Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/ |
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changedApiVideoPlayer(el); }); //Init thumbs carousel $galleryThumbsCarousel.owlCarousel({ loop: false, margin: 15, rtl: isRtl ? true : false, nav: $galleryThumbsItem.length > 1 && !isTouch ? true : false, dots: false, slideBy: 1, rewind: false, smartSpeed: animationSpeed, items: itemsCount, slideTransition: 'ease', touchDrag: (itemsCountMax && !isVertical) ? true : false, mouseDrag: (itemsCountMax && !isVertical) ? true : false, onInitialized: function (el) { setCurrentThumb(el); if (isVertical && isTrueCount && !isMobile && !isDots) { initVerticalGallery(); } else { resizeVerticalGallery(); } changedArrowsColor(); } }) .on('click', itemClass, function (el) { clickThumbNavigate(el); }) .on('mouseenter', itemClass, function (el) { hoverThumbNavigate(el); }); //Synchronize main and thumb gallerys function syncGallerysOnInit(el) { var loop = $'owl.carousel').options.loop; var current, currentItem, index; if (loop) { var count = el.item.count - 1; current = Math.round(el.item.index - (el.item.count / 2) - .5); 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