Current Path : /home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/LayerSlider/assets/wp/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/www/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/LayerSlider/assets/wp/shortcodes.php |
<?php // Prevent direct file access defined( 'LS_ROOT_FILE' ) || exit; $GLOBALS['lsLoadPlugins'] = []; $GLOBALS['lsLoadIcons'] = []; $GLOBALS['lsLoadedFonts'] = []; function layerslider( $id = 0, $filters = '', $options = [] ) { $attrs = array_merge( [ 'id' => $id, 'filters' => $filters ], $options ); echo LS_Shortcode::handleShortcode( $attrs ); } class LS_Shortcode { // List of already included sliders on page. // Using to identify duplicates and give them // a unique slider ID to avoid issues with caching. public static $slidersOnPage = []; private function __construct() {} /** * Registers the LayerSlider shortcode. * * @since 5.3.3 * @access public * @return void */ public static function registerShortcode() { if(!shortcode_exists('layerslider')) { add_shortcode('layerslider', [__CLASS__, 'handleShortcode']); } } /** * Handles the shortcode workflow to display the * appropriate content. * * @since 5.3.3 * @access public * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes * @return bool True on successful validation, false otherwise */ public static function handleShortcode( $atts = [] ) { if(self::validateFilters($atts)) { $output = ''; $item = self::validateShortcode( $atts ); // Show error messages (if any) if( ! empty( $item['error'] ) ) { // Bail out early if the visitor has no permission to see error messages if( ! current_user_can(get_option('layerslider_custom_capability', 'manage_options')) ) { return ''; } // Prevent showing errors for Popups if( ! empty($atts['popup']) || ! empty( $item['data']['flag_popup'] ) ) { return ''; } $output .= $item['error']; } if( $item['data'] ) { $output .= self::processShortcode( $item['data'], $atts ); } return $output; } } /** * Validates the provided shortcode filters (if any). * * @since 5.3.3 * @access public * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes * @return bool True on successful validation, false otherwise */ public static function validateFilters($atts = []) { // Bail out early and pass the validation // if there aren't filters provided if(empty($atts['filters'])) { return true; } // Gather data needed for filters $pages = explode(',', $atts['filters']); $currSlug = basename(get_permalink()); $currPageID = (string) get_the_ID(); foreach($pages as $page) { if(($page == 'homepage' && is_front_page()) || $currPageID == $page || $currSlug == $page || in_category($page) ) { return true; } } // No filters matched, // return false return false; } /** * Validates the shortcode parameters and checks * the references slider. * * @since 5.3.3 * @access public * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes * @return bool True on successful validation, false otherwise */ public static function validateShortcode($atts = []) { $error = false; $slider = false; // Has ID attribute if( ! empty( $atts['id'] ) ) { $sliderID = $atts['id']; $slider = self::cacheForSlider( $sliderID ); if( empty( $slider ) ) { $slider = LS_Sliders::find( $sliderID ); // Second attempt to retrieve cache (if any) // based on the actual slider ID instead of alias if( ! empty( $slider['id'] ) ) { if( $cache = self::cacheForSlider( $slider['id'] ) ) { $slider = $cache; } } } // ERROR: No slider with ID was found if( empty( $slider ) ) { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup( __('The project cannot be found', 'LayerSlider'), null ); // ERROR: The slider is not published } elseif( (int)$slider['flag_hidden'] ) { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup( __('Unpublished project', 'LayerSlider'), sprintf(__('The LayerSlider project you’ve embedded here is yet to be published, thus it won’t be displayed to your visitors. You can publish it by enabling the appropriate option in %sProject Settings → Publish%s. ', 'LayerSlider'), '<a href="'.admin_url('admin.php?page=layerslider&action=edit&id='.(int)$slider['id'].'&showsettings=1#publish').'" target="_blank">', '</a>.'), 'dashicons-hidden' ); // ERROR: The slider was removed } elseif( (int)$slider['flag_deleted'] ) { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup( __('Hidden project', 'LayerSlider'), sprintf(__('You’ve hidden this project; thus, it won’t be displayed to your visitors. Below you can see a preview of how it would look if it was displayed publicly. You can restore this project on the LayerSlider admin interface or by %sclicking here%s.', 'LayerSlider'), '<a href="'.wp_nonce_url( admin_url('admin.php?page=layerslider&action=restore&id='.$slider['id'].'&ref='.urlencode(get_permalink()) ), 'restore_'.$slider['id']).'">', '</a>'), 'dashicons-hidden' ); // ERROR: Scheduled sliders } else { if( ! empty($slider['schedule_start']) && (int) $slider['schedule_start'] > time() ) { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup( sprintf(__('This project is scheduled to display on %s', 'LayerSlider'), ls_date(get_option('date_format') .' '. get_option('time_format'), $slider['schedule_start']) ), '', 'dashicons-calendar-alt', 'scheduled' ); } elseif( ! empty($slider['schedule_end']) && (int) $slider['schedule_end'] < time() ) { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup( sprintf(__('This project was scheduled to hide on %s ','LayerSlider'), ls_date(get_option('date_format') .' '. get_option('time_format'), $slider['schedule_end']) ), sprintf(__('Due to scheduling, this project is no longer visible to your visitors. If you wish to reinstate this project, just remove the schedule in %sProject Settings → Publish%s.', 'LayerSlider'), '<a href="'.admin_url('admin.php?page=layerslider&action=edit&id='.(int)$slider['id'].'&showsettings=1#publish').'" target="_blank">', '</a>'), 'dashicons-no-alt', 'dead' ); } } // ERROR: No slider ID was provided } else { $error = self::generateErrorMarkup(); } return [ 'error' => $error, 'data' => $slider ]; } public static function cacheForSlider( $sliderID ) { // Exclude administrators to avoid serving a copy // where notifications and other items may not be present. if( current_user_can( get_option('layerslider_custom_capability', 'manage_options') ) ) { return false; } // Attempt to retrieve the pre-generated markup // set via the Transients API if caching is enabled. if( get_option('ls_use_cache', false) ) { if( $slider = get_transient('ls-slider-data-'.$sliderID) ) { $slider['id'] = $sliderID; $slider['_cached'] = true; return $slider; } } return false; } public static function getUniqueID( ) { return base_convert( rand( 1000000000, PHP_INT_MAX ), 10, 36 ); } public static function processShortcode( $slider, $embed = [] ) { // Slider ID $sID = 'layerslider_'.$slider['id']; $uID = $sID .'_'. self::getUniqueID(); // Include init code in the footer? $condsc = get_option( 'ls_conditional_script_loading', false ); $condsc = apply_filters( 'ls_conditional_script_loading', $condsc ); $footer = get_option( 'ls_include_at_footer', false ); $footer = apply_filters( 'ls_include_at_footer', $footer ); $footer = $condsc ? true : $footer; // Check for the '_cached' key in data, // indicating that it's a pre-generated // slider markup retrieved via Transients if( ! empty( $slider['_cached'] ) ) { $output = $slider; // No cached copy, generate new markup. // Make sure to include some database related // data, since we rely on those to display // notifications for admins. } else { $output = self::generateSliderMarkup( $slider, $embed ); $output['id'] = $slider['id']; $output['schedule_start'] = $slider['schedule_start']; $output['schedule_end'] = $slider['schedule_end']; $output['flag_hidden'] = $slider['flag_hidden']; $output['flag_deleted'] = $slider['flag_deleted']; // Save generated markup if caching is enabled, except for // administrators to avoid serving a copy where notifications // and other items may be present. $capability = get_option('layerslider_custom_capability', 'manage_options'); $permission = current_user_can( $capability ); if( get_option('ls_use_cache', false) && ! $permission ) { set_transient('ls-slider-data-'.$slider['id'], $output, HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 6); } } // Replace slider ID to avoid issues with enabled caching when // adding the same slider to a page in multiple times $output['init'] = str_replace( $sID, $uID, $output['init'] ); $output['container'] = str_replace( $sID, $uID, $output['container'] ); $sID = $uID; // Override firstSlide if it is specified in embed params if( ! empty( $embed['firstslide'] ) ) { $output['init'] = str_replace('[firstSlide]', $embed['firstslide'], $output['init']); } // Filter to override the printed JavaScript init code if( has_filter('layerslider_slider_init') ) { $output['init'] = apply_filters('layerslider_slider_init', $output['init'], $slider, $sID ); } // Unify the whole markup after any potential string replacement $output['markup'] = $output['container'].$output['markup']; // Filter to override the printed HTML markup if( has_filter('layerslider_slider_markup') ) { $output['markup'] = apply_filters('layerslider_slider_markup', $output['markup'], $slider, $sID); } // Plugins if( ! empty( $output['plugins'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['lsLoadPlugins'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['lsLoadPlugins'], $output['plugins']); } // Fonts if( ! empty( $output['fonts'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['lsLoadIcons'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['lsLoadIcons'], $output['fonts']); } if( $footer ) { $GLOBALS['lsSliderInit'][] = $output['init']; return $output['markup']; } else { $output['init'] = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$output['init'].'</script>'; return $output['init'].$output['markup']; } } public static function generateSliderMarkup( $slider = null, $embed = [] ) { // Bail out early if no params received or using Popup on unactivated sites if( ! $slider || ( (int)$slider['flag_popup'] && ! LS_Config::isActivatedSite() ) || ! LS_Config::isActivatedSite() && ! empty( $slider['data']['properties']['pt'] ) ) { return ['init' => '', 'container' => '', 'markup' => '']; } // Slider and markup data $id = $slider['id']; $sliderID = 'layerslider_'.$id; $slides = $slider['data']; // Store generated output $lsInit = []; $lsContainer = []; $lsMarkup = []; $lsPlugins = []; $lsFonts = []; // Include slider file if( is_array( $slides ) ) { // Get DOM utils if( ! class_exists('\LayerSlider\DOM') ) { require_once LS_ROOT_PATH.'/classes/'; } $GLOBALS['lsInitAjaxURL'] = false; $GLOBALS['lsPremiumNotice'] = []; $GLOBALS['lsIsActivatedSite'] = LS_Config::isActivatedSite(); // Temporarily disable using the loading="lazy" // attribute based on the plugin advanced settings if( ! get_option('ls_use_loading_attribute', false ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_lazy_loading_enabled', 'ls_lazy_loading_cb'); } include LS_ROOT_PATH.'/config/defaults.php'; include LS_ROOT_PATH.'/includes/slider_markup_setup.php'; include LS_ROOT_PATH.'/includes/slider_markup_html.php'; include LS_ROOT_PATH.'/includes/slider_markup_init.php'; // Remove the filter that we used to temporarily // disable using the loading="lazy" attribute remove_filter( 'wp_lazy_loading_enabled', 'ls_lazy_loading_cb'); // Admin notice when using premium features on non-activated sites if( ! empty( $GLOBALS['lsPremiumNotice'] ) ) { array_unshift($lsContainer, self::generateErrorMarkup( __('Premium features is available for preview purposes only.', 'LayerSlider'), sprintf(__('We’ve detected that you’re using premium features in this project, but you have not yet registered your copy of LayerSlider. Premium features in your projects will not be available for your visitors without license registration. %sClick here to learn more%s. Detected features: %s', 'LayerSlider'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>', implode(', ', $GLOBALS['lsPremiumNotice'])), 'dashicons-star-filled', 'info' )); } } $lsInit = implode('', $lsInit); $lsContainer = implode('', $lsContainer); $lsMarkup = implode('', $lsMarkup); // Concatenate output if( get_option('ls_concatenate_output', false) ) { $lsInit = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', $lsInit)); $lsContainer = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', $lsContainer)); $lsMarkup = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', $lsMarkup)); } // Bug fix in v5.4.0: Use self closing tag for <source> $lsMarkup = str_replace('></source>', ' />', $lsMarkup); // Return formatted data return [ 'init' => $lsInit, 'container' => $lsContainer, 'markup' => $lsMarkup, 'plugins' => array_unique( $lsPlugins ), 'fonts' => array_unique( $lsFonts ) ]; } public static function generateErrorMarkup( $title = null, $description = null, $logo = 'dashicons-warning', $customClass = '' ) { if( ! $title ) { $title = __('LayerSlider encountered a problem while it tried to show your project.', 'LayerSlider'); } if( is_null($description) ) { $description = __('Please make sure that you’ve used the right shortcode or method to embed the project, and check if the corresponding project exists and it wasn’t deleted previously.', 'LayerSlider'); } if( $description ) { $description .= '<br><br>'; } $logo = $logo ? '<i class="lswp-notification-logo dashicons '.$logo.'"></i>' : ''; $notice = __('Only you and other administrators can see this to take appropriate actions if necessary.', 'LayerSlider'); $classes = ['error', 'info', 'scheduled', 'dead']; if( ! empty($customClass) && ! in_array($customClass, $classes) ) { $customClass = ''; } return '<div class="ls-clearfix lswp-notification '.$customClass.'"> '.$logo.' <strong>'.$title.'</strong> <span>'.$description.'</span> <small> <i class="dashicons dashicons-lock"></i> '.$notice.' </small> </div>'; } }