Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php /** * WPSEO plugin file. * * @package WPSEO\Admin\Views */ if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_VERSION' ) ) { header( 'Status: 403 Forbidden' ); header( 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' ); exit(); } $wpseo_taxonomies = get_taxonomies( [ 'public' => true ], 'objects' ); if ( is_array( $wpseo_taxonomies ) && $wpseo_taxonomies !== [] ) { $view_utils = new Yoast_View_Utils(); $recommended_replace_vars = new WPSEO_Admin_Recommended_Replace_Vars(); $editor_specific_replace_vars = new WPSEO_Admin_Editor_Specific_Replace_Vars(); // Explicitly hide all the core taxonomies we never want to do stuff for. $wpseo_taxonomies = array_diff_key( $wpseo_taxonomies, array_flip( [ 'link_category', 'nav_menu' ] ) ); foreach ( array_values( $wpseo_taxonomies ) as $wpseo_taxonomy_index => $wpseo_taxonomy ) { $wpseo_taxonomy_presenter = new WPSEO_Paper_Presenter( $wpseo_taxonomy->labels->name, __DIR__ . '/paper-content/taxonomy-content.php', [ 'collapsible' => true, 'expanded' => ( $wpseo_taxonomy_index === 0 ), 'paper_id' => 'settings-' . $wpseo_taxonomy->name, 'view_data' => [ 'wpseo_taxonomy' => $wpseo_taxonomy, 'view_utils' => $view_utils, 'recommended_replace_vars' => $recommended_replace_vars, 'editor_specific_replace_vars' => $editor_specific_replace_vars, ], 'title_after' => ' (<code>' . esc_html( $wpseo_taxonomy->name ) . '</code>)', 'class' => 'search-appearance', ] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput -- get_output() output is properly escaped. echo $wpseo_taxonomy_presenter->get_output(); } unset( $wpseo_taxonomy_index, $wpseo_taxonomy_presenter, $view_utils, $recommended_replace_vars ); } unset( $wpseo_taxonomies ); printf( '<h2>%s</h2>', esc_html__( 'Category URLs', 'wordpress-seo' ) ); require __DIR__ . '/taxonomies/category-url.php';