Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
/* global WP_Smush */ /* global ajaxurl */ /** * WebP functionality. * * @since 3.8.0 */ (function () { 'use strict'; WP_Smush.WebP = { nonceField: document.getElementsByName('wp_smush_options_nonce'), toggleModuleButton: document.getElementById('smush-toggle-webp-button'), recheckStatusButton: document.getElementById('smush-webp-recheck'), recheckStatusLink: document.getElementById('smush-webp-recheck-link'), applyHtaccessButton: document.getElementById( 'smush-webp-apply-htaccess' ), removeHtaccessButton: document.getElementById( 'smush-webp-remove-htaccess' ), selectedServer: '', serverSelector: null, serverInstructions: [], init() { const self = this; // Define selected server. self.serverSelector = document.getElementById('webp-server-type'); if (self.serverSelector) { self.selectedServer = self.serverSelector.value; // Server type changed. jQuery(self.serverSelector).on( 'change', function (e) { const value = e.currentTarget.value; self.hideCurrentInstructions(); self.showServerInstructions(value); self.selectedServer = value; }); // Init server instructions tabs. const tabs = document.querySelectorAll( '.webp-server-instructions' ); for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { const server = tabs[i].getAttribute('data-server'); self.serverInstructions[server] = tabs[i]; } self.showServerInstructions(self.selectedServer); } this.maybeShowDeleteAllSuccessNotice(); this.maybeShowInstructionsNotice(); /** * Handles the "Deactivate" and "Get Started" buttons on the WebP page. */ if (this.toggleModuleButton) { this.toggleModuleButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.toggleWebp(e) ); } /** * Handle "RE-CHECK STATUS' button click on WebP page. */ if (this.recheckStatusButton) { this.recheckStatusButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.recheckStatus(); }); } /** * Handle "RE-CHECK STATUS' link click on WebP page. */ if (this.recheckStatusLink) { this.recheckStatusLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.recheckStatus(); }); } /** * Handles the "Delete WebP images" button. */ if (document.getElementById('wp-smush-webp-delete-all')) { document .getElementById('wp-smush-webp-delete-all') .addEventListener('click', (e) => this.deleteAll(e)); } /** * Handle "Apply Rules' button click on WebP page. */ if (this.applyHtaccessButton) { this.applyHtaccessButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.writeHtaccess(e, 'apply') ); } /** * Handle "Remove Rules' button click on WebP page. */ if (this.removeHtaccessButton) { this.removeHtaccessButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.writeHtaccess(e, 'remove') ); } }, /** * Toggle WebP module. * * @param {Event} e */ toggleWebp(e) { e.preventDefault(); const button = e.currentTarget, doEnable = 'enable' === button.dataset.action; button.classList.add('sui-button-onload'); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=smush_webp_toggle', true); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.onload = () => { const res = JSON.parse(xhr.response); if (200 === xhr.status) { if ('undefined' !== typeof res.success && res.success) { const scanPromise = this.runScan(); scanPromise.onload = () => { = + '¬ice=webp-toggled'; } } else if ('undefined' !== typeof { this.showNotice(; } } else { let message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; if (res && 'undefined' !== typeof { message =; } this.showNotice(message); } button.classList.remove('sui-button-onload'); }; xhr.send( 'param=' + doEnable + '&_ajax_nonce=' + this.nonceField[0].value ); }, /** * re-check server configuration for WebP. */ recheckStatus() { const nonceField = document.getElementsByName( 'wp_smush_options_nonce' ); this.recheckStatusButton.classList.add('sui-button-onload'); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=smush_webp_get_status', true); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.onload = () => { this.recheckStatusButton.classList.remove('sui-button-onload'); let message = false; const res = JSON.parse(xhr.response); if (200 === xhr.status) { if ('undefined' !== typeof res.success && res.success) { if ( !