Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
(function(){ //remove no-js class removeClass(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], "no-js"); //Hero Slider - by function HeroSlider( element ) { this.element = element; this.navigation = this.element.getElementsByClassName("js-cd-nav")[0]; this.navigationItems = this.navigation.getElementsByTagName('li'); this.marker = this.navigation.getElementsByClassName("js-cd-marker")[0]; this.slides = this.element.getElementsByClassName("js-cd-slide"); this.slidesNumber = this.slides.length; this.newSlideIndex = 0; this.oldSlideIndex = 0; this.autoplay = hasClass(this.element, "js-cd-autoplay"); this.autoPlayId; this.autoPlayDelay = 5000; this.init(); }; HeroSlider.prototype.init = function() { var self = this; //upload video (if not on mobile devices) this.uploadVideo(); //autoplay slider this.setAutoplay(); //listen for the click event on the slider navigation this.navigation.addEventListener('click', function(event){ if( == 'div' ) return; event.preventDefault(); var selectedSlide =; if( hasClass(, 'cd-selected') ) return; self.oldSlideIndex = self.newSlideIndex; self.newSlideIndex =,; self.newSlide(); self.updateNavigationMarker(); self.updateSliderNavigation(); self.setAutoplay(); }); if(this.autoplay) { // on hover - pause autoplay this.element.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(){ clearInterval(self.autoPlayId); }); this.element.addEventListener("mouseleave", function(){ self.setAutoplay(); }); } }; HeroSlider.prototype.uploadVideo = function() { var videoSlides = this.element.getElementsByClassName("js-cd-bg-video"); for( var i = 0; i < videoSlides.length; i++) { if( videoSlides[i].offsetHeight > 0 ) { // if visible - we are not on a mobile device var videoUrl = videoSlides[i].getAttribute("data-video"); videoSlides[i].innerHTML = "<video loop><source src='"+videoUrl+".mp4' type='video/mp4' /><source src='"+videoUrl+".webm' type='video/webm'/></video>"; // if the visible slide has a video - play it if( hasClass(videoSlides[i].parentElement, "cd-hero__slide--selected") ) videoSlides[i].getElementsByTagName("video")[0].play(); } } }; HeroSlider.prototype.setAutoplay = function() { var self = this; if(this.autoplay) { clearInterval(self.autoPlayId); self.autoPlayId = window.setInterval(function(){self.autoplaySlider()}, self.autoPlayDelay); } }; HeroSlider.prototype.autoplaySlider = function() { this.oldSlideIndex = this.newSlideIndex; var self = this; if( this.newSlideIndex < this.slidesNumber - 1) { this.newSlideIndex +=1; this.newSlide(); } else { this.newSlideIndex = 0; this.newSlide(); } this.updateNavigationMarker(); this.updateSliderNavigation(); }; HeroSlider.prototype.newSlide = function(direction) { var self = this; removeClass(this.slides[this.oldSlideIndex], "cd-hero__slide--selected cd-hero__slide--from-left cd-hero__slide--from-right"); addClass(this.slides[this.oldSlideIndex], "cd-hero__slide--is-moving"); setTimeout(function(){removeClass(self.slides[self.oldSlideIndex], "cd-hero__slide--is-moving");}, 500); for(var i=0; i < this.slidesNumber; i++) { if( i < this.newSlideIndex && this.oldSlideIndex < this.newSlideIndex) { addClass(this.slides[i], "cd-hero__slide--move-left"); } else if( i == this.newSlideIndex && this.oldSlideIndex < this.newSlideIndex) { addClass(this.slides[i], "cd-hero__slide--selected cd-hero__slide--from-right"); } else if(i == this.newSlideIndex && this.oldSlideIndex > this.newSlideIndex) { addClass(this.slides[i], "cd-hero__slide--selected cd-hero__slide--from-left"); removeClass(this.slides[i], "cd-hero__slide--move-left"); } else if( i > this.newSlideIndex && this.oldSlideIndex > this.newSlideIndex ) { removeClass(this.slides[i], "cd-hero__slide--move-left"); } } this.checkVideo(); }; HeroSlider.prototype.updateNavigationMarker = function() { removeClassPrefix(this.marker, 'item'); addClass(this.marker, "cd-hero__marker--item-"+ (Number(this.newSlideIndex) + 1)); }; HeroSlider.prototype.updateSliderNavigation = function() { removeClass(this.navigationItems[this.oldSlideIndex], 'cd-selected'); addClass(this.navigationItems[this.newSlideIndex], 'cd-selected'); }; HeroSlider.prototype.checkVideo = function() { //check if a video outside the viewport is playing - if yes, pause it var hiddenVideo = this.slides[this.oldSlideIndex].getElementsByTagName('video'); if( hiddenVideo.length ) hiddenVideo[0].pause(); //check if the select slide contains a video element - if yes, play the video var visibleVideo = this.slides[this.newSlideIndex].getElementsByTagName('video'); if( visibleVideo.length ) visibleVideo[0].play(); }; var heroSliders = document.getElementsByClassName("js-cd-hero"); if( heroSliders.length > 0 ) { for( var i = 0; i < heroSliders.length; i++) { (function(i){ new HeroSlider(heroSliders[i]) })(i); } } //on mobile - open/close primary navigation clicking/tapping the menu icon document.getElementsByClassName('js-cd-header__nav')[0].addEventListener('click', function(event){ if( == 'nav') { var dropdown = this.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; toggleClass(dropdown, 'cd-is-visible', !hasClass(dropdown, 'cd-is-visible')); } }); function removeClassPrefix(el, prefix) { //remove all classes starting with 'prefix' var classes = el.className.split(" ").filter(function(c) { return c.indexOf(prefix) < 0; }); el.className = classes.join(" "); }; //class manipulations - needed if classList is not supported function hasClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) return el.classList.contains(className); else return !!el.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)')); } function addClass(el, className) { var classList = className.split(' '); if (el.classList) el.classList.add(classList[0]); else if (!hasClass(el, classList[0])) el.className += " " + classList[0]; if (classList.length > 1) addClass(el, classList.slice(1).join(' ')); } function removeClass(el, className) { var classList = className.split(' '); if (el.classList) el.classList.remove(classList[0]); else if(hasClass(el, classList[0])) { var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + classList[0] + '(\\s|$)'); el.className=el.className.replace(reg, ' '); } if (classList.length > 1) removeClass(el, classList.slice(1).join(' ')); } function toggleClass(el, className, bool) { if(bool) addClass(el, className); else removeClass(el, className); } })();