Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/embedpress/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/embedpress/assets/js/front.js |
/** * @package EmbedPress * @author EmbedPress <> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2023 EmbedPress. All rights reserved. * @license GPLv2 or later * @since 1.7.0 */ let epGlobals = {}; (function ($) { 'use strict'; // function equivalent to jquery ready() function ready(fn) { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { fn(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); } } ready(function () { let option = { forceObject: true, }; let selector = document.querySelectorAll('.embedpress-embed-document-pdf'); if (selector.length) { selector.forEach((function (value, index, thisArg) { let id = value.dataset['emid']; let src = value.dataset['emsrc']; PDFObject?.embed(src, "." + id, option); })); } if (typeof epGlobals.youtubeChannelGallery === 'function') { epGlobals.youtubeChannelGallery(); } }); /** * * Make embeds responsive so they don't overflow their container. */ /** * Add max-width & max-height to <iframe> elements, depending on their width & height props. * * * @return {void} */ function embedPressResponsiveEmbeds() { var proportion, parentWidth; // Loop iframe elements. document.querySelectorAll('iframe').forEach(function (iframe) { // Only continue if the iframe has a width & height defined. if (iframe.width && iframe.height) { // Calculate the proportion/ratio based on the width & height. proportion = parseFloat(iframe.width) / parseFloat(iframe.height); // Get the parent element's width. parentWidth = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(iframe.parentElement, null).width.replace('px', '')); // Set the max-width & height. = '100%'; = Math.round(parentWidth / proportion).toString() + 'px'; } }); } epGlobals.handlePosterImageLoad = function () { var posterImages = document.querySelectorAll(".plyr__poster"); posterImages.forEach(function (posterImage) { if (posterImage) { var videoWrappers = document.querySelectorAll("[data-playerid]"); videoWrappers.forEach(function (videoWrapper) { var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList, observer) { var posterImageStyle = window.getComputedStyle(posterImage); if (posterImageStyle.getPropertyValue('background-image') !== 'none') { setTimeout(function () { = "1"; }, 200); observer.disconnect(); } }); observer.observe(posterImage, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); }); } }); } // Run on initial load. embedPressResponsiveEmbeds(); // Run on resize. window.onresize = embedPressResponsiveEmbeds; function hasClass(ele, cls) { return !!ele.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)")); } function addClass(ele, cls) { if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += " " + cls; } function removeClass(ele, cls) { if (hasClass(ele, cls)) { var reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)"); ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, " "); } } if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || function (s) { var matches = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(s), i = matches.length; while (--i >= 0 && matches.item(i) !== this) { } return i > -1; }; } var delegate = function (el, evt, sel, handler) { el.addEventListener(evt, function (event) { var t =; while (t && t !== this) { if (t.matches(sel)) {, event); } t = t.parentNode; } }); }; function sendRequest(url, postData, callback) { var req = createXMLHTTPObject(); if (!req) return; var method = postData ? "POST" : "GET";, url, true); if (postData) { req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) { return; } callback(req); }; if (req.readyState == 4) return; req.send(postData); } var XMLHttpFactories = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }, ]; function createXMLHTTPObject() { var xmlhttp = false; for (var i = 0; i < XMLHttpFactories.length; i++) { try { xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i](); } catch (e) { continue; } break; } return xmlhttp; } epGlobals.youtubeChannelGallery = function () { var playerWraps = document.getElementsByClassName("ep-player-wrap"); if (playerWraps && playerWraps.length) { for (var i = 0, im = playerWraps.length; im > i; i++) { youtubeChannelEvents(playerWraps[i]) } } } function youtubeChannelEvents(playerWrap) { delegate(playerWrap, "click", ".item", function (event) { var embed = ""; var vid = this.getAttribute("data-vid"); var iframe = playerWrap.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (vid) { if (iframe) { var vidSrc = iframe[0].src.replace(/(.*\/embed\/)([^\?&"'>]+)(.+)?/, `\$1${vid}\$3`); if (vidSrc.indexOf('autoplay') > 0) { vidSrc = vidSrc.replace('autoplay=0', 'autoplay=1'); } else { vidSrc += '&autoplay=1'; } iframe[0].src = vidSrc; playerWrap.scrollIntoView(); } } }); var currentPage = 1; let nearestEpContentId = playerWrap.querySelector('.ep-youtube__content__block').getAttribute('data-unique-id'); let epContentBlock = playerWrap.querySelector('.ep-youtube__content__block'); let parentElement = epContentBlock.parentElement; // Get the value of data-channel-url attribute from a sibling let channelUrl = parentElement.querySelector('[data-channel-url]').getAttribute('data-channel-url'); delegate(playerWrap, "click", ".ep-next, .ep-prev", function (event) { const totalPages ='.ose-youtube').getAttribute('data-total-pages'); const closestClass ='.ose-youtube').classList; const activePage = document.querySelector(`.