Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed'); if (!class_exists('Updraft_Task_Manager_1_2')) require_once(WPO_PLUGIN_MAIN_PATH . 'vendor/team-updraft/common-libs/src/updraft-tasks/class-updraft-task-manager.php'); if (!class_exists('WP_Optimize_Load_Url_Task')) require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/class-wpo-load-url-task.php'); class WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader extends Updraft_Task_Manager_1_2 { private $task_type = 'load-url-task'; private $options; static protected $_instance = null; /** * WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->options = WP_Optimize()->get_options(); // setup loggers $this->set_loggers(WP_Optimize()->wpo_loggers()); add_filter('cron_schedules', array($this, 'cron_add_intervals')); add_action('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue', array($this, 'process_tasks_queue')); add_action('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload', array($this, 'run_scheduled_cache_preload')); add_filter('updraft_interrupt_tasks_queue_'.$this->task_type, array($this, 'maybe_interrupt_queue'), 20); } /** * Check if cache is active. * * @return bool */ public function is_cache_active() { return WP_Optimize()->get_page_cache()->is_enabled(); } /** * Schedule or delete automatic preload action on cache settings update. * * @param array $new_settings The new settings * @param array $previous_settings Settings before saving */ public function cache_settings_updated($new_settings, $previous_settings) { if (!$new_settings['enable_page_caching']) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); $this->delete_preload_continue_action(); return; } if (!empty($new_settings['enable_schedule_preload'])) { $last_schedule_type = $previous_settings['preload_schedule_type']; if (wp_next_scheduled('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload')) { // if already scheduled this schedule type if ($new_settings['preload_schedule_type'] == $last_schedule_type) { // If the schedule type is cache lifespan, check if the cache lifespan changed. if ('wpo_use_cache_lifespan' == $new_settings['preload_schedule_type']) { // Else, if the settings cache lifespan settings haven't changed, returns if ($new_settings['page_cache_length_value'] == $previous_settings['page_cache_length_value'] && $new_settings['page_cache_length_unit'] == $previous_settings['page_cache_length_unit']) { return; } } else { return; } } // clear currently scheduled preload action. wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); } // schedule preload action. wp_schedule_event((time() + $this->get_schedule_interval($new_settings['preload_schedule_type'])), $new_settings['preload_schedule_type'], 'wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); } else { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); } } /** * Clear active preload tasks, reschedule preload action. */ public function reschedule_preload() { // clear scheduled action. if (wp_next_scheduled('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload')) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); } // schedule preload action if need. if ($this->is_scheduled_preload_enabled()) { $preload_schedule_type = $this->get_cache_config('preload_schedule_type'); wp_schedule_event(time() + $this->get_schedule_interval($preload_schedule_type), $preload_schedule_type, 'wpo_page_cache_schedule_preload'); } } /** * Check if scheduled preload enabled. * * @return bool */ public function is_scheduled_preload_enabled() { $enable_schedule_preload = $this->get_cache_config('enable_schedule_preload'); return !empty($enable_schedule_preload); } /** * Get a schedule interval * * @param string $schedule_key The schedule to check * @return integer */ private function get_schedule_interval($schedule_key) { $schedules = wp_get_schedules(); if (!isset($schedules[$schedule_key])) { $this->log('Could not get interval for event of type '.