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<?php /** * Helper functions. * * @package wpkites */ if (!function_exists('wpkites_custom_navigation')) : function wpkites_custom_navigation() { echo '<div class="row justify-content-center center">'; if (!is_rtl()) { the_posts_pagination(array( 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i>', )); } else { the_posts_pagination(array( 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i>', )); } echo '</div>'; } endif; add_action('wpkites_post_navigation', 'wpkites_custom_navigation'); function wpkites_comment($comment, $args, $depth) { $tag = 'div'; $add_below = 'comment'; ?> <div class="media comment-box"> <span class="pull-left-comment"> <?php echo get_avatar($comment, 100, null, 'comments user', array('class' => array('img-fluid comment-img'))); ?> </span> <div class="media-body"> <div class="comment-detail"> <h5 class="comment-detail-title"><?php esc_html(comment_author()); ?><time class="comment-date"><?php /* translators: %1$s: comment date and %2$s: comment time */ printf(esc_html__('%1$s %2$s', 'wpkites' ), esc_html(get_comment_date()), esc_html(get_comment_time())); ?></time></h5> <?php comment_text(); ?> <div class="reply"> <?php comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array('depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } if (!function_exists('wpkites_posted_content')) : /** * Content * */ function wpkites_posted_content() { $blog_content = get_theme_mod('wpkites_blog_content', 'excerpt'); $excerpt_length = get_theme_mod('wpkites_blog_content_length', 30); if ('excerpt' == $blog_content) { $excerpt = wpkites_the_excerpt(absint($excerpt_length)); if (!empty($excerpt)) : ?> <?php echo wp_kses_post(wpautop($excerpt)); ?> <?php endif; } else { ?> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } endif; if (!function_exists('wpkites_the_excerpt')) : /** * Generate excerpt. * */ function wpkites_the_excerpt($length = 0, $post_obj = null) { global $post; if (is_null($post_obj)) { $post_obj = $post; } $length = absint($length); if (0 === $length) { return; } $source_content = $post_obj->post_content; if (!empty($post_obj->post_excerpt)) { $source_content = $post_obj->post_excerpt; } $source_content = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`', '', $source_content); $trimmed_content = wp_trim_words($source_content, $length, '…'); return $trimmed_content; } endif; if (!function_exists('wpkites_button_title')) : /** * Display Button on Archive/Blog Page */ function wpkites_button_title() { if (get_theme_mod('wpkites_enable_blog_read_button', true) == true): $blog_button = get_theme_mod('wpkites_blog_button_title', 'Read More'); if (empty($blog_button)) { return; } echo '<p><a href = "' . esc_url(get_the_permalink()) . '" class="more-link">' . esc_html($blog_button) . ' <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></a></p>'; endif; } endif; /** * Displays the author name */ function wpkites_get_author_name($post) { $user_id = $post->post_author; if (empty($user_id)) { return; } $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); echo esc_html($user_info->display_name); } function wpkites_footer_section_hook() { ?> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="container"> <?php if (is_active_sidebar('footer-sidebar-1') || is_active_sidebar('footer-sidebar-2') || is_active_sidebar('footer-sidebar-3') || is_active_sidebar('footer-sidebar-4')): ?> <?php get_template_part('sidebar', 'footer'); endif;?> </div> <!-- Animation lines--> <div _ngcontent-kga-c2="" class="lines"> <div _ngcontent-kga-c2="" class="line"></div> <div _ngcontent-kga-c2="" class="line"></div> <div _ngcontent-kga-c2="" class="line"></div> </div> <!--/ Animation lines--> <?php if (get_theme_mod('ftr_bar_enable', true) == true): ?> <div class="site-info text-center"> <?php echo wp_kses_post(get_theme_mod('footer_copyright', '<p class="copyright-section"><span>' . __( 'Proudly powered by','wpkites'). ' ' . '<a href=""> WordPress</a>' . ' | ' . __('Theme','wpkites') . ': <a href="" rel="nofollow"> WPKites </a>' . __('by','wpkites') . ' ' . '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Spicethemes</a></span></p>')); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <style type="text/css"> <?php if (get_theme_mod('testimonial_image_overlay', true) != false) { $testimonial_overlay_section_color = get_theme_mod('testimonial_overlay_section_color', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'); ?> .section-space.testimonial:before { background-color:<?php echo esc_attr($testimonial_overlay_section_color); ?>; } <?php } ?> </style> </footer> <?php $scrolltotop_setting_enable = get_theme_mod('scrolltotop_setting_enable', true); if ($scrolltotop_setting_enable == true) { ?