Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
<?php /** * Youtube.php * * @package Embera * @author Michael Pratt <> * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace EmbedPress\Providers; use Embera\Provider\ProviderAdapter; use Embera\Provider\ProviderInterface; use Embera\Url; use EmbedPress\Includes\Classes\Helper; use EmbedPress\Providers\TemplateLayouts\YoutubeLayout; /** * Provider * @link * @link */ class Youtube extends ProviderAdapter implements ProviderInterface { /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ protected $shouldSendRequest = false; public static $curltimeout = 30; /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ protected $endpoint = ''; protected static $channel_endpoint = ''; /** @var array Array with allowed params for the current Provider */ protected $allowedParams = [ 'maxwidth', 'maxheight', 'pagesize', 'thumbnail', 'gallery', 'hideprivate', 'columns', 'ispagination', 'gapbetweenvideos', 'ytChannelLayout' ]; /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ protected static $hosts = [ '', '', '', ]; /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ protected $httpsSupport = true; public function getAllowedParams(){ return $this->allowedParams; } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateUrl(Url $url) { return (bool) (preg_match('~\/channel\/|\/c\/|\/user\/|\/@\w+|(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?\/)(\w+)[^?\/]*$~i', (string) $url)); } public function validateTYLiveUrl($url) { return (bool) (preg_match('~(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?\/(?:channel|c|user)\/\w+\/live|@\w+\/live)~i', (string) $url)); } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function normalizeUrl(Url $url) { return $url; } public function isChannel($url = null) { if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->url; } $channel = $this->getChannel($url); return !empty($channel['id']); } public function getChannel($url = null) { $channelId = 'unknown_id'; // temporarily assigned a placeholder value for demonstration purposes if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->url; } preg_match('~\/(channel|c|user)\/(.+)~i', (string) $url, $matches); if(empty($matches[1])){ preg_match('~(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?\/)(\w+)[^?\/]*$~i', (string) $url, $matches); if(!empty($matches[1])){ return [ "type" => 'user', "id" => $matches[1], ]; } } if(empty($matches[1])){ preg_match('~\/(@)(\w+)~i', (string) $url, $matches); if(!empty($matches[1])){ if(!empty($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url))){ if(!empty($this->get_channel_id_by_handler($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url)))){ $channelId = $this->get_channel_id_by_handler($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url)); } } return [ "type" => 'user', "id" => $channelId, ]; } } return [ "type" => isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '', "id" => isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '', ]; } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEndpoint() { if ($this->isChannel()) { $apiEndpoint = ''; return $apiEndpoint; } return (string) $this->endpoint; } protected function get_api_key() { $settings = (array) get_option(EMBEDPRESS_PLG_NAME . ':youtube', []); return !empty($settings['api_key']) ? $settings['api_key'] : ''; } protected function get_pagesize() { $settings = (array) get_option(EMBEDPRESS_PLG_NAME . ':youtube', []); return !empty($settings['pagesize']) ? $settings['pagesize'] : ''; } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function getParams() { $params = parent::getParams(); if ($this->isChannel() && $this->get_api_key()) { $channel = $this->getChannel(); $params['part'] = 'contentDetails,snippet'; $params['key'] = $this->get_api_key(); if ($channel['type'] == 'c') { $params['forUsername'] = $channel['id']; } else { $params['id'] = $channel['id']; } unset($params['url']); } return $params; } /** * Builds a valid Oembed query string based on the given parameters, * Since this method uses the http_build_query function, there is no * need to pass urlencoded parameters, http_build_query already does * this for us. * * @param string $endpoint The Url to the Oembed endpoint * @param array $params Parameters for the query string * @return string */ protected