Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
function w3tc_seconds_to_string(seconds) { var string = '', days, hours, minutes; days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if (days) { seconds -= days * 86400; string += days + 'd '; } hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (hours) { seconds -= hours * 3600; string += hours + 'h '; } minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (minutes) { seconds -= minutes * 60; string += minutes + 'm '; } if (seconds) { string += seconds + 's'; } return string; } var W3tc_Popup_Cdn_Export_File = { paused: 0, limit: 25, retry_seconds: 10, seconds_elapsed: 0, timer: null, nonce: '', files: [], initialized: false, upload_files: [], set_progress: function(percent) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_progress .bar').width(percent + '%'); jQuery('#cdn_export_file_progress .percent').html(percent + '%'); }, set_status: function(status) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_status').html(status); }, set_processed: function(processed) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_processed').html(processed); }, set_button_text: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_start').val(text); }, set_last_response: function() { var date = new Date(); jQuery('#cdn_export_file_last_response').html(date.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleDateString()); }, set_elapsed: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_elapsed').html(text); }, add_log: function(path, result, error) { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_log').prepend('<div class="log-' + (result == 1 ? 'success' : 'error') + '">' + path + ' <strong>' + error + '</strong></div>'); }, clear_log: function() { jQuery('#cdn_export_file_log').html(''); }, process: function() { if (this.paused) { return; } if (!this.initialized) { this.upload_files = this.files.slice(0); this.initialized = true; } to_upload = this.upload_files.slice(0, this.limit); var me = this; if (to_upload.length) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn', data: { w3tc_cdn_export_process: 1, 'files[]': to_upload, _wpnonce: this.nonce }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { me.set_last_response(); me.process_callback(data); }, error: function() { me.set_last_response(); me.retry(me.retry_seconds); } }); } }, retry: function(seconds) { if (this.paused) { return; } this.set_status('request failed (retry in ' + seconds + 's)'); if (seconds) { var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.retry(--seconds); }, 1000); } else { this.set_status('processing'); this.process(); } }, process_callback: function(data) { var failed = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) { var remote_path = data.results[i].file; for (var n = 0; n < this.upload_files.length; n++) { if (this.upload_files[n] == remote_path) { this.upload_files.splice(n, 1); break; } } this.add_log(remote_path, data.results[i].result, data.results[i].error); if (data.results[i].result == -1) { failed = true; break; } } if (failed) { this.set_progress(0); this.set_processed(1); this.set_status('failed'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } else { var count_processed = this.files.length - this.upload_files.length; this.set_progress((count_processed * 100 / this.files.length).toFixed(0)); this.set_processed(count_processed); if (this.upload_files.length) { this.process(); } else { this.set_status('done'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } } }, timer_callback: function() { this.seconds_elapsed++; this.set_elapsed(w3tc_seconds_to_string(this.seconds_elapsed)); }, init: function() { var me = this; jQuery('#cdn_export_file_start').click(function() { if (this.value == 'Pause') { me.paused = 1; me.set_button_text('Resume'); me.set_status('paused'); clearInterval(me.timer); } else { if (this.value == 'Start') { me.seconds_elapsed = 0; me.initialized = false; me.clear_log(); me.set_progress(0); me.set_processed(0); me.set_elapsed('-'); } me.paused = 0; me.set_button_text('Pause'); me.set_status('processing'); me.timer = setInterval(function() { me.timer_callback(); }, 1000); } me.process(); }); } }; var W3tc_Popup_Cdn_Export_Library = { paused: 0, limit: 25, offset: 0, retry_seconds: 10, seconds_elapsed: 0, timer: null, nonce: '', set_progress: function(percent) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_progress .bar').width(percent + '%'); jQuery('#cdn_export_library_progress .percent').html(percent + '%'); }, set_status: function(status) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_status').html(status); }, set_processed: function(processed) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_processed').html(processed); }, set_total: function(total) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_total').html(total); }, set_button_text: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_start').val(text); }, set_last_response: function() { var date = new Date(); jQuery('#cdn_export_library_last_response').html(date.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleDateString()); }, set_elapsed: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_elapsed').html(text); }, add_log: function(path, result, error) { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_log').prepend('<div class="log-' + (result == 1 ? 