$schedule_key); return 0; } return isset($schedules[$schedule_key]['interval']) ? $schedules[$schedule_key]['interval'] : 0; } /** * Add intervals to cron schedules. * * @param array $schedules * * @return array */ public function cron_add_intervals($schedules) { $interval = $this->get_continue_preload_cron_interval(); $schedules['wpo_page_cache_preload_continue_interval'] = array( 'interval' => $interval, 'display' => round($interval / 60, 1).' minutes' ); $schedules['wpo_use_cache_lifespan'] = array( 'interval' => WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('page_cache_length'), 'display' => 'Same as cache lifespan: '.WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('page_cache_length_value').' '.WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('page_cache_length_unit') ); return $schedules; } /** * Get the interval to continuing a preload task * * @return integer */ private function get_continue_preload_cron_interval() { /** * Filters the interval between each preload attempt, in seconds. */ return (int) apply_filters('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue_interval', 600); } /** * Schedule action for continuously preload. */ public function schedule_preload_continue_action() { $continue_in = wp_next_scheduled('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue'); // Action is still scheduled if ($continue_in && $continue_in > 0) return; // Action is overdue, delete it and re schedule it if ($continue_in && $continue_in < 0) $this->delete_preload_continue_action(); wp_schedule_event(time() + $this->get_schedule_interval('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue_interval'), 'wpo_page_cache_preload_continue_interval', 'wpo_page_cache_preload_continue'); } /** * Delete scheduled action for continuously preload. */ public function delete_preload_continue_action() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue'); } /** * Run cache preload. If task queue is empty it creates tasks for site urls. * * @param string $type - The preload type (schedule | manual) * @param array $response - Specific response for echo into output thread when browser connection closing. * @return array|void - Void when closing the browser connection */ public function run($type = 'scheduled', $response = null) { if (!$this->is_cache_active()) { return array( 'success' => false, 'error' => __('Page cache is disabled.', 'wp-optimize') ); } if (empty($response)) { $response = array('success' => true); } $this->delete_cancel_flag(); // trying to lock semaphore. $creating_tasks_semaphore = new Updraft_Semaphore_2_2('wpo_cache_preloader_creating_tasks'); $lock = $creating_tasks_semaphore->lock(); // if semaphore haven't locked then just return response. if (!$lock) { return array( 'success' => false, 'error' => __('Probably page cache preload is running already.', 'wp-optimize') ); } $is_wp_cli = defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI; // close browser connection and continue work. // don't close connection for WP-CLI if (false == $is_wp_cli) { WP_Optimize()->close_browser_connection(json_encode($response)); } // trying to change time limit. WP_Optimize()->change_time_limit(); $status = $this->get_status($this->task_type); if (0 == $status['all_tasks'] && $lock) { if (is_multisite()) { $sites = WP_Optimize()->get_sites(); foreach ($sites as $site) { switch_to_blog($site->blog_id); $this->create_tasks_for_preload_site_urls($type); restore_current_blog(); } } else { $this->create_tasks_for_preload_site_urls($type); } } if ($lock) $creating_tasks_semaphore->unlock(); $this->process_tasks_queue(); // return $response in WP-CLI mode if ($is_wp_cli) { return $response; } } /** * Check if we need run cache preload and run it. */ public function run_scheduled_cache_preload() { $schedule_type = WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('preload_schedule_type'); if (!$schedule_type) return; // Don't run preload if cache lifespan option enabled and cache not expired yet. if ('wpo_use_cache_lifespan' == $schedule_type) { /** * Filters the allowed time difference between the cache exiry and the current time, in seconds. * If the cache expires in less than $allowed_time_difference, preload. Otherwise leave it. * * @param integer $allowed_time_difference The time difference, in seconds (default = 600) */ $allowed_time_difference = apply_filters('wpo_preload_allowed_time_difference', 600); $page_cache_lifespan = WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('page_cache_length', 0); $last_preload_time = $this->options->get_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload', 0); $time_since_last_preload = time() - $last_preload_time; $minimum_time_to_next_schedule_preload = $page_cache_lifespan - $allowed_time_difference; // Skip this if the last preload is not as old as the cache lifespan minus $allowed_time_difference if ($page_cache_lifespan > 0 && $time_since_last_preload < $minimum_time_to_next_schedule_preload) return; } $this->run(); } /** * Process tasks queue. */ public function process_tasks_queue() { // schedule continue preload action. $this->schedule_preload_continue_action(); if (!