Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
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',' : thousandSeparator ), 'g' ); decimalSymbol = new RegExp( $.fbuilder.escape_symbol( ( typeof decimalSymbol == 'undefined' ) ? '.' : decimalSymbol ), 'g' ); var t = value.replace( thousandSeparator, '' ).replace( decimalSymbol, '.' ).replace( /\s/g, '' ), p = /[+-]?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))/.exec( t ); return ( p ) ? p[0]*1 : '"' + value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace( /\$/g, '') + '"'; }; // fbuilder plugin $.fn.fbuilder = function(options){ var opt = $.extend({}, { pub:false, identifier:"", title:"" }, options, true), typeList = $.fbuilder.typeList, categoryList = $.fbuilder.categoryList; $.fbuilder[ 'getNameByIdFromType' ] = function( id ) { for ( var i = 0, h = typeList.length; i < h; i++ ) { if ( typeList[i].id == id ) { return typeList[i].name; } } return ""; }; for ( var i=0, h = typeList.length; i < h; i++ ) { var category_id = typeList[ i ].control_category; if( typeof categoryList[ category_id ] == 'undefined' ) { categoryList[ category_id ] = { title : '', description : '', typeList : [] }; } else if( typeof categoryList[ category_id ][ 'typeList' ] == 'undefined' ) { categoryList[ category_id ][ 'typeList' ] = []; 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}; $.fbuilder[ 'removeItem' ] = function( index ) { items.splice(index,1); for ( var i=0, h = items.length; i<h; i++ ) { items[i].index = i; } $('#tabs').tabs("option", "active", 0); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }; $.fbuilder[ 'duplicateItem' ] = function( index ) { var n = 0; for ( var i=0, h = items.length; i<h; i++ ) { n1 = parseInt( items[i].name.replace( /fieldname/g,"" ) ); if (n1>n) n = n1; } items.splice( index*1+1, 0, $.extend( true, {}, items[index], { name:"fieldname"+(n+1) } ) ); for ( var i=index*1+1, h = items.length; i<h; i++ ) { items[i].index = i; } $('#tabs').tabs("option", "active", 0); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); } $.fbuilder[ 'editForm' ] = function() { $('#tabs-3').html(theForm.showAllSettings()); selected = -1; $("#fTitle").keyup(function() { theForm.title = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#fDescription").keyup(function() { theForm.description = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#fLayout").change(function() { theForm.formlayout = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#fTemplate").change(function() { theForm.formtemplate = $(this).val(); var template = $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[ theForm.formtemplate ], thumbnail = '', description = ''; if( typeof template != 'undefined' ) { if( typeof template[ 'thumbnail' ] != 'undefined' ) { thumbnail = '<img src="' + template[ 'thumbnail' ] + '">'; } if( typeof template[ 'description' ] != 'undefined' ) { description = template[ 'description' ]; } } $( '#fTemplateThumbnail' ).html( thumbnail ); $( '#fTemplateDescription' ).html( description ); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); }; $.fbuilder[ 'reloadItems' ] = function() { for ( var i=0, h = $.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList.length; i < h; i++ ) { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).removeClass( $.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList[i].id ); } $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).addClass(theForm.formlayout); $("#formheader"+opt.identifier).html(theForm.display()); $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).html(""); if ( parseInt( selected ) == -1 ) { $(".fform").addClass("ui-selected"); } else { $(".fform").removeClass("ui-selected"); } for ( var i=0, h = items.length; i < h; i++ ) { items[i].index = i; $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).append(items[i].display()); if ( i == selected ) { $("#field"+opt.identifier+"-"+i).addClass("ui-selected"); } else { $("#field"+opt.identifier+"-"+i).removeClass("ui-selected"); } $("#field"+opt.identifier+"-"+i+" .remove").click(function() { $.fbuilder[ 'removeItem' ]($(this).parent().attr("id").replace("field"+opt.identifier+"-","")); }); $("#field"+opt.identifier+"-"+i+" .copy").click(function() { $.fbuilder[ 'duplicateItem' ]($(this).parent().attr("id").replace("field"+opt.identifier+"-","")); }); } if (items.length>0) { $(".fields").mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass("ui-over"); }) .mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-over") }) .click(function() { $.fbuilder[ 'editItem' ]($(this).attr("id").replace("field"+opt.identifier+"-","")); $(this).siblings().removeClass("ui-selected"); $(this).addClass("ui-selected"); }); $(".field").focus(function() { $(this).blur(); }); } $(".fform").mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass("ui-over"); }) .mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-over"); }) .click(function(){ $('#tabs').tabs("option", "active", 2); $.fbuilder.editForm(); $(this).siblings().removeClass("ui-selected"); $(this).addClass("ui-selected"); }); ffunct.saveData("form_structure"); //email