Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/includes/customizer/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/includes/customizer/output-css.php |
<?php /** * Output the Google Fonts CSS. * * @package olympus-google-fonts * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, Fonts Plugin * @license GNU Public License */ /** * Output the font CSS to wp_head. */ function ogf_output_css() { ?> <!-- Fonts Plugin CSS - --> <style> <?php do_action( 'ogf_inline_styles' ); foreach ( ogf_get_elements() as $id => $values ) { ogf_generate_css( $values['selectors'], $id ); } foreach ( ogf_get_custom_elements() as $id => $values ) { ogf_generate_css( $values['selectors'], $id ); } do_action( 'ogf_after_inline_styles' ); ?> </style> <!-- Fonts Plugin CSS --> <?php } add_action( 'wp_head', 'ogf_output_css', 1000 ); /** * Return the CSS for enqueuing Custom Font Uploads. * * @return string @font-face output. */ function ogf_return_custom_font_css() { $fonts = OGF_Fonts_Taxonomy::get_fonts(); $css = ''; foreach ( $fonts as $font => $data ) { $font_family = $data['files']['family'] ? esc_attr( $data['files']['family'] ) : $font; $files = $data['files']; if ( $files['woff'] || $files['woff2'] || $files['ttf'] || $files['otf'] ) { $css .= "@font-face {font-family:'" . $font_family . "';"; if ( $data['files']['weight'] ) { $css .= 'font-weight:' . esc_attr( $data['files']['weight'] ) . ';'; } if ( $data['files']['style'] ) { $css .= 'font-style:' . esc_attr( $data['files']['style'] ) . ';'; } $arr = array(); if ( $data['files']['woff'] ) { $arr[] = "url('" . esc_url( $data['files']['woff'] ) . "') format('woff')"; } if ( $data['files']['woff2'] ) { $arr[] = "url('" . esc_url( $data['files']['woff2'] ) . "') format('woff2')"; } if ( $data['files']['ttf'] ) { $arr[] = "url('" . esc_url( $data['files']['ttf'] ) . "') format('truetype')"; } if ( $data['files']['otf'] ) { $arr[] = "url('" . esc_url( $data['files']['otf'] ) . "') format('opentype')"; } $css .= 'src:' . join( ',', $arr ) . ';}'; } } return $css; } /** * Echo ogf_return_custom_font_css */ function ogf_echo_custom_font_css() { echo ogf_return_custom_font_css(); } add_action( 'ogf_inline_styles', 'ogf_echo_custom_font_css', 2, 0 ); add_action( 'ogf_gutenberg_inline_styles', 'ogf_echo_custom_font_css', 2 ); /** * Helper function to build the CSS styles. * * @param string $selector The CSS selector to apply the styles to. * @param string $option_name The option name to pull from the database. */ function ogf_generate_css( $selector, $option_name ) { $family = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_font', false ); $font_size = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_font_size', false ); $line_height = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_line_height', false ); $weight = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_font_weight', false ); $style = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_font_style', false ); $color = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_font_color', false ); $text_transform = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_text_transform', false ); $letter_spacing = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_letter_spacing', false ); $text_decoration = get_theme_mod( $option_name . '_text_decoration', false ); $return = ''; if ( ( $family !== 'default' && $family ) || ( $line_height !== '0' && $line_height ) || ( $weight !== '0' && $weight ) || ( $style !== 'default' && $style ) || $font_size || $letter_spacing || $text_transform || $color || $text_decoration ) { $return .= $selector . ' {' . PHP_EOL; // Return font-family CSS. if ( false !== $family && 'default' !== $family ) { $stack = ogf_build_font_stack( $family ); if ( ! empty( $stack ) ) { $return .= sprintf( 'font-family: %s;' . PHP_EOL, $stack . ogf_is_forced() ); } } // Return font-size CSS. if ( $font_size ) { $return .= sprintf( 'font-size: %s;' . PHP_EOL, floatval( $font_size ) . 'px' . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return font line-height CSS. if ( $line_height && '0' !== $line_height ) { $return .= sprintf( 'line-height: %s;' . PHP_EOL, floatval( $line_height ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return font-style CSS. if ( $style && 'default' !== $style ) { $return .= sprintf( 'font-style: %s;' . PHP_EOL, esc_attr( $style ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return font-weight CSS. if ( $weight && '0' !== $weight ) { $return .= sprintf( 'font-weight: %s;' . PHP_EOL, absint( $weight ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return font-color CSS. if ( $color ) { $return .= sprintf( 'color: %s;' . PHP_EOL, esc_attr( $color ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return font-color CSS. if ( $letter_spacing ) { $return .= sprintf( 'letter-spacing: %s;' . PHP_EOL, esc_attr( $letter_spacing ) . 'px' . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return text-transform CSS. if ( $text_transform ) { $return .= sprintf( 'text-transform: %s;' . PHP_EOL, esc_attr( $text_transform ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } // Return text-decoration CSS. if ( $text_decoration ) { $return .= sprintf( 'text-decoration: %s;' . PHP_EOL, esc_attr( $text_decoration ) . ogf_is_forced() ); } $return .= ' }' . PHP_EOL; echo wp_kses_post( $return ); } } /** * Build a font stack using the users font choice. * * @param string $font_id The users font choice. * @return string The built font stack. */ function ogf_build_font_stack( $font_id ) { $stack = 'sans-serif'; if ( str_starts_with( $font_id, 'sf-' ) !== false ) { $system_fonts = ogf_system_fonts(); $font_id = str_replace( 'sf-', '', $font_id ); if ( array_key_exists( $font_id, $system_fonts ) ) { $stack = $system_fonts[ $font_id ]['stack']; } } elseif ( str_starts_with( $font_id, 'cf-' ) !== false ) { $custom_fonts = ogf_custom_fonts(); $font_id = str_replace( 'cf-', '', $font_id ); if ( array_key_exists( $font_id, $custom_fonts ) ) { if ( ! empty( $custom_fonts[ $font_id ]['family'] ) ) { $font = $custom_fonts[ $font_id ]['family']; } else { $font = $custom_fonts[ $font_id ]['stack']; } $stack = '"' . $font . '"'; } } elseif ( str_starts_with( $font_id, 'tk-' ) !== false ) { $typekit_fonts = ogf_typekit_fonts(); if ( array_key_exists( $font_id, $typekit_fonts ) ) { $stack = $typekit_fonts[ $font_id ]['stack']; } } else { $google_fonts = ogf_fonts_array(); if ( array_key_exists( $font_id, $google_fonts ) ) { $stack = '"' . $google_fonts[ $font_id ]['f'] . '"'; } } return apply_filters( "ogf_{$font_id}_stack", $stack ); } /** * Check if the styles should be forced. * * @return string */ function ogf_is_forced() { if ( 1 === (int) get_theme_mod( 'ogf_force_styles' ) ) { return ' !important'; } return ''; } /** * Helper function to build the CSS variables. */ function ogf_generate_css_variables() { $body_font = get_theme_mod( 'ogf_body_font', 'default' ); $headings_font = get_theme_mod( 'ogf_headings_font', 'default' ); $inputs_font = get_theme_mod( 'ogf_inputs_font', 'default' ); if ( $body_font === 'default' && $headings_font === 'default' && $inputs_font === 'default' ) { return; } $css = ':root {' . PHP_EOL; if ( $body_font && $body_font !== 'default' ) { $body_font_stack = str_replace( '"', '', ogf_build_font_stack( $body_font ) ); $css .= '--font-base: ' . esc_attr( $body_font_stack ) . ';' . PHP_EOL; } if ( $headings_font && $headings_font !== 'default' ) { $headings_font_stack = str_replace( '"', '', ogf_build_font_stack( $headings_font ) ); $css .= '--font-headings: ' . esc_attr( $headings_font_stack ) . ';' . PHP_EOL; } if ( $inputs_font && $inputs_font !== 'default' ) { $inputs_font_stack = str_replace( '"', '', ogf_build_font_stack( $inputs_font ) ); $css .= '--font-input: ' . esc_attr( $inputs_font_stack ) . ';' . PHP_EOL; } $css .= '}' . PHP_EOL; echo $css; } add_action( 'ogf_inline_styles', 'ogf_generate_css_variables', 1 ); add_action( 'ogf_gutenberg_inline_styles', 'ogf_generate_css_variables', 1 );