${closestClass[1]} .embedpress-page-active`); if (activePage) { document.querySelector(`.${closestClass[1]} .embedpress-page-active`).classList.remove('embedpress-page-active'); } var isNext = this.classList.contains("ep-next"); if (isNext) { currentPage++; } else { currentPage--; } var data = { action: "youtube_rest_api", playlistid: this.getAttribute("data-playlistid"), pagetoken: this.getAttribute("data-pagetoken"), pagesize: this.getAttribute("data-pagesize"), channelUrl: channelUrl, currentpage: currentPage }; var formBody = []; for (var property in data) { var encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(property); var encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(data[property]); formBody.push(encodedKey + "=" + encodedValue); } formBody = formBody.join("&"); var galleryWrapper = playerWrap.getElementsByClassName( "ep-youtube__content__block" ); playerWrap.setAttribute('data-current-page', currentPage); let x = 1; sendRequest("/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", formBody, function (request) { if (galleryWrapper && galleryWrapper[0] && request.responseText) { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); galleryWrapper[0].outerHTML = response.html; var currentPageNode = galleryWrapper[0].getElementsByClassName("current-page"); if (currentPageNode && currentPageNode[0]) { currentPageNode[0].textContent = currentPage; } } }); const intervalID = setInterval(() => { x++ if (playerWrap.querySelector('.ep-youtube__content__block')) { const newNearestEpContentId = playerWrap .querySelector('.ep-youtube__content__block') .getAttribute('data-unique-id'); if (newNearestEpContentId !== nearestEpContentId && playerWrap.querySelector(`[data-page="${currentPage}"]`)) { playerWrap.querySelector(`[data-page="${currentPage}"]`).classList.add('embedpress-page-active'); nearestEpContentId = newNearestEpContentId; clearInterval(intervalID); } } if (x > 100) { clearInterval(intervalID); } }, 100); }); } //Load more for OpenaSea collection const epLoadMore = () => { $('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').each(function () { let selctorEl = `[data-nftid='${$(this).data('nftid')}']`; let loadmorelabel = $(selctorEl).data('loadmorelabel'); let iconcolor = $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").data('iconcolor'); let spinicon = `<svg width="18" height="18" fill="${iconcolor || '#fff'}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><style>.spinner_GuJz{transform-origin:center;animation:spinner_STY6 1.5s linear infinite}@keyframes spinner_STY6{100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}</style><g class="spinner_GuJz"><circle cx="3" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="21" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="21" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="3" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="5.64" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="5.64" r="2"/></g></svg>`; $(selctorEl + ` .ep_nft_item`).slice(0, $(selctorEl).data('itemparpage')).show(); $('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper .ep-loadmore-wrapper button').css('display', 'flex'); $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").click(function (e) { //change the text of the button $(this).html(loadmorelabel + spinicon); //disable the button $(this).prop("disabled", true); //wait for 1 seconds setTimeout(function () { //change the text back $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").text(loadmorelabel); //enable the button $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").prop("disabled", false); $(selctorEl + " .ep_nft_item:hidden").slice(0, $(selctorEl).data('itemparpage')).fadeIn("slow"); if ($(selctorEl + " .ep_nft_item:hidden").length == 0) { $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").fadeOut("slow"); } }, 500); }); }); }; if ($('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').length > 0) { epLoadMore(); } // Content protection system function const unlockSubmitHander = (perentSel, that) => { var ep_client_id = jQuery(that).closest('form').find('input[name="ep_client_id"]').val(); var password = jQuery(`input[name="pass_${ep_client_id}"]`).val(); var post_id = jQuery(`input[name="post_id"]`).val(); const buttonText = jQuery(that).closest('.password-form-container').find('input[type="submit"]').val(); const unlokingText = jQuery(that).data('unlocking-text'); var data = { 'action': 'lock_content_form_handler', 'client_id': ep_client_id, 'password': password, 'post_id': post_id, }; jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="submit"]').val(unlokingText);, data, function (response) { if (response.success) { if (!response.embedHtml) { jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="submit"]').val(buttonText); jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="password"]').val(''); jQuery(that).closest('.password-form-container').find('.error-message').removeClass('hidden'); } else { jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ep-embed-content-wraper').html(response.embedHtml); if (jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ose-youtube').length > 0) { epGlobals.youtubeChannelGallery(); } if ($('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').length > 0) { epLoadMore(); } // Custom player initialization when content protection enabled document.querySelector('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ep-embed-content-wraper').classList.remove('plyr-initialized'); initPlayer(document.querySelector('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ep-embed-content-wraper')); if (eplocalize.is_pro_plugin_active) { const adIdEl = document.querySelector('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' [data-sponsored-id]'); adInitialization(adIdEl, adIdEl?.getAttribute('data-ad-index')); } } } else { jQuery('#password-error_' + ep_client_id).html(response.form); jQuery('#password-error_' + ep_client_id).show(); } }, 'json'); } // unlockSubmitHander called for gutentberg jQuery('.ep-gutenberg-content .password-form').submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission unlockSubmitHander('ep-gutenberg-content', this); }); window.addEventListener('load', function (e) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const hash = urlParams.get('hash'); // find the element with the matching id const element = document.getElementById(hash); if (element) { element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }); } }); // Get the insta-gallery container element const getPopupTemplate = (instPost, hashtag = '', accountType) => { let instaPostData = JSON.parse(instPost); let likeIcon = '<svg aria-label="Like" class="x1lliihq x1n2onr6" color="#262626" fill="#262626" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M16.792 3.904A4.989 4.989 0 0 1 21.5 9.122c0 3.072-2.652 4.959-5.197 7.222-2.512 2.243-3.865 3.469-4.303 3.752-.477-.309-2.143-1.823-4.303-3.752C5.141 14.072 2.5 12.167 2.5 9.122a4.989 4.989 0 0 1 4.708-5.218 4.21 4.21 0 0 1 3.675 1.941c.84 1.175.98 1.763 1.12 1.763s.278-.588 1.11-1.766a4.17 4.17 0 0 1 3.679-1.938m0-2a6.04 6.04 0 0 0-4.797 2.127 6.052 6.052 0 0 0-4.787-2.127A6.985 6.985 0 0 0 .5 9.122c0 3.61 2.55 5.827 5.015 44.998 0 0 0 3.518 3.018 2 2 0 0 0 2.174 0 45.263 45.263 0 0 0 3.626-3.115l.922-.824c.293-.26.59-.519.885-.774 2.334-2.025 4.98-4.32 4.98-7.94a6.985 6.985 0 0 0-6.708-7.218Z"/></svg>'; if (instaPostData.like_count > 0) { likeIcon = '<svg aria-label="Unlike" class="x1lliihq x1n2onr6" color="#FF3040" fill="#FF3040" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="24"><path d="M34.6 3.1c-4.5 0-7.9 1.8-10.6 5.6-2.7-3.7-6.1-5.5-10.6-5.5C6 3.1 0 9.6 0 17.6c0 7.3 5.4 12 10.6 1.3 1.1 1.9 1.7l2.3 2c4.4 3.9 6.6 5.9 7.6 1.1.5 1.6.5s1.1-.2 1.6-.5c1-.6 2.8-2.2 7.8-6.8l2-1.8c.7-.6 1.3-1.2 2-1.7C42.7 29.6 48 25 48 17.6c0-8-6-14.5-13.4-14.5z"/></svg>'; } const commentsIcon = '<svg aria-label="Comment" class="x1lliihq x1n2onr6" color="#000" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M20.656 17.008a9.993 9.993 0 1 0-3.59 3.615L22 22Z" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/></svg>'; const shareIcon = '<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 0.6 0.6" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns=""><path stroke-width="1" d="m.543.282-.2-.2A.025.025 0 0 0 .3.1v.089a.275.275 0 0 0-.25.274V.5a.025.025 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 .197-.101L.3.413V.5a.025.025 0 0 0 .043.018l.2-.2a.025.025 0 0 0 0-.035M.35.44V.388A.025.025 0 0 0 .325.363L.286.365a.35.35 0 0 0-. 0 0 1 .224-.201A.025.025 0 0 0 .35.213V.16L.49.3Z"/></svg>'; const instaIcon = '<svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 0.338 0.338" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M.248.079H.27M.102.012h.135a.09.09 0 0 1 .09.09v.135a.09.09 0 0 1-.09.09H.102a.09.09 0 0 1-.09-.09V.102a.09.09 0 0 1 .09-.09ZM.17.237a.068.068 0 1 1 0-.135.068.068 0 0 1 0 .135Z" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".032"/></svg>'; const instaUserInfo = instPost.user_info; let getDate = new Date(instaPostData.timestamp); getDate = getDate.toLocaleString('en-US', { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }); let getTime = new Date(instaPostData.timestamp); getTime = getTime.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour12: false, hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' }); let captionText = instaPostData.caption ? instaPostData.caption : ''; const tagRegex = /(#\w+)/g; const wrapTag = (match) => { const tag = match.substring(1); // Remove the '#' character const tagUrl = `${tag}`; return `<span class="tag-wrapper"><a target="_blank" href="${tagUrl}">${match}</a></span>`; }; captionText = captionText.replace(tagRegex, wrapTag); let carouselTemplate = ''; if (instaPostData.media_type === 'CAROUSEL_ALBUM') { carouselTemplate += `<div class="popup-carousel"><div class="cg-carousel__track js-carousel__track">`; => { if (item.media_type?.toLowerCase() === 'video') { carouselTemplate += `<video width="630" class="popup-media-image cg-carousel__slide js-carousel__slide" controls src="${item.media_url || ''}" alt="${item.caption || ''}" controlsList="nodownload"></video>`; } else { carouselTemplate += `<img width="630" class="popup-media-image cg-carousel__slide js-carousel__slide" src="${item.media_url || ''}" alt="${item.caption || ''}" />`; } }); carouselTemplate += `</div></div>`; carouselTemplate += `<div class="cg-carousel__btns"> <button class="cg-carousel__btn js-carousel__prev-1"><svg width="20" height="30" viewBox="-5 0 23 23" xmlns=""><path d="M11.24.29.361 