']) && $link['url'] != '') { $link_atts .= 'href="'.esc_url($link['url']).'"'; } else { $link_atts .= 'href="#"'; } if(isset($link['title']) && $link['title'] != '') { $link_atts .= ' title="'.esc_attr($link['title']).'"'; } if(isset($link['target']) && $link['target'] != '') { $link_atts .= ' target="'.str_replace(' ','',esc_attr($link['target']).'"'); } if(isset($link['rel']) && $link['rel'] != '') { $link_atts .= ' rel="'.esc_attr($link['rel']).'"'; } $output = '<a '.$link_atts.'>'.$output.'</a>'; } if(!empty($pack)) { $class .= ' gem-icon-pack-'.$pack; } if(!empty($size)) { $class .= ' gem-icon-size-'.$size; } if(!empty($style)) { $class .= ' '.$style; } if($shape != 'simple') { $class .= ' gem-icon-shape-'.$shape; } $return_html .= '<div class="thegem-te-icon '.esc_attr($uniqid).' '.esc_attr($extra_class).'" ' . thegem_data_editor_attribute($uniqid . '-editor') . '>'; $return_html .= '<div class="gem-icon '.esc_attr($class).'">'; $return_html .= '<div class="gem-icon-inner">'; $return_html .= $output; $return_html .= '</div>'; $return_html .= '</div>'; $return_html .= '</div>'; // Init Design Options Params $custom_css = thegem_templates_element_design_options($uniqid, '.thegem-te-icon', $params); if(!empty($css_style_icon_background)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon-inner {'.$css_style_icon_background.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_1)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon-half-1 {'.$css_style_icon_1.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_2)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon-half-2 {'.$css_style_icon_2.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_3)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon-style-gradient .back-angle {'.$css_style_icon_3.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon {'.$css_style_icon.'}'; } if($size == 'custom' && !empty($icon_size)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon {font-size: '.esc_attr($icon_size).'px;}'; $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon:not(.gem-simple-icon) .gem-icon-inner {width: '. $icon_size * 1.5 .'px; height: '. $icon_size * 1.5 .'px; line-height: '. $icon_size * 1.5 .'px;}'; $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon.gem-simple-icon {width: '. $icon_size .'px; height: '. $icon_size .'px; line-height: '. $icon_size .'px;}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_1_hover)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon a:hover .gem-icon-half-1 {'.$css_style_icon_1_hover.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_2_hover)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon a:hover .gem-icon-half-2 {'.$css_style_icon_2_hover.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_3_hover)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon a:hover .gem-icon-style-gradient .back-angle {'.$css_style_icon_3_hover.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_background_hover)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon a:hover .gem-icon-inner {'.$css_style_icon_background_hover.'}'; } if(!empty($css_style_icon_hover)) { $custom_css .= '.'.$uniqid.' .gem-icon a:hover .gem-icon {'.$css_style_icon_hover.'}'; } // Print custom css $css_output = ''; if(!empty($custom_css)) { $css_output = '<style>'.$custom_css.'</style>'; } $return_html = $css_output.$return_html; return $return_html; } public function shortcode_settings() { return array( 'name' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'base' => 'thegem_te_icon', 'icon' => 'thegem-icon-wpb-ui-element-icon', 'category' => __('Header Builder', 'thegem'), 'description' => __('Icon from Icon Library (Header Builder)', 'thegem'), 'params' => array_merge( array( array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon pack', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'pack', 'value' => array_merge(array( __('Elegant', 'thegem') => 'elegant', __('Material Design', 'thegem') => 'material', __('FontAwesome', 'thegem') => 'fontawesome', __('Header Icons', 'thegem') => 'thegem-header', __('Additional', 'thegem') => 'thegemdemo'), thegem_userpack_to_dropdown() ), 'std' => 'thegem-header', ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_elegant', 'icon_pack' => 'elegant', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('elegant') ), ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_material', 'icon_pack' => 'material', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('material') ), 'std' => 'f287' ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_fontawesome', 'icon_pack' => 'fontawesome', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('fontawesome') ), ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_thegemdemo', 'icon_pack' => 'thegemdemo', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('thegemdemo') ), ), array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_thegem_header', 'icon_pack' => 'thegem-header', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('thegem-header') ), ), ), thegem_userpack_to_shortcode(array( array( 'type' => 'thegem_icon', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_userpack', 'icon_pack' => 'userpack', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pack', 'value' => array('userpack') ), ), )), array( array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Shape', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'shape', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'value' => array( __('Simple', 'thegem') => 'simple', __('Square', 'thegem') => 'square', __('Circle', 'thegem') => 'circle' ) ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Color Split', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'value' => array( __('Disabled', 'thegem') => '', __('Gradient', 'thegem') => 'gradient', __('45 degree Right', 'thegem') => 'angle-45deg-r', __('45 degree Left', 'thegem') => 'angle-45deg-l', __('90 degree', 'thegem') => 'angle-90deg' ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'hover_color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color 2', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'color_2', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'style', 'not_empty' => true ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover color 2', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'hover_color_2', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'style', 'not_empty' => true ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Style', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_color_style', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Linear', "thegem") => "linear", __('Radial', "thegem") => "radial", ) , "std" => 'linear', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'style', 'value' => array( 'gradient', ) ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Gradient Position', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_radial_color_position', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Top', "thegem") => "at top", __('Bottom', "thegem") => "at bottom", __('Right', "thegem") => "at right", __('Left', "thegem") => "at left", __('Center', "thegem") => "at center", ) , 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_color_style', 'value' => array( 'radial', ) ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Custom Angle', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_color_angle', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Vertical to bottom ↓', "thegem") => "to bottom", __('Vertical to top ↑', "thegem") => "to top", __('Horizontal to left →', "thegem") => "to right", __('Horizontal to right ←', "thegem") => "to left", __('Diagonal from left to bottom ↘', "thegem") => "to bottom right", __('Diagonal from left to top ↗', "thegem") => "to top right", __('Diagonal from right to bottom ↙', "thegem") => "to bottom left", __('Diagonal from right to top ↖', "thegem") => "to top left", __('Custom', "thegem") => "cusotom_deg", ) , 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_color_style', 'value' => array( 'linear', ) ) ), array( "type" => "textfield", 'heading' => __('Angle', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_color_cusotom_deg', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_column', 'description' => __('Set value in DG 0-360', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_color_angle', 'value' => array( 'cusotom_deg', ) ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background Color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'background_color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'shape', 'value' => array('square', 'circle') ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover Background Color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'hover_background_color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'shape', 'value' => array('square', 'circle') ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Border Color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'border_color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'shape', 'value' => array('square', 'circle') ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover Border Color', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'hover_border_color', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'shape', 'value' => array('square', 'circle') ) ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Use Gradient Backgound', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'thegem') => '1') ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('From', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound_from', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound', 'value' => array('1') ) ), array( 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('To', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound_to', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_column vc_col-sm-6', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound', 'value' => array('1') ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Style', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound_style', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Linear', "thegem") => "linear", __('Radial', "thegem") => "radial", ) , "std" => 'linear', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound', 'value' => array('1') ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Gradient Position', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_radial_backgound_position', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Top', "thegem") => "at top", __('Bottom', "thegem") => "at bottom", __('Right', "thegem") => "at right", __('Left', "thegem") => "at left", __('Center', "thegem") => "at center", ) , 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound_style', 'value' => array( 'radial', ) ) ), array( "type" => "dropdown", 'heading' => __('Custom Angle', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound_angle', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", "value" => array( __('Vertical to bottom ↓', "thegem") => "to bottom", __('Vertical to top ↑', "thegem") => "to top", __('Horizontal to left →', "thegem") => "to right", __('Horizontal to right ←', "thegem") => "to left", __('Diagonal from left to bottom ↘', "thegem") => "to bottom right", __('Diagonal from left to top ↗', "thegem") => "to top right", __('Diagonal from right to bottom ↙', "thegem") => "to bottom left", __('Diagonal from right to top ↖', "thegem") => "to top left", __('Custom', "thegem") => "cusotom_deg", ) , 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound_style', 'value' => array( 'linear', ) ) ), array( "type" => "textfield", 'heading' => __('Angle', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'gradient_backgound_cusotom_deg', "edit_field_class" => "vc_col-sm-4 vc_column", 'description' => __('Set value in DG 0-360', 'thegem'), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'gradient_backgound_angle', 'value' => array( 'cusotom_deg', ) ) ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Size', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'size', 'value' => array( __('Tiny', 'thegem') => 'tiny', __('Small', 'thegem') => 'small', __('Medium', 'thegem') => 'medium', __('Large', 'thegem') => 'large', __('Extra Large', 'thegem') => 'xlarge', __('Custom', 'thegem') => 'custom' ), 'std' => 'small' ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Icon size', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'icon_size', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'size', 'value' => array('custom') ) ), array( 'type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => __('Link', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'link', ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Extra class name', 'thegem'), 'param_name' => 'extra_class', ), ), thegem_set_elements_design_options() ) ); } } $templates_elements['thegem_te_icon'] = new TheGem_Template_Element_Icon(); $templates_elements['thegem_te_icon']->init();