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<?php /** * Digital Download Template Functions which enhance the theme by hooking into WordPress * * @package Digital_Download */ if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_doctype' ) ) : /** * Doctype Declaration */ function digital_download_doctype(){ ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_doctype', 'digital_download_doctype' ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_head' ) ) : /** * Before wp_head */ function digital_download_head(){ ?> <meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="profile" href=""> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_before_wp_head', 'digital_download_head' ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_page_start' ) ) : /** * Page Start */ function digital_download_page_start(){ ?> <div id="page" class="site"> <a class="skip-link screen-reader-text" href="#acc-content"><?php esc_html_e( 'Skip to content (Press Enter)', 'digital-download' ); ?></a> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_before_header', 'digital_download_page_start', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_header' ) ) : /** * Header Start */ function digital_download_header(){ $ed_cart = get_theme_mod( 'ed_shopping_cart', true ); $ed_search = get_theme_mod( 'ed_header_search', true ); ?> <div class="header-holder"> <div class="overlay"></div> <div class="container"> <header id="masthead" class="site-header" itemscope itemtype=""> <?php digital_download_site_branding(); ?> <div class="right"> <button id="toggle-button" data-toggle-target=".main-menu-modal" data-toggle-body-class="showing-main-menu-modal" aria-expanded="false" data-set-focus=".close-main-nav-toggle"><span></span></button> <div class="mobile-menu-wrapper"> <nav id="mobile-site-navigation" class="main-navigation mobile-navigation"> <div class="primary-menu-list main-menu-modal cover-modal" data-modal-target-string=".main-menu-modal"> <button class="close close-main-nav-toggle" data-toggle-target=".main-menu-modal" data-toggle-body-class="showing-main-menu-modal" aria-expanded="false" data-set-focus=".main-menu-modal"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></button> <div class="mobile-menu" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Mobile', 'digital-download' ); ?>"> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_id' => 'mobile-primary-menu', 'menu_class' => 'nav-menu main-menu-modal', ) ); ?> </div> </div> </nav><!-- #mobile-site-navigation --> </div> <nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation" itemscope itemtype=""> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_id' => 'primary-menu', 'fallback_cb' => 'digital_download_primary_menu_fallback', ) ); ?> </nav><!-- #site-navigation --> <div class="tools"> <?php if( $ed_search ) digital_download_header_search(); if( digital_download_is_edd_activated() ){ if( $ed_cart ) digital_download_header_shoping_cart(); digital_download_login_button(); } ?> </div> </div> </header> </div> </div> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_header', 'digital_download_header', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_content_start' ) ) : /** * Content Start */ function digital_download_content_start(){ echo '<div id="acc-content"><!-- for acccessibility purpose -->'; $home_sections = digital_download_get_home_sections(); if( !( is_front_page() && ! is_home() && $home_sections ) ){ if( ! is_404() ){ ?> <div id="content" class="site-content"> <?php } ?> <div class="container"> <?php } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_content', 'digital_download_content_start' ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_archive_header' ) ) : /** * Archive Header */ function digital_download_archive_header(){ if( ! is_front_page() ){ global $wp_query; ?> <header class="page-header"> <?php if( is_home() ){ echo '<h1 class="page-title">'; single_post_title(); echo '</h1>'; } if( is_archive() ){ if( is_author() ){ ?> <div class="img-holder"><?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 100 ); ?></div> <div class="text-holder"> <?php printf( __( '%1$sAll Posts by%2$s', 'digital-download' ), '<h1 class="author-archive-title"><span>', '</span> ' . get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' ) . '</h1>' ); the_archive_description( '<div class="author-archive-content">', '</div>' ); ?> </div> <?php }else{ the_archive_title(); the_archive_description( '<div class="archive-description">', '</div>' ); } } if( is_search() ){ ?> <h1 class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Search Result', 'digital-download' ); ?></h1> <span class="archive-type"><?php esc_html_e( 'You are looking for...', 'digital-download' ); ?></span> <?php get_search_form(); } ?> </header><!-- .page-header --> <?php if( $wp_query->found_posts > 0 ){ echo '<div class="post-count">'; printf( esc_html__( 'Showing %1$s Result(s)%2$s', 'digital-download' ), '<em>' . number_format_i18n( $wp_query->found_posts ), '</em>' ); echo '</div>'; } } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_before_posts_content', 'digital_download_archive_header' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_post_thumbnail' ) ) : /** * Displays an optional post thumbnail. * * Wraps the post thumbnail in an anchor element on index views, or a div * element when on single views. */ function digital_download_post_thumbnail() { global $wp_query; $ed_featured = get_theme_mod( 'ed_featured_image', true ); $sidebar = digital_download_sidebar(); $image_size = 'digital-download-fullwidth'; if( is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() ){ echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" class="post-thumbnail" itemprop="thumbnailUrl">'; if( has_post_thumbnail() ){ the_post_thumbnail( $image_size, array( 'itemprop' => 'image' ) ); }else{ digital_download_get_fallback_svg( $image_size );//falback } echo '</a>'; }elseif( is_singular() ){ echo '<div class="post-thumbnail">'; if( 'post' == get_post_type() ){ if( $ed_featured ) the_post_thumbnail( $image_size, array( 'itemprop' => 'image' ) ); }else{ the_post_thumbnail( $image_size, array( 'itemprop' => 'image' ) ); } echo '</div>'; } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_before_page_entry_content', 'digital_download_post_thumbnail' ); add_action( 'digital_download_before_post_entry_content', 'digital_download_post_thumbnail' ); add_action( 'digital_download_before_download_entry_content', 'digital_download_post_thumbnail', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_entry_header' ) ) : /** * Entry Header */ function digital_download_entry_header(){ ?