Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access.'); /** * Generic Slider super class. Extended by library specific classes. * * This class handles all slider related functionality, including saving settings and outputting * the slider HTML (front end and back end) */ class MetaSlider { public $id = 0; // slider ID public $identifier = 0; // unique identifier public $slides = array(); // slides belonging to this slider public $settings = array(); // slider settings /** * Constructor * * @param int $id Slider ID * @param array $shortcode_settings Short code settings */ public function __construct( $id, $shortcode_settings ) { $this->id = $id; $this->settings = array_merge( $shortcode_settings, $this->get_settings() ); $this->identifier = 'metaslider_' . $this->id; $this->populate_slides(); } /** * Return the unique identifier for the slider (used to avoid javascript conflicts) * * @return string unique identifier for slider */ protected function get_identifier() { return $this->identifier; } /** * Get settings for the current slider * * @return array slider settings */ private function get_settings() { $settings = get_post_meta( $this->id, 'ml-slider_settings', true ); if ( is_array( $settings ) && isset( $settings['type'] ) && in_array( $settings['type'], array( 'flex', 'coin', 'nivo', 'responsive' ) ) ) { return $settings; } else { return $this->get_default_parameters(); } } /** * Return an individual setting * * @param string $name Name of the setting * @return string setting value or 'false' */ public function get_setting( $name ) { if ( !isset( $this->settings[$name] ) ) { $defaults = $this->get_default_parameters(); if ( isset( $defaults[$name] ) ) { return $defaults[$name] ? $defaults[$name] : 'false'; } } else { if ( strlen( $this->settings[$name] ) > 0 ) { return $this->settings[$name]; } } return 'false'; } /** * Get the slider libary parameters, this lists all possible parameters and their * default values. Slider subclasses override this and disable/rename parameters * appropriately. * * @return string javascript options */ public function get_default_parameters() { $params = array( 'type' => 'flex', 'random' => false, 'cssClass' => '', 'printCss' => true, 'printJs' => true, 'width' => 700, 'height' => 300, 'spw' => 7, 'sph' => 5, 'delay' => 3000, 'sDelay' => 30, 'opacity' => 0.7, 'titleSpeed' => 500, 'effect' => 'random', 'navigation' => true, 'links' => true, 'hoverPause' => true, 'theme' => 'default', 'direction' => 'horizontal', 'reverse' => false, 'animationSpeed' => 600, 'prevText' => __('Previous', 'ml-slider'), 'nextText' => __('Next', 'ml-slider'), 'slices' => 15, 'center' => false, 'smartCrop' => true, 'carouselMode' => false, 'carouselMargin' => 5, 'firstSlideFadeIn' => false, 'easing' => 'linear', 'autoPlay' => true, 'thumb_width' => 150, 'thumb_height' => 100, 'responsive_thumbs' => true, 'thumb_min_width' => 100, 'fullWidth' => true, 'noConflict' => true ); return apply_filters('metaslider_default_parameters', $params); } /** * The main query for extracting the slides for the slideshow * * @return WP_Query */ public function get_slides() { $slideshow_id = $this->id; $slideshow_settings = $this->settings; $args = array( 'force_no_custom_order' => true, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_type' => array('attachment', 'ml-slide'), 'post_status' => array('inherit', 'publish'), 'lang' => '', // polylang, ingore language filter 'suppress_filters' => 1, // wpml, ignore language filter 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'ml-slider', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $slideshow_id ) ) ); // If there is a var set to include the trashed slides, then include it if (metaslider_viewing_trashed_slides($slideshow_id)) { $args['post_status'] = array('trash'); } // Filter to update the args before the query is built $args = apply_filters('metaslider_populate_slides_args', $args, $slideshow_id, $slideshow_settings); $the_query = new WP_Query($args); // Filter to alter the query itself if needed return apply_filters('metaslider_get_slides_query', $the_query, $slideshow_id, $slideshow_settings); } /** * Return slides for the current slider * * @return array collection of slides belonging to the current slider */ private function populate_slides() { $slides = array(); $slideshow_id = $this->id; // Filter to alter the slides query before they are "built" $query = apply_filters('metaslider_populate_slides_query', $this->get_slides(), $slideshow_id); while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->next_post(); $slide_id = $query->post->ID; $type = get_post_meta($slide_id, 'ml-slider_type', true); $type = $type ? $type : 'image'; // backwards compatibility, fall back to 'image' // Skip over deleted media files if ('image' === $type && 'ml-slide' === get_post_type($slide_id) && !get_post_thumbnail_id($slide_id)) { continue; } // As far as I can tell this filter is the "meat" of this plugin, so this check should always pass // for image slides, but handles showing only pro slides when the filter is available if (has_filter("metaslider_get_{$type}_slide")) { // Note: Extra $slide_id parameter added v3.10.0 as this filter is useless without it. $slide = apply_filters("metaslider_get_{$type}_slide", $slide_id, $slideshow_id, $slide_id); // The filter above can handle an array or a string, but it should be an array after this $slides = array_merge($slides, (array) $slide); } } // Shuffle slides as needed if (!is_admin() && filter_var($this->get_setting('random'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { shuffle($slides); } // Last chance to add/remove/manipulate slide output (Added 3.10.0) $this->slides = apply_filters("metaslider_filter_available_slides", $slides, $slideshow_id); return $this->slides; } /** * Render each slide belonging to the slider out to the screen */ public function render_admin_slides() { foreach ( $this->slides as $slide ) { echo $slide; } } /** * Output the HTML and Javascript for this slider * * @return string HTML & Javascrpt */ public function render_public_slides() { $html[] = '<div id="metaslider-id-' . $this->id . '" style="' . $this->get_container_style() . '" class="' . esc_attr($this->get_container_class()) .'">'; $html[] = ' <div id="' . $this->get_container_id() . '">'; $html[] = ' ' . $this->get_html(); $html[] = ' ' . $this->get_html_after(); $html[] = ' </div>'; $html[] = '</div>'; $slideshow = implode( "\n", $html ); $slideshow = apply_filters( 'metaslider_slideshow_output', $slideshow, $this->id, $this->settings ); return $slideshow; } /** * Return the ID to use for the container */ private function get_container_id() { $container_id = 'metaslider_container_' . $this->id; $id = apply_filters( 'metaslider_container_id', $container_id, $this->id, $this->settings ); return $id; } /** * Return the classes to use for the slidehsow container */ private function get_container_class() { // Add the version to the class name (if possible) $version_string = str_replace('.', '-', urlencode(METASLIDER_VERSION)); $version_string .= defined('METASLIDERPRO_VERSION') ? ' ml-slider-pro-' . str_replace('.', '-', urlencode(METASLIDERPRO_VERSION)) : ''; $class = "ml-slider-{$version_string} metaslider metaslider-{$this->get_setting('type')} metaslider-{$this->id} ml-slider"; // apply the css class setting if ('false' != $this->get_setting('cssClass')) { $class .= " " . $this->get_setting('cssClass'); } // when passed in the shortcode, the attribute names are lowercased. if ('false' != $this->get_setting('cssclass')) { $class .= " " . $this->get_setting('cssclass'); } // handle any custom classes $class = apply_filters('metaslider_css_classes', $class, $this->id, $this->settings); return $class; } /** * Return the inline CSS style for the slideshow container. */ private function get_container_style() { // default $style = "max-width: {$this->get_setting( 'width' )}px;"; // carousels are always 100% wide if ( $this->get_setting( 'carouselMode' ) == 'true' || ( $this->get_setting( 'fullWidth' ) == 'true' ) && $this->get_setting( 'type' ) != 'coin' ) { $style = "width: 100%;"; } // percentWidth showcode parameter takes precedence if ( $this->get_setting( 'percentwidth' ) != 'false' && $this->get_setting( 'percentwidth' ) > 0 ) { $style = "width: {$this->get_setting( 'percentwidth' )}%;"; } // center align the slideshow if ( $this->get_setting( 'center' ) != 'false' ) { $style .= " margin: 0 auto;"; } // handle any custom container styles $style = apply_filters( 'metaslider_container_style', $style, $this->id, $this->settings ); return $style; } /** * Return the Javascript to kick off the slider. Code is wrapped in a timer * to allow for themes that load jQuery at the bottom of the page. * * Delay execution of slider code until jQuery is ready (supports themes where * jQuery is loaded at the bottom of the page) * * @return string javascript */ private function get_inline_javascript() { $custom_js_before = $this->get_custom_javascript_before(); $custom_js_after = $this->get_custom_javascript_after(); $identifier = $this->get_identifier(); $script = "var " . $identifier . " = function($) {"; $script .= $custom_js_before; $script .= "\n $('#" . $identifier . "')." . $this->js_function . "({ "; $script .= "\n " . $this->get_javascript_parameters(); $script .= "\n });"; $script .