Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
import { Icon, Sidebar, Card, Heading } from "../../components"; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; const Homepage = () => { const cardLists = [ { iconSvg: <Icon icon="site" />, heading: __('Site Identity', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.custom_logo }, { iconSvg: <Icon icon="colorsetting" />, heading: __("Color Settings", 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.colors }, { iconSvg: <Icon icon="layoutsetting" />, heading: __("Layout Settings", 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.layout }, { iconSvg: <Icon icon="instagramsetting" />, heading: __("Instagram Settings", 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.instagram }, { iconSvg: <Icon icon="generalsetting" />, heading: __("General Settings"), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.general }, { iconSvg: <Icon icon="footersetting" />, heading: __('Footer Settings', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Customize', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.footer } ]; const proSettings = [ { heading: __('Header Layouts', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __('Choose from different unique header layouts.', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { heading: __('Multiple Layouts', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __('Choose layouts for blogs, banners, posts and more.', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { heading: __('Multiple Sidebar', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __('Set different sidebars for posts and pages.', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { heading: __('Top Bar Settings', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __('Show a notice or newsletter at the top.', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { para: __('Boost your website performance with ease.', 'blossom-recipe'), heading: __('Performance Settings', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { para: __('Choose typography for different heading tags.', 'blossom-recipe'), heading: __('Typography Settings', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { para: __('Import the demo content to kickstart your site.', 'blossom-recipe'), heading: __('One Click Demo Import', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, { para: __('Easily place ads on high conversion areas.', 'blossom-recipe'), heading: __('Advertisement Settings', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonText: __('Learn More', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard?.get_pro }, ]; const sidebarSettings = [ { heading: __('We Value Your Feedback!', 'blossom-recipe'), icon: "star", para: __("Your review helps us improve and assists others in making informed choices. Share your thoughts today!", 'blossom-recipe'), imageurl: <Icon icon="review" />, buttonText: __('Leave a Review', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: }, { heading: __('Knowledge Base', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __("Need help using our theme? Visit our well-organized Knowledge Base!", 'blossom-recipe'), imageurl: <Icon icon="documentation" />, buttonText: __('Explore', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: cw_dashboard.docmentation }, { heading: __('Need Assistance? ', 'blossom-recipe'), para: __("If you need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to assist you!", 'blossom-recipe'), imageurl: <Icon icon="supportTwo" />, buttonText: __('Submit a Ticket', 'blossom-recipe'), buttonUrl: } ]; return ( <> <div className="customizer-settings"> <div className="cw-customizer"> <div className="video-section"> <div className="cw-settings"> <h2>{__('Blossom Recipe Tutorial', 'blossom-recipe')}</h2> </div> <iframe src="" title={__( 'How to Start Your First Food Blog In 2023 | Blossom Recipe Free WordPress Theme', 'blossom-recipe' )} frameBorder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerPolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowFullScreen></iframe> </div> <Heading heading={__( 'Quick Customizer Settings', 'blossom-recipe' )} buttonText={__( 'Go To Customizer', 'blossom-recipe' )} buttonUrl={cw_dashboard?.customizer_url} openInNewTab={true} /> <Card cardList={cardLists} cardPlace='customizer' cardCol='three-col' /> <Heading heading={__( 'More features with Pro version', 'blossom-recipe' )} buttonText={__( 'Go To Customizer', 'blossom-recipe' )} buttonUrl={cw_dashboard?.customizer_url} openInNewTab={true} /> <Card cardList={proSettings} cardPlace='cw-pro' cardCol='two-col' /> <div className="cw-button"> <a href={cw_dashboard?.get_pro} target="_blank" className="cw-button-btn primary-btn long-button">{__('Learn more about the Pro version', 'blossom-recipe')}</a> </div> </div> <Sidebar sidebarSettings={sidebarSettings} openInNewTab={true} /> </div> </> ); } export default Homepage;