Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/ |
<?php namespace W3TC; /** * class BrowserCache_Environment */ class BrowserCache_Environment { public function __construct() { add_filter( 'w3tc_cdn_rules_section', array( $this, 'w3tc_cdn_rules_section' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * Fixes environment in each wp-admin request * * @param Config $config * @param bool $force_all_checks * @throws Util_Environment_Exceptions */ public function fix_on_wpadmin_request( $config, $force_all_checks ) { $exs = new Util_Environment_Exceptions(); if ( $config->get_boolean( 'config.check' ) || $force_all_checks ) { if ( $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.enabled' ) ) { $this->rules_cache_add( $config, $exs ); } else { $this->rules_cache_remove( $exs ); } } if ( count( $exs->exceptions() ) > 0 ) throw $exs; } /** * Fixes environment once event occurs * * @throws Util_Environment_Exceptions */ public function fix_on_event( $config, $event, $old_config = null ) { } /** * Fixes environment after plugin deactivation * * @throws Util_Environment_Exceptions */ public function fix_after_deactivation() { $exs = new Util_Environment_Exceptions(); $this->rules_cache_remove( $exs ); if ( count( $exs->exceptions() ) > 0 ) throw $exs; } /** * Returns required rules for module * * @param Config $config * @return array */ public function get_required_rules( $config ) { if ( ! $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.enabled' ) ) { return array(); } $mime_types = $this->get_mime_types(); switch ( true ) { case Util_Environment::is_apache(): $generator_apache = new BrowserCache_Environment_Apache( $config ); $rewrite_rules = array( array( 'filename' => Util_Rule::get_apache_rules_path(), 'content' => W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE . "\n" . $this->rules_cache_generate_apache( $config ) . $generator_apache->rules_no404wp( $mime_types ) . W3TC_MARKER_END_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE . "\n" ) ); break; case Util_Environment::is_litespeed(): $generator_litespeed = new BrowserCache_Environment_LiteSpeed( $config ); $rewrite_rules = $generator_litespeed->get_required_rules( $mime_types ); break; case Util_Environment::is_nginx(): $generator_nginx = new BrowserCache_Environment_Nginx( $config ); $rewrite_rules = $generator_nginx->get_required_rules( $mime_types ); break; default: $rewrite_rules = array(); } return $rewrite_rules; } /** * Returns mime types * * @return array */ public function get_mime_types() { $a = Util_Mime::sections_to_mime_types_map(); $other_compression = $a['other']; unset( $other_compression['asf|asx|wax|wmv|wmx'] ); unset( $other_compression['avi'] ); unset( $other_compression['avif'] ); unset( $other_compression['avifs'] ); unset( $other_compression['divx'] ); unset( $other_compression['gif'] ); unset( $other_compression['br'] ); unset( $other_compression['gz|gzip'] ); unset( $other_compression['jpg|jpeg|jpe'] ); unset( $other_compression['mid|midi'] ); unset( $other_compression['mov|qt'] ); unset( $other_compression['mp3|m4a'] ); unset( $other_compression['mp4|m4v'] ); unset( $other_compression['ogv'] ); unset( $other_compression['mpeg|mpg|mpe'] ); unset( $other_compression['png'] ); unset( $other_compression['ra|ram'] ); unset( $other_compression['tar'] ); unset( $other_compression['webp'] ); unset( $other_compression['wma'] ); unset( $other_compression['zip'] ); $a['other_compression'] = $other_compression; return $a; } /** * Generate rules for FTP upload * * @param Config $config * @return string */ public function rules_cache_generate_for_ftp( $config ) { return $this->rules_cache_generate_apache( $config ); } /* * rules cache */ /** * Writes cache rules * * @throws Util_WpFile_FilesystemOperationException with S/FTP form if it can't get the required filesystem credentials */ private function rules_cache_add( $config, $exs ) { $rules = $this->get_required_rules( $config ); foreach ( $rules as $i ) { Util_Rule::add_rules( $exs, $i['filename'], $i['content'], W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE, W3TC_MARKER_END_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE, array( W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_MINIFY_CORE => 0, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_PGCACHE_CORE => 0, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_WORDPRESS => 0, W3TC_MARKER_END_PGCACHE_CACHE => strlen( W3TC_MARKER_END_PGCACHE_CACHE ) + 1, W3TC_MARKER_END_MINIFY_CACHE => strlen( W3TC_MARKER_END_MINIFY_CACHE ) + 1 ) ); } } /** * Removes cache directives * * @throws Util_WpFile_FilesystemOperationException with S/FTP form if it can't get the required filesystem credentials */ private function rules_cache_remove( $exs ) { $filenames = array(); switch ( true ) { case Util_Environment::is_apache(): $filenames[] = Util_Rule::get_apache_rules_path(); break; case Util_Environment::is_litespeed(): $filenames[] = Util_Rule::get_apache_rules_path(); $filenames[] = Util_Rule::get_litespeed_rules_path(); break; case Util_Environment::is_nginx(): $filenames[] = Util_Rule::get_nginx_rules_path(); break; } foreach ( $filenames as $i ) { Util_Rule::remove_rules( $exs, $i, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE, W3TC_MARKER_END_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE ); } } /** * Returns cache rules. * * @param Config $config Configuration. * @return string */ private function rules_cache_generate_apache( Config $config ): string { $mime_types2 = $this->get_mime_types(); $cssjs_types = $mime_types2['cssjs']; $cssjs_types = array_unique( $cssjs_types ); $html_types = $mime_types2['html']; $other_types = $mime_types2['other']; $other_compression_types = $mime_types2['other_compression']; $cssjs_expires = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.expires' ); $html_expires = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.expires' ); $other_expires = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.expires' ); $cssjs_lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.cssjs.lifetime' ); $html_lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.html.lifetime' ); $other_lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.other.lifetime' ); $compatibility = $config->get_boolean( 'pgcache.compatibility' ); $mime_types = array(); $rules = ''; // For mod_mime and mod_expires. if ( $cssjs_expires && $cssjs_lifetime ) { $mime_types = array_merge( $mime_types, $cssjs_types ); } if ( $html_expires && $html_lifetime ) { $mime_types = array_merge( $mime_types, $html_types ); } if ( $other_expires && $other_lifetime ) { $mime_types = array_merge( $mime_types, $other_types ); } // Rules for mod_mime. if ( count( $mime_types ) ) { $rules_mime = "<IfModule mod_mime.c>\n"; foreach ( $mime_types as $ext => $mime_type ) { $extensions = explode( '|', $ext ); if ( ! is_array( $mime_type ) ) { $mime_type = (array) $mime_type; } foreach ( $mime_type as $mime_type2 ) { $rules_mime .= ' AddType ' . $mime_type2; foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) { $rules_mime .= ' .' . $extension; } $rules_mime .= "\n"; } } $rules_mime .= "</IfModule>\n"; // Rules for mod_expires. $rules_mime .= "<IfModule mod_expires.c>\n"; $rules_mime .= " ExpiresActive On\n"; if ( $cssjs_expires && $cssjs_lifetime ) { foreach ( $cssjs_types as $mime_type ) { $rules_mime .= ' ExpiresByType ' . $mime_type . ' A' . $cssjs_lifetime . "\n"; } } if ( $html_expires && $html_lifetime ) { foreach ( $html_types as $mime_type ) { $rules_mime .= ' ExpiresByType ' . $mime_type . ' A' . $html_lifetime . "\n"; } } if ( $other_expires && $other_lifetime ) { foreach ( $other_types as $mime_type ) { if ( is_array( $mime_type ) ) { foreach ( $mime_type as $mime_type2 ) { $rules_mime .= ' ExpiresByType ' . $mime_type2 . ' A' . $other_lifetime . "\n"; } } else { $rules_mime .= ' ExpiresByType ' . $mime_type . ' A' . $other_lifetime . "\n"; } } } $rules_mime .= "</IfModule>\n"; /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_mime * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $rules_mime Apache rules for MIME types. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_mime', $rules_mime ); unset( $rules_mime ); } // For mod_brotli. $cssjs_brotli = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.brotli' ); $html_brotli = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.brotli' ); $other_brotli = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.brotli' ); if ( $cssjs_brotli || $html_brotli || $other_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array(); if ( $cssjs_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $cssjs_types ); } if ( $html_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $html_types ); } if ( $other_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $other_compression_types ); } // Rules for mod_brotli. $rules_brotli = "<IfModule mod_brotli.c>\n"; if ( version_compare( Util_Environment::get_server_version(), '2.3.7', '>=' ) ) { $rules_brotli .= " <IfModule mod_filter.c>\n"; } $rules_brotli .= " AddOutputFilterByType BROTLI_COMPRESS " . implode( ' ', $brotli_types ) . "\n"; $rules_brotli .= " <IfModule mod_mime.c>\n"; $rules_brotli .= " # BROTLI_COMPRESS by extension\n"; $rules_brotli .= " AddOutputFilter BROTLI_COMPRESS js css htm html xml\n"; $rules_brotli .= " </IfModule>\n"; if ( version_compare( Util_Environment::get_server_version(), '2.3.7', '>=' ) ) { $rules_brotli .= " </IfModule>\n"; } $rules_brotli .= "</IfModule>\n"; /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_brotli * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $rules_brotli Apache rules for mod_brotli. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_brotli', $rules_brotli ); unset( $rules_brotli ); } // For mod_deflate. $cssjs_compression = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.compression' ); $html_compression = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.compression' ); $other_compression = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.compression' ); if ( $cssjs_compression || $html_compression || $other_compression ) { $compression_types = array(); if ( $cssjs_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $cssjs_types ); } if ( $html_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $html_types ); } if ( $other_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $other_compression_types ); } // Rules for mod_deflate. $rules_deflate = "<IfModule mod_deflate.c>\n"; if ( $compatibility ) { $rules_deflate .= " <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>\n"; $rules_deflate .= " BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html\n"; $rules_deflate .= " BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\\.0[678] no-gzip\n"; $rules_deflate .= " BrowserMatch \\bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html\n"; $rules_deflate .= " BrowserMatch \\bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html\n"; $rules_deflate .= " </IfModule>\n"; } if ( version_compare( Util_Environment::get_server_version(), '2.3.7', '>=' ) ) { $rules_deflate .