Current Path : /usr/lib64/python3.6/distutils/command/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib64/python3.6/distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc |
3 \�z � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlT ddlm Z m Z ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ejd�Zd d� ZG dd� de�ZdS )z�distutils.command.build_ext Implements the Distutils 'build_ext' command, for building extension modules (currently limited to C extensions, should accommodate C++ extensions ASAP).� N)�Command)�*)�customize_compiler�get_python_version)�get_config_h_filename)�newer_group)� Extension)�get_platform)�log)� USER_BASEz3^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$c C s ddl m} | � d S )Nr )�show_compilers)�distutils.ccompilerr )r � r �3/usr/lib64/python3.6/distutils/command/build_ext.pyr s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdej Zd`dad d de� fdcddde fdddedfddde fdgdhdidjdkdldmdndodpgZdd%d(d1d8gZ d:d2d;e fgZd<d=� Zd>d?� Z d@dA� ZdBdC� ZdDdE� ZdFdG� ZdHdI� ZdJdK� ZdLdM� ZejdNdO� �ZdPdQ� ZdRdS� ZdTdU� ZdVdW� ZdXdY� ZdZd[� Zd\d]� Zd^d_� Zd2S )q� build_extz8build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)z (separated by '%s')� build-lib=�b�(directory for compiled extension modules�build-temp=�t�1directory for temporary files (build by-products)z plat-name=�pz>platform name to cross-compile for, if supported (default: %s)�inplace�iz=ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the source z,directory alongside your pure Python modulesz include-dirs=�Iz.list of directories to search for header files�define=�D�C preprocessor macros to define�undef=�U�!C preprocessor macros to undefine� libraries=�l�!external C libraries to link withz library-dirs=�Lz.directories to search for external C libraries�rpath=�R�7directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime� link-objects=�O�2extra explicit link objects to include in the link�debug�g�'compile/link with debugging information�force�f�2forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)� compiler=�c�specify the compiler type� parallel=�j�number of parallel build jobs�swig-cppN�)make SWIG create C++ files (default is C)� swig-opts=�!list of SWIG command line options�swig=�path to the SWIG executable�user�#add user include, library and rpathz help-compilerzlist available compilersc C s� d | _ d | _d | _d | _d| _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _ d | _ d | _d | _d | _ d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d S )Nr )� extensions� build_lib� plat_name� build_tempr �package�include_dirs�define�undef� libraries�library_dirs�rpath�link_objectsr+ r. �compiler�swig�swig_cpp� swig_optsr= �parallel)�selfr r r �initialize_optionsj s* zbuild_ext.initialize_optionsc C s� ddl m} | jdd'd(d)d*d+d,d-� | jd kr8| jj| _| jj| _|j� }|jdd�}| j d krn| jj pjg | _ t | j t�r�| j jt j�| _ tjtjkr�| j jt jjtjd �� | j j|� ||kr�| j j|� | jd� | jd� | jd k� r�g | _| jd k�rg | _nt | jt��r&| jjt j�| _| jd k�r:g | _nt | jt��rX| jjt j�| _t jdk�rT| jjt jjtjd�� tjtjk�r�| jjt jjtjd�� | j�r�t jj| jd�| _nt jj| jd�| _| j jt jjt� �� ttdd �}|�r| jj|� | j dk�rd}n| j dd � }t jjtjd�}|�rHt jj||�}| jj|� tj!d d� dk�s|tj!d d� dk�r�tj"j#t jjtjd���r�| jjt jjtjddt$� d�� n| jjd� |j%d ��r�|j&�s�| jj|j%d!�� n| jjd� | j'�r| j'jd"�}d#d$� |D �| _'| j(�r4| j(jd"�| _(| j)d k�rHg | _)n| j)jd%�| _)| j*�r�t jjt+d �}t jjt+d�} t jj,|��r�| j j|� t jj,| ��r�| jj| � | jj| � t | j-t��r�yt.| j-�| _-W n t/k �r� t0d&��Y nX d S ).Nr )� sysconfigZbuildr@ rB rK r+ r. rO rA � )Z plat_specific�includerG rJ �ntZlibsZDebugZRelease�_home�win32� ZPCbuild� �cygwin�atheos�bin�lib�python�config�.�Py_ENABLE_SHARED�LIBDIR�,c S s g | ]}|d f�qS )�1r )�.0Zsymbolr r r � <listcomp>� s z.build_ext.finalize_options.<locals>.<listcomp>� zparallel should be an integer)r@ r@ )rB rB )rK rK )r+ r+ )r. r. )rO rO )rA rA )1� distutilsrR Zset_undefined_optionsrC �distributionZext_packageZext_modulesr? Zget_python_incrD � isinstance�str�split�os�pathsep�sys�exec_prefix�base_exec_prefix�append�path�joinZensure_string_listrG rH rI �name�prefixr+ rB �dirnamer �getattrrA �platform� executable� startswithr �get_config_varZpython_buildrE rF rN r= r �isdirrO �int� ValueErrorZDistutilsOptionError) rP rR Z py_includeZplat_py_include� _sys_home�suffixZnew_libZdefinesZuser_includeZuser_libr r r �finalize_options� s� ( zbuild_ext.finalize_optionsc C st ddl m} | jsd S | jj� rL| jd�}| jj|j� p:g � | j j |j� || j| j | j| jd�| _t| j� tjdkr�| jt� kr�| jj| j� | jd k r�| jj| j� | jd k r�x | jD ]\}}| jj||� q�W | jd k �r x| jD ]}| jj|� q�W | jd k �r| jj| j� | j d k �r4| jj| j � | jd k �rN| jj| j� | j d k �rh| jj!| j � | j"� d S )Nr )�new_compiler� build_clib)rK �verbose�dry_runr. rU )#r r� r? ri Zhas_c_libraries�get_finalized_commandrG �extendZget_library_namesrH rr r� rK r� r� r. r rm ru rA r Z initializerD Zset_include_dirsrE Zdefine_macrorF Zundefine_macroZ set_librariesZset_library_dirsrI Zset_runtime_library_dirsrJ Zset_link_objects�build_extensions)rP r� r� ru �value�macror r r �run s>