== this.recheckStatusButton.dataset.isConfigured ) { // Reload the page when the configuration status changed. location.reload(); } } else { message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; } } else { message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; } if (res && && { message =; } if (message) { this.showNotice(message); } }; xhr.send('_ajax_nonce=' + nonceField[0].value); }, deleteAll(e) { const button = e.currentTarget; button.classList.add('sui-button-onload'); let message = false; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=smush_webp_delete_all', true); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.onload = () => { const res = JSON.parse(xhr.response); if (200 === xhr.status) { if ('undefined' !== typeof res.success && res.success) { const scanPromise = this.runScan(); scanPromise.onload = () => { = + '¬ice=webp-deleted'; }; } else { message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; } } else { message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; } if (res && && { message =; } if (message) { button.classList.remove('sui-button-onload'); const noticeMessage = `<p style="text-align: left;">${message}</p>`; const noticeOptions = { type: 'error', icon: 'info', autoclose: { show: false, }, }; window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-webp-delete-all-error-notice', noticeMessage, noticeOptions ); } }; xhr.send('_ajax_nonce=' + this.nonceField[0].value); }, writeHtaccess(e, action) { e.preventDefault(); const button = e.currentTarget; button.classList.add('sui-button-onload'); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=smush_webp_write_htaccess_rules', true ); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.onload = () => { button.classList.remove('sui-button-onload'); let message = false, type; const res = JSON.parse(xhr.response); if (200 === xhr.status) { if ('undefined' !== typeof res.success && res.success) { location.reload(); } } else { message = window.wp_smush_msgs.generic_ajax_error; } if (res && && { message =; type = 'warning'; } if (message) { this.showNotice(message, type); } }; const ajaxAction = 'apply' === action ? 'apply' : 'remove', nonceField = document.getElementsByName( 'wp_smush_options_nonce' ); xhr.send( 'write_action=' + ajaxAction + '&_ajax_nonce=' + nonceField[0].value ); }, /** * Triggers the scanning of images for updating the images to re-smush. * * @since 3.8.0 */ runScan() { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), nonceField = document.getElementsByName( 'wp_smush_options_nonce' );'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=scan_for_resmush', true); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.send('_ajax_nonce=' + nonceField[0].value); return xhr; }, /** * Show message (notice). * * @param {string} message * @param {string} type */ showNotice(message, type) { if ('undefined' === typeof message) { return; } const noticeMessage = `<p>${message}</p>`; const noticeOptions = { type: type || 'error', icon: 'info', dismiss: { show: true, label: window.wp_smush_msgs.noticeDismiss, tooltip: window.wp_smush_msgs.noticeDismissTooltip, }, autoclose: { show: false, }, }; window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-ajax-notice', noticeMessage, noticeOptions ); }, /** * Show delete all webp success notice. */ maybeShowDeleteAllSuccessNotice() { if (!document.getElementById('wp-smush-webp-delete-all-notice')) { return; } const noticeMessage = `<p>${ document.getElementById('wp-smush-webp-delete-all-notice') .dataset.message }</p>`; const noticeOptions = { type: 'success', icon: 'check-tick', dismiss: { show: true, }, }; window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-webp-delete-all-notice', noticeMessage, noticeOptions ); }, maybeShowInstructionsNotice() { if (!document.getElementById('wp-smush-webp-instructions-notice')) { return; } const noticeContainer = document.getElementById( 'wp-smush-webp-instructions-notice' ), noticeMessage = `<p>${noticeContainer.dataset.message}</p>`, noticeOptions = { type: 'info', icon: 'info', dismiss: { show: true, }, }; window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-webp-instructions-notice', noticeMessage, noticeOptions ); }, hideCurrentInstructions() { if (this.serverInstructions[this.selectedServer]) { this.serverInstructions[this.selectedServer].classList.add( 'sui-hidden' ); } }, showServerInstructions(server) { if (typeof this.serverInstructions[server] !== 'undefined') { const serverTab = this.serverInstructions[server]; serverTab.classList.remove('sui-hidden'); } }, }; WP_Smush.WebP.init(); })();