10.742l-.06.054a.97.97 0 0 0-.301.642v.124a.97.97 0 0 0 .3.642l.054.044L11.239 22.71a1.061 1.061 0 0 0 1.459 0 .964.964 0 0 0 0-1.402l-10.15-9.746 10.15-9.87a.964.964 0 0 0 0-1.402 1.061 1.061 0 0 0-1.459 0Z" fill="#fff"/></svg></button> <button class="cg-carousel__btn js-carousel__next-1"><svg width="20" height="30" viewBox="-5 0 23 23" xmlns=""><path d="m1.76.29 10.879 10.452.06.054a.97.97 0 0 1 .301.642v.124a.97.97 0 0 1-.3.642l-.054.044L1.761 22.71a1.061 1.061 0 0 1-1.459 0 .964.964 0 0 1 0-1.402l10.15-9.746-10.15-9.87a.964.964 0 0 1 0-1.402 1.061 1.061 0 0 1 1.459 0Z" fill="#fff"/></svg></button> </div>` } else { if (instaPostData.media_type?.toLowerCase() === 'video') { carouselTemplate += `<video width="630" class="popup-media-image" controls src="${instaPostData.media_url || ''}" alt="${instaPostData.caption || ''}"></video>`; } else { carouselTemplate += `<img width="630" class="popup-media-image" src="${instaPostData.media_url || ''}" alt="${instaPostData.caption || ''}" />`; } } let srcUrl = `${instaPostData.username}/`; if (hashtag) { instaPostData.username = '#' + hashtag; srcUrl = `${hashtag}/`; } let likeComments = ''; if (eplocalize.is_pro_plugin_active && accountType === 'business') { if (instaPostData.show_likes_count == 'true') { likeComments += ` <div class="embedpress-inline popup-like-button"><a target="_blank" href="${instaPostData.permalink}">${likeIcon} ${instaPostData.like_count || 0}</a></div> `; } if (instaPostData.show_comments_count == 'true') { likeComments += ` <div class="embedpress-inline"><a target="_blank" href="${instaPostData.permalink}">${commentsIcon} ${instaPostData.comments_count || 0}</a></div> `; } } let followBtn = ''; if (instaPostData.popup_follow_button_text == 'false') { instaPostData.popup_follow_button_text = ''; } if (instaPostData.popup_follow_button == 'true' || instaPostData.popup_follow_button == 'yes') { followBtn = `<div class="insta-followbtn"> <a target="_new" href="${srcUrl}" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">${instaPostData.popup_follow_button_text}</a> </div>`; } let popupHtml = ''; popupHtml += ` <div class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-md-9 white"> <div class="embedpress-popup-block embedpress-popup-img" id="post-${}"> ${carouselTemplate} </div> </div> <div class="popup-md-3 red"> <div class="embedpress-popup-block embedpress-popup-info"> <div class="embedpress-popup-header"> <div class="embedpress-popup-header-img"> <a target="_blank" href="${srcUrl}" target="_blank" class="embedpress-href"> <img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="embedpress-popup-round" src="${instaPostData.profile_picture_url}" width="30" height="30"> <span class="embedpress-popup-username">${instaPostData.username}</span> </a> </div> ${followBtn} </div> <div class="embedpress-popup-text">${captionText}</div> <div class="embedpress-popup-stats"> ${likeComments} <div class="embedpress-inline"> <div class="embedpress-popup-share-buttons"> <a href="${instaPostData.permalink}" target="_blank"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-facebook"></span></a> <a href="${instaPostData.permalink}" target="_blank"><span> <svg viewBox="0 0 18 18" aria-hidden="true" class="r-4qtqp9 r-yyyyoo r-dnmrzs r-bnwqim r-1plcrui r-lrvibr r-lrsllp r-18jsvk2 r-16y2uox r-8kz0gk" width="18" height="18"><path d="M13.683 1.688h2.481l-5.42 6.195 6.377 8.43h-4.993L8.217 11.2l-4.474 5.113H1.26l5.798-6.626L.941 1.688H6.06l3.535 4.673zm-.871 13.14h1.375L5.313 3.095H3.838z"/></svg> </span></a> <a href="${instaPostData.permalink}" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-linkedin"></span></a> <a href="${instaPostData.permalink}" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-pinterest"></span></a></div> <div class="embedpress-href embedpress-popup-share">${shareIcon}</div> </div><div class="embedpress-inline embedpress-popup-instagram-buttons"><a href="${instaPostData.permalink}" target="_blank" class="embedpress-href">${instaIcon}</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; // INIT CAROUSEL return popupHtml; } // Add a click event listener to the insta-gallery container epGlobals.instaPopup = (container) => { container?.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // Check if the clicked element has the class insta-gallery-item const instaItem ='.insta-gallery-item'); if (instaItem) { const postData = instaItem.dataset.postdata; const postid = instaItem.getAttribute('data-insta-postid'); const accountType = container?.closest('.instagram-container')?.getAttribute('data-connected-acc-type'); let hashtag = ''; if (instaItem.closest('.instagram-container').getAttribute('data-hashtag')) { hashtag = instaItem?.closest('.instagram-container')?.getAttribute('data-hashtag'); } const closestPopup ='.ose-instagram-feed')?.querySelector('.insta-popup'); if (closestPopup) { = 'block'; } var feedElement ='.ose-instagram-feed'); if (feedElement) { var popupElement = feedElement.querySelector('.popup-is-initialized'); if (popupElement) { popupElement.innerHTML = getPopupTemplate(postData, hashtag, accountType); } } if (!document.querySelector(`#post-${postid}`)?.classList.contains('carousel-is-initialized')) { const carousel = new CgCarousel(`#post-${postid}`, { slidesPerView: 1, loop: true }, {}); const next = document.querySelector(`#post-${postid} .js-carousel__next-1`); next?.addEventListener('click', () =>; const