= " <IfModule mod_filter.c>\n"; } $rules_deflate .= " AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE " . implode( ' ', $compression_types ) . "\n"; $rules_deflate .= " <IfModule mod_mime.c>\n"; $rules_deflate .= " # DEFLATE by extension\n"; $rules_deflate .= " AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml\n"; $rules_deflate .= " </IfModule>\n"; if ( version_compare( Util_Environment::get_server_version(), '2.3.7', '>=' ) ) { $rules_deflate .= " </IfModule>\n"; } $rules_deflate .= "</IfModule>\n"; /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_deflate * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $rules_deflate Apache rules for mod_deflate. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_deflate', $rules_deflate ); unset( $rules_deflate ); } /* Rules for MIME types CSS/JS, HTML, and other. */ /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_cssjs * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['cssjs'], 'cssjs' ) Apache rules for CSS/JS MIME types. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_cssjs', $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['cssjs'], 'cssjs' ) ); /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_html * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['html'], 'html' ) Apache rules for HTML MIME types. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_html', $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['html'], 'html' ) ); /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_other * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['other'], 'other' ) Apache rules for other MIME types. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_other', $this->_rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types2['other'], 'other' ) ); // For mod_headers. if ( $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.hsts' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) || $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.other.lifetime' ); // Rules for mod_headers. $rules_headers = "<IfModule mod_headers.c>\n"; if ( $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.hsts' ) ) { $dir = $config->get_string( '' ); $rules_headers .= ' Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=' . $lifetime . ( strpos( $dir, 'inc' ) ? '; includeSubDomains' : '' ) . ( strpos( $dir, 'pre' ) ? '; preload' : '' ) . "\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $dir = $config->get_string( '' ); $url = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); if ( empty( $url ) ) { $url = Util_Environment::home_url_maybe_https(); } $rules_headers .= ' Header always append X-Frame-Options "' . ( 'same' === $dir ? 'SAMEORIGIN' : ( 'deny' === $dir ? 'DENY' : 'ALLOW-FROM' . $url ) ) . "\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $dir = $config->get_string( '' ); $rules_headers .= ' Header set X-XSS-Protection "' . ( 'block' === $dir ? '1; mode=block' : $dir ) . "\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $rules_headers .= " Header set X-Content-Type-Options \"nosniff\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $pin = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $pinbak = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $extra = $config->get_string( '' ); $url = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $rep_only = $config->get_string( '' ) == '1' ? true : false; $rules_headers .= ' Header set ' . ( $rep_only ? 'Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only' : 'Public-Key-Pins' ) . ' "pin-sha256="$pin"; pin-sha256="$pinbak"; max-age=' . $lifetime . ( strpos( $extra, 'inc' ) ? '; includeSubDomains' : '' ) . ( ! empty( $url ) ? '; report-uri="$url"' : '' ) . "\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $dir = $config->get_string( '' ); $rules_headers .= ' Header set Referrer-Policy "' . ( empty( $dir ) ? '' : $dir ) . "\"\n"; } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $base = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $reporturi = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $reportto = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $frame = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $connect = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $font = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $script = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $style = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $img = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $media = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $object = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $plugin = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $form = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $frame_ancestors = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $sandbox = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $child = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $manifest = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptattr = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $styleelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $worker = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $default = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $dir = rtrim( ( ! empty( $base ) ? "base-uri $base; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reporturi ) ? "report-uri $reporturi; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reportto ) ? "report-to $reportto; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame ) ? "frame-src $frame; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $connect ) ? "connect-src $connect; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $font ) ? "font-src $font; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $script ) ? "script-src $script; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $style ) ? "style-src $style; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $img ) ? "img-src $img; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $media ) ? "media-src $media; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $object ) ? "object-src $object; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $plugin ) ? "plugin-types $plugin; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $form ) ? "form-action $form; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame_ancestors ) ? "frame-ancestors $frame_ancestors; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $sandbox ) ? "sandbox $sandbox; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $child ) ? "child-src $child; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $manifest ) ? "manifest-src $manifest; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptelem ) ? "script-src-elem $scriptelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptattr ) ? "script-src-attr $scriptattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleelem ) ? "style-src-elem $styleelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleattr ) ? "style-src-attr $styleattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $worker ) ? "worker-src $worker; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $default ) ? "default-src $default;" : '' ), '; ' ); if ( ! empty( $dir ) ) { $rules_headers .= ' Header set Content-Security-Policy "' . $dir . "\"\n"; } } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) && ( ! empty( $config->get_string( '' ) ) || ! empty( $config->get_string( '' ) ) ) ) { $base = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $reporturi = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $reportto = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $frame = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $connect = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $font = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $script = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $style = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $img = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $media = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $object = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $plugin = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $form = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $frame_ancestors = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $sandbox = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $child = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $manifest = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptattr = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $styleelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $worker = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $default = trim( $config->get_string( '' ) ); $dir = rtrim( ( ! empty( $base ) ? "base-uri $base; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reporturi ) ? "report-uri $reporturi; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reportto ) ? "report-to $reportto; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame ) ? "frame-src $frame; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $connect ) ? "connect-src $connect; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $font ) ? "font-src $font; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $script ) ? "script-src $script; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $style ) ? "style-src $style; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $img ) ? "img-src $img; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $media ) ? "media-src $media; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $object ) ? "object-src $object; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $plugin ) ? "plugin-types $plugin; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $form ) ? "form-action $form; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame_ancestors ) ? "frame-ancestors $frame_ancestors; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $sandbox ) ? "sandbox $sandbox; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $child ) ? "child-src $child; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $manifest ) ? "manifest-src $manifest; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptelem ) ? "script-src-elem $scriptelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptattr ) ? "script-src-attr $scriptattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleelem ) ? "style-src-elem $styleelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleattr ) ? "style-src-attr $styleattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $worker ) ? "worker-src $worker; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $default ) ? "default-src $default;" : '' ), '; ' ); if ( ! empty( $dir ) ) { $rules_headers .= ' Header set Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only "' . $dir . "\"\n"; } } if ( $config->get_boolean( '' ) ) { $fp_values = $config->get_array( '' ); $feature_v = array(); $permission_v = array(); foreach ( $fp_values as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $value = str_replace( array( '"', "'" ), '', $value ); $feature_v[] = "$key '$value'"; $permission_v[] = "$key=($value)"; } } if ( ! empty( $feature_v ) ) { $rules_headers .