Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
/** * @class elFinder command "download". * Download selected files. * Only for new api * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, **/ elFinder.prototype.commands.zipdl = function () {}; = function () { "use strict"; var self = this, fm =, czipdl = null, zipOn = false, mixed = false, dlntf = false, cpath = window.location.pathname || "/", filter = function (hashes, inExec) { var volumeid, mixedCmd; if (czipdl !== null) { if (fm.searchStatus.state > 1) { mixed = fm.searchStatus.mixed; } else if (fm.leafRoots[fm.cwd().hash]) { volumeid = fm.cwd().volumeid; jQuery.each(hashes, function (i, h) { if (h.indexOf(volumeid) !== 0) { mixed = true; return false; } }); } zipOn = fm.isCommandEnabled("zipdl", hashes[0]); } if (mixed) { mixedCmd = czipdl ? "zipdl" : "download"; hashes = jQuery.grep(hashes, function (h) { var f = fm.file(h), res = !f || (!czipdl && f.mime === "directory") || !fm.isCommandEnabled(mixedCmd, h) ? false : true; if (f && inExec && !res) { fm.cwdHash2Elm(f.hash).trigger("unselect"); } return res; }); if (!hashes.length) { return []; } } else { if (!fm.isCommandEnabled("download", hashes[0])) { return []; } } return jQuery.grep(self.files(hashes), function (f) { var res = ! || (!zipOn && f.mime == "directory") ? false : true; if (inExec && !res) { fm.cwdHash2Elm(f.hash).trigger("unselect"); } return res; }); }; this.linkedCmds = ["zipdl"]; this.shortcuts = [ { pattern: "shift+enter", }, ]; this.getstate = function (select) { var sel = this.hashes(select), cnt = sel.length, maxReq = this.options.maxRequests || 10, mixed = false, croot = ""; if (cnt < 1) { return -1; } cnt = filter(sel).length; return cnt && (zipOn || (cnt <= maxReq && ((!fm.UA.IE && !fm.UA.Mobile) || cnt == 1))) ? 0 : -1; }; fm.bind("contextmenu", function (e) { var fm =, helper = null, targets, file, link, getExtra = function (file) { var link = file.url || fm.url(file.hash); return { icon: "link", node: jQuery("<a></a>") .attr({ href: link, target: "_blank", title: fm.i18n("link") }) .text( .on( "mousedown click touchstart touchmove touchend contextmenu", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } ) .on("dragstart", function (e) { var dt = e.dataTransfer || e.originalEvent.dataTransfer || null; helper = null; if (dt) { var icon = function (f) { var mime = f.mime, i, tmb = fm.tmb(f); i = '<div class="elfinder-cwd-icon ' + fm.mime2class(mime) + ' ui-corner-all"></div>'; if (tmb) { i = jQuery(i) .addClass(tmb.className) .css("background-image", "url('" + tmb.url + "')") .get(0).outerHTML; } return i; }; dt.effectAllowed = "copyLink"; if (dt.setDragImage) { helper = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-drag-helper html5-native">') .append(icon(file)) .appendTo(jQuery(document.body)); dt.setDragImage(helper.get(0), 50, 47); } if (!fm.UA.IE) { dt.setData("elfinderfrom", window.location.href + file.phash); dt.setData("elfinderfrom:" + dt.getData("elfinderfrom"), ""); } } }) .on("dragend", function (e) { helper && helper.remove(); }), }; }; self.extra = null; if ( { targets = || []; if ( targets.length === 1 && (file = fm.file(targets[0])) && file.mime !== "directory" ) { if (file.url != "1") { self.extra = getExtra(file); } else { // Get URL ondemand var node; self.extra = { icon: "link", node: jQuery("<a></a>") .attr({ href: "#", title: fm.i18n("getLink"), draggable: "false", }) .text( .on("click touchstart", function (e) { if ( e.type === "touchstart" && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1 ) { return; } var parent = node.parent(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); parent .removeClass("ui-state-disabled") .addClass("elfinder-button-icon-spinner"); fm.request({ data: { cmd: "url", target: file.hash }, preventDefault: true, }).always(function (data) { parent.removeClass("elfinder-button-icon-spinner"); if (data.url) { var rfile = fm.file(file.hash); rfile.url = data.url; node.replaceWith(getExtra(file).node); } else { parent.addClass("ui-state-disabled"); } }); }), }; node = self.extra.node; node.ready(function () { requestAnimationFrame(function () { node .parent() .addClass("ui-state-disabled") .css("pointer-events", "auto"); }); }); } } } }).one("open", function () { if (fm.api >= 2.1012) { czipdl = fm.getCommand("zipdl"); } dlntf = fm.cookieEnabled && fm.api > 2.1038 && !fm.isCORS; }); this.exec = function (select) { var hashes = this.hashes(select), fm =, base = fm.options.url, files = filter(hashes, true), dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), iframes = "", cdata = "", targets = {}, i, url, linkdl = false, getTask = function (hashes) { return function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(), root = fm.file(fm.root(hashes[0])), single = hashes.length === 1, volName = root ? root.i18 || : null, dir, dlName, phash; if (single) { if ((dir = fm.file(hashes[0]))) { dlName = dir.i18 ||; } } else { jQuery.each(hashes, function () { var d = fm.file(this); if (d && (!phash || phash === d.phash)) { phash = d.phash; } else { phash = null; return false; } }); if (phash && (dir = fm.file(phash))) { dlName = (dir.i18 || + "-" + hashes.length; } } if (dlName) { volName = dlName; } volName && (volName = " (" + volName + ")"); fm.request({ data: { cmd: "zipdl", targets: hashes }, notify: { type: "zipdl", cnt: 1, hideCnt: true, msg: fm.i18n("ntfzipdl") + volName, }, cancel: true, eachCancel: true, preventDefault: true, }) .done(function (e) { var zipdl, dialog, btn = {}, dllink, form, iframe, m, uniq = "dlw" + +new Date(), zipdlFn = function (url) { dllink = jQuery("<a></a>") .attr("href", url) .attr("download", fm.escape(dlName)) .on("click", function () { dfd.resolve(); dialog && dialog.elfinderdialog("destroy"); }); if (linkdl) { dllink .attr("target", "_blank") .append( '<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-download"></span>' + fm.escape(dlName) ); btn[fm.i18n("btnCancel")] = function () { dialog.elfinderdialog("destroy"); }; dialog = self.fmDialog(dllink, { title: fm.i18n("link"), buttons: btn, width: "200px", destroyOnClose: true, close: function () { dfd.state() !== "resolved" && dfd.resolve(); }, }); } else { click(dllink.hide().appendTo("body").get(0)); dllink.remove(); } }; if (e.error) { fm.error(e.error); dfd.resolve(); } else if (e.zipdl) { zipdl = e.zipdl; if (dlName) { m = fm.splitFileExtention( || ""); dlName += m[1] ? "." + m[1] : ".zip"; } else { dlName =; } if (html5dl || linkdl) { url = fm.options.url + (fm.options.url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "cmd=zipdl&download=1"; jQuery.each([hashes[0], zipdl.file, dlName, zipdl.mime], function ( key, val ) { url += "&targets%5B%5D=" + encodeURIComponent(val); }); jQuery.each(fm.customData, function (key, val) { url += "&" + encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val); }); url += "&" + encodeURIComponent(dlName); if (fm.hasParrotHeaders()) { fm.getBinaryByUrl({ url: url }, function (blob) { if (blob instanceof Blob) { url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL( blob ); zipdlFn(url); } else { fm.error(["errUploadTransfer", fm.i18n("kindZIP")]); } }); } else { zipdlFn(url); } } else { form = jQuery( '<form action="' + fm.options.url + '" method="post" target="' + uniq + '" style="display:none"></form>' ) .append('<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="zipdl"/>') .append('<input type="hidden" name="download" value="1"/>'); jQuery.each([hashes[0], zipdl.file, dlName, zipdl.mime], function ( key, val ) { form.append( '<input type="hidden" name="targets[]" value="' + fm.escape(val) + '"/>' ); }); jQuery.each(fm.customData, function (key, val) { form.append( '<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '" value="' + fm.escape(val) + '"/>' ); }); form.attr("target", uniq).appendTo("body"); iframe = jQuery( '<iframe style="display:none" name="' + uniq + '">' ) .appendTo("body") .ready(function () { form.submit().remove(); dfd.resolve(); setTimeout(function () { iframe.remove(); }, 20000); // give 20 sec file to be saved }); } } }) .fail(function (error) { error && fm.error(error); dfd.resolve(); }); return dfd.promise(); }; }, // use MouseEvent to click element for Safari etc click = function (a) { var clickEv; if (typeof MouseEvent === "function") { clickEv = new MouseEvent("click"); } else { clickEv = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); clickEv.initMouseEvent( "click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null ); } fm.pauseUnloadCheck(true); a.dispatchEvent(clickEv); }, checkCookie = function (id) { var name = "elfdl" + id, parts; parts = document.cookie.split(name + "="); if (parts.length === 2) { ntftm && clearTimeout(ntftm); document.cookie = name + "=; path=" + cpath + "; max-age=0"; closeNotify(); } else { setTimeout(function () { checkCookie(id); }, 200); } }, closeNotify = function () { if (fm.ui.notify.children(".elfinder-notify-download").length) { fm.notify({ type: "download", cnt: -1, }); } }, reqids = [], link, html5dl, fileCnt, clickEv, cid, ntftm, reqid, getUrlDfrd, urls; if (!files.length) { return dfrd.reject(); } fileCnt = jQuery.grep(files, function (f) { return f.mime === "directory" ? false : true; }).length; link = jQuery("<a>").hide().appendTo("body"); html5dl = typeof link.get(0).download === "string"; if ( zipOn && (fileCnt !== files.length || fileCnt >= (this.options.minFilesZipdl || 1)) ) { link.remove(); linkdl = !html5dl && fm.UA.Mobile; if (mixed) { targets = {}; jQuery.each(files, function (i, f) { var p = f.hash.split("_", 2); if (!targets[p[0]]) { targets[p[0]] = [f.hash]; } else { targets[p[0]].push(f.hash); } }); if (!linkdl && fm.UA.Mobile && Object.keys(targets).length > 1) { linkdl = true; } } else { targets = [, function (f) { return f.hash; }), ]; } dfrd = fm .sequence(, function (t) { return getTask(t); }) ) .always(function () { fm.trigger("download", { files: files }); }); return dfrd; } else { reqids = []; getUrlDfrd = jQuery.Deferred().done(function (urls) { for (i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { url = urls[i]; if ( dlntf && url.substr(0, fm.options.url.length) === fm.options.url ) { reqid = fm.getRequestId(); reqids.push(reqid); url += "&cpath=" + cpath + "&reqid=" + reqid; ntftm = setTimeout(function () { fm.notify({ type: "download", cnt: 1, cancel: fm.UA.IE || fm.UA.Edge ? void 0 : function () { if (reqids.length) { jQuery.each(reqids, function () { fm.request({ data: { cmd: "abort", id: this, }, preventDefault: true, }); }); } reqids = []; }, }); }, fm.notifyDelay); checkCookie(reqid); } if (html5dl) { click( link .attr("href", url) .attr("download", fm.escape(files[i].name)) .get(0) ); } else { if (fm.UA.Mobile) { setTimeout(function () { if (! { fm.error("errPopup"); ntftm && cleaerTimeout(ntftm); closeNotify(); } }, 100); } else { iframes += '<iframe class="downloader" id="downloader-' + files[i].hash + '" style="display:none" src="' + url + '"></iframe>'; } } } link.remove(); jQuery(iframes) .appendTo("body") .ready(function () { setTimeout(function () { jQuery(iframes).each(function () { jQuery("#" + jQuery(this).attr("id")).remove(); }); }, 20000 + 10000 * i); // give 20 sec + 10 sec for each file to be saved }); fm.trigger("download", { files: files }); dfrd.resolve(); }); fileCnt = files.length; urls = []; for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { fm.openUrl(files[i].hash, true, function (v) { v && urls.push(v); if (--fileCnt < 1) { getUrlDfrd.resolve(urls); } }); } return dfrd; } }; };