Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php if (!class_exists('rtTPGOptions')): class rtTPGOptions { function rtPostTypes() { $post_types = get_post_types( array( '_builtin' => true ) ); $exclude = array('attachment', 'revision', 'nav_menu_item'); foreach ($exclude as $ex) { unset($post_types[$ex]); } return $post_types; } function rtPostOrders() { return array( "ASC" => "Ascending", "DESC" => "Descending", ); } function rtTermOperators() { return array( 'IN' => "IN — show posts which associate with one or more of selected terms", 'NOT IN' => "NOT IN — show posts which do not associate with any of selected terms", 'AND' => "AND — show posts which associate with all of selected terms", ); } function rtTermRelations() { return array( 'AND' => "AND — show posts which match all settings", 'OR' => "OR — show posts which match one or more settings", ); } function rtPostOrderBy() { return array( "ID" => "ID", "title" => "Title", "date" => "Created date", "modified" => "Modified date", "menu_order" => "Menu Order" ); } function rtTPGSettingFields() { global $rtTPG; $settings = get_option($rtTPG->options['settings']); return array( 'custom_css' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'custom_css', 'label' => 'Custom Css', 'holderClass' => 'rt-script-wrapper full', 'id' => 'custom-css', 'value' => isset($settings['custom_css']) ? stripslashes($settings['custom_css']) : null, ), "script_before_item_load" => array( 'name' => 'script_before_item_load', "label" => __("Script before item load", 'the-post-grid'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'holderClass' => 'rt-script-wrapper full', 'id' => 'script-before-item-load', 'value' => isset($settings['script_before_item_load']) ? stripslashes($settings['script_before_item_load']) : null ), "script_after_item_load" => array( 'name' => 'script_after_item_load', "label" => __("Script After item load", 'the-post-grid'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'holderClass' => 'rt-script-wrapper full', 'id' => 'script-after-item-load', 'value' => isset($settings['script_after_item_load']) ? stripslashes($settings['script_after_item_load']) : null ), "script_loaded" => array( 'name' => 'script_loaded', "label" => __("After Loaded Script", 'the-post-grid'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'holderClass' => 'rt-script-wrapper full', 'id' => 'script-loaded', 'value' => isset($settings['script_loaded']) ? stripslashes($settings['script_loaded']) : null ) ); } function rtTPGCommonFilterFields() { return array( 'post__in' => array( "name" => "post__in", "label" => "Include only", "type" => "text", "class" => "full", "description" => __('List of post IDs to show (comma-separated values, for example: 1,2,3)', 'the-post-grid') ), 'post__not_in' => array( "name" => "post__not_in", "label" => "Exclude", "type" => "text", "class" => "full", "description" => __('List of post IDs to hide (comma-separated values, for example: 1,2,3)', 'the-post-grid') ), 'limit' => array( "name" => "limit", "label" => "Limit", "type" => "number", "class" => "full", "description" => __('The number of posts to show. Set empty to show all found posts.', 'the-post-grid') ) ); } function rtTPGPostType() { return array( "name" => "tpg_post_type", "label" => "Post Type", "type" => "select", "id" => "rc-sc-post-type", "class" => "rt-select2", "options" => $this->rtPostTypes() ); } function rtTPAdvanceFilters() { return array( 'type' => "checkbox", 'name' => "post_filter", 'label' => "Advanced filters", 'id' => "post_filter", "alignment" => "vertical", "multiple" => true, "options" => array( 'tpg_taxonomy' => "Taxonomy", 'order' => "Order", 'author' => "Author", 'tpg_post_status' => "Status", 's' => "Search" ), ); } function rtTPGPostStatus() { return array( 'publish' => 'Publish', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'draft' => 'Draft', 'auto-draft' => 'Auto draft', 'future' => 'Future', 'private' => 'Private', 'inherit' => 'Inherit', 'trash' => 'Trash', ); } function rtTPGLayoutSettingFields() { global $rtTPG; return array( 'layout' => array( "type" => "select", "name" => "layout", "label" => "Layout", "id" => "rt-tpg-sc-layout", "class" => "rt-select2", "options" => $this->rtTPGLayouts() ), 'isotope-filtering' => array( "type" => "select", "name" => "isotope_filter", "label" => "Isotope Filter", 'holderClass' => "sc-isotope-filter tpg-hidden", "id" => "rt-tpg-sc-isotope-filter", "class" => "rt-select2", "options" => $rtTPG->rt_get_taxonomy_for_isotope_filter() ), 