function constructUrl($endpoint, array $params = array()) { $endpoint = self::$channel_endpoint . $endpoint; return $endpoint . ((strpos($endpoint, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&') . http_build_query(array_filter($params)); } public function getStaticResponse() { $results = [ "title" => "", "type" => "video", 'provider_name' => $this->getProviderName(), "provider_url" => "", 'html' => '', ]; $params = $this->getParams(); if (preg_match("/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/channel\/([\w-]+)\/live$/", $this->url, $matches) || $this->validateTYLiveUrl($this->url)) { if(!empty($matches[1])){ $channelId = $matches[1]; } if(!empty($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url))){ if(!empty($this->get_channel_id_by_handler($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url)))){ $channelId = $this->get_channel_id_by_handler($this->get_youtube_handler($this->url)); } } $embedUrl = ''.$channelId.'&feature=oembed'; $attr = []; $attr[] = 'width="'.esc_attr($params['maxheight']).'"'; $attr[] = 'height="'.esc_attr($params['maxheight']).'";'; $attr[] = 'src="' . esc_url($embedUrl) . '"'; $attr[] = 'frameborder="0"'; $attr[] = 'allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"'; $attr[] = 'allowfullscreen'; $results['html'] = '<iframe ' . implode(' ', $attr) . '></iframe>'; } else if($this->isChannel()){ $channel = $this->getChannelGallery(); $results = array_merge($results, $channel); } return $results; } public function getChannelPlaylist(){ $result = [ "playlistID" => '', "title" => '', ]; $channel = $this->getChannel(); $channel_url = $this->constructUrl('channels', $this->getParams()); $transient_key = 'ep_embed_youtube_channel_playlist_id_' . md5($channel_url); $jsonResult = get_transient($transient_key); if(!empty($jsonResult)){ return $jsonResult; } if($channel['type'] == 'user' || $channel['type'] == 'c'){ $this->getChannelIDbyUsername(); $channel_url = $this->constructUrl('channels', $this->getParams()); } if (empty($this->get_api_key())) { $result['error'] = true; $result['html'] = $this->get_api_key_error_message(); return $result; } $apiResult = wp_remote_get($channel_url, array('timeout' => self::$curltimeout)); if (is_wp_error($apiResult)) { $result['error'] = true; $result['html'] = $this->clean_api_error_html($apiResult->get_error_message(), true); set_transient($transient_key, $result, 10); return $result; } $jsonResult = json_decode($apiResult['body']); if (isset($jsonResult->error)) { $result['error'] = true; if (isset($jsonResult->error->message)) { $result['html'] = $this->clean_api_error_html($jsonResult->error->message, true); } else{ $result['html'] = $this->clean_api_error_html(__('Sorry, there may be an issue with your YouTube API key.', 'embedpress')); } set_transient($transient_key, $result, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS); return $result; } elseif(!empty($jsonResult->items[0]->contentDetails->relatedPlaylists->uploads)){ $result['playlistID'] = $jsonResult->items[0]->contentDetails->relatedPlaylists->uploads; $result['title'] = isset($jsonResult->items[0]->snippet->title) ? $jsonResult->items[0]->snippet->title : ''; set_transient($transient_key, $result, DAY_IN_SECONDS); } return $result; } public function get_youtube_handler($url){ // preg_match('/^https:\/\/\/@(.+)\/live$/i', $url, $matches); preg_match('/^https:\/\/\/@([^\/?]+)/i', $url, $matches); $handle_name = ''; if(!empty($matches[1])){ $handle_name = $matches[1]; } return $handle_name; } public function getChannelIDbyUsername(){ $url = $this->getUrl(); $apiResult = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => self::$curltimeout)); if (!is_wp_error($apiResult)) { $channel_html = $apiResult['body']; preg_match("/<meta\s+itemprop=[\"']channelId[\"']\s+content=[\"'](.*?)[\"']\/?>/", $channel_html, $matches); if(!empty($matches[1])){ $url = "{$matches[1]}"; $url = $this->normalizeUrl(new Url($url)); } } } public function get_channel_id_by_handler($handle) { $transient_key = 'channel_id_' . md5($handle); $channel_id = get_transient($transient_key); if (false === $channel_id) { $ch = curl_init(); $channel_handle = "{$handle}"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $channel_handle); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { return 'cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); $pattern = '/(<link rel="canonical" href="https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/channel\/)(.