Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
function w3tc_popup(url, name, width, height) { if (width === undefined) { width = 800; } if (height === undefined) { height = 600; } return, name, 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes'); } function w3tc_input_enable(input, enabled) { jQuery(input).each(function() { var me = jQuery(this); if (enabled) { me.removeAttr('disabled'); } else { me.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (enabled) {'[type=hidden]').remove(); } else { var t = me.attr('type'); if ((t != 'radio' && t != 'checkbox') ||':checked')) { me.after(jQuery('<input />').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: me.attr('name') }).val(me.val())); } } }); } function w3tc_minify_js_file_clear() { if (!jQuery('#js_files :visible').length) { jQuery('#js_files_empty').show(); } else { jQuery('#js_files_empty').hide(); } } function w3tc_minify_css_file_clear() { if (!jQuery('#css_files :visible').length) { jQuery('#css_files_empty').show(); } else { jQuery('#css_files_empty').hide(); } } function w3tc_minify_js_file_add(theme, template, location, file) { var append = jQuery('<li><table><tr><th> </th><th>File URI:</th><th>Template:</th><th colspan="3">Embed Location:</th></tr><tr><td>' + (jQuery('#js_files li').length + 1) + '.</td><td><input class="js_enabled" type="text" name="js_files[' + theme + '][' + template + '][' + location + '][]" value="" size="70" \/></td><td><select class="js_file_template js_enabled"></select></td><td><select class="js_file_location js_enabled"><option value="include">Embed in <head></option><option value="include-body">Embed after <body></option><option value="include-footer">Embed before </body></option></select></td><td><input class="js_file_delete js_enabled button" type="button" value="Delete" /> <input class="js_file_verify js_enabled button" type="button" value="Verify URI" /></td></tr></table><\/li>'); append.find('input:text').val(file); var select = append.find('.js_file_template'); for (var i in minify_templates[theme]) { select.append(jQuery('<option />').val(i).html(minify_templates[theme][i])); } select.val(template); jQuery(append).find('.js_file_location').val(location); jQuery('#js_files').append(append).find('li:last input:first').focus(); w3tc_minify_js_file_clear(); } function w3tc_minify_css_file_add(theme, template, file) { var append = jQuery('<li><table><tr><th> </th><th>File URI:</th><th colspan="2">Template:</th></tr><tr><td>' + (jQuery('#css_files li').length + 1) + '.</td><td><input class="css_enabled" type="text" name="css_files[' + theme + '][' + template + '][include][]" value="" size="70" \/></td><td><select class="css_file_template css_enabled"></select></td><td><input class="css_file_delete css_enabled button" type="button" value="Delete" /></td><td><input class="css_file_verify css_enabled button" type="button" value="Verify URI" /></td></tr></table><\/li>'); append.find('input:text').val(file); var select = append.find('.css_file_template'); for (var i in minify_templates[theme]) { select.append(jQuery('<option />').val(i).html(minify_templates[theme][i])); } select.val(template); jQuery('#css_files').append(append).find('li:last input:first').focus(); w3tc_minify_css_file_clear(); } function w3tc_minify_js_theme(theme) { jQuery('#js_themes').val(theme); jQuery('#js_files :text').each(function() { var input = jQuery(this); if (input.attr('name').indexOf('js_files[' + theme + ']') != 0) { input.parents('li').hide(); } else { input.parents('li').show(); } }); w3tc_minify_js_file_clear(); } function w3tc_minify_css_theme(theme) { jQuery('#css_themes').val(theme); jQuery('#css_files :text').each(function() { var input = jQuery(this); if (input.attr('name').indexOf('css_files[' + theme + ']') != 0) { input.parents('li').hide(); } else { input.parents('li').show(); } }); w3tc_minify_css_file_clear(); } function w3tc_cdn_get_cnames() { var cnames = []; jQuery('#cdn_cnames input[type=text]').each(function() { var cname = jQuery(this).val(); if (cname) { var match = /^\*\.(.