prev = document.querySelector(`#post-${postid} .js-carousel__prev-1`); prev?.addEventListener('click', () => carousel.prev()); document.querySelector(`#post-${postid}`)?.classList.add('carousel-is-initialized'); } } }); } const instaContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .insta-gallery'); if (instaContainers.length > 0) { instaContainers.forEach((container) => { epGlobals.instaPopup(container); }); } $('.popup-close').click(function (e) { // Hide the popup by setting display to none $('.insta-popup').hide(); $('.popup-container').remove(); }); $(document).on('click', function (e) { if ('popup-wrapper')) { $('.insta-popup').hide(); $('.popup-container').remove(); } }); const instafeeds = document.querySelectorAll('.ose-instagram-feed'); epGlobals.initializeTabs = (containerEl) => { // Initial tab selection showItems('ALL'); containerEl.addEventListener('click', function (event) { const clickedElement =; if (!clickedElement) { return; // No element clicked, ignore the event } if (containerEl.querySelector('.load-more-button-container') && (clickedElement.getAttribute('data-media-type') === 'VIDEO' || clickedElement.getAttribute('data-media-type') === 'CAROUSEL_ALBUM')) { containerEl.querySelector('.load-more-button-container').style.display = 'none'; } else if (containerEl.querySelector('.load-more-button-container') && (clickedElement.getAttribute('data-media-type') === 'ALL')) { containerEl.querySelector('.load-more-button-container').style.display = 'flex'; } // Handle tab click if (clickedElement.matches('.tabs li')) { if (clickedElement.classList.contains('active')) { return; } else { const mediaType = clickedElement.getAttribute('data-media-type'); showItems(mediaType); const tabs = containerEl.querySelectorAll('.tabs li'); tabs.forEach(t => t.classList.remove('active')); clickedElement.classList.add('active'); } } }); function showItems(mediaType) { const items = containerEl.getElementsByClassName('insta-gallery-item'); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; if (mediaType === 'ALL' || item.getAttribute('data-media-type') === mediaType) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } } } } epGlobals.instaLoadMore = () => { // Unbind any previously bound click event to avoid multiple bindings $('.insta-load-more-button').off('click').on('click', function (e) { const that = $(this); const loadmoreBtn = that.closest('.load-more-button-container'); const loadmoreKey ='loadmorekey'); const connectedAccount = that.closest('.instagram-container').data('connected-acc-type'); const feedType = that.closest('.instagram-container').data('feed-type'); const hashtagId = that.closest('.instagram-container').data('hashtag-id'); const userId = that.closest('.instagram-container').data('uid'); let loadedPosts ='loaded-posts') || 0; let postsPerPage ='posts-per-page') || 0; const params = JSON.stringify(that.closest('.instagram-container').data('params')); const instaContainer = that.closest('.instagram-container'); const spinicon = `<svg class="insta-loadmore-spinicon" width="18" height="18" fill="${'#fff'}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><style>.spinner_GuJz{transform-origin:center;animation:spinner_STY6 1.5s linear infinite}@keyframes spinner_STY6{100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}</style><g class="spinner_GuJz"><circle cx="3" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="21" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="21" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="3" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="5.64" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="5.64" r="2"/></g></svg>`; // Check if no spinicon exists if (instaContainer.find('.insta-loadmore-spinicon').length === 0) { that.append(spinicon); } that.attr('disabled', true); var data = { 'action': 'loadmore_data_handler', 'user_id': userId, 'loaded_posts': loadedPosts, 'posts_per_page': postsPerPage, 'feed_type': feedType, 'connected_account_type': connectedAccount, 'loadmore_key': loadmoreKey, 'params': params, '_nonce': eplocalize.nonce }; if (feedType === 'hashtag_type') { data.hashtag_id = hashtagId; }, data, function (response) { if (response.total_feed_posts >= response.next_post_index) { var $responseHtml = $(response.html); instaContainer.find('.insta-gallery').append($responseHtml); that.removeAttr('disabled'); instaContainer.find('.insta-loadmore-spinicon').remove(); loadedPosts = response.next_post_index;'loaded-posts', loadedPosts); // After loading more items, reinitialize the tabs for the specific container const containerEl = loadmoreBtn.closest('.ose-instagram-feed')[0]; epGlobals.initializeTabs(containerEl); if (response.total_feed_posts === response.next_post_index) { loadmoreBtn.remove(); } } else { loadmoreBtn.remove(); } }); }); } if (instafeeds.length > 0) { instafeeds.forEach(function (feed) { epGlobals.initializeTabs(feed); }); } if ($('.embedpress-gutenberg-wrapper .ose-instagram-feed').length > 0) { epGlobals.instaLoadMore(); } $(document).on({ mouseenter: function () { $('.embedpress-popup-share-buttons').addClass('show'); }, mouseleave: function () { var buttons = $('.embedpress-popup-share-buttons'); setTimeout(function () { if (!':hover')) buttons.removeClass('show'); }, 200); } }, '.embedpress-href.embedpress-popup-share, .embedpress-popup-share-buttons'); $(document).on({ mouseenter: function () { $(this).addClass('show'); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).removeClass('show'); } }, '.embedpress-popup-share-buttons'); })(jQuery); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { epGlobals.initCarousel = (carouselSelector, options, carouselId) => { const carouselOptions = { slidesPerView: options.slideshow, spacing: options.spacing, loop: options.loop, autoplay: options.autoplay, transitionSpeed: options.transitionspeed, autoplaySpeed: options.autoplayspeed, arrows: options.arrows, breakpoints: { 768: { slidesPerView: parseInt(options.slideshow) - 1 }, 1024: { slidesPerView: parseInt(options.slideshow) } } }; // INIT CAROUSEL const carousel = new CgCarousel(carouselSelector, carouselOptions, {}); // Navigation const next = document.querySelector(`[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] #js-carousel__next-1`); next?.addEventListener('click', () =>; const prev = document.querySelector(`[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] #js-carousel__prev-1`); prev?.addEventListener('click', () => carousel.prev()); } const instaWrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.ep-embed-content-wraper'); if (instaWrappers.length > 0) { instaWrappers.forEach((wrapper) => { const carouselId = wrapper.getAttribute('data-carouselid'); if (!carouselId) return; let options = wrapper.getAttribute(`data-carousel-options`); options = JSON.parse(options); const carouselSelector = `[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] .embedpress-insta-container`; if (options.arrows) { document.querySelector(`[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] .cg-carousel__btns`).classList.remove('hidden'); } epGlobals.initCarousel(carouselSelector, options, carouselId); }); } // Youtube Channel Carousel const youtubeCarouselWraper = document.querySelectorAll('[data-youtube-channel-carousel]'); if (youtubeCarouselWraper.length > 0) { youtubeCarouselWraper.forEach((wrapper) => { const carouselId = wrapper.getAttribute('data-youtube-channel-carousel'); if (!carouselId) return; // let options = wrapper.getAttribute(`data-carousel-options`); // options = JSON.parse(options); const carouselSelector = `[data-youtube-channel-carousel="${carouselId}"] .youtube__content__body`; // if (options.arrows) { // document.querySelector(`[data-youtube-channel-carousel="${carouselId}"] .cg-carousel__btns`).classList.remove('hidden'); // } const options = { slidesPerView: 2, autoplay: true, loop: true, breakpoints: { 768: { slidesPerView: 2 }, 1024: { slidesPerView: 4 } } } // epGlobals.initCarousel(carouselSelector, options, {}); }); } }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const carousel = document.querySelector('.youtube-carousel'); if(!carousel) { return; } const items = document.querySelectorAll('.item'); const prevButton = document.querySelector('.preview'); const nextButton = document.querySelector('.next'); let itemsToShow = getItemsToShow(); // Determine items to show based on screen width const totalItems = items.length; let currentIndex = 0; function updateCarousel() { const offset = -currentIndex * (100 / itemsToShow); = `translateX(${offset}%)`; } function nextSlide() { const remainingItems = totalItems - (currentIndex + itemsToShow); if (remainingItems >= itemsToShow) { currentIndex += itemsToShow; } else if (remainingItems > 0) { currentIndex += remainingItems; } else { currentIndex = 0; } updateCarousel(); } function prevSlide() { if (currentIndex > 0) { currentIndex -= itemsToShow; if (currentIndex < 0) { currentIndex = 0; } } else { currentIndex = totalItems - itemsToShow; } updateCarousel(); } nextButton?.addEventListener('click', nextSlide); prevButton?.addEventListener('click', prevSlide); // Optional: Autoplay let autoplay = false; const autoplayInterval = 3000; // Change the time as needed let autoplayId; function startAutoplay() { autoplayId = setInterval(nextSlide, autoplayInterval); } function stopAutoplay() { clearInterval(autoplayId); } if (autoplay) { startAutoplay(); // Stop autoplay on mouseover, resume on mouseout carousel.addEventListener('mouseover', stopAutoplay); carousel.addEventListener('mouseout', startAutoplay); } // Handle responsive behavior window.addEventListener('resize', () => { itemsToShow = getItemsToShow(); updateCarousel(); }); function getItemsToShow() { const width = window.innerWidth; if (width >= 1024) { return 3; } else if (width >= 768) { return 2; } else { return 1; } } }); jQuery(window).on("elementor/frontend/init", function () { var filterableGalleryHandler = function ($scope, $) { // Get the Elementor unique selector for this widget let classes = $scope[0].className; let selectorEl = '.' + classes.split(' ').join('.'); const epElLoadMore = () => { const spinicon = '<svg width="18" height="18" fill="#fff" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><style>.spinner_GuJz{transform-origin:center;animation:spinner_STY6 1.5s linear infinite}@keyframes spinner_STY6{100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}</style><g class="spinner_GuJz"><circle cx="3" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="21" cy="12" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="21" r="2"/><circle cx="12" cy="3" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="5.64" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="5.64" cy="18.36" r="2"/><circle cx="18.36" cy="5.64" r="2"/></g></svg>'; $('.elementor-widget-container .