{1,50})(">)/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $response, $matches)) { $channel_id = $matches[2]; set_transient($transient_key, $channel_id, 30 * DAY_IN_SECONDS); return $channel_id; } else { return "Not a channel URL"; } } else { return $channel_id; } } public function layout_data(){ $data = []; $data['get_pagesize'] = $this->get_pagesize(); $data['get_api_key'] = $this->get_api_key(); $data['get_api_key_error_message'] = $this->get_api_key_error_message(); $data['get_channel_info'] = $this->get_channel_info(); $data['get_api_key'] = $this->get_api_key(); $data['curltimeout'] = self::$curltimeout; $data['self::class'] = self::class; return $data; } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function getChannelGallery() { $response = []; $channel = $this->getChannelPlaylist(); if(!empty($channel['error'])){ return $channel; } if (!empty($channel["playlistID"])) { $params = $this->getParams(); $the_playlist_id = $channel["playlistID"]; $rel = '' . esc_attr($the_playlist_id); $title = $channel['title']; $main_iframe = ""; $gallery_args = [ 'playlistId' => $the_playlist_id, ]; if(!empty($params['pagesize'])){ $gallery_args['pagesize'] = $params['pagesize']; } $layout_data = $this->layout_data(); // $gallery = $this->get_gallery_page($gallery_args); $channel_layout = 'layout-gallery'; $gallery = YoutubeLayout::create_youtube_layout($gallery_args, $layout_data, $channel_layout, $this->url); if(isset($params['ytChannelLayout'])){ if($params['ytChannelLayout'] === 'gallery'){ $channel_layout = 'layout-gallery'; } else if($params['ytChannelLayout'] === 'grid'){ $channel_layout = 'layout-grid'; } else if($params['ytChannelLayout'] === 'list'){ $channel_layout = 'layout-list'; } else if($params['ytChannelLayout'] === 'carousel'){ $channel_layout = 'layout-carousel'; } $gallery = YoutubeLayout::create_youtube_layout($gallery_args, $layout_data, $params['ytChannelLayout'], $this->url); } $main_iframe = ''; if (!empty($gallery->first_vid) && empty($params['ytChannelLayout']) || $params['ytChannelLayout'] === 'gallery') { $rel = "{$gallery->first_vid}?feature=oembed"; $main_iframe = "<div class='ep-first-video'><iframe width='{$params['maxwidth']}' height='{$params['maxheight']}' src='$rel' frameborder='0' allow='accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture' allowfullscreen title='{$title}'></iframe></div>"; } if (!apply_filters('embedpress/is_allow_rander', false) && isset($params['ytChannelLayout']) && ($params['ytChannelLayout'] == 'grid' || $params['ytChannelLayout'] == 'carousel')) { return []; } if ($gallery->html) { $styles = $this->styles($params, $this->getUrl()); $html_content = $main_iframe . $gallery->html . ' ' . $styles; if ($this->validateTYLiveUrl($this->getUrl())) { return [ "title" => $title, "html" => "<div class='ep-player-wrap'>$main_iframe $styles</div>", ]; } return [ "title" => $title, "html" => "<div class='ep-player-wrap $channel_layout'>$html_content</div>", ]; } } elseif ($this->isChannel() && empty($this->get_api_key()) && current_user_can('manage_options')) { return [ "html" => "<div class='ep-player-wrap'>" . __('Please enter your YouTube API key to embed YouTube Channel.', 'embedpress') . "</div>", ]; } return $response; } public function get_channel_info() { $api_key = $this->get_api_key(); $channel_id = $this->getChannel($this->url); $channel_id = $channel_id['id']; // Create a unique transient key based on the channel ID $transient_key = 'youtube_channel_info_' . $channel_id; // Attempt to get cached response $channel_info = get_transient($transient_key); if ($channel_info === false) { // No cached response, make the API call $endpoint = "$channel_id&key=$api_key"; $response = wp_remote_get($endpoint); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return 'Error fetching channel info'; } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); $data = json_decode($body, true); if (empty($data['items'])) { return 'No channel information found'; } $channel_info = $data['items'][0]; // Cache the response for 1 hour set_transient($transient_key, $channel_info, HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } update_option('youtube_channel_info_'. md5($this->url), $channel_info); return $channel_info; } public function get_layout() { $params = $this->getParams(); return isset($params['ytChannelLayout']) ? $params['ytChannelLayout'] : ''; } /** * Undocumented function * * @param array $options * @return object */ public function get_gallery_page($options) { $nextPageToken = ''; $prevPageToken = ''; $gallobj = new \stdClass(); $options = wp_parse_args($options, [ 'playlistId' => '', 'pageToken' => '', 'pagesize' => $this->get_pagesize() ? $this->get_pagesize() : 6, 'currentpage' => '', 'columns' => 3, 'ytChannelLayout' => 'gallery', 'thumbnail' => 'medium', 'gallery' => true, 'autonext' => true, 'thumbplay' => true, 'apiKey' => $this->get_api_key(), 'hideprivate' => '', ]); $options['pagesize'] = $options['pagesize'] > 50 ? 50 : $options['pagesize']; $options['pagesize'] = $options['pagesize'] < 1 ? 1 : $options['pagesize']; if (empty($options['apiKey'])) { $gallobj->html = $this->get_api_key_error_message(); return $gallobj; } $apiEndpoint = ',status,contentDetails&playlistId=' . $options['playlistId'] . '&maxResults=' . $options['pagesize'] . '&key=' . $options['apiKey']; if ($options['pageToken'] != null) { $apiEndpoint .= '&pageToken=' . $options['pageToken']; } $transient_key = 'ep_embed_youtube_channel_' . md5($apiEndpoint); $gallobj->transient_key = $transient_key; $jsonResult = get_transient($transient_key); if (empty($jsonResult)) { $apiResult = wp_remote_get($apiEndpoint, array('timeout' => self::$curltimeout)); if (is_wp_error($apiResult)) { $gallobj->html = $this->clean_api_error_html($apiResult->get_error_message(), true); return $gallobj; } $jsonResult = json_decode($apiResult['body']); if (empty($jsonResult->error)) { set_transient($transient_key, $jsonResult, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 20); } else{ set_transient($transient_key, $jsonResult, 10); } } if (isset($jsonResult->error)) { if(!empty($jsonResult->error->errors[0]->reason) && $jsonResult->error->errors[0]->reason == 'playlistNotFound'){ $gallobj->html = $this->clean_api_error_html(__('There is nothing on the playlist.', 'embedpress')); return $gallobj; } if (isset($jsonResult->error->message)) { $gallobj->html = $this->clean_api_error_html($jsonResult->error->message); return $gallobj; } $gallobj->html = $this->clean_api_error_html(__('Sorry, there may be an issue with your YouTube API key.', 'embedpress')); return $gallobj; } $resultsPerPage = $jsonResult->pageInfo->resultsPerPage; $totalResults = $jsonResult->pageInfo->totalResults; $totalPages = ceil($totalResults / $resultsPerPage); if (isset($jsonResult->nextPageToken)) { $nextPageToken = $jsonResult->nextPageToken; } if (isset($jsonResult->prevPageToken)) { $prevPageToken = $jsonResult->prevPageToken; } if (!empty($jsonResult->items) && is_array($jsonResult->items)) : if($options['gallery'] === "false"){ $gallobj->html = ""; if(count($jsonResult->items) === 1){ $gallobj->first_vid = $this->get_id($jsonResult->items[0]); } return $gallobj; } if(count($jsonResult->items) === 1 && empty($nextPageToken) && empty($prevPageToken)){ $gallobj->first_vid = $this->get_id($jsonResult->items[0]); $gallobj->html = ""; return $gallobj; } if (strpos($options['playlistId'], 'UU') === 0) { // sort only channels usort($jsonResult->items, array(self::class, 'compare_vid_date')); // sorts in place } ob_start(); ?> <div class="ep-youtube__content__block" data-unique-id="<?php echo wp_rand(); ?>"> <div class="youtube__content__body"> <?php ?> <div class="content__wrap"> <?php $data = $this->layout_data(); $channel_info = get_option('youtube_channel_info_'.md5($options['channel_url'])); $channelTitle = isset($channel_info['snippet']['title']) ? $channel_info['snippet']['title'] : null; $channelThumb = isset($channel_info['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url']) ? $channel_info['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'] : null; $layout = $this->get_layout(); if($layout === 'gallery'){ echo YoutubeLayout::create_gallery_layout($jsonResult, $gallobj, $options, $data, $channelTitle, $channelThumb); } else if($layout === 'grid'){ do_action('embedpress/youtube_grid_layout', $jsonResult, $gallobj, $options, $data, $channelTitle, $channelThumb); } else if($layout === 'list'){ echo YoutubeLayout::create_list_layout($jsonResult, $gallobj, $options, $data, $channelTitle, $channelThumb); } else if($layout === 'carousel'){ do_action('embedpress/youtube_carousel_layout', $jsonResult, $gallobj, $options, $data, $channelTitle, $channelThumb); } else{ echo YoutubeLayout::create_gallery_layout($jsonResult, $gallobj, $options, $data, $channelTitle, $channelThumb); } ?