> <header class="entry-header"> <?php $ed_cat_single = get_theme_mod( 'ed_category', false ); $ed_post_date = get_theme_mod( 'ed_post_date', false ); $ed_post_author = get_theme_mod( 'ed_post_author', false ); if( is_singular() ){ is_front_page() ? the_title( '<h2 class="entry-title">', '</h2>' ) : the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title">', '</h1>' ); if( function_exists( 'the_subtitle' ) ) the_subtitle( '<p class="entry-subtitle">', '</p>' ); }else{ the_title( '<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h2>' ); } if( 'post' === get_post_type() ){ echo '<div class="entry-meta">'; if( is_single() ){ if( ! $ed_post_author ) digital_download_posted_by(); if( ! $ed_cat_single ) digital_download_category(); if( ! $ed_post_date ) digital_download_posted_on(); }else{ digital_download_posted_by(); digital_download_category(); digital_download_posted_on(); } echo '</div>'; } ?> </header> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_post_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_header', 15 ); add_action( 'digital_download_page_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_header', 15 ); add_action( 'digital_download_before_download_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_header', 15 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_entry_content' ) ) : /** * Entry Content */ function digital_download_entry_content(){ $ed_excerpt = get_theme_mod( 'ed_excerpt', true ); ?> <div class="entry-content"> <?php if( is_singular() || ! $ed_excerpt || ( get_post_format() != false ) ){ the_content(); wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . esc_html__( 'Pages:', 'digital-download' ), 'after' => '</div>', ) ); }else{ the_excerpt(); } ?> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_page_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_content', 20 ); add_action( 'digital_download_post_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_content', 20 ); add_action( 'digital_download_download_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_content', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_entry_footer' ) ) : /** * Entry Footer */ function digital_download_entry_footer(){ $readmore = get_theme_mod( 'read_more_text', __( 'Read More', 'digital-download' ) ); ?> <footer class="entry-footer"> <?php if( is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() ){ echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_the_permalink() ) . '" class="btn-readmore">' . esc_html( $readmore ) . '</a>'; } digital_download_tag(); if( get_edit_post_link() ){ edit_post_link( sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s: Name of current post. Only visible to screen readers */ __( 'Edit <span class="screen-reader-text">%s</span>', 'digital-download' ), array( 'span' => array( 'class' => array(), ), ) ), get_the_title() ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); } ?> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_page_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_footer', 25 ); add_action( 'digital_download_post_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_footer', 25 ); add_action( 'digital_download_download_entry_content', 'digital_download_entry_footer', 25 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_author' ) ) : /** * Author Section */ function digital_download_author(){ $ed_author = get_theme_mod( 'ed_author' ); $author_title = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' ); if( ! $ed_author && get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ){ ?> <div class="author-section"> <div class="img-holder"><?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 100 ); ?></div> <div class="text-holder"> <?php if( $author_title ) echo '<h3 class="title">' . esc_html( $author_title ) . '</h3>'; echo '<div class="author-content">' . wpautop( wp_kses_post( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ) ) . '</div>'; ?> </div> </div> <?php } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_after_post_content', 'digital_download_author', 15 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_navigation' ) ) : /** * Navigation */ function digital_download_navigation(){ if( is_single() ){ $next_post = get_next_post(); $prev_post = get_previous_post(); if( $prev_post || $next_post ){?> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" role="navigation"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Post Navigation', 'digital-download' ); ?></h2> <div class="nav-links"> <?php if( $prev_post ){ ?> <div class="nav-previous nav-holder"> <div class="holder"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $prev_post->ID ) ); ?>" rel="prev"> <span class="meta-nav"><?php esc_html_e( 'Previuos Article', 'digital-download' ); ?></span> <?php $prev_img = get_post_thumbnail_id( $prev_post->ID ); if( $prev_img ){ $prev_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $prev_img, 'thumbnail' ); echo '<img src="' . esc_url( $prev_url ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( strip_tags( get_the_title( $prev_post->ID ) ) ) . '">'; }else{ digital_download_get_fallback_svg( 'thumbnail' );//falback } ?