Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/sheet2site/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/sheet2site/sheet2site.php |
<?php /* Plugin Name: Sheet2Site Plugin URI: Description: Embed your Google Sheet into your WordPress website Author: Sheet2Site Version: 1.0.18 Author URI: */ namespace sheet2site; function is_hook_supported($hook) { return $hook == 'plugins.php' || $hook == 'plugins_page_sheet2site'; } function insert_embed($key, $should_use_full_page = false, $version = "") { if ($version == "new") { $version = "api."; } if ($should_use_full_page) { $response = wp_remote_get("https://" . $version . "" . $key . "&g=1"); return wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); } $result = ' <div data-sheet2site="' . $key . '&g=1"></div> <script src="https://' . $version . '"></script> '; return $result; } function s2s_shortcode($atts = [], $content = null, $tag = '') { $atts = array_change_key_case((array) $atts, CASE_LOWER); $s2s_atts = shortcode_atts([ 'key' => '', 'full' => '', 'version' => '', ], $atts, $tag); $key = $s2s_atts['key']; if ($key === '') { return <<<HTML <p style="color: red;"> <b>Sheet2Site Error:</b><br> Please insert a key of your Sheet2Site website, for example: <br> [sheet2site key=1KAJrWQvoJx9a59w79iyStklxUQeJa93LOtODWhwjFM8] </p> HTML; } $should_use_full_page = $s2s_atts['full'] === 'true'; $version = $s2s_atts['version'] === 'new'; return insert_embed($key, $should_use_full_page, $version); } function sheet2site_init() { add_shortcode("sheet2site", 'sheet2site\s2s_shortcode'); } function display_notice() { global $hook_suffix; $activated = get_option('sheet2site_terms_accepted', FALSE); if (is_hook_supported($hook_suffix) && !$activated) { ?> <div class="notice notice-warning sheet2site-activation"> <span>Last step to start using Sheet2Site plugin.</span> <br> <span>By clicking Accept, I confirm I have read and accept <a target="_blank" href="">Terms of Use and Services</a>.</span> <form id="sheet2site-terms-ajax"> <?=wp_nonce_field('sheet2site_accept_terms_of_use')?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="accept_terms"> <input type="hidden" name="terms" value="1"> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Accept"> </form> </div> <?php } } function asset($path) { return esc_url(plugins_url($path, __FILE__)); } function show_s2s_options_page() { ?> <!-- SETTING PAGE START ----------------------------------------------------- --> <div class="wrap sheet2site-help"> <h1>Sheet2Site Plugin Documentation--</h1> </hr> <h2>1. Quick Start</h2> <p>To quickly check how it will looks on your website please do this:</p> <ol> <li>Create a new or open an existing page in your WordPress website.</li><br> <li>Add new block -> shortcode:</li><br> <img style="width: 500px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/wp1.png')?>"></img><br> <br> <li>Paste this code: [sheet2site key=1KAJrWQvoJx9a59w79iyStklxUQeJa93LOtODWhwjFM8]</li> <img style="width: 900px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/wp2a.png')?>"></img> <li>Publish the page</li> </ol> <p>You should see embedded catalog of the products in your page. But It's just an sample, so you can't edit it:</p> <img style="width: 600px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/wp3.jpg')?>"></img> <hr> <h2>2. How to use your own spreadsheet?</h2> <p></p> <ol> <li>Please install <a target="_blank" href="">Sheet2Site Google Sheet Add-on</a> </li><br> <li>Choose a template:</li><br> <img style="width: 500px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/getting_started.jpg')?>"></img> <br><br> <li> Open menu: Embed in your website:</li><br> <img style="width: 500px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/embed1.png')?>"></img> <br><br> <li>Copy WordPress shortcode. Example: [sheet2site key=1KAJrWQvoJx9a59w79iyStklxUQeJa93LOtODWhwjFM8&g=1&e=1]</li><br> <img style="width: 500px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/embed3.png')?>"></img><br><br><br> <li>Go back to your WordPress page and paste code into Sheet2Site shortcode:</li> <img style="width: 900px" src="<?=asset('/assets/img/wp2a.png')?>"></img> <li>Publish the page</li> </ol> <hr> <h2>⭐️ Go Premium ⭐️</h2> <a style="background-color: #00a760; background-color: #00a760; padding: 6px; color: white; border-style: solid; border-color: #00a760; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none;" href="" class="btn-small" id="subscribe-btn" target="_blank"> Visit Pricing Page </a> <hr> <h2>Help/Feedback</h2> <p>If you need any help please message us in the <a target="_blank" href="">support chat</a>.</p> </div> <!-- SETTING PAGE END ----------------------------------------------------- --> <?php } function s2s_options_page() { add_plugins_page( 'Sheet2Site plugin', 'Sheet2Site', 'manage_options', 'sheet2site', 'sheet2site\show_s2s_options_page' ); } function process_post_from_admin_page() { if (!check_ajax_referer('sheet2site_accept_terms_of_use')) { error_log('failed nonce verification'); return; } $accepted_terms = isset($_POST['terms']); if ($accepted_terms) { update_option('sheet2site_terms_accepted', TRUE); } else { update_option('sheet2site_terms_accepted', FALSE); } } function add_setting_link_to_plugin_in_list($actions, $plugin_file) { static $plugin; if (!isset($plugin)) { $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); } if ($plugin == $plugin_file) { $settings = array('settings' => '<a href="' . admin_url('plugins.php?page=sheet2site') . '">Settings</a>'); $actions = array_merge($settings, $actions); } return $actions; } function s2s_deactivate() { delete_option('sheet2site_terms_accepted'); } function maybe_add_assets_to_admin_page($hook) { if (!is_hook_supported($hook)) { return; } $script_path = '/assets/sheet2site.js'; wp_enqueue_script( 'sheet2site-admin', asset($script_path), array(), filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . $script_path) ); wp_localize_script('sheet2site-admin', 'sheet2siteAdmin', array( 'pluginPage' => admin_url('plugins.php?page=sheet2site'), )); $style_path = '/assets/sheet2site.css'; wp_enqueue_style( 'sheet2site-admin', asset($style_path), array(), filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . $style_path) ); } add_action('init', 'sheet2site\sheet2site_init'); add_action('admin_notices', 'sheet2site\display_notice'); add_action('admin_menu', 'sheet2site\s2s_options_page'); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'sheet2site\maybe_add_assets_to_admin_page'); add_action('wp_ajax_accept_terms', 'sheet2site\process_post_from_admin_page'); add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'sheet2site\add_setting_link_to_plugin_in_list', 10, 5); add_action('deactivate_sheet2site/sheet2site.php', 'sheet2site\s2s_deactivate');