= $custom_js_after; $script .= "\n $(document).trigger('metaslider/initialized', '#$identifier');"; $script .= "\n };"; $timer = "\n var timer_" . $identifier . " = function() {"; // this would be the sensible way to do it, but WordPress sometimes converts && to && // window.jQuery && jQuery.isReady ? {$identifier}(window.jQuery) : window.setTimeout(timer_{$identifier}, 1);"; $timer .= "\n var slider = !window.jQuery ? window.setTimeout(timer_{$this->identifier}, 100) : !jQuery.isReady ? window.setTimeout(timer_{$this->identifier}, 1) : {$this->identifier}(window.jQuery);"; $timer .= "\n };"; $timer .= "\n timer_" . $identifier . "();"; $init = apply_filters("metaslider_timer", $timer, $this->identifier); return $script . $init; } /** * Custom HTML to add immediately below the markup */ private function get_html_after() { $type = $this->get_setting( 'type' ); $html = apply_filters( "metaslider_{$type}_slider_html_after", "", $this->id, $this->settings ); if ( strlen( $html ) ) { return " {$html}"; } return ""; } /** * Custom JavaScript to execute immediately before the slideshow is initialized */ private function get_custom_javascript_before() { $type = $this->get_setting('type'); $javascript = ""; // theme/plugin conflict avoidance if ('true' === $this->get_setting('noConflict') && 'flex' === $type) { $javascript = "$('#metaslider_{$this->id}').addClass('flexslider');"; } $custom_js = apply_filters("metaslider_{$type}_slider_javascript_before", $javascript, $this->id); $custom_js .= apply_filters("metaslider_slider_javascript", "", $this->id, $this->identifier); return $custom_js; } /** * Custom Javascript to execute immediately after the slideshow is initialized * * @return string */ private function get_custom_javascript_after() { $type = $this->get_setting('type'); $custom_js = apply_filters("metaslider_{$type}_slider_javascript", "", $this->id); $custom_js .= apply_filters("metaslider_slider_javascript", "", $this->id, $this->identifier); return $custom_js; } /** * Build the javascript parameter arguments for the slider. * * @return string parameters */ private function get_javascript_parameters() { $options = array(); // construct an array of all parameters foreach ( $this->get_default_parameters() as $name => $default ) { if ( $param = $this->get_param( $name ) ) { $val = $this->get_setting( $name ); if ( gettype( $default ) == 'integer' || $val == 'true' || $val == 'false' ) { $options[$param] = $val; } else { $options[$param] = '"' . esc_js($val) . '"'; } } } // deal with any customised parameters $type = $this->get_setting( 'type' ); $options = apply_filters( "metaslider_{$type}_slider_parameters", $options, $this->id, $this->settings ); $arg = $type == 'flex' ? 'slider' : ''; // create key:value strings foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $pairs[] = "{$key}: function($arg) {\n " . implode( "\n ", $value ) . "\n }"; } else { $pairs[] = "{$key}:{$value}"; } } return implode( ",\n ", $pairs ); } /** * Polyfill to handle the wp_add_inline_script() function. * * @param string $handle [description] * @param array $data [description] * @param string $position [description] * @return array */ public function wp_add_inline_script($handle, $data, $position = 'after') { if (function_exists('wp_add_inline_script')) return wp_add_inline_script($handle, $data, $position); global $wp_scripts; if (!$data) return false; // First fetch any existing scripts $script = $wp_scripts->get_data($handle, 'data'); // Append to the end $script .= $data; return $wp_scripts->add_data($handle, 'data', $script); } /** * Include slider assets, JS and CSS paths are specified by child classes. */ public function enqueue_scripts() { if (filter_var($this->get_setting('printJs'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $handle = 'metaslider-' . $this->get_setting('type') . '-slider'; wp_enqueue_script($handle, METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . $this->js_path, array('jquery'), METASLIDER_VERSION); $this->wp_add_inline_script($handle, $this->get_inline_javascript()); } if (filter_var($this->get_setting('printCss'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-' . $this->get_setting('type') . '-slider', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . $this->css_path, false, METASLIDER_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-public', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/public.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION); $extra_css = apply_filters("metaslider_css", "", $this->settings, $this->id); wp_add_inline_style('metaslider-public', $extra_css); } do_action('metaslider_register_public_styles'); } }