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								<td> 3583754.17 </td>
								<td><img src="" style="width: 45px; height: 25px;"></td>
								<td> 2046578.76 </td>
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								<td> 490311.71 </td>
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								<td> 459905.52 </td>
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								<td> 445473.6 </td>
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								<td> 437257.57 </td>
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								<td> 416399.78 </td>
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								<td> 410694.07 </td>
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								<td> 402034.4 </td>
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								<td> 351678.65 </td>
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								<td> 339153.73 </td>
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								<td> 335119.35 </td>
								<td><img src="" style="width: 45px; height: 25px;"></td>
								<td> 312262.96 </td>
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								<td> 309997.98 </td>
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								<td> 308793.63 </td>
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								<td> 307296.44 </td>
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								<td> 297034.97 </td>
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								<td> 293578.81 </td>
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								<td> 283699.05 </td>
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								<td> 275364.34 </td>
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								<td> 273117.76 </td>
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								<td> 263296.58 </td>
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								<td> 258008.87 </td>
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								<td> 246065.79 </td>
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								<td> 242409.01 </td>
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								<td> 241818.32 </td>
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								<td> 241051.91 </td>
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								<td>232564.72 </td>
								<td><img src="" style="width: 45px; height: 25px;"></td>
								<td> 226994.99 </td>
								<td><img src="" style="width: 45px; height: 25px;"></td>
								<td> 210562.02 </td>
								<td><img src="" style="width: 45px; height: 25px;"></td>
								<td>210038.31 </td>
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