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background-position: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat } .flag { background-size: contain; background-position: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 1.33333em; line-height: 1em } .flag:before { content: "\00a0" } .flag-1x { width: 1.33333em; line-height: 1em } .flag-2x { width: 2.66667em; line-height: 2em } .flag-3x { width: 4em; line-height: 3em } .flag-4x { width: 5.33333em; line-height: 4em } .flag-5x { width: 6.66667em; line-height: 5em } .flag-6x { width: 8em; line-height: 6em } .flag-7x { width: 9.33333em; line-height: 7em } .flag-8x { width: 10.66667em; line-height: 8em } .flag-9x { width: 12em; line-height: 9em } .flag-10x { width: 13.33333em; line-height: 10em } .flag-rotate-90 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg) } .flag-rotate-180 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); 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background-image: url(../flags/fsm.svg) } .flag-gab, .flag-ga, .flag-266, .flag-ioc-gab, .flag-fifa-gab { background-image: url(../flags/png/gab.html); background-image: url(../flags/gab.svg) } .flag-gbr, .flag-gb, .flag-826, .flag-ioc-gbr { background-image: url(../flags/png/gbr.html); background-image: url(../flags/gbr.svg) } .flag-geo, .flag-ge, .flag-268, .flag-ioc-geo, .flag-fifa-geo { background-image: url(../flags/png/geo.html); background-image: url(../flags/geo.svg) } .flag-ggy, .flag-gg, .flag-831, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbg { background-image: url(../flags/png/ggy.html); background-image: url(../flags/ggy.svg) } .flag-gha, .flag-gh, .flag-288, .flag-ioc-gha, .flag-fifa-gha { background-image: url(../flags/png/gha.html); background-image: url(../flags/gha.svg) } .flag-gib, .flag-gi, .flag-292, .flag-ioc-gib, .flag-fifa-gbz { background-image: url(../flags/png/gib.html); background-image: url(../flags/gib.svg) } .flag-gin, .flag-gn, .flag-324, .flag-ioc-gui, .flag-fifa-gui { background-image: url(../flags/png/gin.html); background-image: url(../flags/gin.svg) } .flag-glp, .flag-gp, .flag-312, .flag-ioc-gud, .flag-fifa-glp { background-image: url(../flags/png/glp.html); background-image: url(../flags/glp.svg) } .flag-gmb, .flag-gm, .flag-270, .flag-ioc-gam, .flag-fifa-gam { background-image: url(../flags/png/gmb.html); background-image: url(../flags/gmb.svg) } .flag-gnb, .flag-gw, .flag-624, .flag-ioc-gbs, .flag-fifa-gnb { background-image: url(../flags/png/gnb.html); background-image: url(../flags/gnb.svg) } .flag-gnq, .flag-gq, .flag-226, .flag-ioc-geq, .flag-fifa-eqg { background-image: url(../flags/png/gnq.html); background-image: url(../flags/gnq.svg) } .flag-grc, .flag-gr, .flag-300, .flag-ioc-gre, .flag-fifa-gre { background-image: url(../flags/png/grc.html); background-image: url(../flags/grc.svg) } .flag-grd, .flag-gd, .flag-308, .flag-ioc-grn, .flag-fifa-grn { background-image: url(../flags/png/grd.html); background-image: url(../flags/grd.svg) } .flag-grl, .flag-gl, .flag-304, .flag-ioc-grl, .flag-fifa-grl { background-image: url(../flags/png/grl.html); background-image: url(../flags/grl.svg) } .flag-gtm, .flag-gt, .flag-320, .flag-ioc-gua, .flag-fifa-gua { background-image: url(../flags/png/gtm.html); background-image: url(../flags/gtm.svg) } .flag-guf, .flag-gf, .flag-254, .flag-ioc-fgu, .flag-fifa-guf { background-image: url(../flags/png/guf.html); background-image: url(../flags/guf.svg) } .flag-gum, .flag-gu, .flag-316, .flag-ioc-gum, .flag-fifa-gum { background-image: url(../flags/png/gum.html); background-image: url(../flags/gum.svg) } .flag-guy, .flag-gy, .flag-328, .flag-ioc-guy, .flag-fifa-guy { background-image: url(../flags/png/guy.html); background-image: url(../flags/guy.svg) } .flag-hkg, .flag-hk, .flag-344, .flag-ioc-hkg, .flag-fifa-hkg { background-image: url(../flags/png/hkg.html); background-image: url(../flags/hkg.svg) } .flag-hmd, .flag-hm, .flag-334 { background-image: url(../flags/png/hmd.html); background-image: url(../flags/hmd.svg) } .flag-hnd, .flag-hn, .flag-340, .flag-ioc-hon, .flag-fifa-hon { background-image: url(../flags/png/hnd.html); background-image: url(../flags/hnd.svg) } .flag-hrv, .flag-hr, .flag-191, .flag-ioc-cro, .flag-fifa-cro { background-image: url(../flags/png/hrv.html); background-image: url(../flags/hrv.svg) } .flag-hti, .flag-ht, .flag-332, .flag-ioc-hai, .flag-fifa-hai { background-image: url(../flags/png/hti.html); background-image: url(../flags/hti.svg) } .flag-hun, .flag-hu, .flag-348, .flag-ioc-hun, .flag-fifa-hun { background-image: url(../flags/png/hun.html); background-image: url(../flags/hun.svg) } .flag-idn, .flag-id, .flag-360, .flag-ioc-ina, .flag-fifa-idn { background-image: url(../flags/png/idn.html); background-image: url(../flags/idn.svg) } .flag-imn, .flag-im, .flag-833, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbm { background-image: url(../flags/png/imn.html); background-image: url(../flags/imn.svg) } .flag-ind, .flag-in, .flag-356, .flag-ioc-ind, .flag-fifa-ind { background-image: url(../flags/png/ind.html); background-image: url(../flags/ind.svg) } .flag-iot, .flag-io, .flag-86 { background-image: url(../flags/png/iot.html); background-image: url(../flags/iot.svg) } .flag-irl, .flag-ie, .flag-372, .flag-ioc-irl, .flag-fifa-irl { background-image: url(../flags/png/irl.html); background-image: url(../flags/irl.svg) } .flag-irn, .flag-ir, .flag-364, .flag-ioc-iri, .flag-fifa-irn { background-image: url(../flags/png/irn.html); background-image: url(../flags/irn.svg) } .flag-irq, .flag-iq, .flag-368, .flag-ioc-irq, .flag-fifa-irq { background-image: url(../flags/png/irq.html); background-image: url(../flags/irq.svg) } .flag-isl, .flag-is, .flag-352, .flag-ioc-isl, .flag-fifa-isl { background-image: url(../flags/png/isl.html); background-image: url(../flags/isl.svg) } .flag-isr, .flag-il, .flag-376, .flag-ioc-isr, .flag-fifa-isr { background-image: url(../flags/png/isr.html); background-image: url(../flags/isr.svg) } .flag-ita, .flag-it, .flag-380, .flag-ioc-ita, .flag-fifa-ita { background-image: url(../flags/png/ita.html); background-image: url(../flags/ita.svg) } .flag-jam, .flag-jm, .flag-388, .flag-ioc-jam, .flag-fifa-jam { background-image: url(../flags/png/jam.html); background-image: url(../flags/jam.svg) } .flag-jey, .flag-je, .flag-832, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbj { background-image: url(../flags/png/jey.html); background-image: url(../flags/jey.svg) } .flag-jor, .flag-jo, .flag-400, .flag-ioc-jor, .flag-fifa-jor { background-image: url(../flags/png/jor.html); background-image: url(../flags/jor.svg) } .flag-jpn, .flag-jp, .flag-392, .flag-ioc-jpn, .flag-fifa-jpn { background-image: url(../flags/png/jpn.html); background-image: url(../flags/jpn.svg) } .flag-kaz, .flag-kz, .flag-398, .flag-ioc-kaz, .flag-fifa-kaz { background-image: url(../flags/png/kaz.html); background-image: url(../flags/kaz.svg) } .flag-ken, .flag-ke, .flag-404, .flag-ioc-ken, .flag-fifa-ken { background-image: url(../flags/png/ken.html); background-image: url(../flags/ken.svg) } .flag-kgz, .flag-kg, .flag-417, .flag-ioc-kgz, .flag-fifa-kgz { background-image: url(../flags/png/kgz.html); background-image: url(../flags/kgz.svg) } .flag-khm, .flag-kh, .flag-116, .flag-ioc-cam, .flag-fifa-cam { background-image: url(../flags/png/khm.html); background-image: url(../flags/khm.svg) } .flag-kir, .flag-ki, .flag-296, .flag-ioc-kir, .flag-fifa-kir { background-image: url(../flags/png/kir.html); background-image: url(../flags/kir.svg) } .flag-kna, .flag-kn, .flag-659, .flag-ioc-skn, .flag-fifa-skn { background-image: url(../flags/png/kna.html); background-image: url(../flags/kna.svg) } .flag-kor, .flag-kr, .flag-410, .flag-ioc-kor, .flag-fifa-kor { background-image: url(../flags/png/kor.html); background-image: url(../flags/kor.svg) } .flag-kwt, .flag-kw, .flag-414, .flag-ioc-kuw, .flag-fifa-kuw { background-image: url(../flags/png/kwt.html); background-image: url(../flags/kwt.svg) } .flag-lao, .flag-la, .flag-418, .flag-ioc-lao, .flag-fifa-lao { background-image: url(../flags/png/lao.html); background-image: url(../flags/lao.svg) } .flag-lbn, .flag-lb, .flag-422, .flag-ioc-lib, .flag-fifa-lib { background-image: url(../flags/png/lbn.html); background-image: url(../flags/lbn.svg) } .flag-lbr, .flag-lr, .flag-430, .flag-ioc-lbr, .flag-fifa-lbr { background-image: url(../flags/png/lbr.html); background-image: url(../flags/lbr.svg) } .flag-lby, .flag-ly, .flag-434, .flag-ioc-lba, .flag-fifa-lby { background-image: url(../flags/png/lby.html); background-image: url(../flags/lby.svg) } .flag-lca, .flag-lc, .flag-662, .flag-ioc-lca, .flag-fifa-lca { background-image: url(../flags/png/lca.html); background-image: url(../flags/lca.svg) } .flag-lie, .flag-li, .flag-438, .flag-ioc-lie, .flag-fifa-lie { background-image: url(../flags/png/lie.html); background-image: url(../flags/lie.svg) } .flag-lka, .flag-lk, .flag-144, .flag-ioc-sri, .flag-fifa-sri { background-image: url(../flags/png/lka.html); background-image: url(../flags/lka.svg) } .flag-lso, .flag-ls, .flag-426, .flag-ioc-les, .flag-fifa-les { background-image: url(../flags/png/lso.html); background-image: url(../flags/lso.svg) } .flag-ltu, .flag-lt, .flag-440, .flag-ioc-ltu, .flag-fifa-ltu { background-image: url(../flags/png/ltu.html); background-image: url(../flags/ltu.svg) } .flag-lux, .flag-lu, .flag-442, .flag-ioc-lux, .flag-fifa-lux { background-image: url(../flags/png/lux.html); background-image: url(../flags/lux.svg) } .flag-lva, .flag-lv, .flag-428, .flag-ioc-lat, .flag-fifa-lva { background-image: url(../flags/png/lva.html); background-image: url(../flags/lva.svg) } .flag-mac, .flag-mo, .flag-446, .flag-ioc-mac, .flag-fifa-mac { background-image: url(../flags/png/mac.html); background-image: url(../flags/mac.svg) } .flag-maf, .flag-mf, .flag-663 { background-image: url(../flags/png/maf.html); background-image: url(../flags/maf.svg) } .flag-mar, .flag-ma, .flag-504, .flag-ioc-mar, .flag-fifa-mar { background-image: url(../flags/png/mar.html); background-image: url(../flags/mar.svg) } .flag-mco, .flag-mc, .flag-492, .flag-ioc-mon, .flag-fifa-mon { background-image: url(../flags/png/mco.html); background-image: url(../flags/mco.svg) } .flag-mda, .flag-md, .flag-498, .flag-ioc-mda, .flag-fifa-mda { background-image: url(../flags/png/mda.html); background-image: url(../flags/mda.svg) } .flag-mdg, .flag-mg, .flag-450, .flag-ioc-mad, .flag-fifa-mad { background-image: url(../flags/png/mdg.html); background-image: url(../flags/mdg.svg) } .flag-mdv, .flag-mv, .flag-462, .flag-ioc-mdv, .flag-fifa-mdv { background-image: url(../flags/png/mdv.html); background-image: url(../flags/mdv.svg) } .flag-mex, .flag-mx, .flag-484, .flag-ioc-mex, .flag-fifa-mex { background-image: url(../flags/png/mex.html); background-image: url(../flags/mex.svg) } .flag-mhl, .flag-mh, .flag-584, .flag-ioc-msh, .flag-fifa-mhl { background-image: url(../flags/png/mhl.html); background-image: url(../flags/mhl.svg) } .flag-mkd, .flag-mk, .flag-807, .flag-ioc-mkd, .flag-fifa-mkd { background-image: url(../flags/png/mkd.html); background-image: url(../flags/mkd.svg) } .flag-mli, .flag-ml, .flag-466, .flag-ioc-mli, .flag-fifa-mli { background-image: url(../flags/png/mli.html); background-image: url(../flags/mli.svg) } .flag-mlt, .flag-mt, .flag-470, .flag-ioc-mlt, .flag-fifa-mlt { background-image: url(../flags/png/mlt.html); background-image: url(../flags/mlt.svg) } .flag-mmr, .flag-mm, .flag-104, .flag-ioc-mya, .flag-fifa-mya { background-image: url(../flags/png/mmr.html); background-image: url(../flags/mmr.svg) } .flag-mne, .flag-me, .flag-499, .flag-ioc-mgo, .flag-fifa-mne { background-image: url(../flags/png/mne.html); background-image: url(../flags/mne.svg) } .flag-mng, .flag-mn, .flag-496, .flag-ioc-mgl, .flag-fifa-mng { background-image: url(../flags/png/mng.html); background-image: url(../flags/mng.svg) } .flag-mnp, .flag-mp, .flag-580, .flag-ioc-nma, .flag-fifa-nmi { background-image: url(../flags/png/mnp.html); background-image: url(../flags/mnp.svg) } .flag-moz, .flag-mz, .flag-508, .flag-ioc-moz, .flag-fifa-moz { background-image: url(../flags/png/moz.html); background-image: url(../flags/moz.svg) } .flag-mrt, .flag-mr, .flag-478, .flag-ioc-mtn, .flag-fifa-mtn { background-image: url(../flags/png/mrt.html); background-image: url(../flags/mrt.svg) } .flag-msr, .flag-ms, .flag-500, .flag-ioc-mnt, .flag-fifa-msr { background-image: url(../flags/png/msr.html); background-image: url(../flags/msr.svg) } .flag-mtq, .flag-mq, .flag-474, .flag-ioc-mrt, .flag-fifa-mtq { background-image: url(../flags/png/mtq.html); background-image: url(../flags/mtq.svg) } .flag-mus, .flag-mu, .flag-480, .flag-ioc-mri, .flag-fifa-mri { background-image: url(../flags/png/mus.html); background-image: url(../flags/mus.svg) } .flag-mwi, .flag-mw, .flag-454, .flag-ioc-maw, .flag-fifa-mwi { background-image: url(../flags/png/mwi.html); background-image: url(../flags/mwi.svg) } .flag-mys, .flag-my, .flag-458, .flag-ioc-mas, .flag-fifa-mas { background-image: url(../flags/png/mys.html); background-image: url(../flags/mys.svg) } .flag-myt, .flag-yt, .flag-175, .flag-ioc-may, .flag-fifa-myt { background-image: url(../flags/png/myt.html); background-image: url(../flags/myt.svg) } .flag-nam, .flag-na, .flag-516, .flag-ioc-nam, .flag-fifa-nam { background-image: url(../flags/png/nam.html); background-image: url(../flags/nam.svg) } .flag-ncl, .flag-nc, .flag-540, .flag-ioc-ncd, .flag-fifa-ncl { background-image: url(../flags/png/ncl.html); background-image: url(../flags/ncl.svg) } .flag-ner, .flag-ne, .flag-562, .flag-ioc-nig, .flag-fifa-nig { background-image: url(../flags/png/ner.html); background-image: url(../flags/ner.svg) } .flag-nfk, .flag-nf, .flag-574, .flag-ioc-nfi, .flag-fifa-nfk { background-image: url(../flags/png/nfk.html); background-image: url(../flags/nfk.svg) } .flag-nga, .flag-ng, .flag-566, .flag-ioc-ngr, .flag-fifa-nga { background-image: url(../flags/png/nga.html); background-image: url(../flags/nga.svg) } .flag-nic, .flag-ni, .flag-558, .flag-ioc-nca, .flag-fifa-nca { background-image: url(../flags/png/nic.html); background-image: url(../flags/nic.svg) } .flag-niu, .flag-nu, .flag-570, .flag-ioc-niu, .flag-fifa-niu { background-image: url(../flags/png/niu.html); background-image: url(../flags/niu.svg) } .flag-nld, .flag-nl, .flag-528, .flag-ioc-ned, .flag-fifa-ned { background-image: url(../flags/png/nld.html); background-image: url(../flags/nld.svg) } .flag-nor, .flag-no, .flag-578, .flag-ioc-nor, .flag-fifa-nor { background-image: url(../flags/png/nor.html); background-image: url(../flags/nor.svg) } .flag-npl, .flag-np, .flag-524, .flag-ioc-nep, .flag-fifa-nep { background-image: url(../flags/png/npl.html); background-image: url(../flags/npl.svg) } .flag-nru, .flag-nr, .flag-520, .flag-ioc-nru, .flag-fifa-nru { background-image: url(../flags/png/nru.html); background-image: url(../flags/nru.svg) } .flag-nzl, .flag-nz, .flag-554, .flag-ioc-nzl, .flag-fifa-nzl { background-image: url(../flags/png/nzl.html); background-image: url(../flags/nzl.svg) } .flag-omn, .flag-om, .flag-512, .flag-ioc-oma, .flag-fifa-oma { background-image: url(../flags/png/omn.html); background-image: url(../flags/omn.svg) } .flag-pak, .flag-pk, .flag-586, .flag-ioc-pak, .flag-fifa-pak { background-image: url(../flags/png/pak.html); background-image: url(../flags/pak.svg) } .flag-pan, .flag-pa, .flag-591, .flag-ioc-pan, .flag-fifa-pan { background-image: url(../flags/png/pan.html); background-image: url(../flags/pan.svg) } .flag-pcn, .flag-pn, .flag-612, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-pcn { background-image: url(../flags/png/pcn.html); background-image: url(../flags/pcn.svg) } .flag-per, .flag-pe, .flag-604, .flag-ioc-per, .flag-fifa-per { background-image: url(../flags/png/per.html); background-image: url(../flags/per.svg) } .flag-phl, .flag-ph, .flag-608, .flag-ioc-phi, .flag-fifa-phi { background-image: url(../flags/png/phl.html); background-image: url(../flags/phl.svg) } .flag-plw, .flag-pw, .flag-585, .flag-ioc-plw, .flag-fifa-plw { background-image: url(../flags/png/plw.html); background-image: url(../flags/plw.svg) } .flag-png, .flag-pg, .flag-598, .flag-ioc-png, .flag-fifa-png { background-image: url(../flags/png/png.html); background-image: url(../flags/png.svg) } .flag-pol, .flag-pl, .flag-616, .flag-ioc-pol, .flag-fifa-pol { background-image: url(../flags/png/pol.html); background-image: url(../flags/pol.svg) } .flag-pri, .flag-pr, .flag-630, .flag-ioc-pur, .flag-fifa-pur { background-image: url(../flags/png/pri.html); background-image: url(../flags/pri.svg) } .flag-prk, .flag-kp, .flag-408, .flag-ioc-prk, .flag-fifa-prk { background-image: url(../flags/png/prk.html); background-image: url(../flags/prk.svg) } .flag-prt, .flag-pt, .flag-620, .flag-ioc-por, .flag-fifa-por { background-image: url(../flags/png/prt.html); background-image: url(../flags/prt.svg) } .flag-pry, .flag-py, .flag-600, .flag-ioc-par, .flag-fifa-par { background-image: url(../flags/png/pry.html); background-image: url(../flags/pry.svg) } .flag-pse, .flag-ps, .flag-275, .flag-ioc-ple, .flag-fifa-ple { background-image: url(../flags/png/pse.html); background-image: url(../flags/pse.svg) } .flag-pyf, .flag-pf, .flag-258, .flag-ioc-fpo, .flag-fifa-tah2 { background-image: url(../flags/png/pyf.html); background-image: url(../flags/pyf.svg) } .flag-qat, .flag-qa, .flag-634, .flag-ioc-qat, .flag-fifa-qat { background-image: url(../flags/png/qat.html); background-image: url(../flags/qat.svg) } .flag-reu, .flag-re, .flag-638, .flag-ioc-reu, .flag-fifa-reu { background-image: url(../flags/png/reu.html); background-image: url(../flags/reu.svg) } .flag-rou, .flag-ro, .flag-642, .flag-ioc-rou, .flag-fifa-rou { background-image: url(../flags/png/rou.html); background-image: url(../flags/rou.svg) } .flag-rus, .flag-ru, .flag-643, .flag-ioc-rus, .flag-fifa-rus { background-image: url(../flags/png/rus.html); background-image: url(../flags/rus.svg) } .flag-rwa, .flag-rw, .flag-646, .flag-ioc-rwa, .flag-fifa-rwa { background-image: url(../flags/png/rwa.html); background-image: url(../flags/rwa.svg) } .flag-sau, .flag-sa, .flag-682, .flag-ioc-ksa, .flag-fifa-ksa { background-image: url(../flags/png/sau.html); background-image: url(../flags/sau.svg) } .flag-sdn, .flag-sd, .flag-729, .flag-ioc-sud, .flag-fifa-sud { background-image: url(../flags/png/sdn.html); background-image: url(../flags/sdn.svg) } .flag-sen, .flag-sn, .flag-686, .flag-ioc-sen, .flag-fifa-sen { background-image: url(../flags/png/sen.html); background-image: url(../flags/sen.svg) } .flag-sgp, .flag-sg, .flag-702, .flag-ioc-sin, .flag-fifa-sin { background-image: url(../flags/png/sgp.html); background-image: url(../flags/sgp.svg) } .flag-sgs, .flag-gs, .flag-239 { background-image: url(../flags/png/sgs.html); background-image: url(../flags/sgs.svg) } .flag-shn, .flag-sh, .flag-654, .flag-ioc-hel, .flag-fifa-shn { background-image: url(../flags/png/shn.html); background-image: url(../flags/shn.svg) } .flag-sjm, .flag-sj, .flag-744 { background-image: url(../flags/png/sjm.html); background-image: url(../flags/sjm.svg) } .flag-slb, .flag-sb, .flag-90, .flag-ioc-sol, .flag-fifa-sol { background-image: url(../flags/png/slb.html); background-image: url(../flags/slb.svg) } .flag-sle, .flag-sl, .flag-694, .flag-ioc-sle, .flag-fifa-sle { background-image: url(../flags/png/sle.html); background-image: url(../flags/sle.svg) } .flag-slv, .flag-sv, .flag-222, .flag-ioc-esa, .flag-fifa-slv { background-image: url(../flags/png/slv.html); background-image: url(../flags/slv.svg) } .flag-smr, .flag-sm, .flag-674, .flag-ioc-smr, .flag-fifa-smr { background-image: url(../flags/png/smr.html); background-image: url(../flags/smr.svg) } .flag-som, .flag-so, .flag-706, .flag-ioc-som, .flag-fifa-som { background-image: url(../flags/png/som.html); background-image: url(../flags/som.svg) } .flag-spm, .flag-pm, .flag-666, .flag-ioc-spm, .flag-fifa-spm { background-image: url(../flags/png/spm.html); background-image: url(../flags/spm.svg) } .flag-srb, .flag-rs, .flag-688, .flag-ioc-srb, .flag-fifa-srb { background-image: url(../flags/png/srb.html); background-image: url(../flags/srb.svg) } .flag-ssd, .flag-ss, .flag-728 { background-image: url(../flags/png/ssd.html); background-image: url(../flags/ssd.svg) } .flag-stp, .flag-st, .flag-678, .flag-ioc-stp, .flag-fifa-stp { background-image: url(../flags/png/stp.html); background-image: url(../flags/stp.svg) } .flag-sur, .flag-sr, .flag-740, .flag-ioc-sur, .flag-fifa-sur { background-image: url(../flags/png/sur.html); background-image: url(../flags/sur.svg) } .flag-svk, .flag-sk, .flag-703, .flag-ioc-svk, .flag-fifa-svk { background-image: url(../flags/png/svk.html); background-image: url(../flags/svk.svg) } .flag-svn, .flag-si, .flag-705, .flag-ioc-slo, .flag-fifa-svn { background-image: url(../flags/png/svn.html); background-image: url(../flags/svn.svg) } .flag-swe, .flag-se, .flag-752, .flag-ioc-swe, .flag-fifa-swe { background-image: url(../flags/png/swe.html); background-image: url(../flags/swe.svg) } .flag-swz, .flag-sz, .flag-748, .flag-ioc-swz, .flag-fifa-swz { background-image: url(../flags/png/swz.html); background-image: url(../flags/swz.svg) } .flag-sxm, .flag-sx, .flag-534 { background-image: url(../flags/png/sxm.html); background-image: url(../flags/sxm.svg) } .flag-syc, .flag-sc, .flag-690, .flag-ioc-sey, .flag-fifa-sey { background-image: url(../flags/png/syc.html); background-image: url(../flags/syc.svg) } .flag-syr, .flag-sy, .flag-760, .flag-ioc-syr, .flag-fifa-syr { background-image: url(../flags/png/syr.html); background-image: url(../flags/syr.svg) } .flag-tca, .flag-tc, .flag-796, .flag-ioc-tks, .flag-fifa-tca { background-image: url(../flags/png/tca.html); background-image: url(../flags/tca.svg) } .flag-tcd, .flag-td, .flag-148, .flag-ioc-cha, .flag-fifa-cha { background-image: url(../flags/png/tcd.html); background-image: url(../flags/tcd.svg) } .flag-tgo, .flag-tg, .flag-768, .flag-ioc-tog, .flag-fifa-tog { background-image: url(../flags/png/tgo.html); background-image: url(../flags/tgo.svg) } .flag-tha, .flag-th, .flag-764, .flag-ioc-tha, .flag-fifa-tha { background-image: url(../flags/png/tha.html); background-image: url(../flags/tha.svg) } .flag-tjk, .flag-tj, .flag-762, .flag-ioc-tjk, .flag-fifa-tjk { background-image: url(../flags/png/tjk.html); background-image: url(../flags/tjk.svg) } .flag-tkl, .flag-tk, .flag-772, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-tkl { background-image: url(../flags/png/tkl.html); background-image: url(../flags/tkl.svg) } .flag-tkm, .flag-tm, .flag-795, .flag-ioc-tkm, .flag-fifa-tkm { background-image: url(../flags/png/tkm.html); background-image: url(../flags/tkm.svg) } .flag-tls, .flag-tl, .flag-626, .flag-ioc-tls, .flag-fifa-tls { background-image: url(../flags/png/tls.html); background-image: url(../flags/tls.svg) } .flag-ton, .flag-to, .flag-776, .flag-ioc-tga, .flag-fifa-tga { background-image: url(../flags/png/ton.html); background-image: url(../flags/ton.svg) } .flag-tto, .flag-tt, .flag-780, .flag-ioc-tto, .flag-fifa-tri { background-image: url(../flags/png/tto.html); background-image: url(../flags/tto.svg) } .flag-tun, .flag-tn, .flag-788, .flag-ioc-tun, .flag-fifa-tun { background-image: url(../flags/png/tun.html); background-image: url(../flags/tun.svg) } .flag-tur, .flag-tr, .flag-792, .flag-ioc-tur, .flag-fifa-tur { background-image: url(../flags/png/tur.html); background-image: url(../flags/tur.svg) } .flag-tuv, .flag-tv, .flag-798, .flag-ioc-tuv, .flag-fifa-tuv { background-image: url(../flags/png/tuv.html); background-image: url(../flags/tuv.svg) } .flag-twn, .flag-tw, .flag-158 { background-image: url(../flags/png/twn.html); background-image: url(../flags/twn.svg) } .flag-tza, .flag-tz, .flag-834, .flag-ioc-tan, .flag-fifa-tan { background-image: url(../flags/png/tza.html); background-image: url(../flags/tza.svg) } .flag-uga, .flag-ug, .flag-800, .flag-ioc-uga, .flag-fifa-uga { background-image: url(../flags/png/uga.html); background-image: url(../flags/uga.svg) } .flag-ukr, .flag-ua, .flag-804, .flag-ioc-ukr, .flag-fifa-ukr { background-image: url(../flags/png/ukr.html); background-image: url(../flags/ukr.svg) } .flag-umi, .flag-um, .flag-581 { background-image: url(../flags/png/umi.html); background-image: url(../flags/umi.svg) } .flag-ury, .flag-uy, .flag-858, .flag-ioc-uru, .flag-fifa-uru { background-image: url(../flags/png/ury.html); background-image: url(../flags/ury.svg) } .flag-usa, .flag-us, .flag-840, .flag-ioc-usa, .flag-fifa-usa { background-image: url(../flags/png/usa.html); background-image: url(../flags/usa.svg) } .flag-uzb, .flag-uz, .flag-860, .flag-ioc-uzb, .flag-fifa-uzb { background-image: url(../flags/png/uzb.html); background-image: url(../flags/uzb.svg) } .flag-vat, .flag-va, .flag-336, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-vat { background-image: url(../flags/png/vat.html); background-image: url(../flags/vat.svg) } .flag-vct, .flag-vc, .flag-670, .flag-ioc-vin, .flag-fifa-vin { background-image: url(../flags/png/vct.html); background-image: url(../flags/vct.svg) } .flag-ven, .flag-ve, .flag-862, .flag-ioc-ven, .flag-fifa-ven { background-image: url(../flags/png/ven.html); background-image: url(../flags/ven.svg) } .flag-vgb, .flag-vg, .flag-92, .flag-ioc-ivb, .flag-fifa-vgb { background-image: url(../flags/png/vgb.html); background-image: url(../flags/vgb.svg) } .flag-vir, .flag-vi, .flag-850, .flag-ioc-isv, .flag-fifa-vir { background-image: url(../flags/png/vir.html); background-image: url(../flags/vir.svg) } .flag-vnm, .flag-vn, .flag-704, .flag-ioc-vie, .flag-fifa-vie { background-image: url(../flags/png/vnm.html); background-image: url(../flags/vnm.svg) } .flag-vut, .flag-vu, .flag-548, .flag-ioc-van, .flag-fifa-van { background-image: url(../flags/png/vut.html); background-image: url(../flags/vut.svg) } .flag-wlf, .flag-wf, .flag-876, .flag-ioc-waf, .flag-fifa-wlf { background-image: url(../flags/png/wlf.html); background-image: url(../flags/wlf.svg) } .flag-wsm, .flag-ws, .flag-882, .flag-ioc-sam, .flag-fifa-sam { background-image: url(../flags/png/wsm.html); background-image: url(../flags/wsm.svg) } .flag-yem, .flag-ye, .flag-887, .flag-ioc-yem, .flag-fifa-yem { background-image: url(../flags/png/yem.html); background-image: url(../flags/yem.svg) } .flag-zaf, .flag-za, .flag-710, .flag-ioc-rsa, .flag-fifa-rsa { background-image: url(../flags/png/zaf.html); background-image: url(../flags/zaf.svg) } .flag-zmb, .flag-zm, .flag-894, .flag-ioc-zam, .flag-fifa-zam { background-image: url(../flags/png/zmb.html); background-image: url(../flags/zmb.svg) } .flag-zwe, .flag-zw, .flag-716, .flag-ioc-zim, .flag-fifa-zim { background-image: url(../flags/png/zwe.html); background-image: url(../flags/zwe.svg) } .flag-fifa-eng { background-image: url(../flags/png/eng.html); background-image: url(../flags/eng.svg) } .flag-eur, .flag-eu { background-image: url(../flags/png/eur.html); background-image: url(../flags/eur.svg) } .flag-ioc-kos { background-image: url(../flags/png/kos.html); background-image: url(../flags/kos.svg) } .flag-fifa-nir { background-image: url(../flags/png/nir.html); background-image: url(../flags/nir.svg) } .flag-ico-tpe, .flag-fifa-tpe { background-image: url(../flags/png/tpe.html); background-image: url(../flags/tpe.svg) } .flag-fifa-sco { background-image: url(../flags/png/sco.html); background-image: url(../flags/sco.svg) } .flag-fifa-wal { background-image: url(../flags/png/wal.html); background-image: url(../flags/wal.svg) } /*! * Copyright (c) 2017 kf ( * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE * OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ .flag-abw, .flag-aw, .flag-533, .flag-ioc-aru, .flag-fifa-aru { background-image: url(../flags/png/abw.html); background-image: url(../flags/abw.svg) } .flag-afg, .flag-af, .flag-4, .flag-ioc-afg, .flag-fifa-afg { background-image: url(../flags/png/afg.html); background-image: url(../flags/afg.svg) } .flag-ago, .flag-ao, .flag-24, .flag-ioc-ang, .flag-fifa-ang { background-image: url(../flags/png/ago.html); background-image: url(../flags/ago.svg) } .flag-aia, .flag-ai, .flag-660, .flag-ioc-aia, .flag-fifa-aia { background-image: url(../flags/png/aia.html); background-image: url(../flags/aia.svg) } .flag-ala, .flag-ax, .flag-248, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-ald { background-image: url(../flags/png/ala.html); background-image: url(../flags/ala.svg) } .flag-alb, .flag-al, .flag-8, .flag-ioc-alb, .flag-fifa-alb { background-image: url(../flags/png/alb.html); background-image: url(../flags/alb.svg) } .flag-and, .flag-ad, .flag-20, .flag-ioc-and, .flag-fifa-and { background-image: url(../flags/png/and.html); background-image: url(../flags/and.svg) } .flag-are, .flag-ae, .flag-784, .flag-ioc-uae, .flag-fifa-uae { background-image: url(../flags/png/are.html); background-image: url(../flags/are.svg) } .flag-arg, .flag-ar, .flag-32, .flag-ioc-arg, .flag-fifa-arg { background-image: url(../flags/png/arg.html); background-image: url(../flags/arg.svg) } .flag-arm, .flag-am, .flag-51, .flag-ioc-arm, .flag-fifa-arm { background-image: url(../flags/png/arm.html); background-image: url(../flags/arm.svg) } .flag-asm, .flag-as, .flag-16, .flag-ioc-asa, .flag-fifa-asa { background-image: url(../flags/png/asm.html); background-image: url(../flags/asm.svg) } .flag-ata, .flag-aq, .flag-10, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-ros { background-image: url(../flags/png/ata.html); background-image: url(../flags/ata.svg) } .flag-atf, .flag-tf, .flag-260 { background-image: url(../flags/png/atf.html); background-image: url(../flags/atf.svg) } .flag-atg, .flag-ag, .flag-28, .flag-ioc-ant, .flag-fifa-atg { background-image: url(../flags/png/atg.html); background-image: url(../flags/atg.svg) } .flag-aus, .flag-au, .flag-36, .flag-ioc-aus, .flag-fifa-aus { background-image: url(../flags/png/aus.html); background-image: url(../flags/aus.svg) } .flag-aut, .flag-at, .flag-40, .flag-ioc-aut, .flag-fifa-aut { background-image: url(../flags/png/aut.html); background-image: url(../flags/aut.svg) } .flag-aze, .flag-az, .flag-31, .flag-ioc-aze, .flag-fifa-aze { background-image: url(../flags/png/aze.html); background-image: url(../flags/aze.svg) } .flag-bdi, .flag-bi, .flag-108, .flag-ioc-bdi, .flag-fifa-bdi { background-image: url(../flags/png/bdi.html); background-image: url(../flags/bdi.svg) } .flag-bel, .flag-be, .flag-56, .flag-ioc-bel, .flag-fifa-bel { background-image: url(../flags/png/bel.html); background-image: url(../flags/bel.svg) } .flag-ben, .flag-bj, .flag-204, .flag-ioc-ben, .flag-fifa-ben { background-image: url(../flags/png/ben.html); background-image: url(../flags/ben.svg) } .flag-bes, .flag-bq, .flag-535, .flag-ioc-aho, .flag-fifa-ant { background-image: url(../flags/png/bes.html); background-image: url(../flags/bes.svg) } .flag-bfa, .flag-bf, .flag-854, .flag-ioc-bur, .flag-fifa-bfa { background-image: url(../flags/png/bfa.html); background-image: url(../flags/bfa.svg) } .flag-bgd, .flag-bd, .flag-50, .flag-ioc-ban, .flag-fifa-ban { background-image: url(../flags/png/bgd.html); background-image: url(../flags/bgd.svg) } .flag-bgr, .flag-bg, .flag-100, .flag-ioc-bul, .flag-fifa-bul { background-image: url(../flags/png/bgr.html); background-image: url(../flags/bgr.svg) } .flag-bhr, .flag-bh, .flag-48, .flag-ioc-brn, .flag-fifa-bhr { background-image: url(../flags/png/bhr.html); background-image: url(../flags/bhr.svg) } .flag-bhs, .flag-bs, .flag-44, .flag-ioc-bah, .flag-fifa-bah { background-image: url(../flags/png/bhs.html); background-image: url(../flags/bhs.svg) } .flag-bih, .flag-ba, .flag-70, .flag-ioc-bih, .flag-fifa-bih { background-image: url(../flags/png/bih.html); background-image: url(../flags/bih.svg) } .flag-blm, .flag-bl, .flag-652 { background-image: url(../flags/png/blm.html); background-image: url(../flags/blm.svg) } .flag-blr, .flag-by, .flag-112, .flag-ioc-blr, .flag-fifa-blr { background-image: url(../flags/png/blr.html); background-image: url(../flags/blr.svg) } .flag-blz, .flag-bz, .flag-84, .flag-ioc-biz, .flag-fifa-blz { background-image: url(../flags/png/blz.html); background-image: url(../flags/blz.svg) } .flag-bmu, .flag-bm, .flag-60, .flag-ioc-ber, .flag-fifa-ber { background-image: url(../flags/png/bmu.html); background-image: url(../flags/bmu.svg) } .flag-bol, .flag-bo, .flag-68, .flag-ioc-bol, .flag-fifa-bol { background-image: url(../flags/png/bol.html); background-image: url(../flags/bol.svg) } .flag-bra, .flag-br, .flag-76, .flag-ioc-bra, .flag-fifa-bra { background-image: url(../flags/png/bra.html); background-image: url(../flags/bra.svg) } .flag-brb, .flag-bb, .flag-52, .flag-ioc-bar, .flag-fifa-brb { background-image: url(../flags/png/brb.html); background-image: url(../flags/brb.svg) } .flag-brn, .flag-bn, .flag-96, .flag-ioc-bru, .flag-fifa-bru { background-image: url(../flags/png/brn.html); background-image: url(../flags/brn.svg) } .flag-btn, .flag-bt, .flag-64, .flag-ioc-bhu, .flag-fifa-bhu { background-image: url(../flags/png/btn.html); background-image: url(../flags/btn.svg) } .flag-bvt, .flag-bv, .flag-74 { background-image: url(../flags/png/bvt.html); background-image: url(../flags/bvt.svg) } .flag-bwa, .flag-bw, .flag-72, .flag-ioc-bot, .flag-fifa-bot { background-image: url(../flags/png/bwa.html); background-image: url(../flags/bwa.svg) } .flag-caf, .flag-cf, .flag-140, .flag-ioc-caf, .flag-fifa-cta { background-image: url(../flags/png/caf.html); background-image: url(../flags/caf.svg) } .flag-can, .flag-ca, .flag-124, .flag-ioc-can, .flag-fifa-can { background-image: url(../flags/png/can.html); background-image: url(../flags/can.svg) } .flag-cck, .flag-cc, .flag-166, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-cck { background-image: url(../flags/png/cck.html); background-image: url(../flags/cck.svg) } .flag-che, .flag-ch, .flag-756, .flag-ioc-sui, .flag-fifa-sui { background-image: url(../flags/png/che.html); background-image: url(../flags/che.svg) } .flag-chl, .flag-cl, .flag-152, .flag-ioc-chi, .flag-fifa-chi { background-image: url(../flags/png/chl.html); background-image: url(../flags/chl.svg) } .flag-chn, .flag-cn, .flag-156, .flag-ioc-chn, .flag-fifa-chn { background-image: url(../flags/png/chn.html); background-image: url(../flags/chn.svg) } .flag-civ, .flag-ci, .flag-384, .flag-ioc-civ, .flag-fifa-civ { background-image: url(../flags/png/civ.html); background-image: url(../flags/civ.svg) } .flag-cmr, .flag-cm, .flag-120, .flag-ioc-cmr, .flag-fifa-cmr { background-image: url(../flags/png/cmr.html); background-image: url(../flags/cmr.svg) } .flag-cod, .flag-cd, .flag-180, .flag-ioc-cod, .flag-fifa-cod { background-image: url(../flags/png/cod.html); background-image: url(../flags/cod.svg) } .flag-cog, .flag-cg, .flag-178, .flag-ioc-cgo, .flag-fifa-cgo { background-image: url(../flags/png/cog.html); background-image: url(../flags/cog.svg) } .flag-cok, .flag-ck, .flag-184, .flag-ioc-cok, .flag-fifa-cok { background-image: url(../flags/png/cok.html); background-image: url(../flags/cok.svg) } .flag-col, .flag-co, .flag-170, .flag-ioc-col, .flag-fifa-col { background-image: url(../flags/png/col.html); background-image: url(../flags/col.svg) } .flag-com, .flag-km, .flag-174, .flag-ioc-com, .flag-fifa-com { background-image: url(../flags/png/com.html); background-image: url(../flags/com.svg) } .flag-cpv, .flag-cv, .flag-132, .flag-ioc-cpv, .flag-fifa-cpv { background-image: url(../flags/png/cpv.html); background-image: url(../flags/cpv.svg) } .flag-cri, .flag-cr, .flag-188, .flag-ioc-crc, .flag-fifa-crc { background-image: url(../flags/png/cri.html); background-image: url(../flags/cri.svg) } .flag-cub, .flag-cu, .flag-192, .flag-ioc-cub, .flag-fifa-cub { background-image: url(../flags/png/cub.html); background-image: url(../flags/cub.svg) } .flag-cuw, .flag-cw, .flag-531 { background-image: url(../flags/png/cuw.html); background-image: url(../flags/cuw.svg) } .flag-cxr, .flag-cx, .flag-162, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-cxr { background-image: url(../flags/png/cxr.html); background-image: url(../flags/cxr.svg) } .flag-cym, .flag-ky, .flag-136, .flag-ioc-cay, .flag-fifa-cay { background-image: url(../flags/png/cym.html); background-image: url(../flags/cym.svg) } .flag-cyp, .flag-cy, .flag-196, .flag-ioc-cyp, .flag-fifa-cyp { background-image: url(../flags/png/cyp.html); background-image: url(../flags/cyp.svg) } .flag-cze, .flag-cz, .flag-203, .flag-ioc-cze, .flag-fifa-cze { background-image: url(../flags/png/cze.html); background-image: url(../flags/cze.svg) } .flag-deu, .flag-de, .flag-276, .flag-ioc-ger, .flag-fifa-ger { background-image: url(../flags/png/deu.html); background-image: url(../flags/deu.svg) } .flag-dji, .flag-dj, .flag-262, .flag-ioc-dji, .flag-fifa-dji { background-image: url(../flags/png/dji.html); background-image: url(../flags/dji.svg) } .flag-dma, .flag-dm, .flag-212, .flag-ioc-dma, .flag-fifa-dma { background-image: url(../flags/png/dma.html); background-image: url(../flags/dma.svg) } .flag-dnk, .flag-dk, .flag-208, .flag-ioc-den, .flag-fifa-den { background-image: url(../flags/png/dnk.html); background-image: url(../flags/dnk.svg) } .flag-dom, .flag-do, .flag-214, .flag-ioc-dom, .flag-fifa-dom { background-image: url(../flags/png/dom.html); background-image: url(../flags/dom.svg) } .flag-dza, .flag-dz, .flag-12, .flag-ioc-alg, .flag-fifa-alg { background-image: url(../flags/png/dza.html); background-image: url(../flags/dza.svg) } .flag-ecu, .flag-ec, .flag-218, .flag-ioc-ecu, .flag-fifa-ecu { background-image: url(../flags/png/ecu.html); background-image: url(../flags/ecu.svg) } .flag-egy, .flag-eg, .flag-818, .flag-ioc-egy, .flag-fifa-egy { background-image: url(../flags/png/egy.html); background-image: url(../flags/egy.svg) } .flag-eri, .flag-er, .flag-232, .flag-ioc-eri, .flag-fifa-eri { background-image: url(../flags/png/eri.html); background-image: url(../flags/eri.svg) } .flag-esh, .flag-eh, .flag-732, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-sah { background-image: url(../flags/png/esh.html); background-image: url(../flags/esh.svg) } .flag-esp, .flag-es, .flag-724, .flag-ioc-esp, .flag-fifa-esp { background-image: url(../flags/png/esp.html); background-image: url(../flags/esp.svg) } .flag-est, .flag-ee, .flag-233, .flag-ioc-est, .flag-fifa-est { background-image: url(../flags/png/est.html); background-image: url(../flags/est.svg) } .flag-eth, .flag-et, .flag-231, .flag-ioc-eth, .flag-fifa-eth { background-image: url(../flags/png/eth.html); background-image: url(../flags/eth.svg) } .flag-fin, .flag-fi, .flag-246, .flag-ioc-fin, .flag-fifa-fin { background-image: url(../flags/png/fin.html); background-image: url(../flags/fin.svg) } .flag-fji, .flag-fj, .flag-242, .flag-ioc-fij, .flag-fifa-fij { background-image: url(../flags/png/fji.html); background-image: url(../flags/fji.svg) } .flag-flk, .flag-fk, .flag-238, .flag-ioc-flk, .flag-fifa-flk { background-image: url(../flags/png/flk.html); background-image: url(../flags/flk.svg) } .flag-fra, .flag-fr, .flag-250, .flag-ioc-fra, .flag-fifa-fra { background-image: url(../flags/png/fra.html); background-image: url(../flags/fra.svg) } .flag-fro, .flag-fo, .flag-234, .flag-ioc-far, .flag-fifa-fro { background-image: url(../flags/png/fro.html); background-image: url(../flags/fro.svg) } .flag-fsm, .flag-fm, .flag-583, .flag-ioc-fsm, .flag-fifa-fsm { background-image: url(../flags/png/fsm.html); background-image: url(../flags/fsm.svg) } .flag-gab, .flag-ga, .flag-266, .flag-ioc-gab, .flag-fifa-gab { background-image: url(../flags/png/gab.html); background-image: url(../flags/gab.svg) } .flag-gbr, .flag-gb, .flag-826, .flag-ioc-gbr { background-image: url(../flags/png/gbr.html); background-image: url(../flags/gbr.svg) } .flag-geo, .flag-ge, .flag-268, .flag-ioc-geo, .flag-fifa-geo { background-image: url(../flags/png/geo.html); background-image: url(../flags/geo.svg) } .flag-ggy, .flag-gg, .flag-831, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbg { background-image: url(../flags/png/ggy.html); background-image: url(../flags/ggy.svg) } .flag-gha, .flag-gh, .flag-288, .flag-ioc-gha, .flag-fifa-gha { background-image: url(../flags/png/gha.html); background-image: url(../flags/gha.svg) } .flag-gib, .flag-gi, .flag-292, .flag-ioc-gib, .flag-fifa-gbz { background-image: url(../flags/png/gib.html); background-image: url(../flags/gib.svg) } .flag-gin, .flag-gn, .flag-324, .flag-ioc-gui, .flag-fifa-gui { background-image: url(../flags/png/gin.html); background-image: url(../flags/gin.svg) } .flag-glp, .flag-gp, .flag-312, .flag-ioc-gud, .flag-fifa-glp { background-image: url(../flags/png/glp.html); background-image: url(../flags/glp.svg) } .flag-gmb, .flag-gm, .flag-270, .flag-ioc-gam, .flag-fifa-gam { background-image: url(../flags/png/gmb.html); background-image: url(../flags/gmb.svg) } .flag-gnb, .flag-gw, .flag-624, .flag-ioc-gbs, .flag-fifa-gnb { background-image: url(../flags/png/gnb.html); background-image: url(../flags/gnb.svg) } .flag-gnq, .flag-gq, .flag-226, .flag-ioc-geq, .flag-fifa-eqg { background-image: url(../flags/png/gnq.html); background-image: url(../flags/gnq.svg) } .flag-grc, .flag-gr, .flag-300, .flag-ioc-gre, .flag-fifa-gre { background-image: url(../flags/png/grc.html); background-image: url(../flags/grc.svg) } .flag-grd, .flag-gd, .flag-308, .flag-ioc-grn, .flag-fifa-grn { background-image: url(../flags/png/grd.html); background-image: url(../flags/grd.svg) } .flag-grl, .flag-gl, .flag-304, .flag-ioc-grl, .flag-fifa-grl { background-image: url(../flags/png/grl.html); background-image: url(../flags/grl.svg) } .flag-gtm, .flag-gt, .flag-320, .flag-ioc-gua, .flag-fifa-gua { background-image: url(../flags/png/gtm.html); background-image: url(../flags/gtm.svg) } .flag-guf, .flag-gf, .flag-254, .flag-ioc-fgu, .flag-fifa-guf { background-image: url(../flags/png/guf.html); background-image: url(../flags/guf.svg) } .flag-gum, .flag-gu, .flag-316, .flag-ioc-gum, .flag-fifa-gum { background-image: url(../flags/png/gum.html); background-image: url(../flags/gum.svg) } .flag-guy, .flag-gy, .flag-328, .flag-ioc-guy, .flag-fifa-guy { background-image: url(../flags/png/guy.html); background-image: url(../flags/guy.svg) } .flag-hkg, .flag-hk, .flag-344, .flag-ioc-hkg, .flag-fifa-hkg { background-image: url(../flags/png/hkg.html); background-image: url(../flags/hkg.svg) } .flag-hmd, .flag-hm, .flag-334 { background-image: url(../flags/png/hmd.html); background-image: url(../flags/hmd.svg) } .flag-hnd, .flag-hn, .flag-340, .flag-ioc-hon, .flag-fifa-hon { background-image: url(../flags/png/hnd.html); background-image: url(../flags/hnd.svg) } .flag-hrv, .flag-hr, .flag-191, .flag-ioc-cro, .flag-fifa-cro { background-image: url(../flags/png/hrv.html); background-image: url(../flags/hrv.svg) } .flag-hti, .flag-ht, .flag-332, .flag-ioc-hai, .flag-fifa-hai { background-image: url(../flags/png/hti.html); background-image: url(../flags/hti.svg) } .flag-hun, .flag-hu, .flag-348, .flag-ioc-hun, .flag-fifa-hun { background-image: url(../flags/png/hun.html); background-image: url(../flags/hun.svg) } .flag-idn, .flag-id, .flag-360, .flag-ioc-ina, .flag-fifa-idn { background-image: url(../flags/png/idn.html); background-image: url(../flags/idn.svg) } .flag-imn, .flag-im, .flag-833, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbm { background-image: url(../flags/png/imn.html); background-image: url(../flags/imn.svg) } .flag-ind, .flag-in, .flag-356, .flag-ioc-ind, .flag-fifa-ind { background-image: url(../flags/png/ind.html); background-image: url(../flags/ind.svg) } .flag-iot, .flag-io, .flag-86 { background-image: url(../flags/png/iot.html); background-image: url(../flags/iot.svg) } .flag-irl, .flag-ie, .flag-372, .flag-ioc-irl, .flag-fifa-irl { background-image: url(../flags/png/irl.html); background-image: url(../flags/irl.svg) } .flag-irn, .flag-ir, .flag-364, .flag-ioc-iri, .flag-fifa-irn { background-image: url(../flags/png/irn.html); background-image: url(../flags/irn.svg) } .flag-irq, .flag-iq, .flag-368, .flag-ioc-irq, .flag-fifa-irq { background-image: url(../flags/png/irq.html); background-image: url(../flags/irq.svg) } .flag-isl, .flag-is, .flag-352, .flag-ioc-isl, .flag-fifa-isl { background-image: url(../flags/png/isl.html); background-image: url(../flags/isl.svg) } .flag-isr, .flag-il, .flag-376, .flag-ioc-isr, .flag-fifa-isr { background-image: url(../flags/png/isr.html); background-image: url(../flags/isr.svg) } .flag-ita, .flag-it, .flag-380, .flag-ioc-ita, .flag-fifa-ita { background-image: url(../flags/png/ita.html); background-image: url(../flags/ita.svg) } .flag-jam, .flag-jm, .flag-388, .flag-ioc-jam, .flag-fifa-jam { background-image: url(../flags/png/jam.html); background-image: url(../flags/jam.svg) } .flag-jey, .flag-je, .flag-832, .flag-ioc-, .flag-fifa-gbj { background-image: url(../flags/png/jey.html); background-image: url(../flags/jey.svg) } .flag-jor, .flag-jo, .flag-400, .flag-ioc-jor, .flag-fifa-jor { background-image: url(../flags/png/jor.html); background-image: url(../flags/jor.svg) } .flag-jpn, .flag-jp, .flag-392, .flag-ioc-jpn, .flag-fifa-jpn { background-image: url(../flags/png/jpn.html); background-image: url(../flags/jpn.svg) } .flag-kaz, .flag-kz, .flag-398, .flag-ioc-kaz, .flag-fifa-kaz { background-image: url(../flags/png/kaz.html); background-image: url(../flags/kaz.svg) } .flag-ken, .flag-ke, .flag-404, .flag-ioc-ken, .flag-fifa-ken { background-image: url(../flags/png/ken.html); background-image: url(../flags/ken.svg) } .flag-kgz, .flag-kg, .flag-417, .flag-ioc-kgz, .flag-fifa-kgz { background-image: url(../flags/png/kgz.html); background-image: url(../flags/kgz.svg) } .flag-khm, .flag-kh, .flag-116, .flag-ioc-cam, .flag-fifa-cam { background-image: url(../flags/png/khm.html); background-image: url(../flags/khm.svg) } .flag-kir, .flag-ki, .flag-296, .flag-ioc-kir, .flag-fifa-kir { background-image: url(../flags/png/kir.html); background-image: url(../flags/kir.svg) } .flag-kna, .flag-kn, .flag-659, .flag-ioc-skn, .flag-fifa-skn { background-image: url(../flags/png/kna.html); background-image: url(../flags/kna.svg) } .flag-kor, .flag-kr, .flag-410, .flag-ioc-kor, .flag-fifa-kor { background-image: url(../flags/png/kor.html); background-image: url(../flags/kor.svg) } .flag-kwt, .flag-kw, .flag-414, .flag-ioc-kuw, .flag-fifa-kuw { background-image: url(../flags/png/kwt.html); background-image: url(../flags/kwt.svg) } .flag-lao, .flag-la, .flag-418, .flag-ioc-lao, .flag-fifa-lao { background-image: url(../flags/png/lao.html); background-image: url(../flags/lao.svg) } .flag-lbn, .flag-lb, .flag-422, .flag-ioc-lib, .flag-fifa-lib { background-image: url(../flags/png/lbn.html); background-image: url(../flags/lbn.svg) } .flag-lbr, .flag-lr, .flag-430, .flag-ioc-lbr, .flag-fifa-lbr { background-image: url(../flags/png/lbr.html); background-image: url(../flags/lbr.svg) } .flag-lby, .flag-ly, .flag-434, .flag-ioc-lba, .flag-fifa-lby { background-image: url(../flags/png/lby.html); background-image: url(../flags/lby.svg) } .flag-lca, .flag-lc, .flag-662, .flag-ioc-lca, .flag-fifa-lca { background-image: url(../flags/png/lca.html); background-image: url(../flags/lca.svg) } .flag-lie, .flag-li, .flag-438, .flag-ioc-lie, .flag-fifa-lie { background-image: url(../flags/png/lie.html); background-image: url(../flags/lie.svg) } .flag-lka, .flag-lk, .flag-144, .flag-ioc-sri, .flag-fifa-sri { background-image: url(../flags/png/lka.html); background-image: url(../flags/lka.svg) } .flag-lso, .flag-ls, .flag-426, .flag-ioc-les, .flag-fifa-les { background-image: url(../flags/png/lso.html); background-image: url(../flags/lso.svg) } .flag-ltu, .flag-lt, .flag-440, .flag-ioc-ltu, .flag-fifa-ltu { background-image: url(../flags/png/ltu.html); background-image: url(../flags/ltu.svg) } .flag-lux, .flag-lu, .flag-442, .flag-ioc-lux, .flag-fifa-lux { background-image: url(../flags/png/lux.html); background-image: url(../flags/lux.svg) } .flag-lva, .flag-lv, .flag-428, .flag-ioc-lat, .flag-fifa-lva { background-image: url(../flags/png/lva.html); background-image: url(../flags/lva.svg) } .flag-mac, .flag-mo, .flag-446, .flag-ioc-mac, .flag-fifa-mac { background-image: url(../flags/png/mac.html); background-image: url(../flags/mac.svg) } .flag-maf, .flag-mf, .flag-663 { background-image: url(../flags/png/maf.html); background-image: url(../flags/maf.svg) } .flag-mar, .flag-ma, .flag-504, .flag-ioc-mar, .flag-fifa-mar { background-image: url(../flags/png/mar.html); background-image: url(../flags/mar.svg) } .flag-mco, .flag-mc, .flag-492, .flag-ioc-mon, .flag-fifa-mon { background-image: url(../flags/png/mco.html); background-image: url(../flags/mco.svg) } .flag-mda, .flag-md, .flag-498, .flag-ioc-mda, .flag-fifa-mda { background-image: url(../flags/png/mda.html); background-image: url(../flags/mda.svg) } .flag-mdg, .flag-mg, .flag-450, .flag-ioc-mad, .flag-fifa-mad { background-image: url(../flags/png/mdg.html); background-image: url(../flags/mdg.svg) } .flag-mdv, .flag-mv, .flag-462, .flag-ioc-mdv, .flag-fifa-mdv { background-image: url(../flags/png/mdv.html); background-image: url(../flags/mdv.svg) } .flag-mex, .flag-mx, .flag-484, .flag-ioc-mex, .flag-fifa-mex { background-image: url(../flags/png/mex.html); background-image: url(../flags/mex.svg) } .flag-mhl, .flag-mh, .flag-584, .flag-ioc-msh, .flag-fifa-mhl { background-image: url(../flags/png/mhl.html); background-image: url(../flags/mhl.svg) } .flag-mkd, .flag-mk, .flag-807, .flag-ioc-mkd, .flag-fifa-mkd { background-image: url(../flags/png/mkd.html); background-image: url(../flags/mkd.svg) } .flag-mli, .flag-ml, .flag-466, .flag-ioc-mli, .flag-fifa-mli { background-image: url(../flags/png/mli.html); background-image: url(../flags/mli.svg) } .flag-mlt, .flag-mt, .flag-470, .flag-ioc-mlt, .flag-fifa-mlt { background-image: url(../flags/png/mlt.html); background-image: url(../flags/mlt.svg) } .flag-mmr, .flag-mm, .flag-104, .flag-ioc-mya, .flag-fifa-mya { background-image: url(../flags/png/mmr.html); 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