Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/lib/Minify/Minify/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/www/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/lib/Minify/Minify/HTML.php |
<?php namespace W3TCL\Minify; /** * Class Minify_HTML * @package Minify */ /** * Compress HTML * * This is a heavy regex-based removal of whitespace, unnecessary comments and * tokens. IE conditional comments are preserved. There are also options to have * STYLE and SCRIPT blocks compressed by callback functions. * * A test suite is available. * * @package Minify * @author Stephen Clay <> */ class Minify_HTML { /** * @var boolean */ protected $_jsCleanComments = true; /** * @var string */ protected $_html = ''; /** * "Minify" an HTML page * * @param string $html * * @param array $options * * 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE * elements. * * 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT * elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored. * * 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If * unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype. * * @return string */ public static function minify($html, $options = array()) { $min = new self($html, $options); return $min->process(); } /** * Create a minifier object * * @param string $html * * @param array $options * * 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE * elements. * * 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT * elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored. * * 'jsCleanComments' : (optional) whether to remove HTML comments beginning and end of script block * * 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If * unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype. * * @return null */ public function __construct($html, $options = array()) { $this->_html = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim($html)); if (isset($options['xhtml'])) { $this->_isXhtml = (bool)$options['xhtml']; } if (isset($options['cssMinifier'])) { $this->_cssMinifier = $options['cssMinifier']; } if (isset($options['jsMinifier'])) { $this->_jsMinifier = $options['jsMinifier']; } $this->_stripCrlf = (isset($options['stripCrlf']) ? (boolean) $options['stripCrlf'] : false) ; $this->_ignoredComments = (isset($options['ignoredComments']) ? (array) $options['ignoredComments'] : array()); } /** * Minify the markeup given in the constructor * * @return string */ public function process() { if ($this->_isXhtml === null) { $this->_isXhtml = (false !== strpos($this->_html, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML')); } $this->_replacementHash = 'MINIFYHTML' . md5( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] ) ) : '' ); $this->_placeholders = array(); // replace dynamic tags $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '~(<!--\s*m(func|clude)(.*)-->\s*<!--\s*/m(func|clude)\s*-->)~is' ,array($this, '_removeComment') ,$this->_html); // replace SCRIPTs (and minify) with placeholders $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '/(\\s*)<script(\\b[^>]*?>)([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/script>(\\s*)/i' ,array($this, '_removeScriptCB') ,$this->_html); // replace STYLEs (and minify) with placeholders $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '/\\s*<style(\\b[^>]*>)([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/style>\\s*/i' ,array($this, '_removeStyleCB') ,$this->_html); // remove HTML comments (not containing IE conditional comments). $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '/<!--([\\s\\S]*?)-->/' ,array($this, '_commentCB') ,$this->_html); // replace PREs with placeholders $this->_html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s*<pre(\\b[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/pre>)\\s*/i' ,array($this, '_removePreCB') ,$this->_html); // replace TEXTAREAs with placeholders $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '/\\s*<textarea(\\b[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/textarea>)\\s*/i' ,array($this, '_removeTextareaCB') ,$this->_html); // trim each line. // @todo take into account attribute values that span multiple lines. $this->_html = preg_replace('/^\\s+|\\s+$/m', '', $this->_html); // remove ws around block/undisplayed elements $this->_html = preg_replace('/\\s+(<\\/?(?:area|article|aside|base(?:font)?|blockquote|body' .'|canvas|caption|center|col(?:group)?|dd|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form' .'|frame(?:set)?|h[1-6]|head|header|hgroup|hr|html|legend|link|main|map|menu|meta|nav' .'|ol|opt(?:group|ion)|output|p|param|section|t(?:able|body|head|d|h||r|foot|itle)' .'|ul|video)\\b[^>]*>)/i', '$1', $this->_html); // remove whitespaces outside of all elements $this->_html = preg_replace( '/>((\\s)(?:\\s*))?([^<]+?)((\\s)(?:\\s*))?</' ,'>$2$3$5<' ,$this->_html); // remove whitespaces before end of all empty elements $this->_html = preg_replace( '/\\s*\\/>/' ,'/>' ,$this->_html); // remove trailing slash from void elements $_html = preg_replace( '~<(area|base|br|col|command|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)(([^\'">]|\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|)*?)\\s*[/]?