> <!-- <?php foreach ($jsonResult->items as $item) : ?> <?php $privacyStatus = isset($item->status->privacyStatus) ? $item->status->privacyStatus : null; $thumbnail = $this->get_thumbnail_url($item, $options['thumbnail'], $privacyStatus); $vid = $this->get_id($item); if (empty($gallobj->first_vid)) { $gallobj->first_vid = $vid; } if ($privacyStatus == 'private' && $options['hideprivate']) { continue; } ?> <div class="item" data-vid="<?php echo $vid; ?>"> <div class="thumb" style="background: <?php echo "url({$thumbnail}) no-repeat center"; ?>"> <div class="play-icon"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url(EMBEDPRESS_URL_ASSETS . 'images/youtube/youtube-play.png'); ?>" alt=""> </div> </div> <div class="body"> <p><?php echo $item->snippet->title; ?></p> </div> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> --> <div class="item" style="height: 0"></div> </div> <?php $layout = $this->get_layout(); if ($totalPages > 1 && $layout !== 'carousel') : ?> <div class="ep-youtube__content__pagination <?php echo (empty($prevPageToken) && empty($nextPageToken)) ? ' hide ' : ''; ?>"> <div class="ep-prev" <?php echo empty($prevPageToken) ? ' style="display:none" ' : ''; ?> data-playlistid="<?php echo esc_attr($options['playlistId']) ?>" data-pagetoken="<?php echo esc_attr($prevPageToken) ?>" data-pagesize="<?php echo intval($options['pagesize']) ?>" > <span><?php _e("Prev", "embedpress"); ?></span> </div> <div class="is_desktop_device ep-page-numbers <?php echo $totalPages > 1 ? '' : 'hide'; ?>"> <?php $numOfPages = $totalPages; $renderedEllipses = false; $currentPage = !empty($options['currentpage'])?$options['currentpage'] : 1; for($i = 1; $i<=$numOfPages; $i++) { //render pages 1 - 3 if($i < 4) { //render link $is_current = $i == (int)$currentPage? "active__current_page" : ""; echo wp_kses_post("<span class='page-number $is_current' data-page='$i'>$i</span>"); } //render current page number else if($i == (int)$currentPage) { //render link echo wp_kses_post('<span class="page-number active__current_page" data-page="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</span>'); //reset ellipses $renderedEllipses = false; } //last page number else if ($i >= $numOfPages - 1) { //render link echo wp_kses_post('<span class="page-number" data-page="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</span>'); } //make sure you only do this once per ellipses group else { if (!$renderedEllipses){ print("..."); $renderedEllipses = true; } } } ?> </div> <div class="is_mobile_device ep-page-numbers <?php echo $totalPages > 1 ? '' : 'hide'; ?>"> <?php $numOfPages = $totalPages; $renderedEllipses = false; $currentPage = !empty($options['currentpage'])?$options['currentpage'] : 1; for($i = 1; $i<=$numOfPages; $i++) { //render current page number if($i == (int)$currentPage) { //render link echo wp_kses_post('<span class="page-number-mobile" data-page="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</span>'); //reset ellipses $renderedEllipses = false; } //last page number else if ($i >= $numOfPages ) { //render link echo wp_kses_post('...<span class="page-number-mobile" data-page="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</span>'); } } ?> </div> <div class="ep-next " <?php echo empty($nextPageToken) ? ' style="display:none" ' : ''; ?> data-playlistid="<?php echo esc_attr($options['playlistId']) ?>" data-pagetoken="<?php echo esc_attr($nextPageToken) ?>" data-pagesize="<?php echo intval($options['pagesize']) ?>" > <span><?php _e("Next ", "embedpress"); ?> </span> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="ep-loader-wrap"> <div class="ep-loader"><img alt="loading" src="<?php echo esc_url(EMBEDPRESS_URL_ASSETS . 'images/youtube/spin.gif'); ?