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Theme Name: PhotoFocus
Theme URI:
Author: Catch Themes
Author URI:
Description: PhotoFocus is a free multipurpose photography WordPress theme for photographers, photo bloggers, freelancers, and other creative photography centric websites. It sure was specially designed for photography websites. However, since it is a multipurpose theme and includes advanced features, you can use PhotoFocus for all kinds of websites like corporate, personal blogs, portfolios, and more. Its design is powerful and adaptable, managing to seamlessly blend solid aesthetics with high functionality. This innovative theme can certainly enhance every aspect of your page while providing an extremely user-friendly interface with easy navigation. PhotoFocus comes with features like Header Media, Menus, Featured Content, Featured Slider, Hero Content, Layout Options, and more under the hood. It is a fast-loading, easy to use, and highly customizable multipurpose photography WordPress theme. Download PhotoFocus today and expose your business in the digital arena. For more information, check out Theme Instructions at and Demo at
Requires at least: 5.6
Tested up to: 6.5
Requires PHP: 5.6
Version: 2.0.4
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Tags: grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, block-styles, wide-blocks, blog, photography, portfolio
Text Domain: photofocus

This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.

1.0 - Variables
	1.1 - Color
	1.2 - Fonts
	1.3 - Structure
	1.4  -Transition
2.0 - Normalize
3.0 - Mixin
	3.1 - Mixin
4.0 Modules
	4.1 - Alignments
	4.2 - Blocks
	4.3 - Clearings
5.0 - Forms
	5.1 - Buttons
	5.2 - Fields
6.0 - Navigation
	6.1 - Next Previous
	6.2 - Social Menu Navigation
	6.3 - Menus
7.0 Typography
	7.1 - Font Family
	7.2 - Font Size
	7.3 - Heading
8.0 Sites
	8.1 - Primary
		8.1.1 - Archives
		8.1.2 - Comments
	8.2.0 - Secondary
		8.2.1 - Widget
	8.3.0 - Section
		8.3.1 - Header
		8.3.2 - Hero Content
		8.3.3 - Promotional
		8.3.4 - Testimonials
		8.3.5 - Blog
		8.3.6 - Newsletter
		8.3.7 - Portfolio
		8.3.8 - Feature Slider
		8.3.9 - Footer
		8.3.10 - Woocommerce
		8.3.11 - Team
		8.3.12 - Logo Slider
		8.3.13 - Service
		8.3.14 - Contact
		8.3.15 - Feature Content
		8.3.16 - Stats
		8.3.17 - Gallery
9.0 - Elements
	9.1 - Lists
	9.2 - Tables

10.0 - Media
	10.1 - mobile-horizontal
	10.2 - tablet
	10.3 - desktop
	10.4 - wide-width
	10.5 - large
	10.6 - ultra_wide

11.0 - Color Selection

//** 1.0 - Variables **//

@import 'sass/variables/variables';

//** 2.0 - Normalize **//

@import 'sass/normalize';

//** 3.0 - Mixin **//

@import 'sass/mixin/mixin';

//** 4.0 Modules **//

@import 'sass/modules/modules';

//** 5.0 - Forms **//

@import 'sass/forms/forms';

//** 7.0 Typography **//

@import 'sass/typography/typography';

//** 8.0 Sites **//

@import 'sass/site/site';

//** 9.0 - Elements **//

@import 'sass/elements/core';

//** 6.0 - Navigation **//

@import 'sass/navigation/navigation';

//** 10.0 - Media **//

@import 'sass/media/media';

//** 11.0 - Color Selection **//

@import 'sass/color-section';