>~i' ,'<$1$2>' ,$this->_html); // Avoid PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR. Thanks @ericek111 for if ( preg_last_error() === PREG_NO_ERROR ) { $this->_html = $_html; } unset( $_html ); // use newlines before 1st attribute in open tags (to limit line lengths) $this->_html = preg_replace('/(<[a-z\\-]+)\\s+([^>]+>)/i', "$1\n$2", $this->_html); if ($this->_stripCrlf) { $this->_html = preg_replace("~[\r\n]+~", ' ', $this->_html); } else { $this->_html = preg_replace("~[\r\n]+~", "\n", $this->_html); } // fill placeholders $this->_html = str_replace( array_keys($this->_placeholders) ,array_values($this->_placeholders) ,$this->_html ); // issue 229: multi-pass to catch scripts that didn't get replaced in textareas $this->_html = str_replace( array_keys($this->_placeholders) ,array_values($this->_placeholders) ,$this->_html ); // in HTML5, type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources // in HTML5, type attribute for style element is not needed and should be omitted if (false !== stripos($this->_html, '<!doctype html>')) { $this->_html = preg_replace( '/<(script|style)([^>]*)\\stype=[\'"]?(text\\/javascript|text\\/css|application\\/javascript)[\'"]?([^>]*)>/i' ,'<$1$2$4>' ,$this->_html); } // unquote attribute values without spaces $this->_html = preg_replace_callback( '/(<([a-z\\-]+)\\s)\\s*([^>]+>)/m' ,array($this, '_removeAttributeQuotes') ,$this->_html); return $this->_html; } protected function _commentCB($m) { return (0 === strpos($m[1], '[') || false !== strpos($m[1], '<![') || $this->_ignoredComment($m[1])) ? $m[0] : ''; } protected function _ignoredComment($comment) { foreach ($this->_ignoredComments as $ignoredComment) { if (!empty($ignoredComment) && stristr($comment, $ignoredComment) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } protected function _reservePlace($content) { $placeholder = '%' . $this->_replacementHash . count($this->_placeholders) . '%'; $this->_placeholders[$placeholder] = $content; return $placeholder; } protected $_isXhtml = null; protected $_replacementHash = null; protected $_placeholders = array(); protected $_cssMinifier = null; protected $_jsMinifier = null; protected $_stripCrlf = null; protected $_ignoredComments = null; protected function _removePreCB($m) { return $this->_reservePlace("<pre{$m[1]}"); } protected function _removeTextareaCB($m) { return $this->_reservePlace("<textarea{$m[1]}"); } protected function _removeStyleCB($m) { $openStyle = "<style{$m[1]}"; $css = $m[2]; // remove HTML comments $css = preg_replace('/(?:^\\s*<!--|-->\\s*$)/', '', $css); // remove CDATA section markers $css = $this->_removeCdata($css); // minify $minifier = $this->_cssMinifier ? $this->_cssMinifier : 'trim'; $css = call_user_func($minifier, $css); return $this->_reservePlace($this->_needsCdata($css) ? "{$openStyle}/*<![CDATA[*/{$css}/*]]>*/</style>" : "{$openStyle}{$css}</style>" ); } protected function _removeScriptCB($m) { $openScript = "<script{$m[2]}"; $js = $m[3]; $script_tag = "<script{$m[2]}>{$js}</script>"; $type = ''; if (preg_match('#type="([^"]+)"#i', $m[2], $matches)) { $type = strtolower($matches[1]); } // whitespace surrounding? preserve at least one space $ws1 = ($m[1] === '') ? '' : ' '; $ws2 = ($m[4] === '') ? '' : ' '; // remove HTML comments (and ending "//" if present) if ($this->_jsCleanComments) { $js = preg_replace('/(?:^\\s*<!--\\s*|\\s*(?:\\/\\/)?\\s*-->\\s*$)/', '', $js); } // minify $minifier = $this->_jsMinifier ? $this->_jsMinifier : 'trim'; if (in_array($type, array('text/template', 'text/x-handlebars-template'))) { $minifier = ''; } $minifier = apply_filters('w3tc_minify_html_script_minifier', $minifier, $type, $script_tag); if (empty($minifier)) { $needsCdata = false; } else { // remove CDATA section markers $js_old = $js; $js = $this->_removeCdata($js); $needsCdata = ( $js_old != $js ); $js = call_user_func($minifier, $js); } return $this->_reservePlace($needsCdata && $this->_needsCdata($js) ? "{$ws1}{$openScript}/*<![CDATA[*/{$js}/*]]>*/</script>{$ws2}" : "{$ws1}{$openScript}{$js}</script>{$ws2}" ); } protected function _removeCdata($str) { if (false !== strpos($str, '<![CDATA[')) { $str = str_replace('//<![CDATA[', '', $str); $str = preg_replace('~/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*/~', '', $str); $str = str_replace('<![CDATA[', '', $str); $str = str_replace('//]]>', '', $str); $str = preg_replace('~/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*/~', '', $str); $str = str_replace(']]>', '', $str); } return $str; } protected function _removeComment($m) { return $this->_reservePlace($m[1]); } protected function _needsCdata($str) { return ($this->_isXhtml && preg_match('/(?:[<&]|\\-\\-|\\]\\]>)/', $str)); } protected function _removeAttributeQuotes($m) { // whatsapp/fb bots dont read meta tags without quotes well if (strtolower($m[2]) != 'meta') { $m[3] = preg_replace_callback( '~([a-z0-9\\-])=(?<quote>[\'"])([^"\'\\s=]*)\k<quote>(\\s|>|/>)~i', array( $this, '_removeAttributeQuotesCallback'), $m[3] ); } return $m[1] . $m[3]; } public function _removeAttributeQuotesCallback( $m ) { // empty tag values like <div data-value=""> to <div data-value if ( $m[3] === '' ) { return $m[1] . $m[4]; } // 1. <a href=bla/>hi</a> is sometimes (XHTML? HTML5 specs doesnt allow that) // parsed as <a href=bla></a>hi</a> by browsers // avoid that by turning it to <a href=bla/ >hi</a> // 2. auto-closing tags without space at the end e.g. <div data-value="aa"/> // should have space after value <div data-value=aa /> // otherwise some browsers assume data-value="aa/" if ( /* 1 */ $m[4] == '/>' || /* 2 */ ( $m[4] == '>' && substr( $m[3], -1, 1 ) == '/' ) ) { return $m[1] . '=' . $m[3] . ' ' . $m[4]; } return $m[1] . '=' . $m[3] . $m[4]; } }