Current Path : /home/thanudqk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tablepress/admin/js/edit/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tablepress/admin/js/edit/screen.jsx |
/** * JavaScript code for the "Edit Screen" component. * * @package TablePress * @subpackage Edit Screen * @author Tobias Bäthge * @since 3.0.0 */ /* globals tp */ /** * WordPress dependencies. */ import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { withFilters, } from '@wordpress/components'; import { addAction, applyFilters, removeAction } from '@wordpress/hooks'; /* * Allow other scripts to register their UI components to be rendered on the Edit Screen. * Portals allow to render components outside of the normal React tree, in separate DOM nodes. */ const features = applyFilters( 'tablepress.editScreenFeatures', [] ); const Portals = withFilters( 'tablepress.editScreenPortals' )( () => <></> ); /** * Returns the "Edit Screen" component's JSX markup. * * @return {Object} Edit Screen component. */ const Screen = () => { const [ tableOptions, setTableOptions ] = useState( () => ( { } ) ); const [ tableMeta, setTableMeta ] = useState( () => ( { } ) ); // When the component is first rendered, register the action hook that is triggered when other options are changed. useEffect( () => { addAction( 'tablepress.metaUpdated', 'tp/edit-screen/handle-meta-updated', () => { setTableMeta( { } ); } ); return () => { removeAction( 'tablepress.metaUpdated', 'tp/edit-screen/handle-meta-updated' ); }; }, [] ); // Turn off "Enable Visitor Features" if the table has merged cells. useEffect( () => { if ( tableOptions.use_datatables && tp.helpers.editor.has_merged_body_cells() ) { updateTableOptions( { use_datatables: false } ); } }, [] ); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps -- This should only run on the initial render, so no dependencies are needed. const updateTableOptions = ( updatedTableOptions ) => { // Use an updater function to ensure that the current state is used when updating table options. setTableOptions( ( currentTableOptions ) => ( { ...currentTableOptions, ...updatedTableOptions, } ) ); tp.table.options = {, ...updatedTableOptions }; tp.helpers.unsaved_changes.set(); // Redraw the table when certain options are changed. if ( [ 'table_head', 'table_foot' ].some( ( optionName ) => ( Object.keys( updatedTableOptions ).includes( optionName ) ) ) ) { tp.editor.updateTable(); } }; const updateTableMeta = ( updatedTableMeta ) => tp.helpers.meta.update( updatedTableMeta ); return ( <Portals tableMeta={ tableMeta } updateTableMeta={ updateTableMeta } tableOptions={ tableOptions } updateTableOptions={ updateTableOptions } features={ features } /> ); }; export default Screen;