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<?php define('NEWRELIC_API_BASE', ''); /** * Interacts with the New Relic Connect API * deprecated * @link */ class NewRelicAPI { private $_api_key; /** * @param string $api_key New Relic API Key */ function __construct($api_key) { $this->_api_key = $api_key; } /** * @param string $api_call_url url path with query string used to define what to get from the NR API * @throws Exception * @return bool */ private function _get($api_call_url) { $defaults = array( 'headers'=>'x-api-key:'.$this->_api_key ); $url = NEWRELIC_API_BASE . $api_call_url; $response = wp_remote_get($url, $defaults); if (is_wp_error($response)) { throw new Exception('Could not get data'); } elseif ($response['response']['code'] == 200) { $return = $response['body']; } else { switch ($response['response']['code']) { case '403': $message = __('Invalid API key', 'w3-total-cache'); break; default: $message = $response['response']['message']; } throw new Exception($message, $response['response']['code']); } return $return; } /** * @param string $api_call_url url path with query string used to define what to get from the NR API * @param array $params key value array. * @throws Exception * @return bool */ private function _put($api_call_url, $params) { $defaults = array( 'method' => 'PUT', 'headers'=>'x-api-key:'.$this->_api_key, 'body' => $params ); $url = NEWRELIC_API_BASE . $api_call_url; $response = wp_remote_request($url, $defaults); if (is_wp_error($response)) { throw new Exception('Could not put data'); } elseif ($response['response']['code'] == 200) { $return = true; } else { throw new Exception($response['response']['message'], $response['response']['code']); } return $return; } /** * Get applications connected with the API key and provided account id. * @param int $account_id * @return array */ function get_applications($account_id) { $applications = array(); if ($xml_string = $this->_get("/api/v1/accounts/{$account_id}/applications.xml")) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string); foreach($xml->application as $application) { $applications[(int)$application->id] = (string)$application->name; } } return $applications; } /** * Get the application summary data for the provided application * @param $application_id * @return array array(metric name => metric value) */ function get_application_summary($account_id, $application_id) { $summary = array(); if ($xml_string = $this->_get("/api/v1/accounts/{$account_id}/applications/{$application_id}/threshold_values.xml")) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string); foreach($xml->{'threshold_value'} as $value) { $summary[(string)$value['name']] = (string)$value['formatted_metric_value']; } } return $summary; } /** * Return key value array with information connected to account. * @return array|mixed|null */ function get_account() { $account = null; if ($xml_string = $this->_get('/api/v1/accounts.xml')) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string); foreach($xml->account as $account_values) { $account=json_decode(json_encode((array) $account_values), 1); break; } } return $account; } /** * Get key value array with application settings * @param $application_id * @return array|mixed */ function get_application_settings($account_id, $application_id) { $settings = array(); if ($xml_string = $this->_get("/api/v1/accounts/{$account_id}/application_settings/{$application_id}.xml")) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string); $settings=json_decode(json_encode((array) $xml), 1); } return $settings; } /** * Update application settings. verifies the keys in provided settings array is acceptable * @param $application_id * @param $settings * @return bool */ function update_application_settings($account_id, $application_id, $settings) { $supported = array('alerts_enabled', 'app_apdex_t','rum_apdex_t','rum_enabled'); $call = "/api/v1/accounts/{$account_id}/application_settings/{$application_id}.xml"; $params = array(); foreach($settings as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $supported)) $params[$key] = $value; } return $this->_put($call, $params); } /** * Returns the available metric names for provided application * @param $application_id * @param string $regex * @param string $limit * @return array|mixed */ function get_metric_names($application_id, $regex = '', $limit = '') { $call = "/api/v1/agents/{$application_id}/metrics.json"; $callQS = ''; $qs = array(); if ($regex) $qs[] = 're=' . urlencode($regex); if ($limit) $qs[] = 'limit=' . $limit; if ($qs) $callQS = '?' . implode('&', $qs); $json = $this->_get($call . $callQS); $metric_names=json_decode($json); return $metric_names; } /** * Gets the metric data for the provided metric names. * @param string $account_id * @param string $application_id * @param string $begin XML date in GMT * @param string $to XML date in GMT * @param array $metrics * @param string $field * @param bool $summary if values should be merged or overtime * @return array|mixed */ function get_metric_data($account_id, $application_id, $begin, $to, $metrics, $field, $summary = true) { $metricParamArray = array(); foreach($metrics as $metric) { $metricParamArray[] = 'metrics[]=' . urlencode($metric); } $metricQS = implode('&', $metricParamArray); $fieldsQS = 'field=' . urlencode($field); $agentQS = 'agent_id=' . urlencode($application_id); $beginQS = 'begin=' . urlencode($begin); $toQS = 'end=' . urlencode($to); $summaryQS = $summary ? 'summary=1' : 'summary=0'; $command = $beginQS . '&' . $toQS . '&' . $metricQS . '&' . $fieldsQS . '&' . $agentQS . '&' . $summaryQS; $json = $this->_get("/api/v1/accounts/{$account_id}/metrics/data.json?{$command}"); $metric_data=json_decode($json); return $metric_data; } }