list var str = ""; for ( var i=0, h = items.length; i < h; i++ ) { var item = items[ i ]; if (item.ftype=="femail") { str += '<option value="''" '+(( == $('#cu_user_email_field').attr("def"))?"selected":"")+'>'' ('+item.title+')'+'</option>'; } } $('#cu_user_email_field').html(str); //field list for paypal request if (($('#request_cost').length > 0) && ($('#request_cost').is('select'))) { var str = ""; for (var i=0, h = items.length; i<h; i++) { var item = items[ i ]; str += '<option value="''" '+(( == $('#request_cost').attr("def"))?"selected":"")+'>''('+(item.title)+')</option>'; } $('#request_cost').html(str); } //request amount list if ($('#paypal_price_field').length > 0) { var str = '<option value="" '+(('' == $('#paypal_price_field').attr("def"))?"selected":"")+'> ---- No ---- </option>'; for (var i=0, h = items.length; i < h; i++) { var item = items[ i ]; str += '<option value="''" '+(( == $('#paypal_price_field').attr("def"))?"selected":"")+'>'+(item.title)+'</option>'; } $('#paypal_price_field').html(str); } }; var fform=function(){}; $.extend(fform.prototype, { title:"Untitled Form", description:"This is my form. Please fill it out. It's awesome!", formlayout:"top_aligned", formtemplate:"", display:function() { return '<div class="fform" id="field"><div class="arrow ui-icon ui-icon-play "></div><h1>'+this.title+'</h1><span>'+this.description+'</span></div>'; }, showAllSettings:function() { var layout = '', template = '<option value="">Use default template</option>', thumbnail = '', description = '', selected = ''; for ( var i = 0; i< $.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList.length; i++ ) { layout += '<option value="'+$.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList[i].id+'" '+(($.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList[i].id==this.formlayout)?"selected":"")+'>'+$.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList[i].name+'</option>'; } for ( var i in $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic ) { selected = ''; if( $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].prefix==this.formtemplate ) { selected = 'SELECTED'; if( typeof $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].thumbnail != 'undefined' ) { thumbnail = '<img src="'+$.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].thumbnail+'">'; } if( typeof $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].description != 'undefined' ) { description = $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].description; } } template += '<option value="'+$.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].prefix+'" ' + selected + '>'+$.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic[i].title+'</option>'; } return '<div><label>Form Name</label><input class="large" name="fTitle" id="fTitle" value="'+$.fbuilder.htmlEncode(this.title)+'" /></div><div><label>Description</label><textarea class="large" name="fDescription" id="fDescription">'+this.description+'</textarea></div><div><label>Label Placement</label><br /><select name="fLayout" id="fLayout" class="large">'+layout+'</select></div><div><label>Form Template</label><br /><select name="fTemplate" id="fTemplate" class="large">'+template+'</select></div><br /><div><span id="fTemplateThumbnail" style="float:left;padding-right:10px;">'+thumbnail+'</span><span id="fTemplateDescription" style="float:left;">'+description+'</span></div>' ; } } ); var theForm = new fform(); $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).sortable( { start: function(event, ui) { var start_pos = ui.item.index();'start_pos', start_pos); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var end_pos = parseInt(ui.item.index()), start_pos = parseInt('start_pos')), tmp = items[start_pos]; if (end_pos > start_pos) { for (var i = start_pos; i<end_pos; i++) { items[i] = items[i+1]; } } else { for (var i = start_pos; i > end_pos; i--) { items[i] = items[i-1]; } } items[end_pos] = tmp; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); } } ); $('#tabs').tabs( { activate: function(event, ui) { if ($(this).tabs( "option", "active" )!=1) { $(".fields").removeClass("ui-selected"); selected = -2; if ($(this).tabs( "option", "active" )==2) { $(".fform").addClass("ui-selected"); $.fbuilder.editForm(); } else { $(".fform").removeClass("ui-selected"); } } else { $(".fform").removeClass("ui-selected"); if (selected < 0) { $('#tabs-2').html('<b>No Field Selected</b><br />Please click on a field in the form preview on the right to change its properties.'); } } } } ); var ffunct = { getItems: function() { return items; }, addItem: function(id) { var obj = eval("new $.fbuilder.controls['"+id+"']();"), fBuild = this, n = 0; obj.init(); for (var i=0, h = items.length; i < h; i++) { n1 = parseInt(items[i].name.replace(/fieldname/g,"")); if (n1>n) { n = n1; } } obj.fBuild = fBuild; $.extend(obj,{name:"fieldname"+(n+1)}); items[items.length] = obj; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }, saveData:function(f) { $("#"+f).val("["+ $.stringifyXX( items, false )+",["+ $.stringifyXX(theForm,false)+"]]"); }, loadData:function(form_structure, available_templates) { var structure = $.parseJSON( $("#"+form_structure).val() ), // JSON data templates = ( typeof available_templates == 'undefined' ) ? null : $.parseJSON( $("#"+available_templates).val() ), fBuild = this; if ( structure ) { if (structure.length==2) { items = []; for (var i=0;i<structure[0].length;i++) { var obj = eval("new $.fbuilder.controls['"+structure[0][i].ftype+"']();"); obj = $.extend( true, {}, obj, structure[0][i] ); =; obj.form_identifier = opt.identifier; obj.fBuild = fBuild; items[items.length] = obj; } theForm = new fform(); theForm = $.extend(theForm,structure[1][0]); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); } } if( templates ) { $.fbuilder.showSettings.formTemplateDic = templates; } }, removeItem: $.fbuilder[ 'removeItem' ], editItem: $.fbuilder[ 'editItem' ] } this.fBuild = ffunct; return this; }; $.fbuilder[ 'showSettings' ] = { sizeList:new Array({id:"small",name:"Small"},{id:"medium",name:"Medium"},{id:"large",name:"Large"}), layoutList:new Array({id:"one_column",name:"One Column"},{id:"two_column",name:"Two Column"},{id:"three_column",name:"Three Column"},{id:"side_by_side",name:"Side by Side"}), formlayoutList:new Array({id:"top_aligned",name:"Top Aligned"},{id:"left_aligned",name:"Left Aligned"},{id:"right_aligned",name:"Right Aligned"}), formTemplateDic: {}, // Form Template dictionary showTitle: function(f,v) { var str = '<label>Field Label</label><textarea class="large" name="sTitle" id="sTitle">'+v+'</textarea>'; if (v=="Page Break") str = ""; return '<label>Field Type: '+$.fbuilder[ 'getNameByIdFromType' ](f)+'</label><br /><br />'+str; }, showName: function(v1,v2) { return '<div><label>Short label (optional) [<a class="helpfbuilder" text="The short label is used at title for the column when exporting the form data to CSV files.\n\nIf the short label is empty then, the field label will be used for the CSV file.">help?</a>] :</label><input class="large" name="sShortlabel" id="sShortlabel" value="'+v2+'" /></div>'+ '<div><label>Field tag for the message (optional):</label><input readonly="readonly" class="large" name="sNametag" id="sNametag" value="<%'+v1+'%>" />'+ '<input style="display:none" readonly="readonly" class="large" name="sName" id="sName" value="'+v1+'" /></div>'; }, showPredefined: function(v,c) { return '<div><label>Predefined Value</label><textarea class="large" name="sPredefined" id="sPredefined">'+v+'</textarea><br /><input type="checkbox" name="sPredefinedClick" id="sPredefinedClick" '+((c)?"checked":"")+' value="1" > Hide predefined value on click.</div>'; }, showEqualTo: function(v,name) { return '<div><label>Equal to [<a class="helpfbuilder" text="Use this field to create password confirmation field or email confirmation fields.\n\nSpecify this setting ONLY into the confirmation field, not in the original field.">help?</a>]</label><br /><select class="equalTo" name="sEqualTo" id="sEqualTo" dvalue="'+v+'" dname="'+name+'"></select></div>'; }, showRequired: function(v) { return '<div><input type="checkbox" name="sRequired" id="sRequired" '+((v)?"checked":"")+'><label>Required</label></div>'; }, showSize: function(v) { var str = ""; for (var i=0;i<this.sizeList.length;i++) { str += '<option value="'+this.sizeList[i].id+'" '+((this.sizeList[i].id==v)?"selected":"")+'>'+this.sizeList[i].name+'</option>'; } return '<label>Field Size</label><br /><select name="sSize" id="sSize">'+str+'</select>'; }, showLayout: function(v) { var str = ""; for (var i=0;i<this.layoutList.length;i++) { str += '<option value="'+this.layoutList[i].id+'" '+((this.layoutList[i].id==v)?"selected":"")+'>'+this.layoutList[i].name+'</option>'; } return '<label>Field Layout</label><br /><select name="sLayout" id="sLayout">'+str+'</select>'; }, showUserhelp: function(v,c) { return '<div><label>Instructions for User</label><textarea class="large" name="sUserhelp" id="sUserhelp">'+v+'</textarea><br /><input type="checkbox" name="sUserhelpTooltip" id="sUserhelpTooltip" '+((c)?"checked":"")+' value="1" > Show as floating tooltip.</div>'; }, showCsslayout: function(v) { return '<label>Additional CSS Class</label><input class="large" name="sCsslayout" id="sCsslayout" value="'+v+'" />'; } }; $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { form_identifier:"", name:"", shortlabel:"", index:-1, ftype:"", userhelp:"", userhelpTooltip:false, csslayout:"", init:function(){}, editItemEvents:function() { $("#sTitle").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { var str = $(this).val(); = str.replace(/\n/g,"<br />"); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sShortlabel").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sPredefined").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sPredefinedClick").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).is(':checked'); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sRequired").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).is(':checked'); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sUserhelp").