'success' : 'error') + '">' + path + ' <strong>' + error + '</strong></div>'); }, clear_log: function() { jQuery('#cdn_export_library_log').html(''); }, process: function() { if (this.paused) { return; } var me = this; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn', data: { w3tc_cdn_export_library_process: 1, limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset, _wpnonce: this.nonce }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { me.set_last_response(); me.process_callback(data); }, error: function() { me.set_last_response(); me.retry(me.retry_seconds); } }); }, retry: function(seconds) { if (this.paused) { return; } this.set_status('request failed (retry in ' + seconds + 's)'); if (seconds) { var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.retry(--seconds); }, 1000); } else { this.set_status('processing'); this.process(); } }, process_callback: function(data, status) { this.offset += data.count; this.set_total(; this.set_processed(this.offset); this.set_progress((this.offset * 100 /; var failed = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) { this.add_log(data.results[i].remote_path, data.results[i].result, data.results[i].error); if (data.results[i].result == -1) { failed = true; break; } } if (failed) { this.set_progress(0); this.set_processed(1); this.set_status('failed'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } else { if (this.offset < { this.process(); } else { this.set_status('done'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } } }, timer_callback: function() { this.seconds_elapsed++; this.set_elapsed(w3tc_seconds_to_string(this.seconds_elapsed)); }, init: function() { var me = this; jQuery('#cdn_export_library_start').click(function() { if (this.value == 'Pause') { me.paused = 1; me.set_status('paused'); me.set_button_text('Resume'); clearInterval(me.timer); } else { if (this.value == 'Start') { me.offset = 0; me.seconds_elapsed = 0; me.clear_log(); me.set_progress(0); me.set_elapsed('-'); } me.paused = 0; me.set_status('processing'); me.set_button_text('Pause'); me.timer = setInterval(function() { me.timer_callback(); }, 1000); } me.process(); }); } }; var W3tc_Popup_Cdn_Import_Library = { paused: 0, limit: 5, offset: 0, retry_seconds: 10, seconds_elapsed: 0, timer: null, nonce: '', cdn_host: '', set_progress: function(percent) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_progress .bar').width(percent + '%'); jQuery('#cdn_import_library_progress .percent').html(percent + '%'); }, set_status: function(status) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_status').html(status); }, set_processed: function(processed) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_processed').html(processed); }, set_total: function(total) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_total').html(total); }, set_button_text: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_start').val(text); }, set_last_response: function() { var date = new Date(); jQuery('#cdn_import_library_last_response').html(date.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleDateString()); }, set_elapsed: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_elapsed').html(text); }, is_redirect_permanent: function() { return (jQuery('#cdn_import_library_redirect_permanent:checked').length > 0); }, is_redirect_cdn: function() { return (jQuery('#cdn_import_library_redirect_cdn:checked').length > 0); }, add_log: function(path, result, error) { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_log').prepend('<div class="log-' + (result == 1 ? 'success' : 'error') + '">' + path + ' <strong>' + error + '</strong></div>'); }, clear_log: function() { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_log').html(''); }, add_rule: function(src, dst) { if (/^https?:\/\//.test(src)) { return; } if (this.is_redirect_cdn()) { dst = 'http://' + (this.cdn_host.length > 0 ? this.cdn_host : + '/' + dst; } else { dst = '/' + dst; } if (src.indexOf('/') != 0) { src = '/' + src; } var rules = jQuery('#cdn_import_library_rules'); rules.val(rules.val() + 'Redirect ' + (this.is_redirect_permanent() ? '302 ' : '') + src + ' ' + dst + '\r\n'); }, clear_rules: function() { jQuery('#cdn_import_library_rules').val(''); }, process: function() { if (this.paused) { return; } var me = this; var cdn_import_external = jQuery("input#cdn_import_external").is(":checked"); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn', data: { w3tc_cdn_import_library_process: 1, limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset, _wpnonce: this.nonce, cdn_import_external: cdn_import_external }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { me.set_last_response(); me.process_callback(data); }, error: function() { me.set_last_response(); me.retry(me.retry_seconds); } }); }, retry: function(seconds) { if (this.paused) { return; } this.set_status('request failed (retry in ' + seconds + 's)'); if (seconds) { var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.retry(--seconds); }, 1000); } else { this.set_status('processing'); this.process(); } }, process_callback: function(data) { this.offset += data.count; this.set_total(; this.set_processed(this.offset); this.set_progress((this.offset * 100 /; var failed = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) { this.add_log(data.results[i].src, data.results[i].result, data.results[i].error); if (data.results[i].result == 1) { this.add_rule(data.results[i].src, data.results[i].dst); } else if (data.results[i].result == -1) { failed = true; break; } } if (failed) { this.set_progress(0); this.set_processed(1); this.set_status('failed'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } else { if (this.offset < { this.process(); } else { this.set_status('done'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } } }, timer_callback: function() { this.seconds_elapsed++; this.set_elapsed(w3tc_seconds_to_string(this.seconds_elapsed)); }, init: function() { var me = this; jQuery('#cdn_import_library_start').click(function() { if (this.value == 'Pause') { me.paused = 1; me.set_button_text('Resume'); me.set_status('paused'); clearInterval(me.timer); } else { if (this.value == 'Start') { me.offset = 0; me.seconds_elapsed = 0; me.clear_log(); me.set_progress(0); me.clear_rules(); me.set_elapsed('-'); } me.paused = 0; me.set_button_text('Pause'); me.set_status('processing'); me.timer = setInterval(function() { me.timer_callback(); }, 1000); } me.process(); }); } }; var W3tc_Popup_Cdn_Rename_Domain = { paused: 0, limit: 25, offset: 0, retry_seconds: 10, seconds_elapsed: 0, timer: null, nonce: '', set_progress: function(percent) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_progress .bar').width(percent + '%'); jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_progress .percent').html(percent + '%'); }, set_status: function(status) { jQuery('cdn_rename_domain_status').html(status); }, set_processed: function(processed) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_processed').html(processed); }, set_total: function(total) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_total').html(total); }, set_button_text: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_start').val(text); }, set_last_response: function() { var date = new Date(); jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_last_response').html(date.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleDateString()); }, set_elapsed: function(text) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_elapsed').html(text); }, add_log: function(path, result, error) { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_log').prepend('<div class="log-' + (result == 1 ? 'success' : 'error') + '">' + path + ' <strong>' + error + '</strong></div>'); }, clear_log: function() { jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_log').html(''); }, get_domain_names: function() { return jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_names').val(); }, process: function() { if (this.paused) { return; } var me = this; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn', data: { w3tc_cdn_rename_domain_process: 1, names: this.get_domain_names(), limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset, _wpnonce: this.nonce }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { me.set_last_response(); me.process_callback(data); }, error: function() { me.set_last_response(); me.retry(me.retry_seconds); } }); }, retry: function(seconds) { if (this.paused) { return; } this.set_status('request failed (retry in ' + seconds + 's)'); if (seconds) { var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.retry(--seconds); }, 1000); } else { this.set_status('processing'); this.process(); } }, process_callback: function(data) { this.offset += data.count; this.set_total(; this.set_processed(this.offset); this.set_progress((this.offset * 100 /; var failed = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) { this.add_log(data.results[i].old, data.results[i].result, data.results[i].error); if (data.results[i].result == -1) { failed = true; break; } } if (failed) { this.set_progress(0); this.set_processed(1); this.set_status('failed'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } else { if (this.offset < { this.process(); } else { this.set_status('done'); this.set_button_text('Start'); clearInterval(this.timer); } } }, timer_callback: function() { this.seconds_elapsed++; this.set_elapsed(w3tc_seconds_to_string(this.seconds_elapsed)); }, init: function(cdn_host) { var me = this; this.cdn_host = cdn_host; jQuery('#cdn_rename_domain_start').click(function() { if (this.value == 'Pause') { me.paused = 1; me.set_button_text('Resume'); me.set_status('paused'); clearInterval(me.timer); } else { if (this.value == 'Start') { if (!me.get_domain_names()) { alert('Empty domains to rename!'); return; } me.offset = 0; me.seconds_elapsed = 0; me.clear_log(); me.set_progress(0); me.set_elapsed('-'); } me.paused = 0; me.set_button_text('Pause'); me.set_status('processing'); me.timer = setInterval(function() { me.timer_callback(); }, 1000); } me.process(); }); } }; function w3tc_ps_expand(expand) { jQuery('.ps-rule').each(function() { var e = jQuery(this).find('.ps-expander'); var a = jQuery(this).find('.ps-expand a'); if (!expand) { e.hide(); a.html('+'); } else {; a.html('-'); } }); } jQuery(function() { jQuery('.tab').click(function() { jQuery('.tab').removeClass('tab-selected'); jQuery('.tab-content').hide(); jQuery(this).addClass('tab-selected'); jQuery(this.rel).show(); }); jQuery('.cdn_queue_delete').click(function() { return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this file from the queue?'); }); jQuery('.cdn_queue_empty').click(function() { return confirm('Are you sure you want to empty the queue?'); }); jQuery('.ps-rule').click(function() { var e = jQuery(this).find('.ps-expander'); var a = jQuery(this).find('.ps-expand a'); if (':visible')) { e.hide(); a.html('+'); } else {; a.html('-'); } return false; }); jQuery('.ps-rule p a,.ps-expander').click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); jQuery('.ps-expand-all').click(function() { w3tc_ps_expand(1); }); jQuery('.ps-collapse-all').click(function() { w3tc_ps_expand(0); }); });