Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/ |
# Copyright (C) 2020 wp-optimize # This file is distributed under the same license as the wp-optimize package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: wp-optimize\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: John Doe <>\n" "Language-Team: Team Updraft <>\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:62 msgid "Page caching was disabled, but with some warnings:" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:82 msgid "Page caching was enabled, but with some warnings:" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:127 msgid "Caching is enabled" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:127 msgid "Caching is disabled" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:130 msgid "Current cache size: %s" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:131 msgid "Number of files: %s" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:185 msgid "Page cache purged successfully" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:209 msgid "Preloading is currently running in another process." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:216 msgid "All URLs were preloaded into cache successfully" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:219 msgid "Preloading URLs into cache..." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-cache-commands.php:279 msgid "Page cache settings updated successfully." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-config.php:183 msgid "The cache configuration file could not be saved to the disk; please check the file/folder permissions of %s ." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:190 msgid "Page cache is disabled." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:209 msgid "Probably page cache preload is running already." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:377, src/wp-optimize.php:1093 msgid "Loading URLs..." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:392 msgid "Last preload finished at %s" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:406 msgid "%1$s out of %2$s URL preloaded" msgid_plural "%1$s out of %2$s URLs preloaded" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:408 msgid "Preloading posts found in sitemap:" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:466 msgid "Creating tasks for preload site urls." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:482 msgid "Tasks for preload site urls created." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-cache-preloader.php:576 msgid "%d url found." msgid_plural "%d urls found." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:170, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:173, src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:44 msgid "Purge cache" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:180, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:183 msgid "Purge this page" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:190, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:193, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:200, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:203 msgid "Purge all pages" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:260, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:274 msgid "The page cache was successfully purged." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:267, src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:281 msgid "The page cache was not purged." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:347 msgid "Your WP install might not have permission to write inside the wp-content folder." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:350 msgid "1. Please navigate, via FTP, to the folder - %s" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:351 msgid "2. Edit or create a file with the name advanced-cache.php" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:352 msgid "3. Copy and paste the following lines into the file:" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:389 msgid "Could not turn off the WP_CACHE constant in wp-config.php" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:399 msgid "The request to the filesystem to remove or empty advanced-cache.php failed" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:405 msgid "The page caching could not be disabled: the WP_CACHE constant could not be removed from wp-config.php and the request to the filesystem to remove or empty advanced-cache.php failed." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:650 msgid "Please try to disable and then re-enable the WP-Optimize cache manually." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:748 msgid "Unable to write to or find wp-config.php; please check file/folder permissions." msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:756 msgid "Unable to write the file advanced-cache.php inside the wp-content folder; please check file/folder permissions" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:763 msgid "Unable to write inside the cache files folder (%s); please check file/folder permissions (no cache files will be able to be created otherwise)" msgstr "" #: src/cache/class-wpo-page-cache.php:776 msgid "Unable to write inside the cache configuration folder (%s); please check file/folder permissions" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:28 msgid "Output is too small (less than %d bytes) to be worth caching" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:33 msgid "User is logged in" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:43 msgid "WP-O cache parent directory was not found" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:47 msgid "WP-O cache directory was not found" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:58 msgid "Comments are opened and the visitor saved his information." msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:72 msgid "DONOTCACHEPAGE constant or wpo_can_cache_page filter forbade it" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:76 msgid "This is a REST API request (identified by REST_REQUEST constant)" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:95 msgid "Attempt to create subfolder within cache directory failed" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:213 msgid "Page type is not cacheable (search, 404 or password-protected)" msgstr "" #: src/cache/file-based-page-cache-functions.php:219 msgid "In the settings, caching is disabled for the front page" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-commands.php:195, src/includes/class-commands.php:243, src/includes/class-commands.php:285 msgid "No optimization was indicated." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-commands.php:423 msgid "We could not determine if Gzip compression is enabled." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-commands.php:435, src/includes/class-commands.php:444 msgid "Please upload a valid settings file." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-abstract-logger.php:82 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-email-logger.php:26 msgid "Log events to email" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-email-logger.php:37 msgid "Enter email for logs here" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-file-logger.php:32 msgid "Log events into a log file" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-php-logger.php:25 msgid "Log events into the PHP error log" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-ring-logger.php:24 msgid "Store the most recent log entries in the WordPress database" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-ring-logger.php:34 msgid "How many last records store?" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:63, src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:285 msgid "The blog ID provided does not match the current blog." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:127 msgid "The image was restored successfully" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:168 msgid "Since your compression statistics were last reset, a total of %d image(s) were compressed on this site, saving approximately %s of space at an average of %02d percent per image." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:169 msgid "%d image(s) could not be compressed. Please see the logs for more information, or try again later." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:170 msgid "%d image(s) images were selected for compressing previously, but were not all processed. You can either complete them now or cancel and retry later." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:179 msgid "A total of %d image(s) were successfully compressed in this iteration. " msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:183 msgid "%d selected image(s) could not be compressed. Please see the logs for more information, you may try again later." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:212 msgid "Options could not be updated" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:218 msgid "Options updated successfully" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:233 msgid "Stats could not be cleared" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:238 msgid "Stats cleared successfully" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:278 msgid "Pending tasks could not be cleared" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:283 msgid "Pending tasks cleared successfully" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:306 msgid "This image is marked as already compressed by another tool." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:329 msgid "The selected image was successfully marked as uncompressed" msgid_plural "The selected images were successfully marked as uncompressed" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:331 msgid "The selected image was successfully marked as compressed" msgid_plural "The selected images were successfully marked as compressed" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:358, src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:382, src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:437 msgid "All the compressed images were successfully restored." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:384, src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:443 msgid "All the compressed images were successfully marked as uncompressed." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager-commands.php:426 msgid "Log file does not exist or could not be read" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:133, src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:253 msgid "The file was compressed to %s using WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:136 msgid "The file was compressed from %s to %s, saving %s percent, using WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:331 msgid "The backup was not found; it may have been deleted or was already restored" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:333 msgid "The destination could not be written to." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:333 msgid "Please check your folder's permissions" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:335 msgid "The file could not be copied; check your PHP error logs for details" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:337 msgid "The backup file %s could not be deleted." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:421 msgid "%s compressed images were restored from their backup for the site %s" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:423 msgid "%s compressed images were restored from their backup" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:435 msgid "All the compressed images for the site %s were successfully restored." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:441 msgid "All the compressed images for the site %s were successfully marked as uncompressed." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:686 msgid "No uncompressed images were found." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:687 msgid "An unexpected response was received from the server. More information has been logged in the browser console." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:688 msgid "Please wait: compressing the selected image." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:689 msgid "Please try again later." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:690 msgid "Connecting to the Smush API server, please wait" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:691 msgid "Please wait while the request is being processed" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:692 msgid "There was an error connecting to the image compression server. This could mean either the server is temporarily unavailable or there are connectivity issues with your internet connection. Please try later." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:693 msgid "Please select the images you want compressed from the \"Uncompressed images\" panel first" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:694 msgid "Please wait: updating information about the selected image." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:695 msgid "Please select the images you want to mark as already compressed from the \"Uncompressed images\" panel first" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:696 msgid "View Image" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:697 msgid "Do you really want to delete all backup images now? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:698 msgid "Do you really want to mark all the images as uncompressed? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:699 msgid "Do you want to restore the original images from the backup (where they exist?)" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:700 msgid "Do you really want to restore all the compressed images?" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:717 msgid "Compress Image" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-manager.php:1494 msgid "Compress image" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:256 msgid "The file was compressed from %s to %s saving %s percent using WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:294 msgid "Failed with error code %s - %s" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:320 msgid "Initialised" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:321 msgid "Connecting to API server" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:322 msgid "Processing response" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:323 msgid "Backing up original image" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:324 msgid "Saving optimized image" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-updraft-smush-task.php:325 msgid "Successful" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimization.php:452 msgid "Preview found items" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-browser-cache.php:57 msgid "We successfully updated your .htaccess file. But it seems one of Apache modules - mod_expires or mod_headers is not active." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-browser-cache.php:111 msgid "Browser static caching settings already exists in the .htaccess file" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-browser-cache.php:154 msgid "We successfully updated your .htaccess file." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-browser-cache.php:161, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:200 msgid "We can't update your %s file. Please try to add following lines manually:" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-browser-cache.php:166, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:198 msgid "We can't update your %s file. Please try to remove following lines manually:" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:82, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:86 msgid "We can't definitely determine Gzip status as API doesn't return correct answer." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:119, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:121, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:123 msgid "We successfully added Gzip compression settings into .htaccess file." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:119, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:121, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:123 msgid "However, the test file we fetched was not Gzip-compressed." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:119 msgid "It seems one of Apache modules - mod_filter or mod_deflate - is not active." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:121 msgid "Possible causes include that Apache (your webserver) is not configured to allow .htaccess files to take effect, or one of Apache modules - mod_filter or mod_deflate - is not active, or the webserver is configured to disallow Gzip compression." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:121, src/includes/class-wp-optimize-gzip-compression.php:123 msgid "You should speak to your web hosting support to find how to enable it." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-options.php:141 msgid "Auto backup option updated." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimize-options.php:250 msgid "Settings updated." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:115, src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:121 msgid "No such optimization" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:364, src/includes/wp-optimize-database-information.php:427, src/includes/wp-optimize-database-information.php:483, src/templates/database/tables-body.php:32 msgid "WordPress core" msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:526 msgid "Comments have now been disabled on all current and previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:529 msgid "Comments have now been enabled on all current and previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:536 msgid "Trackbacks have now been disabled on all current and previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/includes/class-wp-optimizer.php:539 msgid "Trackbacks have now been enabled on all current and previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:41 msgid "Make sure you backup before you optimize your database" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:42 msgid "UpdraftPlus is the world's most trusted backup plugin from the owners of WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:52 msgid "Save Time and Money. Manage multiple WordPress sites from one location." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:53 msgid "UpdraftCentral is a highly efficient way to take backup, update and manage multiple WP sites from one location." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:63 msgid "Like WP-Optimize and can spare one minute?" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:64 msgid "Please help WP-Optimize by giving a positive review at" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:84 msgid "Perform optimizations while your visitors sleep" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:85 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium features an advanced scheduling system that allows you to run optimizations at the quietest time of day (or night)." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:95 msgid "Manage a multisite installation? Need extra control?" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:96 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium's multisite feature includes a locking system that restricts optimization commands to users with the right permissions." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:106 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium offers unparalleled choice and flexibility" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:107 msgid "Upgrade today to combine over a dozen optimization options." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:117 msgid "Remove unwanted images for better site performance." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:118 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium comes with a feature to easily remove orphaned images, or images that exceed a certain size from your website." msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:130 msgid "Black Friday - 20% off WP-Optimize Premium until November 30th" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:131, src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:145, src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:159, src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:173, src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:187 msgid "To benefit, use this discount code:" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:144 msgid "Christmas sale - 20% off WP-Optimize Premium until December 25th" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:158 msgid "Happy New Year - 20% off WP-Optimize Premium until January 14th" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:172 msgid "Spring sale - 20% off WP-Optimize Premium until May 15th" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:186 msgid "Summer sale - 20% off WP-Optimize Premium until July 31st" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:200 msgid "The Updraft Plugin Collection Sale" msgstr "" #: src/includes/wp-optimize-notices.php:201 msgid "Get 20% off any of our plugins. But hurry - offer ends 30th September, use this discount code:" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:93 msgid "Purge minify cache" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:122 msgid "WP-Optimize Minify requires PHP 5.4 or higher. You’re using version %s." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:126 msgid "WP-Optimize Minify requires the PHP mbstring module to be installed on the server; please ask your web hosting company for advice on how to enable it on your server." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:130 msgid "WP-Optimize Minify requires WordPress version %s or higher. You’re using version %s." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:156 msgid "WP-Optimize Minify needs write permissions on the folder %s." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:161 msgid "The current permissions for WP-Optimize Minify are chmod %s." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:167 msgid "If you need something more than %s for it to work, then your server is probably misconfigured." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-admin.php:169 msgid "Please contact your hosting provider." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:162, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:169, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:175, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:187 msgid "All caches from %s have also been purged." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:181, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:203 msgid "A cache purge request has been sent to %s. Please note that it may not work 100% of the time, due to cache rate limiting by your host!" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:212, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:221, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:230, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:239 msgid "A cache purge request was also sent to %s" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:360 msgid "Error: %s is not a directory!" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-cache-functions.php:412, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:162 msgid "Never." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:18, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:33, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:56, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:71 msgid "WP-Optimize Minify requires a higher PHP version" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:39 msgid "The minification cache was deleted." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-commands.php:80 msgid "All caches from WP-Optimize Minify have been purged." msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:972 msgid "TiB" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:974 msgid "GiB" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:976 msgid "MiB" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:978 msgid "KiB" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:980, src/wp-optimize.php:1590 msgid "bytes" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:982, src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php:985 msgid "N/A" msgstr "" #: src/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify.php:148 msgid "Minify cannot be loaded, because an incompatible plugin was found: %s" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/attachments.php:30 msgid "%s orphaned attachment deleted" msgid_plural "%s orphaned attachments deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/attachments.php:33, src/optimizations/attachments.php:73, src/optimizations/autodraft.php:85, src/optimizations/autodraft.php:130, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:103, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:172, src/optimizations/orphandata.php:20, src/optimizations/orphandata.php:48, src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:70, src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:109, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:65, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:100, src/optimizations/revisions.php:81, src/optimizations/revisions.php:125, src/optimizations/spam.php:111, src/optimizations/spam.php:198, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:71, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:111, src/optimizations/transient.php:180, src/optimizations/trash.php:96, src/optimizations/trash.php:169, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:84, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:130 msgid "across %s site" msgid_plural "across %s sites" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/attachments.php:67 msgid "%s orphaned attachment found" msgid_plural "%s orphaned attachments found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/attachments.php:69 msgid "No orphaned attachments found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/attachments.php:97, src/optimizations/attachments.php:107 msgid "Remove orphaned attachments" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:54, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:51, src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:37, src/optimizations/revisions.php:50, src/optimizations/spam.php:68, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:38, src/optimizations/trash.php:58, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:51 msgid "no title" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:66, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:74, src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:51, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:45, src/optimizations/revisions.php:62, src/optimizations/spam.php:82, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:52, src/optimizations/transient.php:142, src/optimizations/transient.php:148, src/optimizations/trash.php:77, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:65 msgid "ID" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:67, src/optimizations/revisions.php:63, src/optimizations/trash.php:78 msgid "Title" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:68, src/optimizations/revisions.php:64, src/optimizations/trash.php:79, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:67 