
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/thanudqk/
Upload File :
Current File : //home/thanudqk/

 * Class Utils holds common functions used by the plugin.
 * Class has the following structure:
 * I.   General helper functions
 * II.  Layout functions
 * III. Time and date functions
 * IV.  Link and url functions
 * V.   Modules functions
 * @package Hummingbird\Core
 * @since 1.8

namespace Hummingbird\Core;

use Hummingbird\WP_Hummingbird;
use WP_User;
use WPMUDEV_Dashboard;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

 * Class Utils
class Utils {

	 * I. General helper functions
	 * is_member()
	 * is_free_installed()
	 * is_dash_logged_in()
	 * src_to_path()
	 * enqueue_admin_scripts()
	 * get_admin_capability()
	 * get_current_user_name()
	 * get_user_for_report()
	 * calculate_sum()
	 * format_bytes()
	 * format_interval()
	 * format_interval_hours()

	 * Check if user is a paid one in WPMU DEV
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_member() {
		if ( class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard' ) ) {
			if ( method_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Api', 'get_membership_projects' ) && method_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Api', 'get_membership_type' ) ) {
				$type     = WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api->get_membership_type();
				$projects = WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api->get_membership_projects();

				if ( ( 'unit' === $type && in_array( 1081721, $projects, true ) ) || ( 'single' === $type && 1081721 === $projects ) ) {
					return true;

				if ( function_exists( 'is_wpmudev_member' ) ) {
					return is_wpmudev_member();

				return false;

		return false;

	 * Check if WPMU DEV Dashboard Plugin is logged in
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_dash_logged_in() {
		if ( ! class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard' ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( ! is_object( WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( ! method_exists( WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api, 'has_key' ) ) {
			return false;

		return WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api->has_key();

	 * Try to cast a source URL to a path
	 * @param string $src  Source.
	 * @return string
	public static function src_to_path( $src ) {
		$path = wp_parse_url( $src );

		// Scheme will not be set on a URL.
		$url = isset( $path['scheme'] );

		$path = ltrim( $path['path'], '/' );

		 * DOCUMENT_ROOT does not always store the correct path. For example, Bedrock appends /wp/ to the default dir.
		 * So if the source is a URL, we can safely use DOCUMENT_ROOT, else see if ABSPATH is defined.
		if ( $url ) {
			$path = path_join( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $path );
		} else {
			$root = defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ? ABSPATH : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
			$path = path_join( $root, $path );

		$path = wp_normalize_path( $path );

		return apply_filters( 'wphb_src_to_path', $path, $src );

	 * Enqueues admin scripts
	 * @param int $ver Current version number of scripts.
	public static function enqueue_admin_scripts( $ver ) {
		wp_enqueue_script( 'wphb-admin', WPHB_DIR_URL . 'admin/assets/js/wphb-app.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'underscore' ), $ver, true );

		$last_report = Modules\Performance::get_last_report();
		if ( is_object( $last_report ) && isset( $last_report->data ) ) {
			$desktop_score = is_object( $last_report->data->desktop ) ? $last_report->data->desktop->score : '-';
			$mobile_score  = is_object( $last_report->data->mobile ) ? $last_report->data->mobile->score : '-';

