Current Path : /home/thanudqk/ |
Current File : //home/thanudqk/ |
$.fbuilder[ 'controls' ] = {}; $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ] = {}; $.fbuilder[ 'htmlEncode' ] = function(value) { value = $('<div/>').text(value).html() value = value.replace(/"/g, """); return value; }; $.fbuilder[ 'escape_symbol' ] = function( value ) // Escape the symbols used in regulars expressions { return value.replace(/([\^\$\-\.\,\[\]\(\)\/\\\*\?\+\!\{\}])/g, "\\$1"); }; $.fbuilder[ 'parseVal' ] = function( value, thousandSeparator, decimalSymbol ) { if( value == '' ) return 0; value += ''; thousandSeparator = new RegExp( $.fbuilder.escape_symbol( ( typeof thousandSeparator == 'undefined' ) ? ',' : thousandSeparator ), 'g' ); decimalSymbol = new RegExp( $.fbuilder.escape_symbol( ( typeof decimalSymbol == 'undefined' ) ? '.' : decimalSymbol ), 'g' ); var t = value.replace( thousandSeparator, '' ).replace( decimalSymbol, '.' ).replace( /\s/g, '' ), p = /[+-]?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))/.exec( t ); return ( p ) ? p[0]*1 : '"' + value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace( /\$/g, '') + '"'; }; $.fn.fbuilder = function(options){ var opt = $.extend({}, { pub:false, identifier:"", title:"" },options, true); opt.messages = $.extend({ previous: "Previous", next: "Next", page: "Page", of: "of", required: "This field is required.", email: "Please enter a valid email address.", datemmddyyyy: "Please enter a valid date with this format(mm/dd/yyyy)", dateddmmyyyy: "Please enter a valid date with this format(dd/mm/yyyy)", number: "Please enter a valid number.", digits: "Please enter only digits.", maxlength: $.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0} characters"), minlength: $.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters."), equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.", max: $.validator.format("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."), min: $.validator.format("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.") },opt.messages); opt.messages.max = $.validator.format(opt.messages.max); opt.messages.min = $.validator.format(opt.messages.min); $.extend($.validator.messages, opt.messages); var items = []; var reloadItemsPublic = function() { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).parents( 'form' ).addClass( theForm.formtemplate ); for (var i=0, h = $.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList.length; i<h; i++) { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).removeClass($.fbuilder.showSettings.formlayoutList[i].id); } $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).html("").addClass(theForm.formlayout); $("#formheader"+opt.identifier).html(; var page = 0; $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).append('<div class="pb'+page+' pbreak" page="'+page+'"></div>'); for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++) { items[i].index = i; if (items[i].ftype=="fPageBreak") { page++; $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier).append('<div class="pb'+page+' pbreak" page="'+page+'"></div>'); } else { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .pb"+page).append(items[i].show()); if (items[i].predefinedClick) { var cl = $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .pb"+page).find("#"+items[i].name).attr("class")+" predefinedClick"; 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} } $(this).html('<fieldset><legend>'' '+(index+1)+' '+opt.messages.of+' '+(page+1)+'</legend>'+code+'<div class="pbPrevious">'+opt.messages.previous+'</div><div class="pbNext">''</div>'+bSubmit+'<div class="clearer"></div></fieldset>'); }); $( '#fieldlist'+opt.identifier).find(".pbPrevious,.pbNext").bind("click", { 'identifier' : opt.identifier }, function( evt ) { var identifier =; if ( ($(this).hasClass("pbPrevious")) || (($(this).hasClass("pbNext")) && $(this).parents("form").valid()) ) { var page = parseInt($(this).parents(".pbreak").attr("page")); (($(this).hasClass("pbPrevious"))?page--:page++); $("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pbreak").css("display","none"); $("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pbreak").find(".field").addClass("ignorepb"); $("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pb"+page).css("display","block"); $("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pb"+page).find(".field").removeClass("ignorepb"); if ($("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pb"+page).find(".field").length>0) { try { $("#fieldlist"+identifier+" .pb"+page).find(".field")[0].focus(); } catch(e){} } } return false; }); } else { if ($("#cpcaptchalayer"+opt.identifier).html()) { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .pb"+page).append('<div class="captcha">'+$("#cpcaptchalayer"+opt.identifier).html()+'</div>'); $("#cpcaptchalayer"+opt.identifier).html(""); } if ($("#cp_subbtn"+opt.identifier).html()) { $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .pb"+page).append('<div class="pbSubmit">'+$("#cp_subbtn"+opt.identifier).html()+'</div>'); } } $( '#fieldlist'+opt.identifier).find(".pbSubmit").bind("click", { 'identifier' : opt.identifier }, function( evt ) { $(this).parents("#fieldlist""form").submit(); }); $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .predefinedClick").bind("click", function() { if ($(this).attr("predefined") == $(this).val()) { $(this).val(""); } }); $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier+" .predefinedClick").blur("click", function() { if ($(this).val()=="") { $(this).val($(this).attr("predefined")); } }); if (i>0) { for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++) { items[i].after_show(); } $.fbuilder.showHideDep( { 'formIdentifier' : opt.identifier, 'throwEvent' : true } ); $( '#fieldlist'+opt.identifier).find(".depItemSel,.depItem").bind("change", { 'identifier' : opt.identifier }, function( evt ) { $.fbuilder.showHideDep( { 'formIdentifier' :, 'throwEvent' : true } ); }); try { $( "#fbuilder"+opt.identifier ).tooltip({show: false,hide:false,tooltipClass:"uh-tooltip",position: { my: "left top", at: "left bottom", collision: "none" },items: "[uh]",content: function (){return $(this).attr("uh");} }); } catch(e){} } }; var fform=function(){}; $.extend(fform.prototype, { title:"Untitled Form", description:"This is my form. Please fill it out. It's awesome!", formlayout:"top_aligned", formtemplate:"", show:function(){ return '<div class="fform" id="field">'+(this.title!=''?'<h1>'+this.title+'</h1>':'')+(this.description!=''?'<span>'+this.description+'</span>':'')+'</div>'; } }); //var theForm = new fform(), var theForm, ffunct = { getItem: function( name ) { for( var i in items ) { if( items[ i ].name == name ) { return items[ i ]; } } return false; }, getItems: function() { return items; }, loadData:function(f) { var d, e = $("#"+f); this.formId = e.parents( 'form' ).attr( 'id' ); if ( d = $.parseJSON( e.val() )) { if (d.length==2) { items = []; for (var i=0;i<d[0].length;i++) { var obj = eval("new $.fbuilder.controls['"+d[0][i].ftype+"']();"); obj = $.extend(true, {}, obj,d[0][i]); =; obj.form_identifier = opt.identifier; items[items.length] = obj; } theForm = new fform(); theForm = $.extend(theForm,d[1][0]); reloadItemsPublic(); } } } }; $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ opt.identifier ] = ffunct; this.fBuild = ffunct; return this; }; $.fbuilder[ 'showSettings' ] = { formlayoutList : [{id:"top_aligned",name:"Top Aligned"},{id:"left_aligned",name:"Left Aligned"},{id:"right_aligned",name:"Right Aligned"}] }; $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ] = function(){}; $.extend($.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { form_identifier:"", name:"", shortlabel:"", index:-1, ftype:"", userhelp:"", userhelpTooltip:false, csslayout:"", init:function(){}, show:function() { return 'Not available yet'; }, after_show:function(){}, val:function(){ var e = $( "[id='" + + "']:not(.ignore)" ); if( e.length ) { return $.fbuilder.parseVal( $.trim( e.val() ) ); } return 0; } }); $.fbuilder[ 'showHideDep' ] = function( configObj ) { if( typeof configObj[ 'formIdentifier' ] !== 'undefined' ) { var identifier = configObj[ 'formIdentifier' ]; if( typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ identifier ] != 'undefined' ) { var toShow = [], toHide = [], items = $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ identifier ].getItems(); for( var i = 0, h = items.length; i < h; i++ ) { if( typeof items[ i ][ 'showHideDep' ] != 'undefined' ) { items[ i ][ 'showHideDep' ]( toShow, toHide ); } } if( typeof configObj[ 'throwEvent' ] == 'undefined' || configObj[ 'throwEvent' ] ) { $( document ).trigger( 'showHideDepEvent', $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ identifier ][ 'formId' ] ); } } } }; // End showHideDep