>"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php $gallobj->html = ob_get_clean(); else: $gallobj->html = $this->clean_api_error_html(__("There is nothing on the playlist.", 'embedpress')); endif; return $gallobj; } public function get_api_key_error_message(){ return '<div>' . sprintf(__("EmbedPress: Please enter your YouTube API key at <a class='ep-link' href='%s' target='_blank' style='color: #5b4e96; text-decoration: none'>EmbedPress > Platforms > YouTube</a> to embed YouTube Channel.", "embedpress"), admin_url('?page=embedpress&page_type=youtube#api_key')) . '</div>'; } public function get_id($item){ $vid = isset($item->snippet->resourceId->videoId) ? $item->snippet->resourceId->videoId : null; $vid = $vid ? $vid : (isset($item->id->videoId) ? $item->id->videoId : null); $vid = $vid ? $vid : (isset($item->id) ? $item->id : null); return $vid; } public function get_thumbnail_url($item, $quality, $privacyStatus) { $url = ""; if ($privacyStatus == 'private') { $url = EMBEDPRESS_URL_ASSETS . 'images/youtube/private.png'; } elseif (isset($item->snippet->thumbnails->{$quality}->url)) { $url = $item->snippet->thumbnails->{$quality}->url; } elseif (isset($item->snippet->thumbnails->medium->url)) { $url = $item->snippet->thumbnails->medium->url; } elseif (isset($item->snippet->thumbnails->default->url)) { $url = $item->snippet->thumbnails->default->url; } elseif (isset($item->snippet->thumbnails->high->url)) { $url = $item->snippet->thumbnails->high->url; } else { $url = EMBEDPRESS_URL_ASSETS . 'images/youtube/deleted-video-thumb.png'; } return $url; } public function compare_vid_date($a, $b) { if ($a->snippet->publishedAt == $b->snippet->publishedAt) { return 0; } return ($a->snippet->publishedAt > $b->snippet->publishedAt) ? -1 : 1; } public function clean_api_error($raw_message) { return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(preg_replace('@&key=[^& ]+@i', '&key=*******', $raw_message))); } public function clean_api_error_html($raw_message) { $clean_html = ''; if ((defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST) || current_user_can('manage_options')) { $clean_html = '<div>' . __('EmbedPress: ', 'embedpress') . $this->clean_api_error($raw_message) . '</div>'; } return $clean_html; } /** inline {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFakeResponse() { preg_match('~v=([a-z0-9_\-]+)~i', (string) $this->url, $matches); $embedUrl = '' . $matches['1'] . '?feature=oembed'; $attr = []; $attr[] = 'width="{width}"'; $attr[] = 'height="{height}"'; $attr[] = 'src="' . esc_url($embedUrl) . '"'; $attr[] = 'frameborder="0"'; $attr[] = 'allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"'; $attr[] = 'allowfullscreen'; return [ 'type' => 'video', 'provider_name' => 'Youtube', 'provider_url' => '', 'title' => 'Unknown title', 'html' => '<iframe ' . implode(' ', $attr) . '></iframe>', ]; } // public $num = 0; public $x = 0; public function styles($params, $url){ $uniqid = '.ose-youtube.ose-uid-'.md5($url); ob_start(); ?> <style> <?php $attributes_data = $params; $is_pagination = 'flex'; $gap = '30'; $columns = ''; if (isset($attributes_data['ispagination']) && $attributes_data['ispagination']) { $is_pagination = 'none'; } if(isset($attributes_data['gapbetweenvideos'])){ $gap = $attributes_data['gapbetweenvideos']; } if(isset($attributes_data['columns'])){ $columns = $attributes_data['columns']; } if(!empty($columns) && (int) $columns > 0){ $repeatCol = 'repeat(auto-fit, minmax('.esc_html('calc('.(100 / (int) $columns).'% - '.$gap.'px)').', 1fr))'; } else{ $repeatCol = 'repeat(auto-fit, minmax(calc(250px - '.$gap.'px), 1fr))'; } ?> <?php echo esc_attr($uniqid); ?> .ep-youtube__content__block .youtube__content__body .content__wrap:not(.youtube-carousel) { gap: <?php echo esc_html($gap); ?>px !important; margin-top: <?php echo esc_html($gap); ?>px !important; grid-template-columns: <?php echo $repeatCol; ?>; } <?php echo esc_attr($uniqid); ?> .ep-youtube__content__block .ep-youtube__content__pagination { display: <?php echo esc_html($is_pagination); ?>!important; } <?php echo esc_attr($uniqid); ?> .layout-list .ep-youtube__content__block .youtube__content__body .content__wrap{ grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(calc(100% - 30px), 1fr))!important; } @media (max-width: 420px) { <?php echo esc_attr($uniqid); ?> .ep-youtube__content__block .youtube__content__body .content__wrap:not(.youtube-carousel) { gap: 30px !important; } } <?php if($is_pagination){ echo esc_attr($uniqid) ?> { height: 100%!important; } <?php } ?> </style> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } }