Your IP :
$hostname = '[[softdbhost]]';
$dbuser = '[[softdbuser]]';
$dbpass = '[[softdbpass]]';
$database = '[[softdb]]';
define('INSTALLED', 1);
define('SALT', 'canary');
define('DISABLE_CACHING', false);
define('REMOTELOG', false);
//if set, overrides the key set in Settings->Security->Application Key
define('APIKEY', false);
// For increased security, you can define here a path in your server where to store session files.
// It must be only readable/writable by the web server user, and located outside of the web root.
define('SESSION_PATH', false);
//defines used for debugging
define('DEBUG', false);
define('DEMO', false);
define('FIREBUG', false);
define('CHROMEBUG', false);
// Hosted Version, do not change
define('HOSTED', false);
// Change to true to add a SAMEORIGIN header for X-Frame-Options
define('SAMEORIGIN', false);
// *** LOG_LEVELS (each level adds additional information) ***
// 0: No logging
// 1: Security attacks attempts, errors and important messages (recommended level)
// 2: Reserved for debugging
// 3: + Warnings and EventLogs, VIEW/ACTION and Request URIs and URI redirections and POST/COOKIE values
// 4. + plugin events, curl requests, some function calls with their parameters, etc.
// (use this when sending logs to support)
// 5: + include suppressed actions
// 6: + Action responses (ajax,serialized,XML (as array)
// 7: + SQL queries
define('LOG_LEVEL', 1);
// To activate text file logging, replace the 'false' with the file full path. Do not use relative paths.
// Use absolute paths(e.g. /home/yourinstallationpath/ce.log, instead of ce.log)
// The log may show passwords, so please use a file outside the web root, but writable by the web server user.
define('LOG_TEXTFILE', false);
// If you want to change the location of the admin directory you can rename the /admin folder however you
// MUST specify it's new location here.
define('NE_CONTROLLER_ADMIN_DIR', '/admin');