Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php |
<?php /* Include the basic required files ------------------------------------------------------- */ require dirname(__FILE__) . '/tools/data_upgrade.php'; require dirname(__FILE__) . '/tools/csv_import.php'; /* Custom filters to replicate the_content */ add_filter('hdq_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('hdq_content', 'convert_smilies'); add_filter('hdq_content', 'convert_chars'); add_filter('hdq_content', 'wpautop'); add_filter('hdq_content', 'shortcode_unautop'); add_filter('hdq_content', 'prepend_attachment'); // Register HD Quiz pages function hdq_register_quizzes_page_callback() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/hdq_quizzes.php'; } function hdq_register_settings_page_callback() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/about.php'; } function hdq_register_addons_page_callbak() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons.php'; } function hdq_register_tools_page_callbak() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/tools.php'; } // Get image ID (for *super* old HD Quiz users image as answer) // taken from function hdq_get_attachment_id($url) { $attachment_id = 0; $dir = wp_upload_dir(); if (false !== strpos($url, $dir['baseurl'] . '/')) { // Is URL in uploads directory? $file = basename($url); $query_args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'fields' => 'ids', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'value' => $file, 'compare' => 'LIKE', 'key' => '_wp_attachment_metadata', ), ) ); $query = new WP_Query($query_args); if ($query->have_posts()) { foreach ($query->posts as $post_id) { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id); $original_file = basename($meta['file']); $cropped_image_files = wp_list_pluck($meta['sizes'], 'file'); if ($original_file === $file || in_array($file, $cropped_image_files)) { $attachment_id = $post_id; break; } } } } return $attachment_id; } function hdq_get_settings() { $settings = new hdq_settings(); $settings = $settings->get(); return $settings; } function hdq_save_settings() { if (!current_user_can('edit_others_pages')) { echo '{"error": "User level cannot modify settings"}'; die(); } $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (!wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_about_options_nonce')) { echo '{"error": "Nonce was not valid"}'; die(); } if (!isset($_POST["payload"])) { echo '{"error": "Data was not correctly sent"}'; die(); } $fields = $_POST["payload"]; $fields = hdq_sanitize_fields($fields); update_option("hdq_settings", $fields); echo '{"success": true}'; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_save_settings', 'hdq_save_settings'); function hdq_load_questions_page() { if (hdq_user_permission()) { $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce') != false) { // permission granted // send the correct file to load data from include dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings/questions.php'; } else { echo 'error: Nonce failed to validate'; // failed nonce } } else { echo 'error: You have insufficient user privilege'; // insufficient user privilege } die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_load_quiz', 'hdq_load_questions_page'); function hdq_load_question() { if (hdq_user_permission()) { $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce') != false) { // permission granted // send the correct file to load data from include dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings/question.php'; } else { echo 'error: Nonce failed to validate'; // failed nonce } } else { echo 'error: You have insufficient user privilege'; // insufficient user privilege } die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_load_question', 'hdq_load_question'); /* Check acccess level * check if authors should be granted access ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_user_permission() { $hasPermission = false; $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $authorsCan = $settings["hd_qu_authors"]["value"][0]; if ($authorsCan === "yes") { if (current_user_can('publish_posts')) { $hasPermission = true; } } else { if (current_user_can('edit_others_pages')) { $hasPermission = true; } } return $hasPermission; } /* Settings ------------------------------------------------------- */ function get_hdq_settings() { return hdq_sanitize_fields(get_option("hdq_settings")); } /* Quiz Settings ------------------------------------------------------- */ function get_hdq_quiz($quizID) { return hdq_sanitize_fields(get_term_meta($quizID, "quiz_data", true)); } function hdq_save_quiz() { if (!hdq_user_permission()) { echo '{"error": "User level cannot modify products"}'; die(); } $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (!wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce')) { echo '{"error": "Nonce was not valid"}'; die(); } if (!isset($_POST["payload"])) { echo '{"error": "Data was not correctly sent"}'; die(); } $fields = $_POST["payload"]; $fields = hdq_sanitize_fields($fields); $quiz_ID = $fields["quiz_id"]["value"]; if ($quiz_ID <= 0) { echo '{"error": "Data was not correctly sent"}'; die(); } // update each question to set question menu_order if (isset($fields["question_order"])) { foreach ($fields["question_order"]["value"] as $q) { $post = array(); $post['ID'] = intval($q[0]); $post['menu_order'] = intval($q[1]); wp_update_post($post); } } update_term_meta($quiz_ID, "quiz_data", $fields); // incase the quizname was changed if (isset($fields["quiz_name"]["value"])) { wp_update_term($quiz_ID, 'quiz', array( 'name' => $fields["quiz_name"]["value"], )); } echo '{"success": true}'; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_save_quiz', 'hdq_save_quiz'); /* Question Settings ------------------------------------------------------- */ function get_hdq_question($questionID) { $data = get_post_meta($questionID, "question_data", true); if (!$data || $data == "") { $data = hdq_get_question_meta_values(); } return hdq_sanitize_fields($data); } // return clean array of question data function hdq_get_question_meta_values() { return array( "question_id" => array( "value" => 0, "type" => "integer" ), "title" => array( "value" => "", "type" => "title" ), "question_type" => array( "value" => "multiple_choice_text", "type" => "select" ), "answers" => array( "value" => array(), "type" => "answers" ) ); } /* Save Question Meta ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_save_question() { if (!hdq_user_permission()) { echo '{"error": "User level cannot modify products"}'; die(); } $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (!wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce')) { echo '{"error": "Nonce was not valid"}'; die(); } if (!isset($_POST["payload"])) { echo '{"error": "Data was not correctly sent"}'; die(); } $fields = $_POST["payload"]; $fields = hdq_sanitize_fields($fields); // if new question if ($fields["question_id"]["value"] == "" || $fields["question_id"]["value"] == null) { // new question $total = wp_count_posts('post_type_questionna'); $total = $total->publish; $post_information = array( 'post_title' => $fields["title"]["value"], 'post_content' => '', // post_content is required, so we leave blank 'post_type' => 'post_type_questionna', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'menu_order' => $total // always set as the last question of the quiz ); $fields["question_id"]["value"] = wp_insert_post($post_information); } // set meta update_post_meta($fields["question_id"]["value"], "question_data", $fields); // update post title $post_main = array( 'ID' => $fields["question_id"]["value"], 'post_title' => $fields["title"]["value"] ); wp_update_post($post_main); // set or update terms $terms = wp_set_post_terms($fields["question_id"]["value"], $fields["quizzes"]["value"], "quiz"); echo '{"success": true, "id": "' . $fields["question_id"]["value"] . '"}'; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_save_question', 'hdq_save_question'); // delete question function hdq_delete_question() { if (!hdq_user_permission()) { echo '{"error": "User level cannot modify products"}'; die(); } $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (!wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce')) { echo '{"error": "Nonce was not valid"}'; die(); } if (!isset($_POST["question"])) { echo '{"error": "Data was not correctly sent"}'; die(); } $questionID = intval($_POST["question"]); wp_delete_post($questionID); // will move to trash echo '{"success": true}'; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_delete_question', 'hdq_delete_question'); /* Add New Quiz ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_add_quiz() { if (!hdq_user_permission()) { echo '{"error": "User level cannot modify products"}'; die(); } $hdq_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nonce']); if (!wp_verify_nonce($hdq_nonce, 'hdq_quiz_nonce')) { echo '{"error": "Nonce was not valid"}'; die(); } if (!isset($_POST["quiz"])) { echo '{"error": "Quiz name was not sent"}'; die(); } $quiz = sanitize_text_field($_POST["quiz"]); $hdq_new_quiz = wp_insert_term( $quiz, // the term 'quiz' // the taxonomy ); // save current user ID as custom meta $user_id = get_current_user_id(); add_term_meta($hdq_new_quiz["term_id"], "hdq_author_id", $user_id); echo '{"success": true, "quiz": "' . hdq_encodeURIComponent($quiz) . '", "id": "' . $hdq_new_quiz["term_id"] . '"}'; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_hdq_add_quiz', 'hdq_add_quiz'); /* Set Default Quiz Meta ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_set_default_quiz_meta() { $quiz_settings = array(); // Results $quiz_settings["quiz_pass_percentage"]["value"] = 70; $quiz_settings["hide_questions"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["quiz_pass_text"]["value"] = ""; $quiz_settings["quiz_fail_text"]["value"] = ""; // Marking $quiz_settings["show_results"]["value"][0] = "yes"; $quiz_settings["show_results_correct"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["show_results_now"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["stop_answer_reselect"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["show_extra_text"]["value"][0] = ""; // Timer $quiz_settings["quiz_timer"]["value"] = ""; $quiz_settings["quiz_timer_question"]["value"][0] = "no"; // Advanced $quiz_settings["share_results"]["value"][0] = "yes"; $quiz_settings["results_position"]["value"] = "above"; $quiz_settings["randomize_questions"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["randomize_answers"]["value"][0] = ""; $quiz_settings["pool_of_questions"]["value"] = ""; $quiz_settings["wp_paginate"]["value"] = ""; return $quiz_settings; } /* Sanitize all fields read ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_sanitize_fields($fields) { if (!isset($fields) || $fields == "") { return hdq_set_default_quiz_meta(); } foreach ($fields as $key => $v) { if (!isset($v["value"])) { if (isset($v["default"])) { $v["value"] = $v["default"]; } } if ( $v["type"] == "text" || $v["type"] == "select" || $v["type"] == "radio" ) { $fields[$key]["value"] = sanitize_text_field($v["value"]); } elseif ( $v["type"] == "float" ) { if ($fields[$key]["value"] != "") { $fields[$key]["value"] = floatval($v["value"]); } } elseif ($v["type"] == "integer") { if ($fields[$key]["value"] != "") { $fields[$key]["value"] = intval($v["value"]); } } elseif ($v["type"] == "checkbox") { if (isset($v["value"]) && is_array($v["value"])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $fields[$key]["value"][$i] = sanitize_text_field($v["value"][$i]); } } else { $fields[$key]["value"] = array(""); } } elseif ($v["type"] == "categories") { if (isset($v["value"]) && $v["value"] != "") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $fields[$key]["value"][$i] = intval($v["value"][$i]); } } } elseif ($v["type"] == "editor") { $fields[$key]["value"] = wp_kses_post(stripslashes(urldecode($v["value"]))); } elseif ($v["type"] == "email") { $v["value"] = explode(",", $v["value"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $v["value"][$i] = sanitize_email($v["value"][$i]); } $fields[$key]["value"] = join(",", $v["value"]); } elseif ($v["type"] == "question_order") { if (isset($v["value"])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $fields[$key]["value"][$i][0] = intval($v["value"][$i][0]); $fields[$key]["value"][$i][1] = intval($v["value"][$i][1]); } } } elseif ($v["type"] == "answers") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $fields[$key]["value"][$i]["answer"] = wp_kses_post($v["value"][$i]["answer"]); $fields[$key]["value"][$i]["image"] = intval($v["value"][$i]["image"]); } } elseif ($v["type"] == "correct") { if (isset($v["value"])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($v["value"]); $i++) { $fields[$key]["value"][$i] = intval($v["value"][$i]); } } else { $fields[$key]["value"] = array(); $fields[$key]["value"][0] = 1; } } elseif ($v["type"] == "title") { $allowed_html = array( 'strong' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'sup' => array(), 'sub' => array(), ); $fields[$key]["value"] = wp_kses_post($v["value"]); } elseif ($v["type"] == "encode") { $fields[$key]["value"] = hdq_encode($v["value"]); } else { // unknown type, santize as string if (!is_array($v["value"])) { $fields[$key]["value"] = sanitize_text_field($v["value"]); } else { // santize array as string $fields[$key]["value"] = array_map('hdq_sanitize_array', $v["value"]); } } } return $fields; } // mimic javaScripts encodeURIComponent function hdq_encodeURIComponent($str) { $revert = array('%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'", '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')'); return strtr(rawurlencode($str), $revert); } // sanitize array function hdq_sanitize_array($data) { return sanitize_text_field($data); } /* Print Template Functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_get_results($quiz_settings) { if (!defined('HDQ_TWITTER_SHARE_ICON')) { define('HDQ_TWITTER_SHARE_ICON', false); } $pass_text = __($quiz_settings["quiz_pass_text"]["value"]); $fail_text = __($quiz_settings["quiz_fail_text"]["value"]); $share_results = $quiz_settings["share_results"]["value"][0]; $settings = hdq_get_settings(); if (isset($settings["hd_qu_results"]["value"])) { $result_text = $settings["hd_qu_results"]["value"]; } else { $result_text = ""; } if ($result_text == null || $result_text == "") { $result_text = "Results"; } $result_text = __($result_text); $content_filter = $settings["hd_qu_the_content"]["value"][0]; if ($content_filter == "") { $content_filter = "the_content"; } // if user has added a Facebook App ID => NOTE: Depricated by Facebook $fb_appId = $settings["hd_qu_fb"]["value"]; // if the user wants to show results as a percentage as well $results_percent = $settings["hd_qu_percent"]["value"][0]; ?