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 * Handle all svg icons in one place.
 * @package WPCode

 * Get an SVG icon by name with width, height and viewbox options.
 * @param string $name The name of the icon.
 * @param int    $width The width.
 * @param int    $height The height.
 * @param string $viewbox The viewbox, will be auto-built from width and height if not set.
 * @return string
function get_wpcode_icon( $name, $width = 20, $height = 20, $viewbox = '' ) {
	$icons = wpcode_icons();

	if ( ! isset( $icons[ $name ] ) ) {
		return '';

	if ( empty( $viewbox ) ) {
		$viewbox = sprintf( '0 0 %1$s %2$s', $width, $height );

	return sprintf(
		'<svg class="wpcode-icon wpcode-icon-%5$s" width="%1$s" height="%2$s" viewBox="%3$s" fill="none" xmlns="">%4$s</svg>',
		$icons[ $name ],

 * Echo an icon in a safe mode.
 * @param string $name The name of the icon.
 * @param int    $width The width.
 * @param int    $height The height.
 * @param string $viewbox The viewbox, will be auto-built from width and height if not set.
 * @return void
function wpcode_icon( $name, $width = 20, $height = 20, $viewbox = '' ) {
	$icon = get_wpcode_icon( $name, $width, $height, $viewbox );

	if ( ! empty( $icon ) ) {
		echo wp_kses(

 * Get the allowed tags for svg icons, to be used in wp_kses.
 * @return array
 * @see wpcode_icon()
 * @see wp_kses()
function wpcode_get_icon_allowed_tags() {
	return array(
		'svg'    => array(
			'class'           => true,
			'aria-hidden'     => true,
			'aria-labelledby' => true,
			'role'            => true,
			'xmlns'           => true,
			'width'           => true,
			'height'          => true,
			'viewbox'         => true,
		'g'      => array( 'fill' => true ),
		'title'  => array( 'title' => true ),
		'path'   => array(
			'd'         => true,
			'fill'      => true,
			'fill-rule' => true,
			'clip-rule' => true,
		'circle' => array(
			'cx'           => true,
			'cy'           => true,
			'r'            => true,
			'stroke'       => true,
			'stroke-width' => true,
			'fill'         => true,
		'rect'   => array(
			'x'      => true,
			'y'      => true,
			'width'  => true,
			'height' => true,
			'fill'   => true,

 * Get the whole array of WPCode SVG icons.
 * @return array
function wpcode_icons() {
	return (array) apply_filters(
			'logo'        => '<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M57.5706 64H6.56732C2.89985 64 0 61.1064 0 57.4468V6.55319C0 2.89362 2.89985 0 6.56732 0H57.5706C61.2381 0 64.1379 2.89362 64.1379 6.55319V57.4468C64.1379 61.1064 61.2381 64 57.5706 64ZM15.863 52.0855C15.5219 52.0855 15.0954 52.0004 14.7543 51.9153C13.2191 51.3196 12.4515 49.6175 13.0485 48.0855L26.439 13.7877C27.036 12.2558 28.7418 11.4898 30.277 12.0855C31.8122 12.6813 32.5798 14.3834 31.9828 15.9153L18.6776 50.2132C18.2512 51.4047 17.0571 52.0855 15.863 52.0855ZM35.0534 47.7445C35.6504 48.3403 36.418 48.5956 37.1856 48.5956C37.9532 48.5956 38.7208 48.3403 39.3179 47.7445L49.8085 37.3616C51.6849 35.4892 51.6849 32.3403 49.8085 30.468L39.3179 19.9999C38.2091 18.8084 36.3327 18.8084 35.1386 19.9999C33.9446 21.1063 33.9446 22.9786 35.1386 24.1701L44.7764 33.8722L35.0534 43.5743C33.8593 44.6807 33.8593 46.5531 35.0534 47.7445Z" fill="white"/>',
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			'shortcode'   => '<path d="M0 0.137207H4.47458V1.89055H2.40664V14.2398H4.47458V16.0016H0V0.137207Z" fill="#454545"/><path d="M13.885 0.137207H16.2713L10.5019 16.0016H8.13574L13.885 0.137207Z" fill="#454545"/><path d="M24 0.137207H19.5254V1.89055H21.5934V14.2398H19.5254V16.0016H24V0.137207Z" fill="#454545"/>',
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