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sUserhelpTooltip").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).is(':checked'); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sCsslayout").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".helpfbuilder").click(function() { alert($(this).attr("text")); }); }, showSpecialData:function() { if(typeof this.showSpecialDataInstance != 'undefined') { return this.showSpecialDataInstance(); } else { return ""; } }, showEqualTo:function() { if(typeof this.equalTo != 'undefined') { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showEqualTo(this.equalTo,; } else { return ""; } }, showPredefined:function() { if(typeof this.predefined != 'undefined') { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showPredefined(this.predefined,this.predefinedClick); } else { return ""; } }, showRequired:function() { if(typeof this.required != 'undefined') { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showRequired(this.required); } else { return ""; } }, showSize:function() { if(typeof this.size != 'undefined') { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showSize(this.size); } else { return ""; } }, showLayout:function() { if(typeof this.layout != 'undefined') { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showLayout(this.layout); } else { return ""; } }, showRange:function() { if(typeof this.min != 'undefined') { return this.showRangeIntance(); } else { return ""; } }, showFormat:function() { if(typeof this.dformat != 'undefined') { try { return this.showFormatIntance(); } catch(e) {return "";} } else { return ""; } }, showChoice:function() { if(typeof this.choices != 'undefined') { return this.showChoiceIntance(); } else { return ""; } }, showUserhelp:function() { return ((this.ftype!="fPageBreak") ? $.fbuilder.showSettings.showUserhelp(this.userhelp,this.userhelpTooltip) : ""); }, showCsslayout:function() { return ((this.ftype!="fPageBreak") ? $.fbuilder.showSettings.showCsslayout(this.csslayout) : ""); }, showAllSettings:function() { return this.showTitle()+this.showName()+this.showSize()+this.showLayout()+this.showFormat()+this.showRange()+this.showRequired()+this.showSpecialData()+this.showEqualTo()+this.showPredefined()+this.showChoice()+this.showUserhelp()+this.showCsslayout(); }, showTitle:function() { return $.fbuilder.showSettings.showTitle(this.ftype,this.title); }, showName:function() { return ((this.ftype!="fPageBreak") ? $.fbuilder.showSettings.showName(,this.shortlabel) : ""); }, display:function() { return 'Not available yet'; }, show:function(){ return 'Not available yet'; } } );$.fbuilder.categoryList[1]={ title : "Form Controls", description : "", typeList : [] }; $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fradio", name:"Radio Buttons", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fradio' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fradio' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Select a Choice", ftype:"fradio", layout:"one_column", required:false, choiceSelected:"", showDep:false, init:function() { this.choices = new Array("First Choice","Second Choice","Third Choice"); this.choicesVal = new Array("First Choice","Second Choice","Third Choice"); this.choicesDep = new Array(new Array(),new Array(),new Array()); }, display:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices.slice(0)); var str = ""; for (var i=0;i<this.choices.length;i++) { str += '<div class="'+this.layout+'"><input class="field" disabled="true" type="radio" i="'+i+'" '+(( this.choices[i]+' - '+this.choicesVal[i]==this.choiceSelected)?"checked":"")+'/> '+this.choices[i]+'</div>'; } return '<div class="fields" id="field'+this.form_identifier+'-'+this.index+'"><div class="arrow ui-icon ui-icon-play "></div><div title="Delete" class="remove ui-icon ui-icon-trash "></div><div title="Duplicate" class="copy ui-icon ui-icon-copy "></div><label>'+this.title+''+((this.required)?"*":"")+'</label><div class="dfield">'+str+'<span class="uh">'+this.userhelp+'</span></div><div class="clearer"></div></div>'; }, editItemEvents:function() { $(".choice_text").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) { if ([$(this).attr("i")] ==[$(this).attr("i")]) { $("#"+$(this).attr("id")+"V"+$(this).attr("i")).val($(this).val());[$(this).attr("i")]= $(this).val(); }[$(this).attr("i")]= $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_value").bind("keyup", {obj: this}, function(e) {[$(this).attr("i")]= $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_radio").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { =[$(this).attr("i")] + ' - ' +[$(this).attr("i")]; } $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $("#sLayout").bind("change", {obj: this}, function(e) { = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_up").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { var i = $(this).attr("i")*1; if (i!=0) {, 0,, 1)[0]);, 0,, 1)[0]);, 0,, 1)[0]); } $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_down").