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').each(function () { let selctorEl = `.elementor-widget-container [data-nftid='${$(this).data('nftid')}']`; let loadmorelabel = $(selctorEl).data('loadmorelabel'); $(selctorEl + ` .ep_nft_item`).slice(0, $(selctorEl).data('itemparpage')).show(); $('.elementor-widget-container .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper .ep-loadmore-wrapper button').css('display', 'flex'); $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").click(function (e) { //change the text of the button $(this).html(loadmorelabel + spinicon); //disable the button $(this).prop("disabled", true); //wait for 1 seconds setTimeout(function () { //change the text back $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").text(loadmorelabel); //enable the button $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").prop("disabled", false); $(selctorEl + " .ep_nft_item:hidden").slice(0, $(selctorEl).data('itemparpage')).fadeIn("slow"); if ($(selctorEl + " .ep_nft_item:hidden").length == 0) { $(selctorEl + " .nft-loadmore").fadeOut("slow"); } }, 500); }); }); }; if ($('.elementor-widget-container .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').length > 0) { epElLoadMore(); } // Content protection system function const unlockElSubmitHander = (perentSel, that) => { var ep_client_id = jQuery(that).closest('form').find('input[name="ep_client_id"]').val(); var password = jQuery(`input[name="pass_${ep_client_id}"]`).val(); var post_id = jQuery(`input[name="post_id"]`).val(); const buttonText = jQuery(that).closest('.password-form-container').find('input[type="submit"]').val(); const unlokingText = jQuery(that).data('unlocking-text'); var data = { 'action': 'lock_content_form_handler', 'client_id': ep_client_id, 'password': password, 'post_id': post_id, }; jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="submit"]').val(unlokingText);, data, function (response) { if (response.success) { if (!response.embedHtml) { jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="submit"]').val(buttonText); jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .password-form input[type="password"]').val(''); jQuery(that).closest('.password-form-container').find('.error-message').removeClass('hidden'); } else { if ($('.ep-content-locked').has('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id).length) { $('.ep-content-locked').removeClass('ep-content-locked'); } jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ep-embed-content-wraper').html(response.embedHtml); $('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id).removeClass('ep-content-protection-enabled'); if (jQuery('#' + perentSel + '-' + ep_client_id + ' .ose-youtube').length > 0) { epGlobals.youtubeChannelGallery(); } if ($('.elementor-widget-container .ep-nft-gallery-wrapper').length > 0) { epElLoadMore(); } } } else { jQuery('#password-error_' + ep_client_id).html(response.form); jQuery('#password-error_' + ep_client_id).show(); } }, 'json'); } // unlockElSubmitHander called for Elementor jQuery('.ep-elementor-content .password-form').submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission unlockElSubmitHander('ep-elementor-content', this); }); const instaWrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.ep-embed-content-wraper'); if (instaWrappers.length > 0) { instaWrappers.forEach((wrapper) => { const carouselId = wrapper.getAttribute('data-carouselid'); if (!carouselId) return; let options = wrapper.getAttribute(`data-carousel-options`); options = JSON.parse(options); const carouselSelector = `[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] .embedpress-insta-container`; if (options.arrows) { document.querySelector(`[data-carouselid="${carouselId}"] .cg-carousel__btns`).classList.remove('hidden'); } epGlobals.initCarousel(carouselSelector, options, carouselId); }); } const instaFeed = document.querySelector(`${selectorEl} .ose-instagram-feed`); const instaGallery = document.querySelector(`${selectorEl} .insta-gallery`); if (instaFeed) { epGlobals.initializeTabs(instaFeed); } if (instaGallery) { epGlobals.instaPopup(instaGallery); $('.popup-close').click(function (e) { // Hide the popup by setting display to none $('.insta-popup').hide(); $('.popup-container').remove(); }); } if ($('.elementor-widget-container .ose-instagram-feed').length > 0) { epGlobals.instaLoadMore(); } }; const adsHandler = function ($scope, $) { window.epAdIndex = typeof (window.epAdIndex) === 'undefined' ? 