Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/embedpress/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/embedpress/assets/js/ads.js |
const isPyr = document.querySelector('[data-playerid]')?.getAttribute('data-playerid'); if (!isPyr) { var scriptUrl = 'https:\/\/\/s\/player\/9d15588c\/www-widgetapi.vflset\/www-widgetapi.js'; try { var ttPolicy = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy("youtube-widget-api", { createScriptURL: function (x) { return x } }); scriptUrl = ttPolicy.createScriptURL(scriptUrl) } catch (e) { } var YT; if (!window["YT"]) YT = { loading: 0, loaded: 0 }; var YTConfig; if (!window["YTConfig"]) YTConfig = { "host": "" }; if (!YT.loading) { YT.loading = 1; (function () { var l = []; YT.ready = function (f) { if (YT.loaded) f(); else l.push(f) }; window.onYTReady = function () { YT.loaded = 1; var i = 0; for (; i < l.length; i++)try { l[i]() } catch (e) { } }; YT.setConfig = function (c) { var k; for (k in c) if (c.hasOwnProperty(k)) YTConfig[k] = c[k] }; var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; = "www-widgetapi-script"; a.src = scriptUrl; a.async = true; var c = document.currentScript; 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console.log({adAtts}); const blockId = adAtts.clientId; const blockIdMD5 = adContainer.getAttribute('data-sponsored-id'); const adStartAfter = adAtts.adStart * 1000; const adContent = adAtts.adContent; const adVideo = adContainer.querySelector('.ep-ad'); const adSource = adAtts.adSource; const adVideos = []; const srcUrl = adAtts.url || adAtts.embedpress_embeded_link; const adSkipButtonAfter = parseInt(adAtts.adSkipButtonAfter); addWrapperForYoutube(adContainer, srcUrl, adAtts); // let adVideo = adContainer.querySelector('#ad-' + blockId + ' .ep-ad'); adVideos.push(adVideo); const adTemplate = adContainer.querySelector('.main-ad-template'); const progressBar = adContainer.querySelector('.progress-bar'); const skipButton = adContainer.querySelector('.skip-ad-button'); const adRunningTime = adContainer.querySelector('.sponsored-running-time'); var playerId; const adMask = adContainer; let playbackInitiated = false; if (skipButton && adSource !== 'video') { = 'inline-block'; } const hashClass = hashParentClass(adContainer, 'ep-content-protection-enabled'); if (hashClass) { adContainer.classList.remove('sponsored-mask'); } adMask?.addEventListener('click', function () { if (adContainer.classList.contains('sponsored-mask')) { playerId = adContainer.querySelector('[data-playerid]')?.getAttribute('data-playerid'); if (typeof playerInit !== 'undefined' && playerInit.length > 0) { playerInit[playerId]?.play(); } if (getYTVideoId(srcUrl)) { player[index]?.playVideo(); } if (!playbackInitiated) { setTimeout(() => { if (adSource !== 'image') { adContainer.querySelector('.ep-embed-content-wraper').classList.add('hidden'); } adTemplate?.classList.add('sponsored-running'); if (adVideo && adSource === 'video') { adVideo.muted = false;; } }, adStartAfter); playbackInitiated = true; } adContainer.classList.remove('sponsored-mask'); } }); adVideo?.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { const currentTime = adVideo?.currentTime; const videoDuration = adVideo?.duration; if (currentTime <= videoDuration) { const remainingTime = Math.max(0, videoDuration - currentTime); // Ensure it's not negative adRunningTime.innerText = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60) + ':' + (Math.floor(remainingTime) % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0'); } if (!isNaN(currentTime) && !isNaN(videoDuration)) { const progress = (currentTime / videoDuration) * 100; = progress + '%'; if (currentTime >= adSkipButtonAfter) { // Show the skip button after 3 seconds = 'inline-block'; } } }); // Add a click event listener to the skip button skipButton?.addEventListener('click', () => { adTemplate.remove(); if (typeof playerInit !== 'undefined' && playerInit.length > 0) { playerInit[playerId]?.play(); } if (getYTVideoId(srcUrl)) { player[index]?.playVideo(); } adContainer.querySelector('.ep-embed-content-wraper').classList.remove('hidden'); }); // Add an event listener to check for video end adVideo?.addEventListener('play', () => { if (playerInit && playerInit?.length > 0) { playerInit[playerId]?.stop(); } }); // Add an event listener to check for video end adVideo?.addEventListener('ended', () => { // Remove the main ad template from the DOM when the video ends adTemplate.remove(); adContainer.querySelector('.ep-embed-content-wraper').classList.remove('hidden'); }); playerIndex++; } const isYoutubeChannel = (srcUrl) => { const youtubeChannelRegex = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?youtube\.com\/(channel|user)\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/?$/; return youtubeChannelRegex.test(srcUrl); }; const addWrapperForYoutube = (adContainer, srcUrl, adAtts) => { const youtubeIframe = adContainer.querySelector(`.ose-youtube iframe`); if (youtubeIframe && getYTVideoId(srcUrl)) { const divWrapper = document.createElement('div'); divWrapper.className = 'ad-youtube-video'; youtubeIframe.setAttribute('width', adAtts.width); youtubeIframe.setAttribute('height', adAtts.height); youtubeIframe.parentNode.replaceChild(divWrapper, youtubeIframe); divWrapper.appendChild(youtubeIframe); } } function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(iframe, srcUrl, adVideo, index) { // Find the iframe by its src attribute if (iframe && getYTVideoId(srcUrl) !== null) { player[index] = new YT.Player(iframe, { videoId: getYTVideoId(srcUrl), events: { 'onReady': (event) => onPlayerReady(event, adVideo), } }); } } // This function is called when the player is ready function onPlayerReady(event, adVideo) { adVideo?.addEventListener('ended', function () {; }); adVideo?.addEventListener('play', function () {; }); } if (adsConainers.length > 0 && eplocalize.is_pro_plugin_active) { window.onload = function () { let yVideos = setInterval(() => { var youtubeVideos = document.querySelectorAll('.ose-youtube'); if (youtubeVideos.length > 0) { clearInterval(yVideos); youtubeVideos.forEach((yVideo, index) => { const srcUrl = yVideo.querySelector('iframe')?.getAttribute('src'); const adVideo = yVideo.closest('.sponsored-mask')?.querySelector('.ep-ad'); const isYTChannel = yVideo.closest('.sponsored-mask')?.querySelector('.ep-youtube-channel'); if (adVideo && !isYTChannel) { console.log(isYTChannel); onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(yVideo, srcUrl, adVideo, index); } }); } }, 100); }; console.log('ads settings'); let ytIndex = 0; adsConainers.forEach((adContainer, epAdIndex) => { adContainer.setAttribute('data-ad-index', epAdIndex); adInitialization(adContainer, ytIndex); if (getYTVideoId(adContainer.querySelector('iframe')?.getAttribute('src'))) { ytIndex++; } }); } else{ jQuery('.sponsored-mask').removeClass('sponsored-mask'); }