*)$/.exec(cname); if (match) { cnames = []; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { cnames.push('cdn' + i + '.' + match[1]); } return false; } cnames.push(cname); } }); return cnames; } function w3tc_cdn_cnames_assign() { var li = jQuery('#cdn_cnames li'), size = li.length; if (size > 1) { li.eq(0).find('.cdn_cname_delete').show(); } else { li.eq(0).find('.cdn_cname_delete').hide(); } jQuery(li).each(function(index) { var label = ''; if (size > 1) { switch (index) { case 0: label = '(reserved for CSS)'; break; case 1: label = '(reserved for JS in <head>)'; break; case 2: label = '(reserved for JS after <body>)'; break; case 3: label = '(reserved for JS before </body>)'; break; } } jQuery(this).find('span').text(label); }); } function w3tc_toggle(name, check) { if (check === undefined) { check = true; } var id = '#' + name, cls = '.' + name; jQuery(cls).on('click', function() { var checked = check; jQuery(cls).each(function() { var _checked = jQuery(this).is(':checked'); if ((check && !_checked) || (!check && _checked)) { checked = !check; return false; } }); if (checked) { jQuery(id).attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { jQuery(id).removeAttr('checked'); } }); jQuery(id).on('click', function() { var checked = jQuery(this).is(':checked'); jQuery(cls).each(function() { if (checked) { jQuery(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { jQuery(this).removeAttr('checked'); } }); }); } function w3tc_toggle2(name, dependent_ids) { var id = '#' + name, dependants = '', n; for (n = 0; n < dependent_ids.length; n++) dependants += (n > 0 ? ',' : '') + '#' + dependent_ids[n]; jQuery(dependants).on('click', function() { var total_checked = true; jQuery(dependants).each(function() { var current_checked = jQuery(this).is(':checked'); if (!current_checked) total_checked = false; }); if (total_checked) { jQuery(id).attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { jQuery(id).removeAttr('checked'); } }); jQuery(id).on('click', function() { var checked = jQuery(this).is(':checked'); jQuery(dependants).each(function() { if (checked) { jQuery(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { jQuery(this).removeAttr('checked'); } }); }); } function w3tc_beforeupload_bind() { jQuery(window).bind('beforeunload', w3tc_beforeunload); } function w3tc_beforeupload_unbind() { jQuery(window).off('beforeunload', w3tc_beforeunload); } function w3tc_beforeunload() { return 'Navigate away from this page without saving your changes?'; } function w3tc_starts_with(s, starts_with) { s = s.replace(/\n/g, ''); s = s.replace(/\s/g, ''); return s.substr(0, starts_with.length) == starts_with; } function w3tc_security_headers() { var directive_description = { browsercache_security_hsts_directive: { maxage: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">HTTPS</acronym>. This only affects the site\'s main domain.', maxagepre: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">HTTPS</acronym> with a request to be included in Chrome\'s HSTS preload list - a list of sites that are hardcoded into Chrome as being <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">https</acronym> only. This only affects the site\'s main domain.', maxageinc: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">HTTPS</acronym>. This affects the site\'s subdomains as well.', maxageincpre: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">HTTPS</acronym> with a request to be included in Chrome\'s HSTS preload list - a list of sites that are hardcoded into Chrome as being <acronym title="HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL">https</acronym> only. This affects the site\'s subdomains as well.' }, browsercache_security_xfo_directive: { same: "The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.", deny: "The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site attempting to do so.", allow: "The page can only be displayed in a frame on the specified URL." }, browsercache_security_xss_directive: { 0: "Disables XSS filtering.", 1: "Enables XSS filtering (usually default in browsers). If a cross-site scripting attack is detected, the browser will sanitize the page (remove the unsafe parts).", block: "Enables <acronym title='Cross-Site Scripting'>XSS</acronym> filtering. Rather than sanitizing the page, the browser will prevent rendering of the page if an attack is detected." }, browsercache_security_pkp_extra: { maxage: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using one of the defined keys. This only affects the site\'s main domain.', maxageinc: 'The time, in seconds (as defined under the "Expires Header Lifetime" box of "Media & Other Files"), that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using one of the defined keys. This affects the site\'s subdomains as well.' }, browsercache_security_pkp_report_only: { 0: 'This instructs the browser to enforce the <acronym title="HTTP