msgid "Date" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:74, src/optimizations/autodraft.php:126 msgid "No auto draft posts found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:82 msgid "%s auto draft deleted" msgid_plural "%s auto drafts deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:124 msgid "%s auto draft post in your database" msgid_plural "%s auto draft posts in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:164 msgid "Clean auto draft posts which are older than %s weeks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:166 msgid "Clean all auto-draft posts" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/autodraft.php:177 msgid "Remove auto-draft posts" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:75 msgid "Comment ID" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:76, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:47 msgid "Meta Key" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:77, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:48 msgid "Meta Value" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:83, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:162 msgid "No orphaned comment meta data in your database" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:99 msgid "%s unused comment metadata item removed" msgid_plural "%s unused comment metadata items removed" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:100 msgid "%s unused akismet comment metadata item removed" msgid_plural "%s unused akismet comment metadata items removed" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:160 msgid "%s orphaned comment meta data in your database" msgid_plural "%s orphaned comment meta data in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:166 msgid "%s unused Akismet comment meta rows in your database" msgid_plural "%s unused Akismet meta rows in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:168 msgid "No Akismet comment meta rows in your database" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:206, src/optimizations/commentmeta.php:210 msgid "Clean comment meta data" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/inactive-tags.php:21 msgid "Remove unused tags" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:104 msgid "Optimizing Table:" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:119 msgid "Total gain:" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:127 msgid "Other tables will be optimized (%s)." msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:132 msgid "Optimize InnoDB tables anyway." msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:132 msgid "Warning: you should read the FAQ on the risks of this operation first." msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:135 msgid "Tables will be optimized (%s)." msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:140, src/optimizations/optimizetables.php:144 msgid "Optimize database tables" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/orphandata.php:17 msgid "%s orphaned relationship data deleted" msgid_plural "%s orphaned relationship data deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/orphandata.php:42 msgid "%s orphaned relationship data in your database" msgid_plural "%s orphaned relationship data in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/orphandata.php:44 msgid "No orphaned relationship data in your database" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/orphandata.php:65 msgid "Clean orphaned relationship data" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/orphanedtables.php:119, src/optimizations/repairtables.php:145 msgid "No corrupted tables found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/orphanedtables.php:131 msgid "Delete orphaned database tables" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:52, src/optimizations/spam.php:83, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:53, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:66 msgid "Author" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:53, src/optimizations/spam.php:84, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:54 msgid "Comment" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:59, src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:105 msgid "No pingbacks found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:67 msgid "%s pingback deleted" msgid_plural "%s pingbacks deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:103 msgid "%s pingback found" msgid_plural "%s pingbacks found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/pingbacks.php:131 msgid "Remove pingbacks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:46 msgid "Post ID" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:54, src/optimizations/postmeta.php:96 msgid "No orphaned post meta data in your database" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:62 msgid "%s orphaned post meta data deleted" msgid_plural "%s orphaned post meta data deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:94 msgid "%s orphaned post meta data in your database" msgid_plural "%s orphaned post meta data in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:122 msgid "Clean post meta data" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/postmeta.php:131 msgid "Remove orphaned post meta" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/repairtables.php:157 msgid "Repair database tables" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/revisions.php:70, src/optimizations/revisions.php:121 msgid "No post revisions found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/revisions.php:78 msgid "%s post revision deleted" msgid_plural "%s post revisions deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/revisions.php:119 msgid "%s post revision in your database" msgid_plural "%s post revisions in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/revisions.php:152 msgid "Clean post revisions which are older than %d weeks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/revisions.php:154, src/optimizations/revisions.php:159 msgid "Clean all post revisions" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:90 msgid "No spam or trashed comments found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:106 msgid "%s spam comment deleted" msgid_plural "%s spam comments deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:107 msgid "%s comment removed from Trash" msgid_plural "%s comments removed from Trash" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:173 msgid "%s spam comment found" msgid_plural "%s spam comments found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:178, src/optimizations/spam.php:191 msgid "Review" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:182 msgid "No spam comments found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:186 msgid "%s trashed comment found" msgid_plural "%s trashed comments found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:194 msgid "No trashed comments found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:248 msgid "Remove spam and trashed comments which are older than %d weeks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/spam.php:250, src/optimizations/spam.php:255 msgid "Remove spam and trashed comments" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:60, src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:107 msgid "No trackbacks found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:68 msgid "%s trackback deleted" msgid_plural "%s trackbacks deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:105 msgid "%s Trackback found" msgid_plural "%s Trackbacks found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/trackbacks.php:125 msgid "Remove trackbacks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:143, src/optimizations/transient.php:149 msgid "Name" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:144, src/optimizations/transient.php:150 msgid "Value" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:161, src/optimizations/transient.php:388 msgid "No transient options found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:177 msgid "%s transient option deleted" msgid_plural "%s transient options deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:254 msgid "%s network-wide transient option deleted" msgid_plural "%s network-wide transient options deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:386 msgid "%1$d of %2$d transient option expired" msgid_plural "%1$d of %2$d transient options expired" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:392 msgid "across %d site" msgid_plural "across %d sites" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:404 msgid "%1$d of %2$d network-wide transient option found" msgid_plural "%1$d of %2$d network-wide transient options found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:407 msgid "No site-wide transient options found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:416 msgid "Remove all transient options (not only expired)" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/transient.php:465, src/optimizations/transient.php:469 msgid "Remove expired transient options" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:85, src/optimizations/trash.php:165 msgid "No trashed posts found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:93 msgid "%s post removed from Trash" msgid_plural "%s posts removed from Trash" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:163 msgid "%s trashed post in your database" msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:204 msgid "Clean trashed posts which are older than %d weeks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:206 msgid "Clean all trashed posts" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/trash.php:216 msgid "Remove trashed posts" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/unapproved.php:73, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:126 msgid "No unapproved comments found" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/unapproved.php:81 msgid "%s unapproved comment deleted" msgid_plural "%s unapproved comments deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/unapproved.php:124 msgid "%s unapproved comment found" msgid_plural "%s unapproved comments found" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/optimizations/unapproved.php:158 msgid "Remove unapproved comments which are older than %d weeks" msgstr "" #: src/optimizations/unapproved.php:160, src/optimizations/unapproved.php:165 msgid "Remove unapproved comments" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:6 msgid "Restore original" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:8 msgid "Restore" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:15, src/templates/images/smush.php:41 msgid "Prioritize maximum compression" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:16 msgid "Potentially uses lossy compression to ensure maximum savings per image, the resulting images are of a slightly lower quality" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:20, src/templates/images/smush.php:45 msgid "Prioritize retention of detail" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:21, src/templates/images/smush.php:46 msgid "Uses lossless compression, which results in much better image quality but lower filesize savings per image" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:25, src/templates/images/smush.php:49 msgid "Custom" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:28 msgid "Maximum compression" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:37 msgid "Best image quality" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:40, src/templates/images/smush.php:65 msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:42 msgid "Service provider" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:46, src/templates/images/smush.php:71 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:49 msgid "Other options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:53 msgid "Backup original" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:57 msgid "Keep EXIF data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:63 msgid "Note: This image is already compressed by another plugin" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:67 msgid "Compress" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:71, src/templates/images/smush.php:123 msgid "Mark as already compressed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:75 msgid "Mark as uncompressed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:87 msgid "WP-Optimize image settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:93, src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:3, src/templates/images/smush.php:4, src/templates/images/smush.php:179, src/templates/images/smush.php:185, src/templates/images/smush.php:190, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:4 msgid "Close" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-metabox-smush.php:98, src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:7, src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:55, src/templates/images/smush.php:162, src/templates/images/smush.php:195, src/wp-optimize.php:1080 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header-tabs.php:8, src/templates/pages-menu.php:5 msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header-tabs.php:33 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header-tabs.php:36 msgid "I have an idea to improve WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header-tabs.php:38, src/templates/admin-page-header-tabs.php:40 msgid "I need help / something is not working" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:5, src/templates/pages-menu.php:24 msgid "Useful links" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:6, src/templates/pages-menu.php:25 msgid "Home" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:10, src/templates/pages-menu.php:29 msgid "News" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:12, src/templates/pages-menu.php:31 msgid "Twitter" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:14, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:52, src/templates/pages-menu.php:33 msgid "Support" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:16, src/templates/pages-menu.php:35 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:18, src/templates/pages-menu.php:37 msgid "Team lead" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:20, src/templates/pages-menu.php:39, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:8 msgid "FAQs" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:22, src/templates/pages-menu.php:41 msgid "More plugins" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:29, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:26, src/wp-optimize.php:1169 msgid "Premium" msgstr "" #: src/templates/admin-page-header.php:31 msgid "Make your site fast & efficient" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:5 msgid "Browser static file caching settings (via headers)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:7 msgid "Browser static file caching uses HTTP response headers to advise a visitor's browser to cache non-changing files for a while, so that it doesn't attempt to retrieve them upon every visit." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:12, src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:13 msgid "Browser static file caching headers are currently %s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:12, src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:54 msgid "enabled" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:13 msgid "disabled" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:32, src/wp-optimize.php:1090 msgid "Update" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:32, src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:42, src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:13, src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:29, src/wp-optimize.php:1081 msgid "Enable" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:35 msgid "Expiration time:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:37 msgid "day(s)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:39 msgid "hour(s)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/browser-cache.php:43 msgid "Empty or 0 values disable the headers." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:5 msgid "Gzip compression settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:7 msgid "This option improves the performance of your website and decreases its loading time. When a visitor makes a request, the server compresses the requested resource before sending it leading to smaller file sizes and faster loading." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:16 msgid "Your server uses Brotli compression instead of Gzip, which is good." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:18 msgid "Gzip compression is already enabled." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:21 msgid "It seems to be handled by Cloudflare." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:29 msgid "Gzip compression is currently ENABLED." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:30 msgid "Gzip compression is currently DISABLED." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:32 msgid "Press this to see if any changes were made to your Gzip configuration" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:32 msgid "Check status again" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/gzip-compression.php:42, src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:15, src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:31, src/wp-optimize.php:1082 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:3 msgid "URLs to exclude from caching" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:8 msgid "List paths (e.g. %s) that should not be cached (one per line)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:8 msgctxt "an example path" msgid "/product/green-beans" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:13 msgid "Use the wildcard * to exclude child URLs." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:13 msgctxt "%s are examples of path using the wildcard *" msgid "e.g. %s or %s" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:13 msgctxt "an example path with the wildcard (*)" msgid "/shop/*" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:13 msgctxt "a second example path using the wildcard (*) twice" msgid "*sample-path*" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:20 msgid "Cookies which, if present, will prevent caching (one per line)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:25 msgid "List of cookies that will prevent caching when set." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:30 msgid "List of browser agent strings which, if detected, will prevent caching" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:35 msgid "List of browser agents strings or substrings that should not be served cached files (one per line)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-advanced.php:39 msgid "If any of the above strings is found in the User-Agent HTTP header, then the requested page will not be cached." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:3 msgid "Preload now" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:7, src/wp-optimize.php:1091 msgid "Run now" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:13 msgid "This action will trigger WP-Optimize to cache the site by visiting pages to pre-load them (so that they are ready the first time a human visitor wants them)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:14 msgid "If a sitemap is available, then it will be used to determine which content gets cached." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:18 msgid "Schedule preloader" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:24 msgid "Activate scheduled cache preloading" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:27 msgid "The scheduled preloading will run automatically in your chosen time period." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:31 msgid "Select schedule type" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache-preload.php:49, src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:96 msgid "Save changes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:3 msgid "How to use the cache feature" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:5 msgid "Not sure how to use the cache feature?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:5, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:6 msgid "Watch our how-to video below." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:7 msgid "Cache video preview" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:9, src/templates/images/smush.php:10, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:10 msgid "Loads a video hosted on" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:9, src/templates/images/smush.php:10, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:10 msgid "Open the video in a new window" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:24 msgid "Enable page caching" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:28 msgid "This is all that's needed for caching to work." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:28 msgid "WP-Optimize will automatically detect and configure itself optimally for your site." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:28 msgid "You can tweak the the settings below and in the advanced settings tab, if needed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:34 msgid "It looks like you already have an active caching plugin (%s) installed. Having more than one active page cache might cause unexpected results." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:41 msgid "Purge the cache" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:49 msgid "Deletes the entire cache contents but keeps the page cache enabled." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:52, src/wp-optimize.php:1094 msgid "Current cache size:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:53, src/wp-optimize.php:1095 msgid "Number of files:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:57 msgid "Cache settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:64 msgid "Generate separate files for mobile devices" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:66 msgid "Useful if your website has mobile-specific content." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:72 msgid "Serve cached pages to logged in users" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:74 msgid "Enable this option if you do not have user-specific or restricted content on your website." msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:78 msgid "Cache lifespan" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:82 msgid "Hours" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:83 msgid "Days" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:84 msgid "Months" msgstr "" #: src/templates/cache/page-cache.php:88 msgid "Time after which a new cached version will be generated (0 = only when the cache is emptied)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimizations-table.php:7 msgid "Optimization" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimizations-table.php:79 msgid "Run optimization" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimizations-table.php:81 msgid "Go" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:8, src/templates/database/tables.php:5 msgid "Loading data..." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:30 msgid "Warning: This operation is permanent. Continue?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:34, src/wp-optimize.php:680 msgid "Optimizations" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:38 msgid "Run all selected optimizations" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:55 msgid "Warning:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:55 msgid "Items marked with this icon perform more intensive database operations. In very rare cases, if your database server happened to crash or be forcibly powered down at the same time as an optimization operation was running, data might be corrupted. " msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/optimize-table.php:55 msgid "You may wish to run a backup before optimizing." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:3 msgid "Scheduled clean-up settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:6 msgid "Take control of clean-ups: Upgrade to Premium for a more powerful and flexible scheduler" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:14 msgid "Enable scheduled clean-up and optimization (Beta feature)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:22 msgid "Select schedule type (default is Weekly)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:27, src/wp-optimize.php:949 msgid "Daily" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:28, src/wp-optimize.php:950 msgid "Weekly" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:29, src/wp-optimize.php:951 msgid "Fortnightly" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-auto-cleanup.php:30, src/wp-optimize.php:952 msgid "Monthly (approx. - every 30 days)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:3, src/templates/settings/settings-general.php:3 msgid "General settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:6 msgid "Whether manually or on a schedule, these settings apply whenever a relevant optimization is run." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:15 msgid "Keep last %s weeks data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:21 msgid "This option will, where relevant, retain data from the chosen period, and remove any garbage data before that period." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:21 msgid "If the option is not active, then all garbage data will be removed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings-general.php:21 msgid "This will also affect Auto Clean-up process" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/settings.php:19, src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:323, src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:162, src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:111, src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:153, src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:90, src/templates/settings/settings.php:34 msgid "Save settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:11, src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:24 msgid "Status" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:22 msgid "Last scheduled optimization was at" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:27 msgid "There was no scheduled optimization" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:53 msgid "Scheduled cleaning" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:66 msgid "Next schedule:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:71 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:75 msgid "Scheduled cleaning disabled" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:82 msgid "Keeping last %s weeks data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:85 msgid "Not keeping recent data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:96 msgid "Total clean up overall:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:110 msgid "Your database has %s corrupted table." msgid_plural "Your database has %s corrupted tables." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/templates/database/status-box-contents.php:111 msgid "Repair corrupted tables here." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:26, src/templates/database/tables.php:29 msgid "No." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:27, src/templates/database/tables.php:30 msgid "Table" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:31 msgid "Belongs to:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:35 msgid "Known plugins that use this table name:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:46 msgid "not installed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:48 msgid "inactive" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:57, src/templates/database/tables.php:31 msgid "Records" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:58, src/templates/database/tables.php:32 msgid "Data Size" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:59, src/templates/database/tables.php:33 msgid "Index Size" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:62, src/templates/database/tables-body.php:75, src/templates/database/tables.php:34 msgid "Type" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:64, src/templates/database/tables-body.php:76, src/templates/database/tables.php:35 msgid "Overhead" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:83, src/templates/database/tables-body.php:112, src/templates/database/tables.php:36, src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:25 msgid "Actions" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:98 msgid "Total:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-body.php:99 msgid "%s Table" msgid_plural "%s Tables" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:10 msgid "Total size of database:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:22 msgid "Optimization results:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:26 msgid "Total space saved:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:37 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:39 msgid "WARNING - some plugins might not be detected as installed or activated if they are in unknown folders (for example premium plugins)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:39 msgid "Only delete a table if you are sure of what you are doing, and after taking a backup." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:40 msgid "If none of the plugins listed were ever installed on this website, you should not delete this table as it is likely to be used by an unlisted plugin." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:42 msgid "You are about to remove the table %s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:48 msgid "No automatic backup was detected." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:48 msgid "I confirm that I will be able to revert the changes if needed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:52 msgid "I confirm that I have understood the risks in doing that, and that I know what I am doing." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables-list-after.php:54 msgid "Remove the table" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:13 msgid "Optimized all the tables found in the database." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:22 msgid "Take a backup with UpdraftPlus before any actions upon tables (recommended)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:24 msgid "Database name:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:24 msgid "Refresh data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:24 msgid "Search for table" msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:47 msgid "Loading tables list..." msgstr "" #: src/templates/database/tables.php:55 msgid "Tables not found." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:17 msgid "Lazy-loading is technique that defers loading of non-critical resources (images, video) at page load time. Instead, these non-critical resources are loaded at the point they are needed (e.g. the user scrolls down to them)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:19 msgid "Follow this link to read more about lazy-loading images and video" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:22, src/wp-optimize.php:1376, src/wp-optimize.php:1377 msgid "Images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:23 msgid "Iframes and Videos" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:27 msgid "Skip image classes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:29 msgid "Enter the image class or classes comma-separated. Supports wildcards. Example: image-class1, image-class2, thumbnail*, ..." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/lazyload.php:33 msgid "Enable Lazy-loading with WP-Optimize Premium." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:4 msgid "How to use the image compression feature" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:6 msgid "Not sure how to use the image compression feature?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:6 msgid "Watch our howto video below." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:14 msgid "Note: Currently this feature uses third party services from The performance of this free image compression service may be limited for large workloads. We are working on a premium service." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:22 msgid "Automatically compress newly-added images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:23 msgid "The images will be added to a background queue, which will start automatically within the next hour. This avoids the site from freezing during media uploads. The time taken to complete the compression will depend upon the size and quantity of the images." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:33 msgid "Show compression meta-box on an image's dashboard media page." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:34 msgid "The image compression metabox allows you to compress specific images from the media library. But if you are using a solution other than WP-Optimize to compress your images, you can hide these metaboxes by disabling this switch." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:39 msgid "Compression options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:42 msgid "Uses lossy compression to ensure maximum savings per image, the resulting images are of a slightly lower quality" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:52 msgid "Maximum Compression" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:61 msgid "Best Image Quality" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:63 msgid "Not sure what to choose?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:63 msgid "Read our article \"Lossy vs Lossless image compression\"" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:65 msgid "Hide advanced options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:68 msgid "Compression service" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:72 msgid "Can keep EXIF data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:73 msgid "Service provided by" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:78 msgid "More options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:81 msgid "Preserve EXIF data" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:84 msgid "Backup original images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:85 msgid "The original images are stored alongside the compressed images, you can visit the edit screen of the individual images in the Media Library to restore them." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:88 msgid "Automatically delete image backups after" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:88 msgid "days" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:88 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:88 msgid "Delete all backup images now" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:92 msgid "Mark all images as uncompressed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:95 msgid "Restore all compressed images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:95 msgid "Only the original image will be restored. In order to restore the other sizes, you should use a plugin such as \"Regenerate Thumbnails\"." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:99 msgid "Save options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:101 msgid "Saved options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:102 msgid "Failed to save options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:107 msgid "Uncompressed images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:110 msgid "Select all" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:111 msgid "Select none" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:114 msgid "Refresh image list" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:122 msgid "Compress the selected images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:124, src/templates/images/smush.php:174 msgid "View logs" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:131 msgid "Compressing images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:136 msgid "The selected images are being processed; please do not close the browser" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:140 msgid "Images pending" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:144 msgid "Images completed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:148 msgid "Size savings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:152 msgid "Average savings per image" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:156 msgid "Time elapsed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:175 msgid "Clear compression statistics" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/smush.php:184 msgid "Download log file" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:4 msgid "Unused images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:16 msgid "Manage unused images with WP-Optimize Premium." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:22 msgid "Image sizes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:24 msgid "Registered image sizes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:25 msgid "This feature is for experienced users. Don't remove registered image sizes if you are not sure that images with selected sizes are not used on your site." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:37 msgid "Unused image sizes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:39 msgid "These image sizes were used by some of the themes or plugins installed previously and they remain within your database." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:40 msgid "Read more about custom image sizes here." msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:54 msgid "Remove selected sizes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/images/unused.php:57 msgid "Take control of WordPress image sizes with WP-Optimize Premium." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:3 msgid "Minify cache information" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:6 msgid "Current cache path:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:10 msgid "none" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:16 msgid "List of processed files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:18 msgid "JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:38, src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:66 msgid "There are no processed files yet." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:43 msgid "CSS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:46 msgid "There are no merged CSS files listed here, because you are inlining all CSS directly" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:73 msgid "Development options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:88 msgid "Enable debug mode" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:91 msgid "Enabling the debug mode will add various comments and show more information in the files list." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:91 msgid "It also adds extra actions in the status tab." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:96 msgid "Default exclusions" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:111 msgid "Edit default exclusions" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:117 msgid "Known incompatible files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:120 msgid "List of files that can't or shouldn't be minified or merged." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:121 msgid "Do not edit this if you are not sure what it is." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:122 msgid "Files that have been consistently reported by other users to cause trouble when merged" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:130, src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:55 msgid "e.g.: /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:134 msgid "IE incompatible files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:137 msgid "List of excluded files used for IE compatibility." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:138 msgid "Do not edit this if you're not sure what it is." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:139 msgid "Any CSS files that should always be ignored." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:147, src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:80 msgid "e.g.: /bootstrap.css" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:165 msgid "Enable WP-O Minify CSS files preloading" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:166 msgid "Automatically create HTTP headers for WP-O Minify-generated CSS files (when not inlined)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:177 msgid "Enable WP-O Minify JavaScript files Preload" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:178 msgid "Automatically create HTTP headers for WP-O Minify-generated JS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:183 msgid "HTTP Headers" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:186 msgid "Preconnect Headers: This will add link headers to your HTTP response to instruct the browser to preconnect to other domains (e.g.: fonts, images, videos, etc)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:189 msgid "Preload Headers: Use this for preloading specific, high priority resources that exist across all of your pages." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:192 msgid "Note: Some servers do not support http push or headers. If you get a server error: a) rename the plugin directory via (S)FTP or your hosting control panel, b) go to your plugins page (plugin will be disabled on access), c) rename it back and d) activate it back (reset to default settings)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:195 msgid "Preconnect Headers" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:199 msgid "Preconnect" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:203 msgid "Use only the strictly minimum necessary domain names, (CDN or frequent embeds):" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:216 msgid "Use the complete scheme (http:// or https://) followed by the domain name only (no file paths)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:219 msgid "Examples:," msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:224, src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:228 msgid "Preload Headers" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:232 msgid "Insert your \"complete PHP header code\" here:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:254 msgid "External URLs to merge" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:258 msgid "List of external domains that can be fetched and merged:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:259 msgid "Add any external \"domain\" for JavaScript or CSS files that can be fetched and merged by WP-Optimize, e.g.:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:267 msgid "e.g.:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:272 msgid "CDN Options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:274 msgid "When the \"Enable defer on processed JavaScript files\" option is enabled, JavaScript and CSS files will not be loaded from the CDN due to %scompatibility%s reasons." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:275 msgid "However, you can define a CDN Domain below, in order to use it for all of the static assets \"inside\" your CSS and JS files." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:278 msgid "Your CDN domain" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:292 msgid "Will rewrite the static assets urls inside WP-O Minify-merged files to your CDN domain. Usage:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:298 msgid "Force the CDN Usage" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:301 msgid "If you force this, your JS files may not load for certain slow internet users on Google Chrome." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:312 msgid "I know what I'm doing..." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/advanced-tab.php:313 msgid "Load my JS files from the CDN, even when \"defer for Pagespeed Insights\" is enabled" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/cached-file.php:4, src/wp-optimize.php:1096 msgid "Show information" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:5 msgid "CSS options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:16 msgid "Enable minification of CSS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:26 msgid "Enable merging of CSS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:27 msgid "If some of the design is breaking on the frontend, disabling merging of CSS might fix the issues." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:37 msgid "Inline CSS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:37 msgid "Recommended if the CSS files are small enough." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:38 msgid "When enabled, the CSS files generated by WP-Optmize will be inlined." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:48 msgid "Strip the \"print\" related stylesheets" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:49 msgid "When selected, any CSS files with the media type \"print\" will be removed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:49 msgid "Enable if your site does not need specific print styles." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:60 msgid "Dequeue all CSS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:61 msgid "This is useful if you want to test your critical path CSS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:67 msgid "Exclude the following CSS files from processing" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:71 msgid "Any CSS files that match the paths below will be completely ignored." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:73, src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:48 msgid "Any file present here will be loaded normally by WordPress" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:83, src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:58 msgid "Some files known for causing issues when combined / minified are excluded by default." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:83, src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:58 msgid "You can see / edit them in the Advanced tab." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:87 msgid "Load the following CSS files asynchronously" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:91 msgid "Any CSS files that match the paths below will be loaded asynchronously." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:93 msgid "e.g. You may want to exclude 'fontawesome' or other libraries from the initial load" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:101 msgid "e.g.: /wp-content/themes/my-theme/css/custom-font.css" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:107 msgid "Enable asynchronous CSS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:118 msgid "Load all CSS files asynchronously" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:119 msgid "Note that inline CSS won't work if this is active" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:122 msgid "If you have multiple css files per media type, they may load out of order and break your design when loaded asynchronously." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:130 msgid "Critical path CSS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:134 msgid "Fallback CSS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:145 msgid "is_front_page (conditional)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/css-settings-tab.php:145 msgid "This will be inlined after the above if your page matches the WP conditional is_front_page()" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:5 msgid "Google Fonts" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:17 msgid "Merge fonts from Google Fonts into one request" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:18 msgid "This improves speed when loading multiple fonts from Google Fonts." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:29 msgid "Do not load Google Fonts" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:30 msgid "If enabled, stylesheets from Google Fonts will not be loaded on the site and system fallback fonts will be used instead." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:34 msgid "Choose how to include fonts from Google Fonts on your pages, when available:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:44, src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:82 msgid "Inherit from the CSS settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:45, src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:83 msgid "The stylesheets will be merged or inlined." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:54 msgid "Asynchronously load CSS files from Google Fonts" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:55, src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:93 msgid "Will use 'preload' with LoadCSS polyfill" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:64 msgid "Asynchronously load fonts from Google Fonts using JavaScript" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:65 msgid "Use if you want to exclude the CSS from Google Fonts from performance tests." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:70 msgid "Font Awesome" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:73 msgid "Choose how to include Font Awesome (only available if it has 'font-awesome' in the url):" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:92 msgid "Asynchronously load the Font Awesome CSS file" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:101 msgid "Asynchronously load the Font Awesome stylesheet using JavaScript" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/font-settings-tab.php:102 msgid "Use if you want to exclude Font Awesome from page speed tests (PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix...)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:5 msgid "JavaScript options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:16 msgid "Enable minification of JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:26 msgid "Enable merging of JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:27 msgid "If some functionality is breaking on the frontend, disabling merging of JavaScript might fix the issues." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:37 msgid "Contain each included file in its own block" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:38 msgid "(enable if trying to isolate a JavaScript error introduced by minifying or merging)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:39 msgid "When enabled, the content of each JavaScript file that is combined will be wrapped in its own \"try / catch\" statement. This means that if one file has an error, it should not impede execution of other, independent files." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:43 msgid "Exclude JavaScript from processing" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:62 msgid "Defer JavaScript" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:72 msgid "Defer selected JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:73 msgid "The files in the list will be loaded asynchronously, and will not be minified or merged." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:81 msgid "Independent scripts are for example 'analytics' or 'pixel' scripts. They are not required for the website to work" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:89 msgid "e.g.: /js/main.js" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:103 msgid "Defer all the JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:104 msgid "All files - including the ones processed by WP-Optimize - will be deferred, except the ones in the exclusion list above." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:110 msgid "Some themes and plugins need render blocking scripts to work." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:110 msgid "Please check the browser console for any eventual JavaScript errors caused by deferring the scripts." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:113 msgid "Defer method:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:121 msgid "Use the \"defer\" html attribute" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:122 msgid "Supported by all modern browsers." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:131 msgid "Defer using JavaScript" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:132 msgid "(Use this method if you require support for %solder browsers%s)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:142 msgid "Defer jQuery" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:142 msgid "(Note that as jQuery is a common dependency, it probably needs to be loaded synchronously)." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/js-settings-tab.php:143 msgid "Disable this setting if you have an error 'jQuery undefined'." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:6 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:17 msgid "Disable Minify for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:18 msgid "HTML, JavaScript and CSS will be loaded normally by WordPress." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:18 msgid "Useful for debugging or to improve compatibility with some visual editors." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:28 msgid "Remove meta information from page header" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:29 msgid "Remove resource hints, generator tag, shortlinks, manifest link, etc." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:40 msgid "Remove default WordPress and TinyMCE icons" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:41 msgid "When selected, the site will use the device's built in Emoji" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:46 msgid "SSL options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:49 msgid "Force HTTP or HTTPS on the assets generated by WP-Optimize Minify." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:50 msgid "You may need it for some CDN plugins to work:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:60 msgid "Same as home URL" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:60 msgid "Currently: %s" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:61 msgid "Uses your site's default protocol." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:70 msgid "Force HTTP" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:71 msgid "If you do not have SSL" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:80 msgid "Force HTTPS" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/settings-tab.php:81 msgid "Recommended if you have SSL" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:4 msgid "How to use the minify feature" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:6 msgid "Not sure how to use the Minify feature?" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:8 msgid "Minify video preview" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:11, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:23, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:51 msgid "Read the documentation" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:19 msgid "CSS, JavaScript and HTML minification is an advanced feature." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:20 msgctxt "\"it\" refers to the Minify feature." msgid "While enabling it will work just fine for most sites, it might need specific configuration to work properly on your website." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:21 msgctxt "\"it\" refers to the Minify feature." msgid "If you encounter an issue and are not sure what to do, disable the feature and ask for help on the support forum." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:22 msgctxt "\"it\" refers to the Minify feature." msgid "We will do our best to help you configure it." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:43 msgid "Enable Minify" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:45 msgid "The PHP version on your server is too old." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:45 msgid "Update PHP to enable minification of JS, CSS and HTML on this website" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:47 msgid "PHP version requirement (5.4 minimum) not met" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:54 msgid "If this is turned on, then the default settings are that JavaScript and CSS on this website will be concatenated and minified and HTML will be minified." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:54 msgid "You can adjust the settings in the tabs above to control this to meet your requirements." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:72 msgid "Process HTML" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:74 msgid "All HTML will be minified (removal of extra blank space), and all HTML comments will be removed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:94 msgid "Process JavaScript files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:95 msgid "The JavaScript files will be combined and minified to lower the number and size of requests." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:96, src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:118, src/wp-optimize.php:682, src/wp-optimize.php:701, src/wp-optimize.php:706, src/wp-optimize.php:1173, src/wp-optimize.php:1408, src/wp-optimize.php:1409 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:116 msgid "Process CSS files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:117 msgid "The stylesheets will be combined and minified to lower the number and size of requests." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:130 msgid "Reset the minified files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:137 msgid "The new minified files will be regenerated when visiting your website's pages." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:137 msgid "Read more about what this does in our FAQs." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:137 msgid "This will also purge the page cache" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:140 msgid "Minify cache size:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:142 msgid "Current cache:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:146 msgid "View the files" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:149 msgid "Total cache:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:153 msgid "This includes the older, non-expired cache, as well as the temporary files used to generate the minified files." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:158 msgid "Last Minify cache update:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:174 msgid "Increment cache" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:179 msgid "This will reset the files generated by minify, but use the existing minify temporary files." msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:185 msgid "Delete all the files generated by minify" msgstr "" #: src/templates/minify/status-tab.php:190 msgid "If you are using an unsupported cache plugin, then you will also need to purge your page cache when doing this." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:6 msgid "notice image" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:16, src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:18, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:27, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:47 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:31 msgid "Get UpdraftCentral" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:33 msgid "Review WP-Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:35 msgid "Get UpdraftPlus" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:37 msgid "Sign up" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:39 msgid "Go there" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:41, src/templates/notices/horizontal-notice.php:43 msgid "Find out more." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:6, src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:7 msgid "Thank you for installing WP-Optimize!" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:7, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:34 msgid "The team at WP-Optimize is working hard to make your site fast and efficient." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:9 msgctxt "%s will be replaced by a \"strong\" tag" msgid "The plugin settings are split into three parts: %sclean%s the database, %scompress%s images and %scaching%s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:11 msgid "If you are unsure what settings to use, please take a look at the %sdocumentation%s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:13 msgctxt "%s will be replaced by a \"strong\" tag" msgid "We also recently added the ability to %scombine and minify%s CSS, JavaScript and HTML, for an increased performance boost." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:14, src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:41 msgctxt "%s will be replaced by a link tag" msgid "Read more about this feature %son our website%s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:18 msgid "But first, we strongly recommend you backup your site with %sUpdraftPlus%s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:19 msgid "WP-Optimize can trigger UpdraftPlus to automatically back up right before any optimization takes place, so you can undo any changes you make." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:23 msgid "Finally, please take a look at our %spremium version%s, which is packed full of additional speed enhancements to make your site go even faster!" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:33 msgid "Thank you for updating WP-Optimize!" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:36 msgctxt "%s will be replaced by a \"strong\" tag" msgid "This new version includes a new major feature: the ability to %s minify your scripts and stylesheets.%s" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:37 msgid "This highly requested feature adds an extra layer of optimization to your website, lowering the number of requests sent to your server by combining and minifying the JavaScript and CSS files." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:38 msgid "Go to minify settings." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:40 msgid "If you already have plugins for minifying, don't worry - WP-Optimize won't interfere unless you turn these options on." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:43 msgctxt "%s is replaced by a link tag" msgid "PS - check out our new improved Premium version %shere%s." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/install-or-update-notice.php:49 msgid "%sRead the full WP-Optimize documentation%s, or if you have any questions, please ask %sPremium support%s" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:5 msgid "Dismiss (for %s months)" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:14 msgid "Super-charge and secure your WordPress site with our other top plugins:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:18 msgid "%s offers powerful extra features and flexibility, and WordPress multisite support." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:18 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:22 msgid "%s simplifies backups and restoration. It is the world’s highest ranking and most popular scheduled backup plugin, with over a million currently-active installs." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:26 msgid "%s is a highly efficient way to manage, optimize, update and backup multiple websites from one place." msgstr "" #: src/templates/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php:30 msgid "Premium WooCommerce extensions" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:4 msgid "WP-Optimize free / premium comparison" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:10 msgid "Ask a pre-sales question" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:21 msgid "Free" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:24 msgid "WP-Optimize Premium" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:32, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:236 msgid "Installed" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:35, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:239 msgid "Upgrade now" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:40, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:41 msgid "Database cleaning" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:42 msgid "Clears out unnecessary data, cleans up your tables and retrieves space lost to data fragmentation." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:45, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:48, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:58, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:61, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:71, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:74, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:87, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:100, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:113, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:126, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:139, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:152, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:165, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:178, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:191, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:204, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:217, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:230 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:53, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:54 msgid "Image compression" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:55 msgid "Compress your images for a much faster page load." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:66, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:67 msgid "Caching" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:68 msgid "Cache your page and post for even more speed." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:79, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:80, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:118 msgid "Multisite support" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:81 msgid "Optimize any site (or combination of sites) on your WordPress Multisite or network" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:84, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:97, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:110, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:123, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:136, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:149, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:162, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:175, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:188, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:201, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:214, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:227 msgid "No" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:92, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:93 msgid "Optimize individual tables" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:94 msgid "Perform optimizations on single tables" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:105, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:106 msgid "Remove unwanted images" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:107 msgid "Remove images that have been orphaned or are no longer in use" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:119 msgid "Sophisticated scheduling" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:120 msgid "A more advanced scheduling system to make regular routine optimizations whenever you prefer" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:131, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:132 msgid "Control with WP-CLI" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:133 msgid "Save time managing multiple sites from the WP command line" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:144, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:145 msgid "Lazy Loading" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:146 msgid "Make your site run faster by only loading parts of a web-page when it is visible to the user" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:157, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:158 msgid "Optimization Preview" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:159 msgid "Preview, select and remove data and records available for optimization from the database" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:170, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:171 msgid "Enhanced logging and reporting" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:172 msgid "Send log messages to three additional locations: Slack, Syslog and Simple History" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:183, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:184 msgid "More choice and flexibility" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:185 msgid "Choose from a number of advanced options, like the ability to optimize individual DB tables" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:196, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:197 msgid "Multilingual and multi-currency compatible" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:198 msgid "Cache supports WPML multilingual plugin and multiple currencies for WooCommerce" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:209 msgid "More cache options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:210 msgid "More caching options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:211 msgid "Exclude posts and pages from the cache, straight from the post edit screen." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:222, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:223 msgid "Premium support" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:224 msgid "Get your specific queries addressed directly by our experts" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:247 msgid "Our other plugins" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:257 msgid "UpdraftPlus" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:258 msgid "UpdraftPlus – the ultimate protection for your site, hard work and business" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:261 msgid "If you’ve got a WordPress website, you need a backup." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:264 msgid "Hacking, server crashes, dodgy updates or simple user error can ruin everything." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:267 msgid "With UpdraftPlus, you can rest assured that if the worst does happen, it's no big deal. rather than losing everything, you can simply restore the backup and be up and running again in no time at all." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:270 msgid "You can also migrate your website with few clicks without hassle." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:273 msgid "With a long-standing reputation for excellence and outstanding reviews, it’s no wonder that UpdraftPlus is the world’s most popular WordPress backup plugin." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:275, src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:292 msgid "Try for free" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:279 msgid "" "UpdraftCentral Dashboard\n" "" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:281 msgid "UpdraftCentral – save hours managing multiple WP sites from one place" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:284 msgid "If you manage a few WordPress sites, you need UpdraftCentral." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:287 msgid "UpdraftCentral is a powerful tool that allows you to efficiently manage, update, backup and even restore multiple websites from just one location. You can also manage users and comments on all the sites at once, and through its central login feature, you can access each WP-dashboard with a single click." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/may-also-like.php:290 msgid "With a wide range of useful features, including automated backup schedules and sophisticated one click updates, UpdraftCentral is sure to boost to your productivity and save you time." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-general.php:8 msgid "Enable admin bar link" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-general.php:11 msgid "This option will put an WP-Optimize link on the top admin bar (default is off). Requires a second page refresh after saving the settings." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:3 msgid "Logging settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:7 msgid "Add logging destination" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:11 msgid "Remember to save your settings so that your changes take effect." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:22 msgid "Destination" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:23 msgid "Options" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:39, src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:79 msgid "Active" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-logging.php:39 msgid "Inactive" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:2 msgid "Trackback/comments actions" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:5 msgid "Trackbacks" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:10 msgid "Use these buttons to enable or disable any future trackbacks on all your previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:23 msgid "Comments" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings-trackback-and-comments.php:27 msgid "Use these buttons to enable or disable any future comments on all your previously published posts." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings.php:18, src/templates/settings/settings.php:25 msgid "Wipe settings" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/settings.php:22 msgid "This button will delete all of WP-Optimize's settings. You will then need to enter all your settings again. You can also do this before deactivating/deinstalling WP-Optimize if you wish." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:3 msgid "Support and feedback" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:7 msgid "Read our FAQ here" msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:8 msgid "Support is available here." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:9 msgid "If you like WP-Optimize," msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:9 msgid "please give us a positive review, here." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:9 msgid "Or, if you did not like it," msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/support-and-faqs.php:9 msgid "please tell us why at this link." msgstr "" #: src/templates/settings/system-status.php:6 msgid "running on:" msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:17 msgid "Backup before running optimizations" msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:54 msgid "Take a backup with UpdraftPlus before doing this" msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:72 msgid "Follow this link to install UpdraftPlus, to take a backup before optimization" msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:88 msgid "UpdraftPlus needs to be updated to 1.12.33 or higher in order to backup the database before optimization." msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:88 msgid "Please update UpdraftPlus to the latest version." msgstr "" #: src/templates/take-a-backup.php:91 msgid "UpdraftPlus is installed but currently not active. Follow this link to activate UpdraftPlus, to take a backup before optimization." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:488 msgid "WP-Optimize (Free) has been de-activated, because WP-Optimize Premium is active." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:498 msgid "New feature: WP-Optimize Premium can now optimize all sites within a multisite install, not just the main one." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:551 msgid "The security check failed; try refreshing the page." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:562 msgid "You are not allowed to run this command." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:576 msgid "Options can only be saved by network admin" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:621 msgid "The command \"%s\" was not found" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:681 msgid "Tables" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:685 msgid "Compress images" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:686 msgid "Unused images and sizes" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:687 msgid "Lazy-load" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:690 msgid "Page cache" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:691 msgid "Preload" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:692 msgid "Advanced settings" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:693 msgid "Gzip compression" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:694 msgid "Static file headers" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:697 msgid "Minify status" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:698 msgid "JavaScript" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:698, src/wp-optimize.php:699 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:699 msgid "CSS" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:700 msgid "Fonts" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:702 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:709 msgid "Support / FAQs" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:710 msgid "Premium / Plugin family" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:948 msgid "Same as cache lifespan" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1076 msgid "Automatic backup before optimizations" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1077 msgid "An unexpected response was received." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1078 msgid "Optimization complete" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1079 msgid "Run optimizations" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1083 msgid "Please, select settings file." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1084 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this logging destination?" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1085 msgid "Before saving, you need to complete the currently incomplete settings (or remove them)." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1086 msgid "%s was not repaired. For more details, please check the logs (configured in your logging destinations settings)." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1087 msgid "%s was not deleted. For more details, please check your logs configured in logging destinations settings." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1088 msgid "Please use positive integers." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1089 msgid "Please use valid values." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1092 msgid "Started preload..." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1097 msgid "Refreshing the page to reflect changes..." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1098 msgid "WP-Optimize settings have been deleted successfully." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1176 msgid "Optimize" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1192 msgid "Repair" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1201 msgid "Remove" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1327 msgid "Warning" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1327 msgid "WordPress has a number (%d) of scheduled tasks which are overdue. Unless this is a development site, this probably means that the scheduler in your WordPress install is not working." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1327 msgid "Read this page for a guide to possible causes and how to fix it." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1367, src/wp-optimize.php:1368 msgid "Database" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1385, src/wp-optimize.php:1386 msgid "Cache" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1394, src/wp-optimize.php:1395 msgid "Minify" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1417 msgid "Support & FAQs" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1418 msgid "Help" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1426, src/wp-optimize.php:1427 msgid "Premium Upgrade" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1498 msgid "Error:" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1498 msgid "template not found" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1552 msgid "Automatic Operation Completed" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1554 msgid "Scheduled optimization was executed at" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1555 msgid "You can safely delete this email." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1557 msgid "Regards," msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1558 msgid "WP-Optimize Plugin" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1584 msgid "GB" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1586 msgid "MB" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1588 msgid "KB" msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1898 msgid "You have no permissions to run optimizations." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:1905 msgid "You have no permissions to manage WP-Optimize settings." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:2149 msgid "Only Network Administrator can activate WP-Optimize plugin." msgstr "" #: src/wp-optimize.php:2150 msgid "go back" msgstr ""