Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/thanudqk/ |
(function ($) { 'use strict'; $.fn.AcmeTicker = function (options) { /*Merge options and default options*/ let opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.AcmeTicker.defaults, options); /*Functions Scope*/ let thisTicker = $(this), intervalID, timeoutID, isPause = false; /*Always wrap, used in many place*/ thisTicker.wrap("<div class='acmeticker-wrap'></div>"); /*Wrap is always relative*/ thisTicker.parent().css({ position: 'relative' }) /*Hide expect first*/ thisTicker.children("li").not(":first").hide(); /*Lets init*/ init(); function init() { switch (opts.type) { case 'vertical': case 'horizontal': vertiZontal() break; case 'marquee': marQuee() break; case 'typewriter': typeWriter() break; default: break } } /*Vertical - horizontal * **Do not change code lines*/ function vertiZontal(prevNext = false) { let speed = opts.speed, autoplay = opts.autoplay, direction = opts.direction; if (prevNext) { speed = 0; autoplay = 0; clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = false; } function play() { if (isPause) { clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = false; return false; } let dChild, eqType, mType, mVal; dChild = thisTicker.find('li:first'); if (direction === 'up' || direction === 'right') { eqType = '-='; } else { eqType = '+='; } if (opts.type === 'horizontal') { mType = 'left'; mVal = dChild.outerWidth(true); } else { mType = 'margin-top'; mVal = dChild.outerHeight(true); } if (prevNext === 'prev') { thisTicker.find('li:last').detach().prependTo(thisTicker); } else { dChild.detach().appendTo(thisTicker); } thisTicker.find('li').css({ opacity: '0', display: 'none' }); thisTicker.find('li:first').css({ opacity: '1', position: 'absolute', display: 'block', [mType]: eqType + mVal + 'px', }); thisTicker.find('li:first').animate( { [mType]: '0px' }, speed, function () { clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = false; vertiZontal(); }); } if (intervalID) { return false } intervalID = setInterval(play, autoplay); } /*Type-Writer * **Do not change code lines*/ function typeWriter(prevNext = false) { if (isPause) { return false; } if (prevNext) { clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = false; clearTimeout(timeoutID); timeoutID = false; if (prevNext === 'prev') { thisTicker.find('li:last').detach().prependTo(thisTicker); } else { thisTicker.find('li:first').detach().appendTo(thisTicker); } } let speed = opts.speed, autoplay = opts.autoplay, typeEl = thisTicker.find('li:first'), wrapEl = typeEl.children(), count = 0; if (typeEl.attr('data-text')) { wrapEl.text(typeEl.attr('data-text')) } let allText = typeEl.text(); thisTicker.find('li').css({ opacity: '0', display: 'none' }); function tNext() { thisTicker.find('li:first').detach().appendTo(thisTicker); clearTimeout(timeoutID); timeoutID = false; typeWriter(); } function type() { count++; let typeText = allText.substring(0, count); if (!typeEl.attr('data-text')) { typeEl.attr('data-text', allText); } if (count <= allText.length) { wrapEl.text(typeText); typeEl.css({ opacity: '1', display: 'block', }); } else { clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = false; timeoutID = setTimeout(tNext, autoplay); } } if (!intervalID) { intervalID = setInterval(type, speed); } } /*marQuee * **Do not change code lines*/ function marQuee() { /*Marquee Special*/ let speed = opts.speed, direction = opts.direction, wrapWidth, dir = 'left', totalTravel, defTiming, listWidth = 0, mPause = false; mInit(); function mInit() { thisTicker.css({ position: 'absolute' }) thisTicker.find('li').css({ display: 'inline-block', marginRight: '10px', }); let tickerList = thisTicker.find("li"); wrapWidth = thisTicker.parent().outerWidth(true); if (direction === 'right') { dir = 'right' } /*Calculating ticker width*/ thisTicker.width(10000);/*temporary width to prevent inline elements wrapping to initial width of ticker*/ tickerList.each(function () { listWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true) + 5;/*+5 for some missing px*/ }); thisTicker.width(listWidth); totalTravel = listWidth + wrapWidth; defTiming = totalTravel / speed; marQueeIt(listWidth, listWidth / speed); } function marQueeIt(lPos, lSpeed) { thisTicker.animate( { [dir]: '-=' + lPos }, lSpeed, "linear", function () { thisTicker.css({ [dir]: wrapWidth }); marQueeIt(totalTravel, defTiming); } ); } function mRestart() { let offset = thisTicker.offset(), rOffset = direction === 'right' ? (listWidth - offset.left) : offset.left, remainingSpace = rOffset + listWidth, remainingTime = remainingSpace / speed; marQueeIt(remainingSpace, remainingTime); } function mToggle() { mPause = !mPause; $(document).trigger('acmeTickerToggle', thisTicker, mPause) if (mPause) { thisTicker.stop(); } else { mRestart(); } } opts.controls.toggle && opts.controls.toggle.on('click', function (e) { mToggle(); }); if (opts.pauseOnHover) { thisTicker.on('mouseenter', function () { thisTicker.stop(); }).on('mouseleave', function () { mRestart(); }); } if (opts.pauseOnFocus) { thisTicker.on('focusin', function () { thisTicker.stop(); }).on('focusout', function () { mRestart(); }); } } /*marQuee End*/ /*Actions/Controls*/ if (opts.type !== 'marquee') { opts.controls.prev && opts.controls.prev.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (opts.type) { case 'typewriter': typeWriter('prev') break; default: vertiZontal('prev') break } }); &&'click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (opts.type) { case 'typewriter': typeWriter('next') break; default: vertiZontal('next') break } }); function restart() { if (!isPause) { init(); } } opts.controls.toggle && opts.controls.toggle.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); isPause = !isPause; $(document).trigger('acmeTickerToggle', thisTicker, isPause) restart(); }); if (opts.pauseOnHover) { thisTicker.on('mouseenter', function () { isPause = true; restart(); }).on('mouseleave', function () { isPause = false; restart(); }); } if (opts.pauseOnFocus) { thisTicker.on('focusin', function () { isPause = true; restart(); }).on('focusout', function () { isPause = false; restart(); }); } } }; // plugin defaults - added as a property on our plugin function $.fn.AcmeTicker.defaults = { /*Note: Marquee only take speed not autoplay*/ type: 'horizontal',/*vertical/horizontal/marquee/typewriter*/ autoplay: 2000,/*true/false/number*/ /*For vertical/horizontal 4000*//*For typewriter 2000*/ speed: 50,/*true/false/number*/ /*For vertical/horizontal 600*//*For marquee 0.05*//*For typewriter 50*/ direction: 'right',/*up/down/left/right*//*For vertical up/down*//*For horizontal/marquee right/left*//*For typewriter direction doesnot work*/ pauseOnFocus: true, pauseOnHover: true, controls: { prev: '',/*Can be used for vertical/horizontal/typewriter*//*not work for marquee*/ next: '',/*Can be used for vertical/horizontal/typewriter*//*not work for marquee*/ toggle: ''/*Can be used for vertical/horizontal/marquee/typewriter*/ } }; })(jQuery);