		$i10n = array(
			'cloudflare' => array(
				'is' => array(
					'connected' => self::get_module( 'cloudflare' )->is_connected() && self::get_module( 'cloudflare' )->is_zone_selected(),
			'nonces'     => array(
				'HBFetchNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wphb-fetch' ),
			'strings'    => array(
				/* Performance test strings */
				'previousScoreMobile'    => isset( $mobile_score ) ? $mobile_score : '-',
				'previousScoreDesktop'   => isset( $desktop_score ) ? $desktop_score : '-',
				'removeButtonText'       => __( 'Remove', 'wphb' ),
				'youLabelText'           => __( 'You', 'wphb' ),
				'scanRunning'            => __( 'Running speed test...', 'wphb' ),
				'scanAnalyzing'          => __( 'Analyzing data and preparing report...', 'wphb' ),
				'scanWaiting'            => __( 'Test is taking a little longer than expected, hang in there…', 'wphb' ),
				'scanComplete'           => __( 'Test complete! Reloading...', 'wphb' ),
				/* Caching strings */
				'errorCachePurge'        => __( 'There was an error during the cache purge. Check folder permissions are 755 for /wp-content/wphb-cache or delete directory manually.', 'wphb' ),
				'successGravatarPurge'   => __( 'Gravatar cache purged.', 'wphb' ),
				'successPageCachePurge'  => __( 'Page cache purged.', 'wphb' ),
				'errorRecheckStatus'     => __( 'There was an error re-checking the caching status, please try again later.', 'wphb' ),
				'successRecheckStatus'   => __( 'Browser caching status updated.', 'wphb' ),
				'successCloudflarePurge' => __( 'Cloudflare cache successfully purged. Please wait 30 seconds for the purge to complete.', 'wphb' ),
				'successRedisPurge'      => __( 'Your cache has been cleared.', 'wphb' ),
				/* Misc */
				'htaccessUpdated'        => __( 'Your .htaccess file has been updated', 'wphb' ),
				'htaccessUpdatedFailed'  => __( 'There was an error updating the .htaccess file', 'wphb' ),
				'errorSettingsUpdate'    => __( 'Error updating settings', 'wphb' ),
				'successUpdate'          => __( 'Settings updated', 'wphb' ),
				'deleteAll'              => __( 'Delete All', 'wphb' ),
				'db_delete'              => __( 'Are you sure you wish to delete', 'wphb' ),
				'db_entries'             => __( 'database entries', 'wphb' ),
				'db_backup'              => __( 'Make sure you have a current backup just in case.', 'wphb' ),
				'successRecipientAdded'  => __( ' has been added as a recipient but you still need to save your changes below to set this live.', 'wphb' ),
				'confirmRecipient'       => __( 'Your changes have been saved successfully. Any new recipients will receive an email shortly to confirm their subscription to these emails.', 'wphb' ),
				'awaitingConfirmation'   => __( 'Awaiting confirmation', 'wphb' ),
				'resendEmail'            => __( 'Resend email', 'wphb' ),
				'dismissLabel'           => __( 'Dismiss', 'wphb' ),
				'successAdvPurgeCache'   => __( 'Preload cache purged successfully.', 'wphb' ),
				'successAdvPurgeMinify'  => __( 'All database data and Custom Post Type information related to Asset Optimization has been cleared successfully.', 'wphb' ),
				'successAoOrphanedPurge' => __( 'Database entries removed successfully.', 'wphb' ),
			'links'      => array(
				'audits'        => self::get_admin_menu_url( 'performance' ) . '&view=audits',
				'tutorials'     => self::get_admin_menu_url( 'tutorials' ),
				'disableUptime' => add_query_arg(
						'action'   => 'disable',
						'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wphb-toggle-uptime' ),
					self::get_admin_menu_url( 'uptime' )
				'resetSettings' => add_query_arg( 'wphb-clear', 'all', self::get_admin_menu_url() ),

		$minify_module = self::get_module( 'minify' );
		$is_scanning   = $minify_module->scanner->is_scanning();

		if ( $minify_module->is_on_page() || $is_scanning ) {
			$i10n = array_merge_recursive(
					'minification' => array(
						'is'  => array(
							'scanning' => $is_scanning,
							'scanned'  => $minify_module->scanner->is_files_scanned(),
						'get' => array(
							'currentScanStep' => $minify_module->scanner->get_current_scan_step(),
							'totalSteps'      => $minify_module->scanner->get_scan_steps(),
							'showCDNModal'    => ! is_multisite(),
							'showSwitchModal' => (bool) get_option( 'wphb-minification-show-config_modal' ),
					'strings'      => array(
						'discardAlert'  => __( 'Are you sure? All your changes will be lost', 'wphb' ),
						'queuedTooltip' => __( 'This file is queued for compression. It will get optimized when someone visits a page that requires it.', 'wphb' ),
						'excludeFile'   => __( "Don't load file", 'wphb' ),
						'includeFile'   => __( 'Re-include', 'wphb' ),
					'links'        => array(
						'minification' => self::get_admin_menu_url( 'minification' ),