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { var i = $(this).attr("i")*1; var n = $(this).attr("n")*1; if (i!=n) {, 0,, 1)[0]);, 0,, 1)[0]);, 0,, 1)[0]); } $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_removeDep").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { if ( {[$(this).attr("i")][0]=""; } else {[$(this).attr("i")].splice($(this).attr("j"),1); } $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_addDep").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) {[$(this).attr("i")].splice($(this).attr("j")*1+1,0,""); $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_remove").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { var i = $(this).attr("i"); if([ i ] + ' - ' +[ i ] == ) { = ""; } if ( {[0]="";[0]="";[0]=new Array(); } else {,1);,1);,1); } $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".choice_add").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { var i = $(this).attr("i")*1+1;,0,"");,0,"");,0,new Array()); $.fbuilder.editItem(; $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); $(".showHideDependencies").bind("click", {obj: this}, function(e) { if ( { $(this).parent().removeClass("show"); $(this).parent().addClass("hide"); $(this).html("Show Dependencies"); = false; } else { $(this).parent().addClass("show"); $(this).parent().removeClass("hide"); $(this).html("Hide Dependencies"); = true; } return false; }); $('.dependencies').bind("change", {obj: this}, function(e) {[$(this).attr("i")][$(this).attr("j")] = $(this).val(); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); }); var items = this.fBuild.getItems(); $('.dependencies').each(function() { var str = '<option value="" '+(("" == $(this).attr("dvalue"))?"selected":"")+'></option>'; for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++) { if (items[i].name != $(this).attr("dname")) { str += '<option value="'+items[i].name+'" '+((items[i].name == $(this).attr("dvalue"))?"selected":"")+'>'+(items[i].name)+' (' + items[i].title + ') </option>'; } } $(this).html(str); }); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ]; }, showChoiceIntance: function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices.slice(0)); var l = this.choices; var lv = this.choicesVal; if (!(typeof(this.choicesDep) != "undefined" && this.choicesDep !== null)) { this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0;i<l.length;i++) { this.choicesDep[i] = new Array(); } } var d = this.choicesDep; var str = ""; for (var i=0;i<l.length;i++) { str += '<div class="choicesEdit"><input class="choice_radio" i="'+i+'" type="radio" '+((this.choiceSelected==l[i]+' - '+lv[i])?"checked":"")+' name="choice_radio" /><input class="choice_text" i="'+i+'" type="text" name="sChoice''" id="sChoice''" value="'+$.fbuilder.htmlEncode(l[i])+'"/><input class="choice_value" i="'+i+'" type="text" name="sChoice''V'+i+'" id="sChoice''V'+i+'" value="'+$.fbuilder.htmlEncode(lv[i])+'"/><a class="choice_down ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s" i="'+i+'" n="'+(l.length-1)+'" title="Down"></a><a class="choice_up ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n" i="'+i+'" title="Up"></a><a class="choice_add ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus" i="'+i+'" title="Add another choice."></a><a class="choice_remove ui-icon ui-icon-circle-minus" i="'+i+'" title="Delete this choice."></a></div>'; for (var j=0;j<d[i].length;j++) { str += '<div class="choicesEditDep">If selected show: <select class="dependencies" i="'+i+'" j="'+j+'" dname="''" dvalue="'+d[i][j]+'" ></select><a class="choice_addDep ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus" i="'+i+'" j="'+j+'" title="Add another dependency."></a><a class="choice_removeDep ui-icon ui-icon-circle-minus" i="'+i+'" j="'+j+'" title="Delete this dependency."></a></div>'; } if (d[i].length==0) { str += '<div class="choicesEditDep">If selected show: <select class="dependencies" i="'+i+'" j="'+d[i].length+'" dname="''" dvalue="" ></select><a class="choice_addDep ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus" i="'+i+'" j="'+d[i].length+'" title="Add another dependency."></a><a class="choice_removeDep ui-icon ui-icon-circle-minus" i="'+i+'" j="'+d[i].length+'" title="Delete this dependency."></a></div>'; } } return '<div class="choicesSet '+((this.showDep)?"show":"hide")+'"><label>Choices</label> <a class="helpfbuilder dep" text="Dependencies are used to show/hide other fields depending of the option selected in this field.">help?