> <span class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Previous Article:', 'digital-download' ); ?></span> <span class="post-title"><?php echo esc_html( get_the_title( $prev_post->ID ) ); ?></span> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if( $next_post ){ ?> <div class="nav-next nav-holder"> <div class="holder"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $next_post->ID ) ); ?>" rel="next"> <span class="meta-nav"><?php esc_html_e( 'Next Article', 'digital-download' ); ?></span> <span class="post-title"><?php echo esc_html( get_the_title( $next_post->ID ) ); ?></span> <?php $next_img = get_post_thumbnail_id( $next_post->ID ); if( $next_img ){ $next_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $next_img, 'thumbnail' ); echo '<img src="' . esc_url( $next_url ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( strip_tags( get_the_title( $next_post->ID ) ) ) . '">'; }else{ digital_download_get_fallback_svg( 'thumbnail' );//falback } ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </nav> <?php } }else{ the_posts_pagination( array( 'prev_text' => __( 'Previous', 'digital-download' ), 'next_text' => __( 'Next', 'digital-download' ), 'before_page_number' => '<span class="meta-nav screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Page', 'digital-download' ) . ' </span>', ) ); } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_after_posts_content', 'digital_download_navigation' ); add_action( 'digital_download_after_post_content', 'digital_download_navigation', 20 ); add_action( 'digital_download_after_download_content', 'digital_download_navigation', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_related_posts' ) ) : /** * Related Posts */ function digital_download_related_posts(){ $ed_related_post = get_theme_mod( 'ed_related', true ); if( $ed_related_post ) digital_download_get_posts_list( 'related' ); } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_after_post_content', 'digital_download_related_posts', 30 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_latest_posts' ) ) : /** * Latest Posts */ function digital_download_latest_posts(){ digital_download_get_posts_list( 'latest' ); } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_latest_posts', 'digital_download_latest_posts' ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_comment' ) ) : /** * Comments Template */ function digital_download_comment(){ // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template. if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) : comments_template(); endif; } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_after_page_content', 'digital_download_comment' ); add_action( 'digital_download_after_post_content', 'digital_download_comment', 40 ); add_action( 'digital_download_after_download_content', 'digital_download_comment', 30 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_content_end' ) ) : /** * Content End */ function digital_download_content_end(){ $home_sections = digital_download_get_home_sections(); if( !( is_front_page() && ! is_home() && $home_sections ) ){ ?> </div><!-- .container --> <?php if( ! is_404() ){ ?> </div><!-- .site-content --> <?php } } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_before_footer', 'digital_download_content_end', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_footer_start' ) ) : /** * Footer Start */ function digital_download_footer_start(){ ?> <footer id="colophon" class="site-footer" itemscope itemtype=""> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_footer', 'digital_download_footer_start', 20 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_footer_top' ) ) : /** * Footer Top */ function digital_download_footer_top(){ $footer_sidebars = array( 'footer-one', 'footer-two', 'footer-three', 'footer-four' ); $active_sidebars = array(); $sidebar_count = 0; foreach ( $footer_sidebars as $sidebar ) { if( is_active_sidebar( $sidebar ) ){ array_push( $active_sidebars, $sidebar ); $sidebar_count++ ; } } if( $active_sidebars ){ ?> <div class="footer-t"> <div class="container"> <div class="column-<?php echo esc_attr( $sidebar_count ); ?>"> <?php foreach( $active_sidebars as $active ){ ?> <div class="col"> <?php dynamic_sidebar( $active ); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_footer', 'digital_download_footer_top', 30 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_footer_bottom' ) ) : /** * Footer Bottom */ function digital_download_footer_bottom(){ ?> <div class="footer-b"> <div class="container"> <div class="site-info"> <?php digital_download_get_footer_copyright(); esc_html_e( 'Digital Download | Developed by ', 'digital-download' ); echo '<a href="' . esc_url( '' ) .'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . esc_html__( 'Rara Theme', 'digital-download' ) . '</a>.'; printf( esc_html__( ' Powered by %s', 'digital-download' ), '<a href="'. esc_url( __( '', 'digital-download' ) ) .'" target="_blank">WordPress</a>.' ); if ( function_exists( 'the_privacy_policy_link' ) ) { the_privacy_policy_link(); } ?> </div> <?php digital_download_social_links(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_footer', 'digital_download_footer_bottom', 40 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_footer_end' ) ) : /** * Footer End */ function digital_download_footer_end(){ ?> </footer><!-- #colophon --> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_footer', 'digital_download_footer_end', 50 ); if( ! function_exists( 'digital_download_page_end' ) ) : /** * Page End */ function digital_download_page_end(){ ?> </div><!-- #acc-content --> </div><!-- #page --> <?php } endif; add_action( 'digital_download_after_footer', 'digital_download_page_end', 20 );