'tpg_show_all_text' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "tpg_show_all_text", 'holderClass' => "sc-isotope-filter tpg-hidden", "label" => esc_html__("Show all text", 'the-post-grid'), "default" => esc_html__("Show all", 'the-post-grid') ), 'tgp_layout2_image_column' => array( 'type' => 'select', "name" => "tgp_layout2_image_column", "id" => "tgp_layout2_image_column", 'label' => __('Image column', 'the-post-grid'), 'class' => 'rt-select2', 'holderClass' => "holder-layout2-image-column tpg-hidden", 'default' => 4, 'options' => $this->rtTPGColumns(), "description" => "Content column will calculate automatically" ), 'column' => array( "type" => "select", "name" => "column", "label" => "Column", "id" => "rt-column", "class" => "rt-select2", "default" => 4, "options" => $this->rtTPGColumns() ), 'pagination' => array( "type" => "checkbox", "name" => "pagination", "label" => "Pagination", 'holderClass' => "pagination", "id" => "rt-tpg-pagination", "option" => 'Enable' ), 'posts_per_page' => array( "type" => "number", "name" => "posts_per_page", "label" => "Display per page", 'holderClass' => "posts-per-page tpg-hidden", "id" => "posts-per-page", "default" => 5, "description" => __("If value of Limit setting is not blank (empty), this value should be smaller than Limit value.", 'the-post-grid') ), 'featured_image' => array( "type" => "checkbox", "name" => "featured_image", "label" => "Feature Image", "id" => "rt-feature-image", "option" => 'Disable' ), 'featured_image_size' => array( "type" => "select", "name" => "featured_image_size", "label" => "Feature Image Size", "id" => "featured-image-size", 'holderClass' => "feature-image-options tpg-hidden", "class" => "rt-select2", "options" => $rtTPG->get_image_sizes() ), 'media_source' => array( "type" => "radio", "name" => "media_source", "label" => "Media Source", "id" => "media-source", 'holderClass' => "feature-image-options tpg-hidden", "default" => 'feature_image', "alignment" => "vertical", "options" => $this->rtMediaSource() ), 'tpg_title_limit' => array( "name" => "tpg_title_limit", "id" => "tpg-title-limit", "type" => "number", "label" => esc_html__("Title limit", 'the-post-grid'), "description" => esc_html__("Title limit only integer number is allowed, Leave it blank for full title.", 'the-post-grid') ), 'tpg_title_limit_type' => array( "name" => "tpg_title_limit_type", "id" => "tpg-title-limit-type", "type" => "radio", "label" => esc_html__("Title limit type", 'the-post-grid'), "alignment" => "vertical", "default" => 'character', "options" => $this->get_limit_type(), ), 'excerpt_limit' => array( "type" => "number", "name" => "excerpt_limit", "label" => esc_html__("Excerpt limit", 'the-post-grid'), "id" => "excerpt-limit", "description" => __("Excerpt limit only integer number is allowed, Leave it blank for full excerpt. Note: This will remove all html tag", 'the-post-grid') ), 'tgp_excerpt_type' => array( "type" => "radio", "label" => esc_html__("Excerpt Type", 'the-post-grid'), "name" => "tgp_excerpt_type", "id" => "tgp_excerpt_type", "alignment" => "vertical", "default" => 'character', "options" => $this->get_limit_type('content'), ), 'tgp_excerpt_more_text' => array( "type" => "text", "label" => esc_html__("Excerpt more text", 'the-post-grid'), "name" => "tgp_excerpt_more_text", "id" => "tgp_excerpt_more_text", "default" => "..." ), 'tgp_read_more_text' => array( "type" => "text", "label" => esc_html__("Read more text", 'the-post-grid'), "name" => "tgp_read_more_text", "id" => "tgp_read_more_text", ), 'tpg_overlay' => array( "type" => "checkbox", "name" => "tpg_overlay", "label" => esc_html__("Overlay", 'the-post-grid'), "id" => "tpg_overlay", "option" => 'Enable' ), 'title_tag' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'title_tag', 'label' => esc_html__('Title tag', 'the-post-grid'), 'class' => 'rt-select2', 'id' => 'title-tag', 'options' => $this->getTitleTags(), 'default' => 'h2' ), 'link_to_detail_page' => array( "type" => "radio", 'name' => 'link_to_detail_page', "label" => esc_html__("Link To Detail Page", 'the-post-grid'), "alignment" => "vertical", "default" => 'yes', "options" => array( 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No' ) ), 'link_target' => array( "type" => "radio", "name" => "link_target", "label" => esc_html__("Link Target", 'the-post-grid'), 'holderClass' => "tpg-link-target tpg-hidden", "alignment" => 'vertical', "options" => array( '' => 