</a> <a href="" class="showHideDependencies">'+((this.showDep)?"Hide":"Show")+' Dependencies</a><div><div class="t">Text</div><div class="t">Value</div><div class="clearer"></div></div>'+str+'</div>'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fcurrency", name:"Currency", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Currency", ftype:"fcurrency", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"small", readonly:false, currencySymbol:"$", currencyText:"USD", thousandSeparator:",", centSeparator:".", formatDynamically:false, display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fnumber", name:"Number", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fnumber' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fnumber' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Number", ftype:"fnumber", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"small", thousandSeparator:"", decimalSymbol:".", min:"", max:"", dformat:"digits", formats:new Array("digits","number"), display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"femail", name:"Email", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'femail'] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'femail' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Email", ftype:"femail", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", equalTo:"", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fdate", name:"Date Time", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Date", ftype:"fdate", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, size:"medium", required:false, dformat:"mm/dd/yyyy", showDropdown:false, dropdownRange:"-10:+10", minDate:"", maxDate:"", minHour:0, maxHour:23, minMinute:0, maxMinute:59, stepHour: 1, stepMinute: 1, showTimepicker: false, defaultDate:"", defaultTime:"", working_dates:[true,true,true,true,true,true,true], formats:new Array("mm/dd/yyyy","dd/mm/yyyy"), display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"ftextarea", name:"Text Area", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ftextarea", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fcheck", name:"Checkboxes", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Check All That Apply", ftype:"fcheck", layout:"one_column", required:false, showDep:false, display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"ftext", name:"Single Line Text", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftext' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftext' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ftext", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", equalTo:"", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fdropdown", name:"Dropdown", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdropdown' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdropdown' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Select a Choice", ftype:"fdropdown", size:"medium", required:false, choiceSelected:"", showDep:false, display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"ffile", name:"Upload File", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffile' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffile' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ffile", required:false, size:"medium", accept:"", upload_size:"", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fpassword", name:"Password", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"fpassword", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", equalTo:"", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fPhone", name:"Phone field", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Phone", ftype:"fPhone", required:false, dformat:"### ### ####", predefined:"888 888 8888", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fCommentArea", name:"Instruct. Text", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCommentArea' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCommentArea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Comments here", ftype:"fCommentArea", userhelp:"A description of the section goes here.", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fhidden", name:"Hidden", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fhidden' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fhidden' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Hidden", ftype:"fhidden", predefined:"", display:function() { return 'Available only in <a href="">commercial versions</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fSectionBreak", name:"Section break", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fSectionBreak' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fSectionBreak' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Section Break", ftype:"fSectionBreak", userhelp:"A description of the section goes here.", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fPageBreak", name:"Page break", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPageBreak' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPageBreak' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Page Break", ftype:"fPageBreak", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } }); $.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fsummary", name:"Summary", control_category:1 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fsummary' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fsummary' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Summary", ftype:"fsummary", fields:"", titleClassname:"summary-field-title", valueClassname:"summary-field-value", display:function() { return 'Available in <a href="">pro version</a>.'; } });})(fbuilderjQuery); });