Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
let TetherBase; if (typeof TetherBase === 'undefined') { TetherBase = {modules: []}; } let zeroElement = null; // Same as native getBoundingClientRect, except it takes into account parent <frame> offsets // if the element lies within a nested document (<frame> or <iframe>-like). function getActualBoundingClientRect(node) { let boundingRect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); // The original object returned by getBoundingClientRect is immutable, so we clone it // We can't use extend because the properties are not considered part of the object by hasOwnProperty in IE9 let rect = {}; for (var k in boundingRect) { rect[k] = boundingRect[k]; } try { if (node.ownerDocument !== document) { let frameElement = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement; if (frameElement) { let frameRect = getActualBoundingClientRect(frameElement); +=; rect.bottom +=; rect.left += frameRect.left; rect.right += frameRect.left; } } } catch (err) { // Ignore "Access is denied" in IE11/Edge } return rect; } function getScrollParents(el) { // In firefox if the el is inside an iframe with display: none; window.getComputedStyle() will return null; // const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(el) || {}; const position = computedStyle.position; let parents = []; if (position === 'fixed') { return [el]; } let parent = el; while ((parent = parent.parentNode) && parent && parent.nodeType === 1) { let style; try { style = getComputedStyle(parent); } catch (err) {} if (typeof style === 'undefined' || style === null) { parents.push(parent); return parents; } const {overflow, overflowX, overflowY} = style; if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) { if (position !== 'absolute' || ['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].indexOf(style.position) >= 0) { parents.push(parent) } } } parents.push(el.ownerDocument.body); // If the node is within a frame, account for the parent window scroll if (el.ownerDocument !== document) { parents.push(el.ownerDocument.defaultView); } return parents; } const uniqueId = (() => { let id = 0; return () => ++id; })(); const zeroPosCache = {}; const getOrigin = () => { // getBoundingClientRect is unfortunately too accurate. It introduces a pixel or two of // jitter as the user scrolls that messes with our ability to detect if two positions // are equivilant or not. We place an element at the top left of the page that will // get the same jitter, so we can cancel the two out. let node = zeroElement; if (!node || !document.body.contains(node)) { node = document.createElement('div'); node.setAttribute('data-tether-id', uniqueId()); extend(, { top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }); document.body.appendChild(node); zeroElement = node; } const id = node.getAttribute('data-tether-id'); if (typeof zeroPosCache[id] === 'undefined') { zeroPosCache[id] = getActualBoundingClientRect(node); // Clear the cache when this position call is done defer(() => { delete zeroPosCache[id]; }); } return zeroPosCache[id]; }; function removeUtilElements() { if (zeroElement) { document.body.removeChild(zeroElement); } zeroElement = null; }; function getBounds(el) { let doc; if (el === document) { doc = document; el = document.documentElement; } else { doc = el.ownerDocument; } const docEl = doc.documentElement; const box = getActualBoundingClientRect(el); const origin = getOrigin(); -=; box.left -= origin.left; if (typeof box.width === 'undefined') { box.width = document.body.scrollWidth - box.left - box.right; } if (typeof box.height === 'undefined') { box.height = document.body.scrollHeight - - box.bottom; } = - docEl.clientTop; box.left = box.left - docEl.clientLeft; box.right = doc.body.clientWidth - box.width - box.left; box.bottom = doc.body.clientHeight - box.height -; return box; } function getOffsetParent(el) { return el.offsetParent || document.documentElement; } let _scrollBarSize = null; function getScrollBarSize() { if (_scrollBarSize) { return _scrollBarSize; } const inner = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '200px'; const outer = document.createElement('div'); extend(, { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, pointerEvents: 'none', visibility: 'hidden', width: '200px', height: '150px', overflow: 'hidden' }); outer.appendChild(inner); document.body.appendChild(outer); const widthContained = inner.offsetWidth; = 'scroll'; let widthScroll = inner.offsetWidth; if (widthContained === widthScroll) { widthScroll = outer.clientWidth; } document.body.removeChild(outer); const width = widthContained - widthScroll; _scrollBarSize = {width, height: width}; return _scrollBarSize; } function extend(out={}) { const args = []; Array.prototype.push.apply(args, arguments); args.slice(1).forEach(obj => { if (obj) { for (let key in obj) { if ({}, key)) { out[key] = obj[key]; } } } }); return out; } function removeClass(el, name) { if (typeof el.classList !== 'undefined') { name.split(' ').forEach(cls => { if (cls.trim()) { el.classList.remove(cls); } }); } else { const regex = new RegExp(`(^| )${ name.split(' ').join('|') }( |$)`, 'gi'); const className = getClassName(el).replace(regex, ' '); setClassName(el, className); } } function addClass(el, name) { if (typeof el.classList !== 'undefined') { name.split(' ').forEach(cls => { if (cls.trim()) { el.classList.add(cls); } }); } else { removeClass(el, name); const cls = getClassName(el) + ` ${name}`; setClassName(el, cls); } } function hasClass(el, name) { if (typeof el.classList !== 'undefined') { return el.classList.contains(name); } const className = getClassName(el); return new RegExp(`(^| )${ name }( |$)`, 'gi').test(className); } function getClassName(el) { // Can't use just SVGAnimatedString here since nodes within a Frame in IE have // completely separately SVGAnimatedString base classes if (el.className instanceof el.ownerDocument.defaultView.SVGAnimatedString) { return el.className.baseVal; } return el.className; } function setClassName(el, className) { el.setAttribute('class', className); } function updateClasses(el, add, all) { // Of the set of 'all' classes, we need the 'add' classes, and only the // 'add' classes to be set. all.forEach(cls => { if (add.indexOf(cls) === -1 && hasClass(el, cls)) { removeClass(el, cls); } }); add.forEach(cls => { if (!hasClass(el, cls)) { addClass(el, cls); } }); } const deferred = []; const defer = (fn) => { deferred.push(fn); }; const flush = () => { let fn; while(fn = deferred.pop()) { fn(); } }; class Evented { on(event, handler, ctx, once=false) { if (typeof this.bindings === 'undefined') { this.bindings = {}; } if (typeof this.bindings[event] === 'undefined') { this.bindings[event] = []; } this.bindings[event].push({handler, ctx, once}); } once(event, handler, ctx) { this.on(event, handler, ctx, true); } off(event, handler) { if (typeof this.bindings === 'undefined' || typeof this.bindings[event] === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof handler === 'undefined') { delete this.bindings[event]; } else { let i = 0; while (i < this.bindings[event].length) { if (this.bindings[event][i].handler === handler) { this.bindings[event].splice(i, 1); } else { ++i; } } } } trigger(event, ...args) { if (typeof this.bindings !== 'undefined' && this.bindings[event]) { let i = 0; while (i < this.bindings[event].length) { const {handler, ctx, once} = this.bindings[event][i]; let context = ctx; if (typeof context === 'undefined') { context = this; } handler.apply(context, args); if (once) { this.bindings[event].splice(i, 1); } else { ++i; } } } } } TetherBase.Utils = { getActualBoundingClientRect, getScrollParents, getBounds, getOffsetParent, extend, addClass, removeClass, hasClass, updateClasses, defer, flush, uniqueId, Evented, getScrollBarSize, removeUtilElements };