Current Path : /home/thanudqk/public_html/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/js/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/public_html/wordpress_leaderboard/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/js/library.js |
/* global visualizer */ /* global alert */ (function (wpmv) { var vm, vmv; vm = = {}; vmv = vm.view = {}; vmv.Chart = wpmv.MediaFrame.extend({ initialize: function () { var self = this; _.defaults(self.options, { action: '', state: 'iframe:visualizer' }); wpmv.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply(self, arguments); wpmv.settings.tabUrl = self.options.action; self.createIframeStates(); }, open: function () { try{, arguments); }catch(error){ alert(visualizer.i10n.conflict); } this.$el.addClass('hide-menu'); } }); })(; function createPopupProBlocker( $ , e ) { if ( ! visualizer.is_pro_user &&'viz-is-pro-chart') ) { $("#overlay-visualizer").css("display", "block"); $(".vizualizer-renew-notice-popup").css("display", "block"); return true; } return false; } (function ($, vmv, vu) { var resizeTimeout; $.fn.adjust = function () { return $(this).each(function () { var width = $('#visualizer-library').width(), margin = width * 0.02; width *= 0.305; $(this).prev( '.visualizer-chart-title' ).width(width - 14); var ChartHeight = width * 0.93; if ( $( '.visualizer-nochart-canvas' ).length === 0 ) { ChartHeight = width * 0.78; if ( $( '#visualizer-sidebar' ).hasClass('one-columns') ) { ChartHeight = width * 0.92; } } $(this).width(width).height( ChartHeight ); }); }; $('.visualizer-chart-canvas').adjust(); $(document).ready(function () { // clears the filters in the library form and submits. $('#viz-lib-reset').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('form')[0].reset(); $(this).parent('form').find('.viz-filter').each(function(index, el){ var tag = $(el).prop('tagName').toLowerCase() + (typeof $(el).attr('type') !== 'undefined' ? $(el).attr('type').toLowerCase() : ''); switch(tag){ case 'select': $(el).prop('selectedIndex', 0); break; case 'inputtext': $(el).val(''); break; } }); $(this).parent('form').submit(); }); $('.visualizer-chart-shortcode').click(function (event) { if ( createPopupProBlocker( $, event ) ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } var range, selection; if (window.getSelection && document.createRange) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(; selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } else if (document.selection && document.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(;; } }); $( '.visualizer-languages-list' ).on( 'click', '[data-lang_code]', function() { if ( $(this).find( 'i' ).hasClass( 'otgs-ico-add' ) ) { vu.create = vu.create + '&lang=' + $(this).data('lang_code') + '&parent_chart_id=' + $(this).data('chart'); $('.add-new-chart').click(); } else { vu.edit = vu.edit + '&lang=' + $(this).data('lang_code') + '&chart=' + $(this).data('chart'); $('.visualizer-chart-edit').click(); } } ); $('.add-new-chart').click(function () { var wnd = window, view = new vmv.Chart({action: vu.create}); vu.create = vu.create.replace(/[\?&]lang=[^&]+/, '').replace(/[\?&]parent_chart_id=[^&]+/, ''); window.parent.addEventListener('message', function(event){ switch( { case 'visualizer:mediaframe:close': view.close(); break; } }, false); // remove the 'type' while refreshing the library page on creation of a new chart. // this is to avoid cases where users have filtered for chart type A and end up creating chart type B // remove 'vaction' as well so that additional actions are removed wnd.send_to_editor = function () { wnd.location.href = vu.base.replace(/type=[a-zA-Z]*/, '').replace(/vaction/, ''); };; return false; }); $('.visualizer-chart-edit').click(function (event) { if ( createPopupProBlocker( $, event ) ) { return; } var wnd = window; var view = new vmv.Chart( { action: vu.edit.indexOf('&chart') != -1 ? vu.edit : vu.edit + '&chart=' + $(this).attr('data-chart') } ); vu.edit = vu.edit.replace(/[\?&]lang=[^&]+/, ''); wnd.send_to_editor = function () { wnd.location.href = wnd.location.href.replace(/vaction/, ''); };; return false; }); $(".visualizer-chart-clone").on("click", function ( event ) { if ( createPopupProBlocker( $, event ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); $(".visualizer-chart-export").on("click", function (event) { if ( createPopupProBlocker( $, event ) ) { return; } $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr("data-chart"), method: "get", success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var a = document.createElement("a"); document.body.appendChild(a); = "display: none"; var blob = new Blob([], {type: "application/csv"}), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.href = url; =;; setTimeout(function () { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 100); } }); return false; }); $(".visualizer-chart-image").on("click", function (event) { if ( createPopupProBlocker( $, event ) ) { return; } $('body').trigger('visualizer:action:specificchart', {action: 'image', id: $(this).attr("data-chart"), data: null, dataObj: {name: $(this).attr("data-chart-title")}}); return false; }); // if vaction=addnew is found as a GET request parameter, show the modal. if(location.href.indexOf('vaction=addnew') !== -1){ $('.add-new-chart').first().trigger('click'); } //if vaction=edit is found as a GET request parameter, show the modal. if(location.href.indexOf('vaction=edit') !== -1 && location.href.indexOf('chart=') !== -1){ const chartId = location.href.split('chart=')[1].split('&')[0]; $('.visualizer-chart-edit').attr('data-chart', chartId).trigger('click'); } $(window).resize(function () { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { $('.visualizer-chart-canvas').adjust(); }, 100); }); $('.visualizer-error i.error').on('click', function(){ alert( $(this).attr('data-viz-error') ); }); $('.visualizer-chart:not(.visualizer-chart-display), .visualizer-library-pagination').fadeIn(500); }); })(jQuery,, visualizer.urls); document.querySelectorAll('.visualizer-chart').forEach(function (chart) { const translatable = chart.querySelector('.visualizer-languages-list'); if ( ! translatable ) { return; } const chartId = chart.querySelector('.visualizer-chart-canvas')?.id?.replace('visualizer-', ''); if ( ! chartId ) { return; } const translatableActions = translatable.querySelectorAll('[data-lang_code]'); translatableActions.forEach(function (action) { action.addEventListener('click', function () { window?.tiTrk?.with('visualizer')?.add({ feature: 'chart-library', featureComponent: 'chart-language-translations-used', groupId: chartId, }); }); }); });