'Same Window', '_blank' => 'New Window' ) ), ); } function get_limit_type($content = null) { $types = array( 'character' => __("Character", "the-post-grid"), 'word' => __("Word", "the-post-grid") ); if ($content === 'content') { $types['full'] = __("Full Content", "the-post-grid"); } return apply_filters('tpg_limit_type', $types, $content); } function rtTPGStyleFields() { return array( 'parent_class' => array( "name" => "parent_class", "type" => "text", "label" => "Parent class", "class" => "medium-text", "description" => "Parent class for adding custom css" ), 'primary_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "primary_color", "label" => "Primary Color", "id" => "primary-color", "class" => "rt-color", "default" => "#0367bf" ), 'button_bg_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "button_bg_color", "label" => "Button background color", "id" => "button-bg-color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'button_hover_bg_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "button_hover_bg_color", "label" => "Button hover background color", "id" => "button-hover-bg-color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'button_active_bg_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "button_active_bg_color", "label" => "Button active background color", "id" => "button-active-bg-color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'button_text_bg_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "button_text_color", "label" => "Button text color", "id" => "button-text-color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'title_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "title_color", "label" => esc_html__("Title color", "the-post-grid"), "id" => "title_color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'title_hover_color' => array( "type" => "text", "name" => "title_hover_color", "label" => esc_html__("Title hover color", "the-post-grid"), "id" => "title_hover_color", "class" => "rt-color" ), 'tpg_read_more_button_border_radius' => array( "type" => "number", "name" => "tpg_read_more_button_border_radius", "id" => "tpg-read-more-button-border-radius", "class" => "small-text", "label" => esc_html__("Read more button border radius", "the-post-grid"), "description" => esc_html__("Leave it blank for default", 'the-post-grid') ) ); } function getTitleTags() { return array( 'h2' => "H2", 'h3' => "H3", 'h4' => "H4" ); } function itemFields() { return array( "type" => "checkbox", "name" => "item_fields", "label" => "Field selection", "id" => "item-fields", "multiple" => true, "alignment" => "vertical", "default" => array_keys($this->rtTPGItemFields()), "options" => $this->rtTPGItemFields() ); } function rtMediaSource() { return array( "feature_image" => __("Feature Image", 'the-post-grid'), "first_image" => __("First Image from content", 'the-post-grid') ); } function rtTPGColumns() { return array( 1 => "Column 1", 2 => "Column 2", 3 => "Column 3", 4 => "Column 4", 5 => "Column 5", 6 => "Column 6" ); } function rtTPGLayouts() { $layouts = array( 'layout1' => "Layout 1", 'layout2' => "Layout 2", 'layout3' => "Layout 3", 'isotope1' => "Isotope Layout" ); return apply_filters('tpg_layouts', $layouts); } function rtTPGItemFields() { return array( 'title' => __("Title", 'the-post-grid'), 'excerpt' => __("Excerpt", 'the-post-grid'), 'read_more' => __("Read More", 'the-post-grid'), 'post_date' => __("Post Date", 'the-post-grid'), 'author' => __("Author", 'the-post-grid'), 'categories' => __("Categories", 'the-post-grid'), 'tags' => __("Tags", 'the-post-grid'), 'comment_count' => __("Comment Count", 'the-post-grid') ); } function get_pro_feature_list() { return '<ol> <li>Fully responsive and mobile friendly.</li> <li>55 Different Layouts</li> <li>Even and Masonry Grid.</li> <li>WooCommerce supported.</li> <li>Custom Post Type Supported</li> <li>Display posts by any Taxonomy like category(s), tag(s), author(s), keyword(s)</li> <li>Order by Id, Title, Created date, Modified date and Menu order.</li> <li>Display image size (thumbnail, medium, large, full)</li> <li>Isotope filter for any taxonomy ie. categories, tags...</li> <li>Query Post with Relation.</li> <li>Fields Selection.</li> <li>All Text and Color control.</li> <li>Enable/Disable Pagination.</li> <li>AJAX Pagination (Load more and Load on Scrolling)</li> </ol> <a href="" class="rt-admin-btn" target="_blank">' . __("Get Pro Version", "the-post-grid") . '</a>'; } } endif;