$this->process_queue($this->task_type)) { return; } // delete scheduled continue preload action. $this->delete_preload_continue_action(); // update last cache preload time only if processing any tasks, else process was cancelled. if ($this->is_running()) { $this->options->update_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload', time()); } $this->clean_up_old_tasks($this->task_type); } /** * Find out if the current queue should be interrupted * * @param boolean $interrupt * @return boolean */ public function maybe_interrupt_queue($interrupt) { if ($interrupt) return $interrupt; static $memory_threshold = null; if (null == $memory_threshold) { /** * Filters the minimum memory required before stopping a queue. Default: 10MB */ $memory_threshold = apply_filters('wpo_page_cache_preload_memory_threshold', 10485760); } return WP_Optimize()->get_free_memory() < $memory_threshold; } /** * Delete all preload tasks from queue. */ public function cancel_preload() { $this->set_cancel_flag(); $this->delete_tasks($this->task_type); $this->delete_preload_continue_action(); } /** * Set 'cancel' option to true. */ public function set_cancel_flag() { $this->options->update_option('last_page_cache_preload_cancel', true); } /** * Delete 'cancel' option. */ public function delete_cancel_flag() { $this->options->delete_option('last_page_cache_preload_cancel'); } /** * Check if the last preload is cancelled. * * @return bool */ public function is_cancelled() { return $this->options->get_option('last_page_cache_preload_cancel', false); } /** * Check if preloading queue is processing. * * @return bool */ public function is_busy() { return $this->is_semaphore_locked($this->task_type) || $this->is_semaphore_locked('wpo_cache_preloader_creating_tasks'); } /** * Get current status of preloading urls. * * @return array */ public function get_status_info() { $status = $this->get_status($this->task_type); $cache_size = WP_Optimize()->get_page_cache()->get_cache_size(); if ($this->is_semaphore_locked('wpo_cache_preloader_creating_tasks') && !$this->is_cancelled()) { // we are still creating tasks. return array( 'done' => false, 'message' => __('Loading URLs...', 'wp-optimize'), 'size' => WP_Optimize()->format_size($cache_size['size']), 'file_count' => $cache_size['file_count'] ); } elseif ($status['complete_tasks'] == $status['all_tasks']) { $gmt_offset = (int) (3600 * get_option('gmt_offset')); $last_preload_time = $this->options->get_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload'); if ($last_preload_time) { $last_preload_time_str = date_i18n(get_option('time_format').', '.get_option('date_format'), $last_preload_time + $gmt_offset); return array( 'done' => true, 'message' => sprintf(__('Last preload finished at %s', 'wp-optimize'), $last_preload_time_str), 'size' => WP_Optimize()->format_size($cache_size['size']), 'file_count' => $cache_size['file_count'] ); } else { return array( 'done' => true, 'size' => WP_Optimize()->format_size($cache_size['size']), 'file_count' => $cache_size['file_count'] ); } } else { $preload_resuming_time = wp_next_scheduled('wpo_page_cache_preload_continue'); $preload_resuming_in = $preload_resuming_time ? $preload_resuming_time - time() : 0; $preloaded_message = sprintf(_n('%1$s out of %2$s URL preloaded', '%1$s out of %2$s URLs preloaded', $status['all_tasks'], 'wp-optimize'), $status['complete_tasks'], $status['all_tasks']); if ('sitemap' == $this->options->get_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload_type', '')) { $preloaded_message = __('Preloading posts found in sitemap:', 'wp-optimize') .' '. $preloaded_message; } $return = array( 'done' => false, 'message' => $preloaded_message, 'size' => WP_Optimize()->format_size($cache_size['size']), 'file_count' => $cache_size['file_count'], 'resume_in' => $preload_resuming_in ); if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) { // if no cron was found or cron is overdue more than 20s, trigger it if (!$preload_resuming_time || $preload_resuming_in < -20) { $this->run($return); } } return $return; } } /** * Check if preload action in process. * * @return bool */ public function is_running() { $status = $this->get_status($this->task_type); if ($status['all_tasks'] > 0) return true; } /** * Get cache config option value. * * @return mixed */ public function get_cache_config($option) { static $config = null; if (null === $config) $config = WPO_Page_Cache::instance()->config->get(); if (is_array($config) && array_key_exists($option, $config)) { return $config[$option]; } return false; } /** * Create tasks (WP_Optimize_Load_Url_Task) for preload all urls from site. * * @param string $type The preload type (currently: scheduled, manual) * @return void */ public function create_tasks_for_preload_site_urls($type) { $urls = $this->get_site_urls(); if (!empty($urls)) { $this->log(__('Creating tasks for preload site urls.', 'wp-optimize')); foreach ($urls as $url) { if (wpo_url_in_exceptions($url)) continue; if ($this->url_is_already_cached($url, $type)) { continue; } // this description is being used for internal purposes. $description = 'Preload - '.$url; $options = array('url' => $url, 'preload_type' => $type, 'anonymous_user_allowed' => (defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON) || (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI)); WP_Optimize_Load_Url_Task::create_task($this->task_type, $description, $options, 'WP_Optimize_Load_Url_Task'); } $this->log(__('Tasks for preload site urls created.', 'wp-optimize')); } } /** * Preload desktop version from url. * * @param string $url * * @return void */ public function preload_desktop($url) { $desktop_args = array( 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.89 Safari/537.36', 'timeout' => 10, ); $desktop_args = apply_filters('wpo_page_cache_preloader_desktop_args', $desktop_args, $url); $this->log('preload_desktop - '. $url); wp_remote_get($url, $desktop_args); } /** * Preload mobile version from $url. * * @param string $url * * @return void */ public function preload_mobile($url) { static $is_mobile_caching_enabled; if (!isset($is_mobile_caching_enabled)) { $is_mobile_caching_enabled = $this->get_cache_config('enable_mobile_caching'); } // Only run if option is active if (!$is_mobile_caching_enabled) return; $mobile_args = array( 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1', 'timeout' => 10, ); $mobile_args = apply_filters('wpo_page_cache_preloader_mobile_args', $mobile_args, $url); $this->log('preload_mobile - ' . $url); wp_remote_get($url, $mobile_args); } /** * Preload amp version from $url. * * @param string $url * * @return void */ public function preload_amp($url) { if (!apply_filters('wpo_should_preload_amp', false, $url)) return; $amp_args = array( 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.89 Safari/537.36', 'timeout' => 10, ); $url = untrailingslashit($url) . '/amp/'; $amp_args = apply_filters('wpo_page_cache_preloader_amp_args', $amp_args, $url); $this->log('preload_amp - ' . $url); wp_remote_get($url, $amp_args); } /** * Check if sitemap exists then returns list of urls from sitemap file otherwise returns all posts urls. * * @return array */ public function get_site_urls() { if ($this->exists_sitemap_file() && (false !== ($urls = $this->get_sitemap_urls()))) { $this->options->update_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload_type', 'sitemap'); } else { $urls = $this->get_post_urls(); $this->options->update_option('wpo_last_page_cache_preload_type', 'posts'); } $this->log(sprintf(_n('%d url found.', '%d urls found.', count($urls), 'wp-optimize'), count($urls))); return $urls; } /** * Check if sitemap file is exists. * * @return bool */ public function exists_sitemap_file() { $response = wp_remote_get(site_url('/'.$this->get_sitemap_filename()), array('timeout' => 10)); if (is_wp_error($response) || '200' != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { $sitemap_file = $this->get_local_sitemap_file(); if (is_file($sitemap_file)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Loads sitemap file and returns list of urls. * * @param string $sitemap_url * * @return array|bool */ public function get_sitemap_urls($sitemap_url = '') { $urls = array(); // if sitemap url is empty then use main sitemap file name. $sitemap_url = ('' === $sitemap_url) ? site_url('/'.$this->get_sitemap_filename()) : $sitemap_url; // if simplexml_load_string not available then we don't load sitemap. if (!function_exists('simplexml_load_string')) { return $urls; } // load sitemap file. $response = wp_remote_get($sitemap_url, array('timeout' => 30)); // if we get error then if (is_wp_error($response)) { $response = file_get_contents($sitemap_url); // if response is empty then try load from file. if (empty($response) && '' == $sitemap_url) { $sitemap_file = $this->get_local_sitemap_file(); $response = file_get_contents($sitemap_file); } if (empty($response)) return $urls; $xml = @simplexml_load_string($response); // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged } else { // parse xml answer. $xml = @simplexml_load_string(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged } // xml file has not valid xml content then return false. if (false === $xml) return false; // if exists urls then return them. if (isset($xml->url)) { foreach ($xml->url as $element) { if (!isset($element->loc)) continue; $urls[] = (string) $element->loc; } } elseif (isset($xml->sitemap)) { // if has links to other sitemap files then get urls from them. foreach ($xml->sitemap as $element) { if (!isset($element->loc)) continue; $sitemap_urls = $this->get_sitemap_urls($element->loc); if (is_array($sitemap_urls)) { $urls = array_merge($urls, $sitemap_urls); } } } return $urls; } /** * Get the path to a local sitemap file * * @return string */ private function get_local_sitemap_file() { if (!function_exists('get_home_path')) { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } return trailingslashit(get_home_path()) . $this->get_sitemap_filename(); } /** * Get all posts of any post type and returns urls for them. * * @return array */ public function get_post_urls() { $offset = 0; $posts_per_page = 1000; $urls = array(); $urls[] = site_url('/'); do { $query = new WP_Query(array( 'post_type' => 'any', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', 'cache_results' => false, // disable cache to avoid memory error. )); $posts_loaded = $query->post_count; while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $urls[] = get_permalink(); } $offset += $posts_loaded; } while ($posts_loaded > 0); /** * If domain mapping enabled then replace domains in urls. */ if ($this->is_domain_mapping_enabled()) { $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); $mapped_domain = $this->get_mapped_domain($blog_id); $blog_details = get_blog_details($blog_id); if ($mapped_domain) { foreach ($urls as $i => $url) { $urls[$i] = preg_replace('/'.$blog_details->domain.'/i', $mapped_domain, $url, 1); } } } wp_reset_postdata(); return $urls; } /** * Check if domain mapping enabled. * * @return bool */ public function is_domain_mapping_enabled() { // SUNRISE constant is defined with installation WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. $enabled = is_multisite() && defined('SUNRISE') && 'on' == strtolower(SUNRISE); /** * Filters if Multisite Domain mapping is enabled. * Currently, we can only detect if the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin is in use. * Using the WP Core functionality should not require this, unless if the domain name is set somewhere else but in the site url option. */ return apply_filters('wpo_is_domain_mapping_enabled', $enabled); } /** * Return mapped domain by $blog_id. * * @param int $blog_id * * @return string */ public function get_mapped_domain($blog_id) { global $wpdb; $domain = ''; $multisite_plugin_table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.'domain_mapping'; // Check if table exists if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$multisite_plugin_table_name'") != $multisite_plugin_table_name) { // This table created in WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `domain` FROM {$multisite_plugin_table_name} WHERE `blog_id` = {$blog_id} AND `active` = 1", ARRAY_A); if (!empty($row)) { $domain = $row['domain']; } } else { // When using the WP Core method, the site url option contains the mapped domain. $domain = get_site_url($blog_id); } /** * Filters the mapped domain name * * @param string $domain The domain name * @param integer $blog_id The blog ID */ return apply_filters('wpo_get_mapped_domain', $domain, $blog_id); } /** * Captures and logs any interesting messages * * @param String $message - the error message * @param String $error_type - the error type */ public function log($message, $error_type = 'info') { if (isset($this->loggers)) { foreach ($this->loggers as $logger) { $logger->log($error_type, $message); } } } /** * Instance of WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader. * * @return WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader */ public static function instance() { if (empty(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Get sitemap filename. * * @return string */ private function get_sitemap_filename() { /** * Filter the sitemap file used to collect the URLs to preload * * @param string $filename - The sitemap name * @default sitemap.xml */ return apply_filters('wpo_cache_preload_sitemap_filename', 'sitemap.xml'); } /** * Check if semaphore is locked. * * @param string $semaphore * @return bool */ private function is_semaphore_locked($semaphore) { $semaphore = new Updraft_Semaphore_2_2($semaphore); return $semaphore->is_locked(); } /** * Check if the URL is already cached, or needs to be preloaded * * @param string $url The preloaded url * @param string $preload_type The preload type (manual | scheduled) * @return boolean */ private function url_is_already_cached($url, $preload_type) { static $files = array(); $regenerate_count = 0; $folder = trailingslashit(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR) . wpo_get_url_path($url); // If the folder does not exist, consider the URL as cleared if (!is_dir($folder)) return false; if (empty($files)) { // Check only the base files $files[] = 'index.html'; if (WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('enable_mobile_caching')) { $files[] = 'mobile.index.html'; } $files = apply_filters('wpo_maybe_clear_files_list', $files); } foreach ($files as $file) { $file_path = trailingslashit($folder).$file; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { // The file does not exist, count it as "deleted" $regenerate_count++; continue; } if ($this->should_regenerate_file($file_path, $preload_type)) { // delefe the expired cache file unlink($file_path); $regenerate_count++; } } // if 0 == $regenerate_count, nothing all the expected files exist, and none were deleted. return 0 == $regenerate_count; } /** * Determine if a file should be regenerated * * @param string $path The file to check * @param string $preload_type The preload type (manual | scheduled) * * @return boolean */ private function should_regenerate_file($path, $preload_type) { // Store the variables, as they'll be used for each file and each file static $is_preloader_scheduled = null; static $lifespan = null; static $schedule_type = null; static $schedule_interval = null; static $lifespan_expiry_threshold = null; static $always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_manual = null; static $always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_scheduled = null; static $regenerate_file_when_no_expiry_date = null; // Sets the variables once per request: if (null === $is_preloader_scheduled) { $is_preloader_scheduled = WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('enable_schedule_preload'); $schedule_type = WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('preload_schedule_type'); $lifespan = WPO_Cache_Config::instance()->get_option('page_cache_length'); $schedule_interval = $this->get_schedule_interval($schedule_type); /** * Expiry threshold: the current file will be considered stale if within the threshold. Default: 600s (10min) */ $lifespan_expiry_threshold = apply_filters('wpo_lifespan_expiry_threshold', 600); /** * Filters if a cache should systematically be regenerated when running a manual preload. Default: false */ $always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_manual = apply_filters('wpo_always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_manual', false); /** * Filters if a cache should systematically be regenerated when running a scheduled preload. Default: false */ $always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_scheduled = apply_filters('wpo_always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_scheduled', false); /** * Filters if a cache should systematically be regenerated when running a preload and no schedule is set, and cache does not expire. Default: true */ $regenerate_file_when_no_expiry_date = apply_filters('wpo_regenerate_file_when_no_expiry_date', true); } if (($always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_manual && 'manual' == $preload_type) || ($always_regenerate_file_if_preload_is_scheduled && 'scheduled' == $preload_type)) { $result = true; } else { $modified_time = (int) filemtime($path); // cache lifespan is set. if (0 != $lifespan) { $expiry_time = $modified_time + $lifespan - $lifespan_expiry_threshold; $result = time() > $expiry_time; } elseif ($is_preloader_scheduled) { $expiry_time = $modified_time + $schedule_interval - $lifespan_expiry_threshold; $result = time() > $expiry_time; } else { $result = $regenerate_file_when_no_expiry_date; } } return apply_filters('wpo_preloader_should_regenerate_file', $result, $path, $preload_type); } } WP_Optimize_Page_Cache_Preloader::instance();