		if ( ! apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_hide_doc_link', false ) && $minify_module->is_on_page( true ) ) {
			wp_enqueue_script( 'wphb-react-tutorials', WPHB_DIR_URL . 'admin/assets/js/wphb-react-tutorials.min.js', array( 'wp-i18n' ), WPHB_VERSION, true );

		global $wpdb, $wp_version;

		$i10n = array_merge_recursive(
				'mixpanel' => array(
					'enabled'        => Settings::get_setting( 'tracking', 'settings' ),
					'plugin'         => 'Hummingbird',
					'plugin_type'    => self::is_member() ? 'pro' : 'free',
					'plugin_version' => WPHB_VERSION,
					'wp_version'     => $wp_version,
					'wp_type'        => is_multisite() ? 'multisite' : 'single',
					'locale'         => get_locale(),
					'active_theme'   => wp_get_theme()->get( 'Name' ),
					'php_version'    => PHP_VERSION,
					'mysql_version'  => $wpdb->db_version(),
					'server_type'    => Module_Server::get_server_type(),

		wp_localize_script( 'wphb-admin', 'wphb', $i10n );

	 * Return the needed capability for admin pages.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_admin_capability() {
		$cap = 'manage_options';

		if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) {
			$cap = 'manage_network';

		return apply_filters( 'wphb_admin_capability', $cap );

	 * Get Current username info
	public static function get_current_user_name() {
		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();

		if ( ! ( $current_user instanceof WP_User ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( ! empty( $current_user->user_firstname ) ) { // First we try to grab user First Name.
			return $current_user->user_firstname;

		return $current_user->user_nicename;

	 * Get the default user data for the report.
	 * @since 1.9.4
	 * @return array
	public static function get_user_for_report() {
		/** Current user @var WP_User $user */
		$user = wp_get_current_user();

		if ( empty( $user->first_name ) && empty( $user->last_name ) ) {
			$name = $user->user_login;
		} else {
			$name = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;

		return array(
			'name'  => $name,
			'email' => $user->user_email,

	 * This function will calculate the sum of file sizes in an array.
	 * We need this, because Asset Optimization module will store 'original_size' and 'compressed_size' values as
	 * strings, and such strings will contain &nbsp; instead of spaces, thus making it impossible to sum all the
	 * values with array_sum().
	 * @since 1.9.2
	 * @param array $arr  Array of items with sizes as strings.
	 * @return int|mixed
	public static function calculate_sum( $arr ) {
		$sum = 0;

		// Get separators from locale. Some Windows servers will return blank values.
		$locale        = localeconv();
		$thousands_sep = $locale['thousands_sep'] ?: ',';
		$decimal_point = $locale['decimal_point'] ?: '.';

		foreach ( $arr as $item => $value ) {
			if ( is_null( $value ) ) {

			// Remove spaces.
			$sum += (float) str_replace(
				array( '&nbsp;', $thousands_sep, $decimal_point ),
				array( '', '', '.' ),

		return $sum;

	 * Return the file size in a humanly readable format.
	 * Taken from
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param int $bytes      Number of bytes.
	 * @param int $precision  Precision.
	 * @return string
	public static function format_bytes( $bytes, $precision = 1 ) {
		$units  = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' );
		$bytes  = max( $bytes, 0 );
		$pow    = floor( ( $bytes ? log( $bytes ) : 0 ) / log( 1024 ) );
		$pow    = min( $pow, count( $units ) - 1 );
		$bytes /= pow( 1024, $pow );

		return round( $bytes, $precision ) . ' ' . $units[ $pow ];

	 * Convert seconds to a readable value.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param int $seconds  Number of seconds.
	 * @return string
	public static function format_interval( $seconds ) {
		if ( 3600 <= $seconds && 86400 > $seconds ) {
			return floor( $seconds / HOUR_IN_SECONDS ) . ' h';

		if ( 86400 <= $seconds && 2419200 > $seconds ) {
			return floor( $seconds / DAY_IN_SECONDS ) . ' d';

		if ( 2419200 <= $seconds && 31536000 > $seconds ) {
			return floor( $seconds / MONTH_IN_SECONDS ) . ' m';

		if ( 31536000 < $seconds && 26611200 >= $seconds ) {
			return floor( $seconds / YEAR_IN_SECONDS ) . ' y';

		return '-';

	 * Format hours into days.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @param int $hours  Number of hours.
	 * @return array
	public static function format_interval_hours( $hours ) {
		if ( $hours <= 24 ) {
			return array( $hours, 'hours' );

		$days = floor( $hours / 24 );
		return array( $days, 'days' );

	 * II. Layout functions
	 * get_servers_dropdown()
	 * get_caching_frequencies_dropdown()

	 * Get servers dropdown.
	 * @param bool|string $selected  Selected server.
	public static function get_servers_dropdown( $selected = false ) {
		$selected = $selected ? $selected : Module_Server::get_server_type();
		<select class="sui-select" name="wphb-server-type" id="wphb-server-type" class="server-type">
			<?php foreach ( Module_Server::get_servers() as $server => $server_name ) : ?>
				<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $server ); ?>" <?php selected( $server, $selected ); ?>>
					if ( 'Apache/LiteSpeed' === $server_name ) {
						$server_name = 'Apache';
					echo esc_html( $server_name );
			<?php endforeach; ?>
			<option value="litespeed" <?php selected( 'litespeed', $selected ); ?>>
				Open LiteSpeed

	 * Prepare dropdown select with caching expiry settings.
	 * @param array $args        Arguments list.
	 * @param bool  $cloudflare  Get Cloudflare frequencies.
	public static function get_caching_frequencies_dropdown( $args = array(), $cloudflare = false ) {
		$defaults = array(
			'selected'  => false,
			'name'      => 'expiry-select',
			'id'        => false,
			'class'     => 'sui-select',
			'data-type' => '',

		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

		if ( ! $args['id'] ) {
			$args['id'] = $args['name'];

		if ( $cloudflare ) {
			$frequencies = Modules\Cloudflare::get_frequencies();
		} else {
			$frequencies = Modules\Caching::get_frequencies();

		<select id="<?php echo esc_attr( $args['id'] ); ?>" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $args['name'] ); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $args['class'] ); ?>" data-type="<?php echo esc_attr( $args['data-type'] ); ?>">
			<?php foreach ( $frequencies as $key => $value ) : ?>
				<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>" <?php selected( $args['selected'], $key ); ?>><?php echo $value; ?></option>
			<?php endforeach; ?>

	 * III. Time and date functions
	 * human_read_time_diff()
	 * get_days_of_week()
	 * get_times()

	 * Credits to:
	 * @param int $seconds  Seconds.
	 * @return string
	public static function human_read_time_diff( $seconds ) {
		if ( ! $seconds ) {
			return __( 'Disabled', 'wphb' );

		$minutes = 0;
		$hours   = 0;
		$days    = 0;
		$months  = 0;
		$years   = 0;

		while ( $seconds >= YEAR_IN_SECONDS ) {
			$years ++;
			$seconds = $seconds - YEAR_IN_SECONDS;

		while ( $seconds >= MONTH_IN_SECONDS ) {
			$months ++;
			$seconds = $seconds - MONTH_IN_SECONDS;

		while ( $seconds >= DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
			$days ++;
			$seconds = $seconds - DAY_IN_SECONDS;

		while ( $seconds >= HOUR_IN_SECONDS ) {
			$seconds = $seconds - HOUR_IN_SECONDS;

		while ( $seconds >= MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) {
			$seconds = $seconds - MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;

		$diff = new \stdClass();

		$diff->y = $years;
		$diff->m = $months;
		$diff->d = $days;
		$diff->h = $hours;
		$diff->i = $minutes;
		$diff->s = $seconds;

		if ( $diff->y || ( 11 === $diff->m && 30 <= $diff->d ) ) {
			$years = $diff->y;
			if ( 11 === $diff->m && 30 <= $diff->d ) {
			/* translators: %d: year */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d year', '%d years', $years, 'wphb' ), $years );
		} elseif ( $diff->m ) {
			/* translators: %d: month */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d month', '%d months', $diff->m, 'wphb' ), $diff->m );
		} elseif ( $diff->d ) {
			/* translators: %d: day */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d day', '%d days', $diff->d, 'wphb' ), $diff->d );
		} elseif ( $diff->h ) {
			/* translators: %d: hour */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d hour', '%d hours', $diff->h, 'wphb' ), $diff->h );
		} elseif ( $diff->i ) {
			/* translators: %d: minute */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d minute', '%d minutes', $diff->i, 'wphb' ), $diff->i );
		} else {
			/* translators: %d: second */
			$diff_time = sprintf( _n( '%d second', '%d seconds', $diff->s, 'wphb' ), $diff->s );

		return $diff_time;

	 * Get days of the week.
	 * @since 1.4.5
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_days_of_week() {
		$timestamp = strtotime( 'next Monday' );
		if ( 7 === get_option( 'start_of_week' ) ) {
			$timestamp = strtotime( 'next Sunday' );
		$days = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i ++ ) {
			$days[]    = strftime( '%A', $timestamp );
			$timestamp = strtotime( '+1 day', $timestamp );

		return apply_filters( 'wphb_scan_get_days_of_week', $days );

	 * Return times frame for select box
	 * @since 1.4.5
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_times() {
		$data = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < 24; $i ++ ) {
			foreach ( apply_filters( 'wphb_scan_get_times_interval', array( '00' ) ) as $min ) {
				$time          = $i . ':' . $min;
				$data[ $time ] = apply_filters( 'wphb_scan_get_times_hour_min', $time );

		return apply_filters( 'wphb_scan_get_times', $data );

	 * IV. Link and url functions
	 * get_link()
	 * get_documentation_url()
	 * still_having_trouble_link()
	 * get_admin_menu_url()
	 * get_avatar_url()

	 * Return URL link.
	 * @param string $link_for Accepts: 'chat', 'plugin', 'support', 'smush', 'docs'.
	 * @param string $campaign  Utm campaign tag to be used in link. Default: 'hummingbird_pro_modal_upgrade'.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_link( $link_for, $campaign = 'hummingbird_pro_modal_upgrade' ) {
		$domain   = '';
		$wp_org   = '';
		$utm_tags = "?utm_source=hummingbird&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign={$campaign}";

		switch ( $link_for ) {
			case 'chat':
				$link = "{$domain}/live-support/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'plugin':
				$link = "{$domain}/project/wp-hummingbird/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'support':
				if ( self::is_member() ) {
					$link = "{$domain}/hub/support/#get-support";
				} else {
					$link = "{$wp_org}/support/plugin/hummingbird-performance";
			case 'docs':
				$link = "{$domain}/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/hummingbird/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'smush':
				if ( self::is_member() ) {
					// Return the pro plugin URL.
					$url  = WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$ui->page_urls->plugins_url;
					$link = $url . '#pid=912164';
				} else {
					// Return the free URL.
					$link = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=wp-smushit' ), 'install-plugin_wp-smushit' );
			case 'smush-plugin':
				$link = "{$domain}/project/wp-smush-pro/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'hosting':
				$link = "{$domain}/hosting/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'wpmudev':
				$link = "{$domain}/{$utm_tags}";
			case 'tutorials':
				$link = "{$domain}/blog/tutorials/tutorial-category/hummingbird-pro/{$utm_tags}";
				$link = '';

		return $link;

	 * Get documentation URL.
	 * @since 1.7.0
	 * @param string $page  Page slug.
	 * @param string $view  View slug.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_documentation_url( $page, $view = '' ) {
		switch ( $page ) {
			case 'wphb-performance':
				if ( 'reports' === $view ) {
					$anchor = '#reports-pro';
				} else {
					$anchor = '#performance-report';
			case 'wphb-caching':
				$anchor = '#caching';
			case 'wphb-gzip':
				$anchor = '#gzip-compression';
			case 'wphb-minification':
				$anchor = '#asset-optimization';
			case 'wphb-advanced':
				$anchor = '#advanced-tools';
			case 'wphb-uptime':
				$anchor = '#uptime-monitoring-pro';
			case 'wphb-settings':
				$anchor = '#settings';
				$anchor = '';

		return '' . $anchor;

	 * Display start a live chat link for pro user or open support ticket for non-pro user.
	public static function still_having_trouble_link() {
		esc_html_e( 'Still having trouble? ', 'wphb' );
		if ( self::is_member() && ! apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_hide_branding', false ) ) :
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( self::get_link( 'chat' ) ); ?>">
				<?php esc_html_e( 'Start a live chat.', 'wphb' ); ?>
		<?php else : ?>
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( self::get_link( 'support' ) ); ?>">
				<?php esc_html_e( 'Open a support ticket.', 'wphb' ); ?>

	 * Get url for plugin module page.
	 * @param string $page  Page.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_admin_menu_url( $page = '' ) {
		$hummingbird = WP_Hummingbird::get_instance();

		if ( is_object( $hummingbird->admin ) ) {
			$page_slug = empty( $page ) ? 'wphb' : 'wphb-' . $page;
			$page      = $hummingbird->admin->get_admin_page( $page_slug );
			if ( $page ) {
				return $page->get_page_url();

		return '';

	 * Get avatar URL.
	 * @since 1.4.5
	 * @param string $get_avatar User email.
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_avatar_url( $get_avatar ) {
		preg_match( "/src='(.*?)'/i", $get_avatar, $matches );

		return $matches[1];

	 * V. Modules functions
	 * get_api()
	 * get_modules()
	 * get_module()
	 * get_active_cache_modules()
	 * get_number_of_issues()
	 * minified_files_count()
	 * remove_quick_setup()

	 * Get API.
	 * @return Api\API
	public static function get_api() {
		$hummingbird = WP_Hummingbird::get_instance();
		return $hummingbird->core->api;

	 * Return the list of modules and their object instances
	 * Do not try to load before 'wp_hummingbird_loaded' action has been executed
	 * @return mixed
	private static function get_modules() {
		$hummingbird = WP_Hummingbird::get_instance();
		return $hummingbird->core->modules;

	 * Get a module instance
	 * @param string $module Module slug.
	 * @return bool|Module|Modules\Page_Cache|Modules\GZip|Modules\Minify|Modules\Cloudflare|Modules\Uptime|Modules\Performance|Modules\Advanced|Modules\Redis|Modules\Caching
	public static function get_module( $module ) {
		$modules = self::get_modules();
		return isset( $modules[ $module ] ) ? $modules[ $module ] : false;

	 * Return human readable names of active modules that have a cache.
	 * Checks Page, Gravatar & Asset Optimization.
	 * @return array
	public static function get_active_cache_modules() {
		$modules = array(
			'page_cache' => __( 'Page Cache', 'wphb' ),
			'cloudflare' => __( 'CloudFlare', 'wphb' ),
			'gravatar'   => __( 'Gravatar Cache', 'wphb' ),
			'minify'     => __( 'Asset Optimization Cache', 'wphb' ),
			'redis'      => __( 'Redis Cache', 'wphb' ),

