Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php if (!function_exists('get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_classes')) { function get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_classes($settings, $thegem_highlight_type = 'disabled') { $thegem_classes = []; if ($settings['columns'] == '1x') { $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-xs-12')); } if ($settings['columns'] == '2x') { if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'vertical') $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-xs-12')); else $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-sm-6', 'col-xs-12')); } if ($settings['columns'] == '3x') { if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'vertical') $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-md-8', 'col-xs-8')); else $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-md-4', 'col-xs-4')); } if ($settings['columns'] == '4x') { if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'vertical') $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-md-6', 'col-sm-8', 'col-xs-8')); else $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, array('col-md-3', 'col-sm-4', 'col-xs-4')); } return $thegem_classes; } } if (!function_exists('get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_image_sizes')) { function get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_image_sizes($settings, $thegem_highlight_type = 'disabled') { $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-justified'; $thegem_sizes = thegem_image_sizes(); if (!empty($settings['fullwidth_section_images'])) { $thegem_highlight_type = 'squared'; $settings['caption_position'] = 'hover'; } if ($settings['columns'] == '5x' || $settings['columns'] == '6x') { $settings['columns'] = '4x'; } if ($settings['version'] == 'list') { switch ($settings['columns']) { case '1x': $settings['columns'] = '2x'; break; case '2x': $settings['columns'] = '3x'; break; default: $settings['columns'] = '4x'; break; } } if ($settings['columns'] != '1x') { if ($settings['layout'] == 'masonry') { $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-masonry'; if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled') $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-masonry-double'; } elseif ($settings['layout'] == 'metro') { $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-metro'; } else { if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled') { $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-double-' . str_replace('%', '', $settings['columns']); if ($settings['display_titles'] == 'hover' && isset($thegem_sizes[$thegem_size . '-hover'])) { $thegem_size .= '-hover'; } if ($settings['columns'] == '100%' && $settings['display_titles'] == 'page') { $thegem_size .= '-page'; } } } if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled' && $settings['layout'] != 'metro' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'squared') { $thegem_size .= '-' . $thegem_highlight_type; } } else { $thegem_size = 'thegem-portfolio-1x'; } $thegem_size = apply_filters('portfolio_size_filter', $thegem_size); $thegem_sources = array(); if ($settings['layout'] == 'metro') { $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 1100px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-metro-medium', '2x' => 'thegem-portfolio-metro-retina')) ); } if ($thegem_highlight_type == 'disabled' || ($settings['layout'] == 'masonry' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled') && $thegem_highlight_type == 'vertical') { $retina_size = $settings['layout'] == 'justified' ? $thegem_size : 'thegem-portfolio-masonry-double'; if ($settings['columns'] == '100%') { if ($settings['layout'] == 'justified' || $settings['layout'] == 'masonry') { switch ($settings['columns_100']) { case '4': $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(max-width: 550px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x-500', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1495px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-fullwidth-5x', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(max-width: 1920px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-fullwidth-4x', '2x' => $retina_size)) ); break; case '5': $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(max-width: 550px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x-500', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(min-width: 1495px) and (max-width: 1680px), (min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 1280px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-fullwidth-4x', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(min-width: 1680px) and (max-width: 1920px), (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1495px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-fullwidth-5x', '2x' => $retina_size)) ); break; } } } else { if ($settings['layout'] == 'justified' || $settings['layout'] == 'masonry') { switch ($settings['columns']) { case '2x': $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(max-width: 550px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x-500', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(max-width: 1920px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x', '2x' => $retina_size)) ); break; case '3x': $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(max-width: 550px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x-500', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(max-width: 1920px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-3x', '2x' => $retina_size)) ); break; case '4x': $thegem_sources = array( array('media' => '(max-width: 550px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-2x-500', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(max-width: 1100px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-3x', '2x' => $retina_size)), array('media' => '(max-width: 1920px)', 'srcset' => array('1x' => 'thegem-portfolio-' . $settings['layout'] . '-4x', '2x' => $retina_size)) ); break; } } } } return array($thegem_size, $thegem_sources); } } if (!function_exists('thegem_extended_blog_render_item')) { function thegem_extended_blog_render_item($params, $item_classes, $thegem_sizes = null, $post_id = false, $thegem_highlight_type_creative = null) { $terms = ['0']; if (!isset($params['source']) || $params['source'] == 'categories') { $terms = $params['categories']; } if (in_array('0', $terms)) { $terms = get_terms('category', array('hide_empty' => false)); } else { foreach ($terms as $key => $term) { $terms[$key] = get_term_by('slug', $term, 'category'); if (!$terms[$key]) { unset($terms[$key]); } } } $thegem_terms_set = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $thegem_terms_set[$term->slug] = $term; } $taxonomies = array('category'); if (taxonomy_exists('thegem_news_sets')) { $taxonomies[] = 'thegem_news_sets'; } if ($post_id) { $slugs = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomies, array('fields' => 'slugs')); $thegem_post_data = thegem_get_sanitize_page_title_data(get_the_ID()); $post_item_data = thegem_get_sanitize_post_data(get_the_ID()); if ($thegem_highlight_type_creative) { $thegem_highlight_type = $thegem_highlight_type_creative; } else if (($params['ignore_highlights'] != '1') && !empty($post_item_data['highlight'])) { if (!empty($post_item_data['highlight_type'])) { $thegem_highlight_type = $post_item_data['highlight_type']; } else { $thegem_highlight_type = 'squared'; } } else { $thegem_highlight_type = 'disabled'; } $post_format = get_post_format(get_the_ID()); if ($params['version'] == 'list' && $post_format == 'quote') { $post_format = ''; } } else { $slugs = array(); $portfolio_item_size = true; $thegem_post_data = array(); $post_item_data = array(); $thegem_highlight_type = 'disabled'; } $thegem_classes = array('portfolio-item'); $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, $slugs); $thegem_image_classes = array('image'); $thegem_caption_classes = array('caption'); if ($params['layout'] != 'metro' || isset($portfolio_item_size)) { if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled' && $thegem_highlight_type != 'vertical') { $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_classes($params, $thegem_highlight_type)); } else { $thegem_classes = array_merge($thegem_classes, $item_classes); } } if ($params['ignore_highlights'] == '1') { unset($post_item_data['highlight']); unset($post_item_data['highlight_type']); unset($post_item_data['highlight_style']); } if ($params['layout'] != 'metro') { if ($params['columns'] == '1x') { $thegem_image_classes = array_merge($thegem_image_classes, array('col-sm-5', 'col-xs-12')); $thegem_caption_classes = array_merge($thegem_caption_classes, array('col-sm-7', 'col-xs-12')); } } if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled') { $thegem_classes[] = 'double-item'; $thegem_classes[] = 'double-item-' . $thegem_highlight_type; } $alternative_highlight_style_enabled = isset($post_item_data['highlight']) && $post_item_data['highlight'] && $post_item_data['highlight_style'] == 'alternative' && $params['display_titles'] == 'hover'; if ($alternative_highlight_style_enabled) { $thegem_classes[] = 'double-item-style-' . $post_item_data['highlight_style']; $thegem_classes[] = 'double-item-style-' . $post_item_data['highlight_style'] . '-' . $thegem_highlight_type; if ($thegem_highlight_type == 'squared') { $thegem_highlight_type = 'vertical'; } else { $thegem_highlight_type = 'disabled'; } } if ($thegem_highlight_type != 'disabled') { $thegem_sizes = get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_image_sizes($params, $thegem_highlight_type); } $thegem_has_post_thumbnail = has_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID()); if ($params['loading_animation'] !== 'disabled') { $thegem_classes[] = 'item-animations-not-inited'; } if ($params['hide_categories']) { $thegem_classes[] = 'post-hide-categories'; } if ($params['hide_date']) { $thegem_classes[] = 'post-hide-date'; } $post_excerpt = !has_excerpt() && !empty($thegem_post_data['title_excerpt']) ? $thegem_post_data['title_excerpt'] : preg_replace('%&#x[a-fA-F0-9]+;%', '', apply_filters('the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt())); $has_comments = comments_open() && !$params['hide_comments']; $has_likes = function_exists('zilla_likes') && !empty($params['likes']); if ($params['version'] != 'default' && $params['display_titles'] == 'page' && $params['background_style'] == 'transparent' && ($has_likes || $has_comments || !$params['disable_socials'])) { $thegem_classes[] = 'show-caption-border'; } if ($params['version'] == 'default' && $params['display_titles'] == 'page' && $params['background_style'] == 'transparent') { $thegem_classes[] = 'show-caption-border'; } if (empty($post_excerpt)) { $thegem_classes[] = 'post-empty-excerpt'; } if (!$params['hide_categories']) { foreach ($slugs as $thegem_k => $thegem_slug) { if (isset($thegem_terms_set[$thegem_slug])) { $thegem_classes[] = 'post-has-sets'; break; } } } if (!$params['hide_author']) { $thegem_classes[] = 'post-has-author'; } $gap_size = round(intval($params['gaps_size']) / 2); include(locate_template(array('gem-templates/news-grid/content-item.php'))); } } if (!function_exists('blog_grid_extended_more_callback')) { function blog_grid_extended_more_callback() { $settings = isset($_POST['data']) ? json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']), true) : array(); ob_start(); $response = array('status' => 'success'); $page = isset($settings['more_page']) ? intval($settings['more_page']) : 1; if ($page == 0) $page = 1; $blog_categories = $blog_tags = $blog_posts = $blog_authors = []; if ($settings['select_blog_categories'] && !empty($settings['categories'])) { $blog_categories = $settings['categories']; } if ($settings['select_blog_tags'] && !empty($settings['tags'])) { $blog_tags = $settings['tags']; } if ($settings['select_blog_posts'] && !empty($settings['posts'])) { $blog_posts = $settings['posts']; } if ($settings['select_blog_authors'] && !empty($settings['authors'])) { $blog_authors = $settings['authors']; } $news_grid_loop = get_thegem_extended_blog_posts($blog_categories, $blog_tags, $blog_posts, $blog_authors, $page, $settings['items_per_page'], $settings['orderby'], $settings['order'], $settings['offset'], $settings['exclude_blog_posts']); $max_page = ceil(($news_grid_loop->found_posts - intval($settings['offset'])) / $settings['items_per_page']); if ($max_page > $page) $next_page = $page + 1; else $next_page = 0; ?> <div data-page="<?php echo $page; ?>" data-next-page="<?php echo $next_page; ?>" data-pages-count="<?php echo esc_attr($max_page); ?>"> <?php $item_classes = get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_classes($settings); $thegem_sizes = get_thegem_extended_blog_render_item_image_sizes($settings); if ($settings['layout'] == 'creative') { $creative_blog_schemes_list = [ '6' => [ '6a' => [ 'count' => 9, 0 => 'squared', ], '6b' => [ 'count' => 7, 0 => 'squared', 1 => 'horizontal', 6 => 'horizontal', ], '6c' => [ 'count' => 9, 0 => 'horizontal', 3 => 'horizontal', 6 => 'horizontal', ], '6d' => [ 'count' => 9, 0 => 'horizontal', 1 => 'horizontal', 2 => 'horizontal', ], '6e' => [ 'count' => 6, 0 => 'squared', 1 => 'squared', ] ], '5' => [ '5a' => [ 'count' => 7, 0 => 'squared', ], '5b' => [ 'count' => 8, 0 => 'horizontal', 4 => 'horizontal', ], '5c' => [ 'count' => 6, 0 => 'horizontal', 1 => 'horizontal', 4 => 'horizontal', 5 => 'horizontal', ], '5d' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'squared', 1 => 'vertical', 2 => 'horizontal', 3 => 'horizontal', ] ], '4' => [ '4a' => [ 'count' => 5, 0 => 'squared', ], '4b' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'squared', 1 => 'horizontal', ], '4c' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'squared', 1 => 'vertical', ], '4d' => [ 'count' => 7, 0 => 'vertical', ], '4e' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'vertical', 1 => 'vertical', 2 => 'horizontal', 3 => 'horizontal', ], '4f' => [ 'count' => 6, 0 => 'horizontal', 5 => 'horizontal', ] ], '3' => [ '3a' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'vertical', 1 => 'vertical', ], '3b' => [ 'count' => 4, 1 => 'horizontal', 2 => 'horizontal', ], '3c' => [ 'count' => 5, 0 => 'vertical', ], '3d' => [ 'count' => 5, 0 => 'horizontal', ], '3e' => [ 'count' => 3, 0 => 'squared', ], '3f' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'horizontal', 1 => 'vertical', ], '3g' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'vertical', 3 => 'horizontal', ], '3h' => [ 'count' => 5, 2 => 'vertical', ] ], '2' => [ '2a' => [ 'count' => 5, 0 => 'vertical', ], '2b' => [ 'count' => 5, 3 => 'vertical', ], '2c' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'vertical', 2 => 'vertical', ], '2d' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'horizontal', 1 => 'vertical', ], '2e' => [ 'count' => 5, 0 => 'horizontal', ], '2f' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'horizontal', 1 => 'horizontal', ], '2g' => [ 'count' => 5, 2 => 'horizontal', ], '2h' => [ 'count' => 4, 0 => 'horizontal', 3 => 'horizontal', ], ] ]; $columns = $settings['columns'] != '100%' ? str_replace("x", "", $settings['columns']) : $settings['columns_100']; $items_sizes = $creative_blog_schemes_list[$columns][$settings['layout_scheme_' . $columns . 'x']]; $items_count = $items_sizes['count']; } $i = 0; while ($news_grid_loop->have_posts()) : $news_grid_loop->the_post(); if (class_exists('WPBMap') && method_exists('WPBMap', 'addAllMappedShortcodes')) { WPBMap::addAllMappedShortcodes(); } $thegem_highlight_type_creative = null; if ($settings['layout'] == 'creative') { $thegem_highlight_type_creative = 'disabled'; $item_num = $i % $items_count; if (isset($items_sizes[$item_num])) { $thegem_highlight_type_creative = $items_sizes[$item_num]; } } echo thegem_extended_blog_render_item($settings, $item_classes, $thegem_sizes, get_the_ID(), $thegem_highlight_type_creative); if ($settings['layout'] == 'creative' && $i == 0) { echo thegem_extended_blog_render_item($settings, ['size-item'], $thegem_sizes); } $i++; endwhile; ?> </div> <?php $response['html'] = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', '', ob_get_clean())); $response = json_encode($response); header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo $response; exit; } add_action('wp_ajax_blog_grid_extended_load_more', 'blog_grid_extended_more_callback'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_blog_grid_extended_load_more', 'blog_grid_extended_more_callback'); }