> <div class="hdq_results_wrapper"> <div class="hdq_results_inner" aria-live="polite"> <h2 class="hdq_results_title"><?php echo esc_attr($result_text); ?></h2> <div class="hdq_result"><?php if ($results_percent == "yes") { echo ' - <span class = "hdq_result_percent"></span>'; } ?></div> <div class="hdq_result_pass"><?php echo apply_filters($content_filter, $pass_text); ?></div> <div class="hdq_result_fail"><?php echo apply_filters($content_filter, $fail_text); ?></div> <?php if ($share_results === "yes") { ?> <div class="hdq_share"> <?php if ($fb_appId == "" || $fb_appId == null) { ?> <div class="hdq_social_icon"> <a title="share quiz on Facebook" href="<?php echo the_permalink(); ?>&title=Quiz" target="_blank" class="hdq_facebook"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('/images/fbshare.png', __FILE__); ?>" alt="Share your score!"> </a> </div> <?php } else { hdq_get_fb_app_share($fb_appId); } ?> <div class="hdq_social_icon"> <?php if (HDQ_TWITTER_SHARE_ICON) { ?> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="hdq_twitter" title="X, formerly Twitter"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('/images/twshare.png', __FILE__); ?>" alt="Tweet your score!"></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="hdq_twitter" title="X, formerly Twitter"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('/images/xshare.png', __FILE__); ?>" alt="Tweet your score!"></a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="hdq_social_icon"> <a href="#" class="hdq_share_other"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('/images/share.png', __FILE__); ?>" alt="Share to other"></a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (isset($settings["hd_qu_heart"]["value"]) && $settings["hd_qu_heart"]["value"][0] === "yes") { echo '<p class = "hdq_heart">HD Quiz powered by <a href = "" target = "_blank" title = "Best WordPress Developers">harmonic design</a></p>'; } ?> </div> <?php } function hdq_get_fb_app_share($fb_appId) { ?> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId: '<?php echo esc_attr($fb_appId); ?>', autoLogAppEvents: true, xfbml: true, version: 'v3.2' }); }; (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) { return; } js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); </script> <div class="hdq_social_icon"> <img id="hdq_fb_sharer" src="<?php echo plugins_url('/images/fbshare.png', __FILE__); ?>" alt="Share your score!"> </div> <?php } function hdq_print_question_featured_image($question) { if ($question["featured_image"]["value"] != "" && $question["featured_image"]["value"] != 0) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image($question["featured_image"]["value"], "full", "", array("class" => "hdq_featured_image")); if ($image != null) { echo '<div class = "hdq_question_featured_image">'; echo $image; echo '</div>'; } } } // This should be depricated starting HD Quiz 1.9 function hdq_get_answer_image_url($image) { if (is_numeric($image)) { // if this uses image ID instead of URL $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, "hd_qu_size2", false); if ($image_url[0] == "" || $image_url[0] == null) { $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, "thumbnail", false); } else { // check if image is a gif // When WP resizes a gif, the gif is no longer animated :( $extention = parse_url($image_url[0], PHP_URL_PATH); $extention = pathinfo($extention, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($extention === "gif") { $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, "full", false); } } $image = $image_url[0]; return $image; } else { // figure out what the original custom image size was // get the extention -400x400 $image_parts = explode(".", $image); $image_extention = end($image_parts); unset($image_parts[count($image_parts) - 1]); $image_url = implode(".", $image_parts); $image_url = $image_url . '-400x400.' . $image_extention; return $image_url; } } function hdq_print_quiz_start($timer, $use_adcode) { if (intval($timer) > 3 && $use_adcode !== true) { $label = "QUIZ START"; $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $hd_qu_start = $settings["hd_qu_start"]["value"]; if ($hd_qu_start != "" && $hd_qu_start != null) { $label = $hd_qu_start; } $label = __($label, "hd-quiz"); echo '<div class = "hdq_quiz_start hdq_button" role = "button" tabindex = "0" title = "' . esc_attr($label) . '">' . $label . '</div>'; } } function hdq_print_quiz_in_loop() { $label = "QUIZ START"; $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $hd_qu_start = $settings["hd_qu_start"]["value"]; if ($hd_qu_start != "" && $hd_qu_start != null) { $label = $hd_qu_start; } $label = __($label); $permalink = get_the_permalink(); echo '<div class = "hdq_quiz_wrapper"><a href = "' . esc_url($permalink) . '" rel="noamphtml" class = "hdq_quiz_start hdq_button button" role = "button" title = "' . esc_attr($label) . '">' . $label . '</a></div>'; } function hdq_print_question_title($question_number, $question) { if (isset($_GET['totalQuestions'])) { $question_number = $question_number + intval($_GET['totalQuestions']); } $tooltip = ""; if ($question["tooltip"]["value"] != "" && $question["tooltip"]["value"] != null) { $tooltip = '<span class="hdq_tooltip"> ? <span class="hdq_tooltip_content"> <span>' . esc_attr($question["tooltip"]["value"]) . '</span> </span> </span>'; } $question_number_symbol = "#"; $question_number_symbol = apply_filters("hdq_set_question_number_symbol", $question_number_symbol); echo '<h3 class = "hdq_question_heading"><span class = "hdq_question_number">' . esc_attr($question_number_symbol) . esc_attr($question_number) . '.</span> ' . $question["title"]["value"] . ' ' . $tooltip . '</h3>'; } function hdq_print_question_extra_text($question) { global $hdq_settings; if (!$hdq_settings) { $hdq_settings = hdq_get_settings(); } $content_filter = $hdq_settings["hd_qu_the_content"]["value"][0]; if ($content_filter == "") { $content_filter = "the_content"; } if ($question["extra_text"]["value"] != "") { echo '<div class = "hdq_question_after_text">'; echo apply_filters($content_filter, $question["extra_text"]["value"]); echo '</div>'; } } function hdq_get_question_answers($answers, $correct, $randomized) { $n = array(); if ($correct) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($answers); $i++) { $a = array(); $a["answer"] = $answers[$i]["answer"]; $a["image"] = $answers[$i]["image"]; $a["correct"] = in_array($i + 1, $correct); if ($a["answer"] != "" && $a["answer"] != null) { array_push($n, $a); } } if ($randomized == "yes") { shuffle($n); } } return $n; } function hdq_print_jPaginate($hdq_id) { $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $next_text = $settings["hd_qu_next"]["value"]; if ($next_text == "" || $next_text == null) { $next_text = "next"; } $next_text = __($next_text); echo '<div class = "hdq_jPaginate"><div class = "hdq_next_button hdq_jPaginate_button hdq_button" data-id = "' . esc_attr($hdq_id) . '" role = "button" tabindex = "0">' . $next_text . '</div></div>'; } function hdq_print_finish($hdq_id, $jPaginate) { $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $finish_text = $settings["hd_qu_finish"]["value"]; if ($finish_text == "" || $finish_text == null) { $finish_text = "finish"; } if ($jPaginate) { $jPaginate = "hdq_hidden"; } else { $jPaginate = ""; } $finish_text = __($finish_text); do_action("hdq_before_finish_button", $hdq_id); echo '<div class = "hdq_finish"><div class = "hdq_finsh_button hdq_button ' . $jPaginate . '" data-id = "' . esc_attr($hdq_id) . '" role = "button" tabindex = "0">' . $finish_text . '</div></div>'; } function hdq_print_next($hdq_id, $page_num) { $settings = hdq_get_settings(); $next_text = $settings["hd_qu_next"]["value"]; if ($next_text == "" || $next_text == null) { $next_text = "next"; } $page_num = $page_num + 1; $next_page_data = get_the_permalink(); $next_page_data = $next_page_data . 'page/' . $page_num . '?currentScore='; $next_text = __($next_text); echo '<div class = "hdq_next_page"><a class = "hdq_next_page_button hdq_button" data-id = "' . esc_attr($hdq_id) . '" href = "' . esc_url($next_page_data) . '">' . $next_text . '</a></div>'; } function hdq_get_paginate_question_number($i) { if (isset($_GET['totalQuestions'])) { return intval($_GET['totalQuestions'] + $i); } else { return $i; } } /* Default Question Types ------------------------------------------------------- */ function hdq_multiple_choice_text($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/default.php'); } function hdq_multiple_choice_image($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/image.php'); } function hdq_text_based($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/text.php'); } function hdq_title($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/title.php'); } function hdq_select_all_apply_text($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/select-all-text.php'); } function hdq_select_all_apply_image($question_ID, $question_number, $question, $quiz) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/select-all-image.php'); } // polyfill for < php8 if (!function_exists('str_contains')) { function str_contains($haystack, $needle) { return $needle !== '' && mb_strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false; } }