Public Key Pinning">HPKP</acronym> policy.', 1: 'This sets up <acronym title="HTTP Public Key Pinning">HPKP</acronym> without enforcement allowing you to use pinning to test its impact without the risk of a failed connection caused by your site being unreachable or <acronym title="HTTP Public Key Pinning">HPKP</acronym> being misconfigured.' } }; jQuery('#browsercache_security_hsts_directive,#browsercache_security_xfo_directive,#browsercache_security_xss_directive,#browsercache_security_pkp_extra,#browsercache_security_pkp_report_only').on('change', function() { jQuery('#' + jQuery(this).attr('id') + '_description').html('<i>' + directive_description[jQuery(this).attr('id')][jQuery(this).val()] + '</i>'); if (jQuery(this).attr('id') == 'browsercache_security_xfo_directive') { if (jQuery(this).val() == 'allow') { jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_allow').show(); } else { jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_allow').hide(); } } }); if (jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_allow').length) { if (jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_directive').val() == 'allow') { jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_allow').show(); } else { jQuery('#browsercache_security_xfo_allow').hide(); } } } function w3tc_csp_reference() {{ id: 'w3tc-overlay', close: '', width: 890, height: 460, url: ajaxurl + '?action=w3tc_ajax&_wpnonce=' + w3tc_nonce + '&w3tc_action=browsercache_quick_reference', callback: function(lightbox) { lightbox.resize(); } }); jQuery('div#overlay,.lightbox-content').on('click', function() { W3tc_Lightbox.close(); }); } /** * Bunny CDN check. * * Prevent enabling Bunny CDN ("bunnycdn" engine) for both CDN and CDNFSD. * * @since 2.6.0 * * @returns null */ function cdn_bunnycdn_check() { // Prevents JS error for non W3TC pages. if (typeof w3tcData === 'undefined') { return; } var $cdn_enabled = jQuery('#cdn__enabled'), $cdn_engine = jQuery('#cdn__engine'), $cdnfsd_enabled = jQuery('#cdnfsd__enabled'), $cdnfsd_engine = jQuery('#cdnfsd__engine'), cdn_enabled = $':checked'), cdn_engine = $cdn_engine.find(':selected').val(), cdnfsd_enabled = $':checked'), cdnfsd_engine = $cdnfsd_engine.find(':selected').val(), $cdn_inside = jQuery('#cdn .inside'); if (cdn_enabled && cdnfsd_enabled && 'bunnycdn' === cdn_engine && cdnfsd_engine === cdn_engine ) { // Reset to what was last saved. $cdn_enabled.prop('checked', w3tcData.cdnEnabled); $cdn_engine.val(w3tcData.cdnEngine).change(); $cdnfsd_enabled.prop('checked', w3tcData.cdnfsdEnabled); $cdnfsd_engine.val(w3tcData.cdnfsdEngine).change(); // Display a warning. jQuery('<div/>', { class: 'notice notice-warning', id: 'w3tc-bunnycdn-warning', text: w3tcData.bunnyCdnWarning }).prependTo($cdn_inside); } else { // Remove the warning. jQuery('#w3tc-bunnycdn-warning').remove(); } } /** * Cloudfront CDN check. * * When CDN is enabled as "cf" or "cf2", then display a notice about possible charges. * * @returns null */ function cdn_cf_check() { // Prevents JS error for non W3TC pages. if (typeof w3tcData === 'undefined') { return; } var cdnEnabled = jQuery('#cdn__enabled').is(':checked'), cdnEngine = jQuery('#cdn__engine').find(':selected').val(), cdnFlushManually = jQuery('[name="cdn__flush_manually"]').is(':checked'); // Remove any cf admin notices. jQuery('.w3tc-cf-notice').remove(); // General page. if (!w3tcData.cdnFlushManually && cdnEnabled && ('cf' === cdnEngine || 'cf2' === cdnEngine)) { // Print cf admin notice. jQuery('#cdn .inside').prepend( '<div class="notice notice-warning inline w3tc-cf-notice"><p>' + w3tcData.cfWarning + '</p></div>' ); } // CDN page. if (!cdnFlushManually && w3tcData.cdnEnabled && ('cf' === w3tcData.cdnEngine || 'cf2' === w3tcData.cdnEngine)) { // Show warning on the CDN page for flush manually. jQuery('#cdn-flushmanually-warning').show(); } else { // Hide warning on the CDN page for flush manually. jQuery('#cdn-flushmanually-warning').hide(); } } function set_sticky_bar_positions() { jQuery('#w3tc > #w3tc-options-menu').css( 'top', Math.floor( ((jQuery(window).width() > 600 && jQuery('#wpadminbar').length) ? jQuery('#wpadminbar').outerHeight() : 0) + jQuery('#w3tc-top-nav-bar').outerHeight() ) ); jQuery('.w3tc_form_bar').css( 'top', Math.floor( ((jQuery(window).width() > 600 && jQuery('#wpadminbar').length) ? jQuery('#wpadminbar').outerHeight() : 0) + jQuery('#w3tc-top-nav-bar').outerHeight() + ((jQuery('#w3tc > #w3tc-options-menu').length) ? jQuery('#w3tc > #w3tc-options-menu').outerHeight() : 0) ) ); } function set_footer_position() { jQuery('#w3tc-footer').insertAfter(jQuery('#wpfooter')); jQuery('#w3tc-footer').css( 'bottom', Math.floor(0 - jQuery('#w3tc-footer').outerHeight()) ); } function debounce(func){ var timer; return function(event){ if(timer){ clearTimeout(timer); } timer = setTimeout(func,100,event); }; } /** * Get the S3 bucket region from the selected location to be used for the hostname. * * The default location (us-east-1) returns an empty string. All other regions return the region with a trailing dot. * * @since 2.7.4 * * @param {string} location Bucket location. * @returns string */ function get_bucket_region( location ) { let region = ''; switch ( location ) { case 'us-east-1': break; case 'us-east-1-e': region = 'us-east-1.'; break; default: region = location + '.'; break; } return region; } /** * Event callback for changing CDN Cloudfront (push) S3 bucket location. * * @since 2.7.2 * * @see get_bucket_region() */ function cdn_cf_bucket_location() { const id = jQuery( '#cdn_cf_bucket' ).val(); jQuery( '#cdn-cf-bucket-hostname' ) .text( id + '.s3.' + get_bucket_region( jQuery( '#cdn_cf_bucket_location' ).val() ) + '' ); } /** * Toggle the disk notice for dbcache. * * @since 2.8.0 */ function toggle_dbcache_notice() { if ( jQuery('#dbcache__engine').val() === 'file' && jQuery('#dbcache__enabled').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.dbcache_disk_notice').show(); } else { jQuery('.dbcache_disk_notice').hide(); } } /** * Toggle the disk notice for objectcache. * * @since 2.8.0 */ function toggle_objectcache_notice() { if ( jQuery('#objectcache__engine').val() === 'file' && jQuery('#objectcache__enabled').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.objectcache_disk_notice').show(); } else { jQuery('.objectcache_disk_notice').hide(); } } // On document ready. jQuery(function() { // Global vars. var $cdn_enabled = jQuery('#cdn__enabled'), $cdn_engine = jQuery('#cdn__engine'); // Database cache disk usage warning. toggle_dbcache_notice(); jQuery('#dbcache__enabled').change(toggle_dbcache_notice); jQuery('#dbcache__engine').change(toggle_dbcache_notice); // Object cache disk usage warning. toggle_objectcache_notice(); jQuery('#objectcache__enabled').change(toggle_objectcache_notice); jQuery('#objectcache__engine').change(toggle_objectcache_notice); // General page. jQuery('.w3tc_read_technical_info').on('click', function() { jQuery('.w3tc_technical_info').toggle(); }); jQuery('#plugin_license_key_verify').on('click', function() { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html("Checking..."); var license_key = jQuery('#plugin_license_key').val(); if (!license_key) { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('Please enter an license key and try again.'); return; } var params = { action: 'w3tc_verify_plugin_license_key', license_key: license_key }; jQuery.get(ajaxurl, params, function(data) { if (w3tc_starts_with(data + '.', 'inactive.expired.')) { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('The license key has expired. Please renew it.'); } else if (w3tc_starts_with(data + '.', 'active.')) { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('License key is correct.'); } else if (w3tc_starts_with(data + '.', 'inactive.by_rooturi.activations_limit_not_reached.')) { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('License key is correct and can be activated now.'); } else if (w3tc_starts_with(data + '.', 'inactive.by_rooturi.')) { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('License key is correct but already in use on another site. See the FAQ for how to enable Pro version in development mode.'); } else { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('The license key is not valid. Please check it and try again.'); } }).fail(function() { jQuery('.w3tc_license_verification').html('Check failed'); }); }); // General Settings Tab actions. jQuery( '.postbox-tabs .inside' ).children( "[data-tab-type]" ).hide(); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.performance_page_w3tc_general .nav-tab', function(){ var $tab = jQuery( this ), $nav_tab_wrapper = $tab.closest( ".nav-tab-wrapper" ) tab_type = $tab.attr( "data-tab-type" ), $inside = $tab.closest( ".postbox-tabs" ).find( ".inside" ); // Highlight the selected tab. $nav_tab_wrapper.find( "a" ).removeClass( "nav-tab-active" ); $tab.addClass( "nav-tab-active" ); // If the tab is a link, don't do anything. if ( $'[href]') ) { return; } // Start off by hiding everything. $inside.children().hide(); if (! tab_type) { // Show children without a data-tab-type attribute. $inside.children(':not([data-tab-type])').show(); // Show those without data-tab-type } else { // Show children with the matching data-tab-type attribute. $inside.children('[data-tab-type="' + tab_type + '"]').show(); } } ); // Prevent enabling Bunny CDN for both CDN and CDNFSD. $cdn_enabled.on('click', cdn_bunnycdn_check); $cdn_engine.on('change', cdn_bunnycdn_check); jQuery('#cdnfsd__enabled').on('click', cdn_bunnycdn_check); jQuery('#cdnfsd__engine').on('change', cdn_bunnycdn_check); // When CDN is enabled as "cf" or "cf2", then display a notice about possible charges. cdn_cf_check(); $cdn_enabled.on('click', cdn_cf_check); $cdn_engine.on('change', cdn_cf_check); /** * CDN page. * When CDN is enabled as "cf" or "cf2", then display a notice about possible charges. */ jQuery('[name="cdn__flush_manually"]').on('click', cdn_cf_check); // Pagecache page. w3tc_input_enable('#pgcache_reject_roles input[type=checkbox]', jQuery('#pgcache__reject__logged_roles:checked').length); jQuery('#pgcache__reject__logged_roles').on('click', function() { w3tc_input_enable('#pgcache_reject_roles input[type=checkbox]', jQuery('#pgcache__reject__logged_roles:checked').length); }); // Browsercache page. w3tc_toggle2('browsercache_last_modified', ['browsercache__cssjs__last_modified', 'browsercache__html__last_modified', 'browsercache__other__last_modified' ]); 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} else { var url = ''; if (/^https?:\/\//.test(file)) { url = file; } else { url = '/' + file; } w3tc_popup(url, 'file_verify'); } }); jQuery('.js_file_template').on('change', function() { jQuery(this).parents('li').find(':text').attr('name', 'js_files[' + jQuery('#js_themes').val() + '][' + jQuery(this).val() + '][' + jQuery(this).parents('li').find('.js_file_location').val() + '][]'); }); jQuery('.css_file_template').on('change', function() { jQuery(this).parents('li').find(':text').attr('name', 'css_files[' + jQuery('#css_themes').val() + '][' + jQuery(this).val() + '][include][]'); }); jQuery('.js_file_location').on('change', function() { jQuery(this).parents('li').find(':text').attr('name', 'js_files[' + jQuery('#js_themes').val() + '][' + jQuery(this).parents('li').find('.js_file_template').val() + '][' + jQuery(this).val() + '][]'); }); jQuery('.js_file_delete').on('click', function() { var parent = jQuery(this).parents('li'); if (parent.find('input[type=text]').val() == '' || confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this JS file?')) { parent.remove(); w3tc_minify_js_file_clear(); w3tc_beforeupload_bind(); } return false; }); jQuery('.css_file_delete').on('click', function() { var parent = jQuery(this).parents('li'); if (parent.find('input[type=text]').val() == '' || confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this CSS file?')) { parent.remove(); w3tc_minify_css_file_clear(); w3tc_beforeupload_bind(); } return false; }); jQuery('#js_file_add').on('click', function() { w3tc_minify_js_file_add(jQuery('#js_themes').val(), 'default', 'include', ''); }); jQuery('#css_file_add').on('click', function() { w3tc_minify_css_file_add(jQuery('#css_themes').val(), 'default', ''); }); jQuery('#js_themes').on('change', function() { w3tc_minify_js_theme(jQuery(this).val()); }); jQuery('#css_themes').on('change', function() { w3tc_minify_css_theme(jQuery(this).val()); }); jQuery('#minify_form').on('submit', function() { var js = [], css = [], invalid_js = [], invalid_css = [], duplicate = false, query_js = [], query_css = []; jQuery('#js_files :text').each(function() { var v = jQuery(this).val(), n = jQuery(this).attr('name'), c = v + n, g = ''; var match = /js_files\[([a-z0-9_\/]+)\]/.exec(n); if (match) { g = '[' + jQuery('#js_themes option[value=' + match[1] + ']').text() + '] ' + v; } if (v != '') { for (var i = 0; i < js.length; i++) { if (js[i] == c) { duplicate = true; break; } } js.push(c); var qindex = v.indexOf('?'); if (qindex != -1) { if (!/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(v)) { query_js.push(g); } v = v.substr(0, qindex); } else if (!/\.js$/.test(v)) { invalid_js.push(g); } } }); jQuery('#css_files :text').each(function() { var v = jQuery(this).val(), n = jQuery(this).attr('name'), c = v + n, g = ''; var match = /css_files\[([a-z0-9_\/]+)\]/.exec(n); if (match) { g = '[' + jQuery('#css_themes option[value=' + match[1] + ']').text() + '] ' + v; } if (v != '') { for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) { if (css[i] == c) { duplicate = true; break; } } css.push(c); var qindex = v.indexOf('?'); if (qindex != -1) { if (!