0 : window.epAdIndex + 1; let classes = $scope[0].className; let classJoint = '.' + classes.split(' ').join('.'); const selectorEl = document.querySelector(classJoint + ' [data-sponsored-id]'); if (jQuery('body').hasClass('elementor-editor-active') && eplocalize.is_pro_plugin_active) { adInitialization(selectorEl, window.epAdIndex); } } elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/embedpres_elementor.default", filterableGalleryHandler); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/embedpress_pdf.default", filterableGalleryHandler); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/embedpres_document.default", filterableGalleryHandler); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/embedpres_elementor.default", adsHandler); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/embedpres_elementor.default", epGlobals.handlePosterImageLoad); 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// const videoDescription = document.getElementById('videoDescription'); // const closeBtn = document.querySelector('.close'); // const nextBtn = document.getElementById('nextVideo'); // const prevBtn = document.getElementById('prevVideo'); // let currentIndex = -1; // function openVideoPopup(index) { // const items = document.querySelectorAll('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); // if (index >= 0 && index < items.length) { // currentIndex = index; // const videoId = items[currentIndex].getAttribute('data-vid'); // const description = items[currentIndex].querySelector('.video-description').innerHTML; // if (videoId) { // videoIframe.src = `${videoId}?autoplay=1`; // videoDescription.innerHTML = description; // = 'block'; // // Update navigation buttons visibility // updateNavigationButtons(); // } // } // } // function closeVideoPopup() { // = 'none'; // videoIframe.src = ''; // videoDescription.innerHTML = ''; // } // function updateNavigationButtons() { // const items = document.querySelectorAll('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); // if (currentIndex <= 0) { // = 'none'; // } else { // = 'block'; // } // if (currentIndex >= items.length - 1) { // = 'none'; // } else { // = 'block'; // } // } // document.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // const items = document.querySelectorAll('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); // const item ='.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); // if (item) { // const index =, item); // openVideoPopup(index); // } // }); // closeBtn.addEventListener('click', closeVideoPopup); // window.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // if ( === videoPopup) { // closeVideoPopup(); // } // }); // nextBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { // const items = document.querySelectorAll('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); // if (currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex < items.length - 1) { // openVideoPopup(currentIndex + 1); // } // }); // prevBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { // if (currentIndex > 0) { // openVideoPopup(currentIndex - 1); // } // }); // }); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { let currentIndex = -1; function createVideoPopup() { const videoPopupHtml = ` <div id="videoPopup" class="video-popup"> <div class="video-popup-content"> <span class="close">×</span> <div class="video-popup-inner-content"> <iframe id="videoIframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"></iframe> <div id="videoDescription"></div> </div> <div class="popup-controls"> <span id="prevVideo" class="nav-icon prev-icon">❮</span> <span id="nextVideo" class="nav-icon next-icon">❯</span> </div> </div> </div>`; return $(videoPopupHtml).appendTo('body'); } function openVideoPopup(index) { const items = $('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); if (index >= 0 && index < items.length) { // Remove any existing video popup before creating a new one $('#videoPopup').remove(); currentIndex = index; const videoId = $(items[currentIndex]).data('vid'); const videoPopup = createVideoPopup(); const videoIframe = videoPopup.find('#videoIframe'); const videoDescriptionContainer = videoPopup.find('#videoDescription'); const closeBtn = videoPopup.find('.close'); const nextBtn = videoPopup.find('#nextVideo'); const prevBtn = videoPopup.find('#prevVideo'); if (videoId) { fetchVideoData(videoId, videoIframe, videoDescriptionContainer);; updateNavigationButtons(nextBtn, prevBtn, items); closeBtn.on('click', () => { closeVideoPopup(videoPopup); }); $(window).on('click', function (event) { if ($( { closeVideoPopup(videoPopup); } }); nextBtn.on('click', function () { if (currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex < items.length - 1) { openVideoPopup(currentIndex + 1); } }); prevBtn.on('click', function () { if (currentIndex > 0) { openVideoPopup(currentIndex - 1); } }); } } } function closeVideoPopup(videoPopup) { videoPopup.remove(); currentIndex = -1; // Reset the index } function updateNavigationButtons(nextBtn, prevBtn, items) { prevBtn.toggle(currentIndex > 0); nextBtn.toggle(currentIndex < items.length - 1); } function fetchVideoData(videoId, videoIframe, videoDescriptionContainer) { const data = { action: 'fetch_video_description', vid: videoId }; $.post(eplocalize.ajaxurl, data, function (response) { if (response.success) { videoIframe.attr('src', `${videoId}?autoplay=1`); videoDescriptionContainer.html(; } else { console.error('Error fetching video data:', response?.data?.error); } }); } $(document).on('click', '.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item', function () { const items = $('.layout-grid .item, .layout-list .item, .layout-carousel .item'); const index = items.index(this); openVideoPopup(index); }); }); // pause audio/video jQuery(document).ready(function () { const players = jQuery('.enabled-auto-pause audio, .enabled-auto-pause video'); function pauseAllExcept(currentPlayer) { players.each(function () { if (this !== currentPlayer[0]) { this.pause(); } }); } players.on('play', function () { pauseAllExcept(jQuery(this)); }); });