> <div class="scroll-up custom right"><a href="#totop"><i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i></a></div> <?php } } add_action('wpkites_footer_section_hook', 'wpkites_footer_section_hook'); if ( ! function_exists( 'wpkites_plus_activate' ) ): //Container Setting For Page function wpkites_container() { $container_width= ""; return $container_width; } //Container Setting For Blog Post function wpkites_blog_post_container() { $container_width= ""; return $container_width; } //Conainer Setting For Single Post function wpkites_single_post_container() { $container_width= ""; return $container_width; } //Preloader feature section function function wpkites_preloader_feature_section_fn(){ if(get_theme_mod('preloader_enable',false)==true):?> <div id="preloader1" class="wpkites-loader"> <div class="wpkites-preloader-cube"> <div class="wpkites-cube1 wpkites-cube"></div> <div class="wpkites-cube2 wpkites-cube"></div> <div class="wpkites-cube4 wpkites-cube"></div> <div class="wpkites-cube3 wpkites-cube"></div> </div> </div> <?php endif; } add_action('wpkites_preloader_feature_section_hook','wpkites_preloader_feature_section_fn'); //Admin customizer preview if ( ! function_exists( 'wpkites_customizer_preview_scripts' ) ) { function wpkites_customizer_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpkites-customizer-preview', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'inc/customizer/customizer-slider/js/customizer-preview.js', array( 'customize-preview', 'jquery' ) ); } } add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'wpkites_customizer_preview_scripts' ); endif; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breadcrumbs Page title hook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'wpkites_breadcrumbs_page_title_fn' ) ) { function wpkites_breadcrumbs_page_title_fn(){ if(get_theme_mod('enable_page_title',true) == true ){ if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position','page_header')=='content_area'): $content_class='content-area-title'; else: $content_class=''; endif; $breadcrumbs_markup=get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_markup','h1'); $page_title_markup_before='<' . $breadcrumbs_markup . '>'; $page_title_markup_after='</' . $breadcrumbs_markup . '>'; if (is_home() || is_front_page()) { if( ! function_exists( 'spiceb_activate' ) ) { if(get_option('show_on_front')=='page'){ if(is_front_page()){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html(get_the_title( get_option('page_on_front', true) )) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php } else if(is_home()){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) )) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php } } elseif(get_option('show_on_front')=='posts'){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . wp_kses_post(get_theme_mod('blog_page_title_option', __('Home', 'wpkites' ))) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php } } //else condition will run when Spice Box plugin is active else{ if(get_option('show_on_front')=='posts'){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . wp_kses_post(get_theme_mod('blog_page_title_option', __('Home', 'wpkites' ))) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php }else{ if(is_front_page()){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html(get_the_title( get_option('page_on_front', true) )) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php }else if(is_home()){?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?>"> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) )) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> </div> <?php } } } } else{ ?> <div class="page-title <?php echo $content_class;?> "> <?php if(get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_position') != 'content_area'): ?> <h3 class="theme-dtl"><?php esc_html_e('Welcome to ', 'wpkites'); echo esc_html(get_bloginfo( 'name' )); ?></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (is_search()){ echo $page_title_markup_before . get_search_query() . $page_title_markup_after; } else if(is_404()) { echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html__('Error 404','wpkites' ) . $page_title_markup_after; } else if(is_category()) { echo $page_title_markup_before . ( esc_html__('Category: ','wpkites' ).single_cat_title( '', false ) ) . $page_title_markup_after; } else if ( !is_single() && !is_page() && get_post_type() != 'post' && !is_404() ){ if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ){ if(is_shop()){ echo $page_title_markup_before; woocommerce_page_title(); echo $page_title_markup_after; } } } elseif( is_tag() ) { echo $page_title_markup_before . ( esc_html__('Tag','wpkites').': ' .single_tag_title( '', false ) ) . $page_title_markup_after; } else if(is_archive()) { the_archive_title( $page_title_markup_before, $page_title_markup_after ); } else { ?> <?php echo $page_title_markup_before . esc_html(get_the_title('')) . $page_title_markup_after; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } } add_action('wpkites_breadcrumbs_page_title_hook','wpkites_breadcrumbs_page_title_fn'); }