/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(v)) { query_css.push(g); } v = v.substr(0, qindex); } else if (!/\.css$/.test(v)) { invalid_css.push(g); } } }); if (jQuery('#js_enabled:checked').length) { if (invalid_js.length && !confirm('The following files have invalid JS file extension:\r\n\r\n' + invalid_js.join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\nAre you confident these files contain valid JS code?')) { return false; } if (query_js.length) { alert('We recommend using the entire URI for files with query string (GET) variables. You entered:\r\n\r\n' + query_js.join('\r\n')); return false; } } if (jQuery('#css_enabled:checked').length) { if (invalid_css.length && !confirm('The following files have invalid CSS file extension:\r\n\r\n' + invalid_css.join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\nAre you confident these files contain valid CSS code?')) { return false; } if (query_css.length) { alert('We recommend using the entire URI for files with query string (GET) variables. You entered:\r\n\r\n' + query_css.join('\r\n')); return false; } } if (duplicate) { alert('Duplicate files have been found in your minify settings, please check your settings and re-save.'); return false; } return true; }); // CDN. jQuery('.w3tc-tab').on('click', function() { jQuery('.w3tc-tab-content').hide(); jQuery(this.rel).show(); }); w3tc_input_enable('#cdn_reject_roles input[type=checkbox]', jQuery('#cdn__reject__logged_roles:checked').length); jQuery('#cdn__reject__logged_roles').on('click', function() { w3tc_input_enable('#cdn_reject_roles input[type=checkbox]', jQuery('#cdn__reject__logged_roles:checked').length); }); jQuery('#cdn_export_library').on('click', function() { w3tc_popup('admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn&w3tc_cdn_export_library&_wpnonce=' + jQuery(this).metadata().nonce, 'cdn_export_library'); }); jQuery('#cdn_import_library').on('click', function() { w3tc_popup('admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn&w3tc_cdn_import_library&_wpnonce=' + jQuery(this).metadata().nonce, 'cdn_import_library'); 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'w3tc-success' : 'w3tc-error'); status.html(data.error); }, 'json') .fail(function() { status.addClass('w3tc-error'); status.html('Request failed'); }); }); jQuery('.w3tc_common_redis_test').on('click', function() { var status = jQuery('.w3tc_common_redis_test_result'); status.removeClass('w3tc-error'); status.removeClass('w3tc-success'); status.addClass('w3tc-process'); status.html('Testing...');'admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard', { w3tc_test_redis: 1, servers: jQuery('#redis_servers').val().replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g,','), verify_tls_certificates: jQuery('[id$=__redis__verify_tls_certificates]').is(':checked'), dbid: jQuery('#redis_dbid').val(), password: jQuery('#redis_password').val(), _wpnonce: jQuery(this).metadata().nonce }, function(data) { status.addClass(data.result ? 'w3tc-success' : 'w3tc-error'); status.html(data.error); }, 'json') .fail(function() { status.addClass('w3tc-error'); status.html('Request failed'); }); }); jQuery('.minifier_test').on('click', function() { var me = jQuery(this); var metadata = me.metadata(); var params = { w3tc_test_minifier: 1, _wpnonce: metadata.nonce }; switch (metadata.type) { case 'yuijs': jQuery.extend(params, { engine: 'yuijs', path_java: jQuery('#minify__yuijs__path__java').val(), path_jar: jQuery('#minify__yuijs__path__jar').val() }); break; case 'yuicss': jQuery.extend(params, { engine: 'yuicss', path_java: jQuery('#minify__yuicss__path__java').val(), path_jar: jQuery('#minify__yuicss__path__jar').val() }); break; case 'ccjs': jQuery.extend(params, { engine: 'ccjs', path_java: jQuery('#minify__ccjs__path__java').val(), path_jar: jQuery('#minify__ccjs__path__jar').val() }); break; case 'googleccjs': jQuery.extend(params, { engine: 'googleccjs' }); break; } var status =; status.removeClass('w3tc-error'); status.removeClass('w3tc-success'); status.addClass('w3tc-process'); status.html('Testing...');'admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard', params, function(data) { status.addClass(data.result ? 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