Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : /home/thanudqk/ |
var __ = wp.i18n.__, el = wp.element.createElement, registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType, // Inspector Layout BlockControls = ( wp.blockEditor && wp.blockEditor.BlockControls ) ? wp.blockEditor.BlockControls : wp.editor.BlockControls, InspectorControls = ( wp.blockEditor && wp.blockEditor.InspectorControls ) ? wp.blockEditor.InspectorControls : wp.editor.InspectorControls, PanelBody = wp.components.PanelBody, PanelRow = wp.components.PanelRow, // Controls ToolbarGroup = wp.components.ToolbarGroup ? wp.components.ToolbarGroup : wp.components.Toolbar, ToolbarButton = wp.components.ToolbarButton ? wp.components.ToolbarButton : wp.components.IconButton, Button = wp.components.Button, Icon = wp.components.Icon, TextControl = wp.components.TextControl, ToggleControl = wp.components.ToggleControl, SelectControl = wp.components.SelectControl, // Misc Placeholder = wp.components.Placeholder; // In some rare cases the globally loaded LS_GB_l10n // variable might not be available due to plugins making // changes in the WP script queue. The below makes sure // that we can at least avoid undef JS errors. if( typeof LS_GB_l10n === 'undefined' ) { LS_GB_l10n = {}; } var LS_IconElement = el('svg', { width: 20, height: 20 }, el( 'path', { d: "M.485 5.782l9.099 4.128c.266.121 .566.121 .832 0l9.099-4.128c.646-.293.646-1.27 0-1.564L10.416.09a1 1 0 0 0-.832 0L.485 4.218c-.646.293-.646 1.271 0 1.564zm19.03 3.448-2.269-1.029-6.314 2.862c-.295.134-.609.202-.932.202s-.636-.068-.932-.202L2.754 8.202l-2.27 1.029c-.646.293-.646 1.27 0 1.563l9.099 4.125c.266.12 .566.12 .832 0L19.515 10.793c.646-.293.646-1.27 0-1.562zm0 4.992-2.261-1.025-6.323 2.866c-.295.134-.609.202-.932.202s-.636-.068-.932-.202L2.746 13.198.485 14.223c-.646.293-.646 1.27 0 1.563l9.099 4.125c.266.12 .566.12 .832 0L19.515 15.785c.646-.293.646-1.27 0-1.562z" } ) ); registerBlockType( 'kreatura/layerslider', { title: 'LayerSlider', description: LS_GB_l10n.BlockDesc, keywords: [ 'animation', 'gallery', 'popup' ], icon: LS_IconElement, category: 'widgets', supports: { html: false }, example: { attributes: { name: LS_GB_l10n.BlockExampleTitle, slideCount: 5, previewURL: LS_GB_l10n.BlockExamplePreview, isExample: true }, }, attributes: { id: { type: 'string', default: '' }, name: { type: 'string', default: '' }, previewURL: { type: 'string', default: '' }, type: { type: 'string', default: '' }, autostart: { type: 'string', default: '' }, firstslide: { type: 'string', default: '' }, skin: { type: 'string', default: '' }, slideCount: { type: 'integer', default: 1 }, marginTop: { type: 'string', default: '' }, marginRight: { type: 'string', default: '' }, marginBottom: { type: 'string', default: '' }, marginLeft: { type: 'string', default: '' }, lastUpdated: { type: 'integer', default: 0 }, isExample: { type: 'bool', default: false } }, edit: function( props ) { var attrs = props.attributes; var controls = []; if( ) { var timestamp = lsGetTimestamp(); if( attrs.lastUpdated < timestamp - 30 ) { lsUpdateBlockData( props ); } } // INSPECTOR CONTROLS // -------------------------------- var layoutOptions = [{ value: '', label: LS_GB_l10n.LayoutInherit }]; if( LS_GB_l10n.layouts ) { for( var layoutHandle in LS_GB_l10n.layouts ) { layoutOptions.push({ value: layoutHandle, label: LS_GB_l10n.layouts[ layoutHandle ] }) } } var skinsOptions = [{ value: '', label: LS_GB_l10n.SkinInherit }]; if( LS_GB_l10n.skins ) { for( var skinHandle in LS_GB_l10n.skins ) { skinsOptions.push({ value: skinHandle, label: LS_GB_l10n.skins[ skinHandle ] }) } } var lsInspectorControls = el( InspectorControls, {}, // Panel Body el( PanelBody, { title: LS_GB_l10n.OverridePanel }, // Description el( 'p', null, LS_GB_l10n.OverridePanelDesc ), // Layout el( SelectControl, { label: LS_GB_l10n.LayoutLabel, value: attrs.type, onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ type: newValue }) }, options: layoutOptions }), // Skins el( SelectControl, { label: LS_GB_l10n.SkinLabel, value:, onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ skin: newValue }) }, options: skinsOptions }), // Auto Start Slideshow el( SelectControl, { label: LS_GB_l10n.AutoStartLabel, value: attrs.autostart, onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ autostart: newValue }) }, options: [ { value: '', label: LS_GB_l10n.AutoStartInherit }, { value: 'enabled', label: LS_GB_l10n.AutoStartEnable }, { value: 'disabled', label: LS_GB_l10n.AutoStartDisable }, ] }), // First Slide el( TextControl, { label: LS_GB_l10n.FirstSlideLabel, value: attrs.firstslide, placeholder: LS_GB_l10n.FirstSlideInherit, type: 'number', onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ firstslide: newValue }); } }), ), el( PanelBody, { title: LS_GB_l10n.LayoutPanel }, // Description el( 'p', null, LS_GB_l10n.LayoutPanelDesc ), // Margin Controls el( 'p', {}, LS_GB_l10n.MarginLabel ), el( 'div', { className: 'ls-gb-margin-holder' }, el( TextControl, { className: 'ls-gb-margin ls-gb-margin-top', value: attrs.marginTop, placeholder: '0px', onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ marginTop: newValue }); } }), el( TextControl, { className: 'ls-gb-margin ls-gb-margin-right', value: attrs.marginRight, placeholder: LS_GB_l10n.MarginAutoPlaceholder, onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ marginRight: newValue }); } }), el( TextControl, { className: 'ls-gb-margin ls-gb-margin-bottom', value: attrs.marginBottom, placeholder: '0px', onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ marginBottom: newValue }); } }), el( TextControl, { className: 'ls-gb-margin ls-gb-margin-left', value: attrs.marginLeft, placeholder: LS_GB_l10n.MarginAutoPlaceholder, onChange: function( newValue ) { props.setAttributes({ marginLeft: newValue }); } }) ) ) ); // BLOCK PLACEHOLDER // -------------------------------- var lsBlockPlaceholder = el( Placeholder, { icon: el( Icon, { className: 'editor-block-icon block-editor-block-icon', icon: LS_IconElement }), label: 'LayerSlider', instructions: LS_GB_l10n.PlaceholderDesc, }, el( Button, { isLarge: true, variant: 'primary', onClick: function() {{ onChange: function( sliderData ) { props.setAttributes({ id:, name:, previewURL: sliderData.previewurl, slideCount: sliderData.slidecount, lastUpdated: lsGetTimestamp() }); } }); } }, LS_GB_l10n.SliderLibraryButton ) ); // Block Controls var lsBlockControls = el( BlockControls, null, el( ToolbarGroup, null, el( ToolbarButton, { label: LS_GB_l10n.BlockEditLabel, icon: 'screenoptions', onClick: function() {{ onChange: function( sliderData ) { props.setAttributes({ id:, name:, previewURL: sliderData.previewurl, slideCount: sliderData.slidecount, lastUpdated: lsGetTimestamp() }); } }); } }) ), el( ToolbarGroup, null, el( ToolbarButton, { label: LS_GB_l10n.BlockSliderEditorLabel, icon: 'edit', onClick: function() { +, '_blank'); } }) ) ); // BLOCK CONTENT // -------------------------------- var classNames = 'ls-gb-block-content'; if( ! attrs.previewURL || attrs.previewURL.indexOf('blank.gif') !== -1 ) { classNames += ' ls-no-preview'; } var lsBlockContent = el( 'div', { className: classNames, style: { backgroundImage: 'url('+attrs.previewURL+')', marginTop: attrs.marginTop ? parseInt( attrs.marginTop )+'px' : 0, marginRight: attrs.marginRight ? parseInt( attrs.marginRight )+'px' : 0, marginBottom: attrs.marginBottom ? parseInt( attrs.marginBottom )+'px' : 0, marginLeft: attrs.marginLeft ? parseInt( attrs.marginLeft )+'px' : 0, } }, el('div', { className: 'ls-info' }, el( 'div', { className: 'ls-name' }, ) ), el('span', { className: 'ls-arrow-left dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2' }), el('span', { className: 'ls-arrow-right dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2' }), ); if( attrs.slideCount && attrs.slideCount > 1 ) { var lsSlidesHolder = el('div', { className: 'ls-slides-holder' } ); lsBlockContent.props.children.push( lsSlidesHolder ); if( ! lsSlidesHolder.props.children ) { lsSlidesHolder.props.children = []; } for( var c = 0; c < attrs.slideCount; c++ ) { lsSlidesHolder.props.children.push( el('span', { className: 'ls-slide-marker dashicons dashicons-marker' }) ); } } if( ! && ! attrs.isExample ) { controls.push( lsBlockPlaceholder ); } else { controls.push( lsBlockControls, lsBlockContent, lsInspectorControls ); } return controls; }, save: function( props ) { // We're going to be rendering in PHP, so save() can just return null. return null; } }); function lsUpdateBlockData( props ) { props.setAttributes({ lastUpdated: lsGetTimestamp() }); jQuery.getJSON( LS_SLibrary_l10n.ajaxurl, { action: 'ls_get_slider_details', sliderID: }, function( sliderData ) { if( sliderData ) { props.setAttributes({ name:, previewURL: sliderData.previewurl, slideCount: sliderData.slidecount, lastUpdated: lsGetTimestamp() }); } }); } function lsGetTimestamp() { return / 1000 | 0; }