		$hb_modules = self::get_modules();

		foreach ( $modules as $module => $module_name ) {
			// If inactive, skip to next step.
			if ( 'cloudflare' !== $module && isset( $hb_modules[ $module ] ) && ! $hb_modules[ $module ]->is_active() ) {
				unset( $modules[ $module ] );

			// Fix CloudFlare clear cache appearing on dashboard if it had been previously enabled but then uninstalled and reinstalled HB.
			// TODO: do we need this?
			if ( 'cloudflare' === $module && isset( $hb_modules[ $module ] ) && ! $hb_modules[ $module ]->is_connected() && ! $hb_modules[ $module ]->is_zone_selected() ) {
				unset( $modules[ $module ] );

		return $modules;

	 * Get the number of issues for selected module
	 * @since 1.8.1 Added $report parameter.
	 * @param string     $module Module name.
	 * @param bool|array $report Current report.
	 * @return int
	public static function get_number_of_issues( $module, $report = false ) {
		$issues = 0;

		switch ( $module ) {
			case 'caching':
				$mod = self::get_module( $module );

				if ( ! $report ) {
					$report = $mod->status;

				// No report - break.
				if ( ! $report ) {

				$recommended = $mod->get_recommended_caching_values();
				foreach ( $report as $type => $value ) {
					$t = strtolower( $type );
					if ( empty( $value ) || $recommended[ $t ]['value'] > $value ) {
					unset( $t );
			case 'gzip':
				if ( ! $report ) {
					$mod = self::get_module( $module );
					$report = $mod->status;

				// No report - break.
				if ( ! $report ) {

				$invalid = 0;
				foreach ( $report as $item => $type ) {
					if ( ! $type || 'privacy' === $type ) {

				$issues = $invalid;

		return $issues;

	 * Return the number of files used by minification.
	 * @since 1.4.5
	 * @param bool $only_minified  Only minified files.
	 * @return int
	public static function minified_files_count( $only_minified = false ) {
		$minify_module = self::get_module( 'minify' );

		// Get files count.
		$collection = $minify_module->get_resources_collection();
		// Remove those assets that we don't want to display.
		foreach ( $collection['styles'] as $key => $item ) {
			if ( ! apply_filters( 'wphb_minification_display_enqueued_file', true, $item, 'styles' ) ) {
				unset( $collection['styles'][ $key ] );

			// Keep only minified files.
			if ( $only_minified && ! preg_match( '/\.min\.(css|js)/', basename( $item['src'] ) ) ) {
				unset( $collection['styles'][ $key ] );
		foreach ( $collection['scripts'] as $key => $item ) {
			if ( ! apply_filters( 'wphb_minification_display_enqueued_file', true, $item, 'scripts' ) ) {
				unset( $collection['scripts'][ $key ] );

			// Kepp only minified files.
			if ( $only_minified && ! preg_match( '/\.min\.(css|js)/', basename( $item['src'] ) ) ) {
				unset( $collection['scripts'][ $key ] );

		return ( count( $collection['scripts'] ) + count( $collection['styles'] ) );

	 * Returns a list of incompatible plugins if any
	 * @return array
	public static function get_incompat_plugin_list() {
		$plugins         = array();
		$caching_plugins = array(
			'autoptimize/autoptimize.php'               => 'Autoptimize',
			'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php'       => 'LiteSpeed Cache',
			'speed-booster-pack/speed-booster-pack.php' => 'Speed Booster Pack',
			'swift-performance-lite/performance.php'    => 'Swift Performance Lite',
			'w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php'         => 'W3 Total Cache',
			'wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php'       => 'WP Fastest Cache',
			'wp-optimize/wp-optimize.php'               => 'WP-Optimize',
			'wp-performance-score-booster/wp-performance-score-booster.php' => 'WP Performance Score Booster',
			'wp-performance/wp-performance.php'         => 'WP Performance',
			'wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php'               => 'WP Super Cache',

		foreach ( $caching_plugins as $plugin => $plugin_name ) {
			if ( is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) {
				$plugins[ $plugin ] = $plugin_name;

		return $plugins;