= ' Header set Feature-Policy "' . implode( ';', $feature_v ) . "\"\n"; } if ( ! empty( $permission_v ) ) { $rules_headers .= ' Header set Permissions-Policy "' . implode( ',', $permission_v ) . "\"\n"; } } $rules_headers .= "</IfModule>\n"; /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_headers * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $rules_mime Apache rules for mod_headers. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_headers', $rules_headers ); unset( $rules_headers ); } $g = new BrowserCache_Environment_Apache( $config ); /** * Filter: w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_rewrite * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $rules_mime Apache rules for mod_rewrite. * @return string */ $rules .= apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache_rewrite', $g->rules_rewrite() ); return apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_apache', $rules ); } /** * Writes cache rules * * @param Config $config * @param array $mime_types * @param string $section * @return string */ private function _rules_cache_generate_apache_for_type( $config, $mime_types, $section ) { $is_disc_enhanced = $config->get_boolean( 'pgcache.enabled' ) && $config->get_string( 'pgcache.engine' ) == 'file_generic'; $cache_control = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.cache.control' ); $etag = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.etag' ); $w3tc = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.w3tc' ); $unset_setcookie = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.nocookies' ); $set_last_modified = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.last_modified' ); $compatibility = $config->get_boolean( 'pgcache.compatibility' ); $mime_types2 = apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions', $mime_types, $config, $section ); $extensions = array_keys( $mime_types2 ); // Remove ext from filesmatch if its the same as permalink extension $pext = strtolower( pathinfo( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); if ( $pext ) { $extensions = Util_Rule::remove_extension_from_list( $extensions, $pext ); } $extensions_lowercase = array_map( 'strtolower', $extensions ); $extensions_uppercase = array_map( 'strtoupper', $extensions ); $rules = ''; $headers_rules = ''; if ( $cache_control ) { $cache_policy = $config->get_string( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.cache.policy' ); switch ( $cache_policy ) { case 'cache': $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"public\"\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"public\"\n"; break; case 'cache_public_maxage': $expires = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.expires' ); $lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.lifetime' ); $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"public\"\n"; if ( $expires ) $headers_rules .= " Header append Cache-Control \"public\"\n"; else $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"max-age=" . $lifetime . ", public\"\n"; break; case 'cache_validation': $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"public\"\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate\"\n"; break; case 'cache_noproxy': $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"public\"\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"private, must-revalidate\"\n"; break; case 'cache_maxage': $expires = $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.expires' ); $lifetime = $config->get_integer( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.lifetime' ); $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"public\"\n"; if ( $expires ) $headers_rules .= " Header append Cache-Control \"public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate\"\n"; else $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"max-age=" . $lifetime . ", public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate\"\n"; break; case 'no_cache': $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"no-cache\"\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"private, no-cache\"\n"; break; case 'no_store': $headers_rules .= " Header set Pragma \"no-store\"\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"no-store\"\n"; break; } } if ( $etag ) { $rules .= " FileETag MTime Size\n"; } else { if ( $compatibility ) { $rules .= " FileETag None\n"; $headers_rules .= " Header unset ETag\n"; } } if ( $unset_setcookie ) $headers_rules .= " Header unset Set-Cookie\n"; if ( !$set_last_modified ) $headers_rules .= " Header unset Last-Modified\n"; if ( $w3tc ) $headers_rules .= " Header set X-Powered-By \"" . Util_Environment::w3tc_header() . "\"\n"; if ( strlen( $headers_rules ) > 0 ) { $rules .= " <IfModule mod_headers.c>\n"; $rules .= $headers_rules; $rules .= " </IfModule>\n"; } if ( strlen( $rules ) > 0 ) { $rules = "<FilesMatch \"\\.(" . implode( '|', array_merge( $extensions_lowercase, $extensions_uppercase ) ) . ")$\">\n" . $rules; $rules .= "</FilesMatch>\n"; } return $rules; } /* * rules_no404wp */ public function w3tc_cdn_rules_section( $section_rules, $config ) { if ( Util_Environment::is_litespeed() ) { $o = new BrowserCache_Environment_LiteSpeed( $config ); $section_rules = $o->w3tc_cdn_rules_section( $section_rules ); } return $section_rules; } }